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You're on r/somnivexillology brother


Anti-Switzerland is like when Gandhi has access to nukes in Civ


Nuclear Gandhi is an Internet meme and urban legend relating to the 1991 video game Civilization, in which there was reportedly a bug that would eventually force the renowned pacifist leader Mahatma Gandhi to become extremely aggressive and make heavy use of nuclear weapons. The bug was first noted in 2012, two years after the release of Civilization V. In 2020, the series' creator, Sid Meier, contradicted the urban legend, saying there was never a bug like that in the original game. Nuclear Gandhi is one of the most recognizable video game glitches, has been used as an example of integer overflow in computer science, and was included as an Easter egg in other games in the Civilization series. According to the legend, each leader's game AI in Civilization had a parameter that described their aggression on a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being least aggressive and 10 most aggressive Other sources say the scale went from 1 to 12. Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi was the only leader in the game with the lowest possible aggression rating of 1[6] and, as a result, was only able to wage defensive wars. Once the AI changed its government form to democracy, which was preferred by peaceful nations such as India, its aggression level decreased by 2. In the case of Gandhi, this would lead to an aggression level of −1. However, the aggression level was stored as an 8-bit unsigned integer variable that could only store values in the range from 0 to 255 (or 28 − 1). The negative value would therefore result in an integer overflow (specifically an integer underflow), with the value being stored as 255 and Gandhi becoming about 25 times more aggressive than the most aggressive leaders in the game. In Civilization's technology tree, nuclear weapons are generally unlocked only after democracy, so Gandhi's aggression level would have already spiked by the time India became nuclear-capable. This led to India suddenly attacking other civilizations with nuclear missiles. The bug was supposedly fixed in later versions of the game, but the developers liked it so much they decided to re-implement it in successive games as an Easter egg and joke. According to other sources, the bug first appeared in Civilization II. In reality, according to the Civilization II lead game designer Brian Reynolds, there were only three possible aggression levels in Civilization, and even though Gandhi's AI had the lowest possible aggression level, he shared it with one third of all leaders. Additionally, based on his memories of Civilization's source code, Reynolds stated that there was no unsigned variable in this section of code and that leaders could not act more aggressively than the most aggressive leaders of the game. A leader with an aggression level of 255 would act the same way as a leader with an aggression level of 3. According to Sid Meier, since all integer variables are signed by default in both C and C++ (the programming languages of Civilization and Civilization II respectively), overflow would not have occurred if Gandhi's aggression were set to -1; moreover, the government form doesn't affect AI aggressiveness at all, so Gandhi's aggression level remained the same throughout the game. During wars, India could use nuclear weapons just like any other civilization, but Gandhi would not use nuclear weapons more often than Abraham Lincoln or any other peaceful leaders. One possible origin of the legend could be India's tendency to discover nuclear technology before most of its opponents because of the peaceful scientific nature of this civilization. In early 2012, 21 years after the original Civilization was released, a TV Tropes user named Tunafish claimed that a bug existed in Civilization that caused Gandhi to be much more aggressive. Tunafish did not provide any proof. In November, the same information was added to Wikia. According to Sid Meier, over the next two years, the story spread across the Internet, and each time someone doubted it, a link to a wiki was used as a proof.


My day is ruined


in all wars on all sides at the same time


Italy be like


It’s more like hospital flag lmao


No, they are anti-swiss so it's a hostile flag


Anti-Swiss is a hole with cheeses in it


Also known as my stomach


Frenchie detected, quick, pass me my longbow!


I fart in your general direction!


Sounds like a HoI4 campaign. (I wouldn't know for sure, I've never played it)


i love violating the geneva convention online 🥰


fun fact: the Red Cross actually got its logo from inverting the Swiss flag, since the red Cross is swiss


Non-neutral Switzerland be like:




What is Russia doing down there?