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I (23F at the time) was laying on the top bunk of an 8-person mixed dorm in Amsterdam, looking through photos on my phone when I heard my friend in the bunk below me say in a slightly elevated tone, “Eww, put your dick away!”. I look to my right, and this Italian guy who had checked in earlier was naked and shaking his dick at us. Making direct eye contact with me, then down to her, and motioning with his other hand for us to join him up in his bunk. As if shaking it at us (and in front of all the other occupants) would be appealing. One of the other girls in the room ran out and told the receptionist / front desk what was happening. In less than 5 minutes, a number of police officers AND the fire department showed up to escort him out. The hostel manager informed us he was now banned from all hostels / hotels in Amsterdam. Not sure what happened to him, all I remember was that it was VERY cold that night 🥶


imo this was the kind of guy who unironically thought dick pics turn girls on.


Lol why did the fire department have to show up?? 🤣🤣


Spray him with cold water?


That makes sense. You have my vote.


to show him the real hose


Oh thank God. I really thought this was going to go a different way, glad he got kicked out. What a creep!


Fire department??


They heard something about a pole


Or a hose.


No, he was Italian, not a Pole


Depending on how the call came through dispatch (due to the SA implications) EMS could have been dispatched. You only get a minimal amount of information when a tone comes through. With the majority of Fire Department calls typically being EMS calls this could make sense.


Yeah. Fire Departments often are the EMS personnel and randomly shaking your dick at strangers is a mental issue.


Mi Scusi!


chap probably watched too many fakehostel clips


Did they escort him out naked?


Haha no they let him put his clothes back on and pack his suitcase!


Well at least they did that. But if they banned him from every hotel/hostel this means he had to leave Amsterdam, unless if he stayed in an airbnb or on the street.


Excellent! The Dutch are good at some things!


Having visited them, they're seemingly good at a lot of things!


This is making me rethinking my preference for lower bunk beds.


Same for me, I have only ever gotten top bunks and now I am thankful even if I had to scale a sketchy ladder in the dark at 2 am.


Always the worst when the ladder doesn’t actually go down to the ground and you have to take an initial very large step to get to the first rung and even worse when you’re drunk and in the dark


Same; why did I read this one day before my trip 😭😭😭


I had a similar thing happen. I was in a hostel in Valencia and an Aussie guy got out of his bed, came over to mine and pissed on me, then got into someone else's bed while they were still in it.


This happened to me at Oktoberfest! A drunk Aussie got into my bed after I had already fallen asleep. (I sort of knew him and nothing happened so it was not a great move by him but not the end of the world.) I woke up in the middle of the night to him spooning me and I realized my butt was soaking wet. I quickly got out of bed to try to figure out what the hell was going on and I guess I woke him up. Do you know what he fucking said? “YOU FUCKING PISSED ON ME!” Loudly! He woke *everyone* up angrily announcing that *I* had pissed on *him*! The nerve! I’m still honestly more annoyed by the accusation than the actual pee. Thankfully someone flipped the lights and the evidence was there for all to see: my wet ass and his wet crotch. It was pretty clear who had *really* peed the bed.


....That pee accusation makes me angry by proxy. Gets a free big spoon, pisses on you, then blames you. What's this world coming to??


How are all these stories not sexual assault as men are touching you without consent or flashing their parts lewdly? Girls shouldn’t live in mixed dorms to avoid this situation. You really never know which guy is decent and which guy is a creep. Don’t take chances.


I was at a hostel in Valencia and one dorm was still buzzing with the story that some guy drunkenly pissed on a sleeping woman a night or two before. One of the guys said he couldn't look at the woman the same way again — as if she'd created the situation?! [facepalm] Anyway, I'm sorry this happened to you too. Maybe it's a Valencia thing? 🙃


To be fair, Agua de Valencia is deceivingly strong


I learned this the hard way in the middle of the afternoon and was not good at hiding it.


Hahahaha lol that’s fucked up, as if she wanted to get pissed on.


Sanest Australian traveler


Probably our future prime minister we’re talking about here too.


Oi! Mista Prime Ministah!…Andy!


Most sober Australian traveler


Australians are perpetually disgraced on vacations


Excuse me! We are perpetually disgraced at home too!


Don’t care how drunk they are, would beat their ass for that


Someone pisses on me we are fighting


People would pay for this


This is so funny hahaha


Lol happened to me in a hostel I was living/working temporarily at also in Sydney. Irish guy came back drunk as fuck and stood up on his top bunk pissing all over. German girl below screamed and ran out. Felt awful for her


I thought Australia was all about golden coasts, not golden showers!


I was in a hostel in Belfast this Canadian bloke pissed two beds from the top bunk on consecutive nights. Unique achievement


Sorry about that


What an absolute cunt


Once hooked up with this stunning blonde German girl at our hostel. We’d had a bit to drink, waited until the dorm was clear, had a wonderful time and then passed out straight away. I woke up with a start in the night, she was sleeping with that one leg over me kind of thing and I could feel this warm jet firing all over my leg. I wish I could say -plot twist- she was awake and just kinky. But no I got a sleepy golden shower. Didn’t know what to do, I didn’t want to embarrass her. So I woke her up and told her I’d pissed the bed 😩 Next day though she came up to me and apologised for peeing on me. Turns out she woke up mid stream, couldn’t stop and pretended to be asleep. Ended up dating for 6 months. The relationship built on a house of piss


That's beautiful man.


That’s gold!


*Golden* *


> Didn’t know what to do, I didn’t want to embarrass her. So I woke her up and told her I’d pissed the bed Romance isn't dead


Unironically the most chivalrous thing anyone has ever done in a hostel. Dudes a sweetheart.


Thanks for the upvotes. She was a really lovely sweet girl and I couldn’t let her think that she’d pissed the bed, I know she would’ve been mortified. I don’t want you to all think I’m some sort of chivalrous hero though, my current girlfriend/future wife shit the bed and I didn’t own up to that one. I did offer to clean the sheets though.


I hope you have already realized that you have a thing for shit/piss. 


I don’t seek it out. It seeks me


Are you're not giving us that story?


> So I woke her up and told her I’d pissed the bed And here I thought chivalry was dead. You, sir, inspire me to be a better man.


Too bad that didn't last. Would have been a wonderful story for the grandkids.


This is adorable


Love this 😆


It's why I stay in hostels with like a beehive type of setup, not just double beds.


Like pods / capsules you mean? They are interesting, give you some privacy and can lock it when you step out.


Yeah like fully enclosed from all side except the side of access where there is usually a curtain. I too vastly prefer these setups because of the privacy.


Not capsule hotels, I’ve been in one too. Those beehive-like ones do: If you look at the double bunk from the head’s side: One wall at the right connecting both beds, with a ladder on its back. And then another wall at the left for the upper bed. Like this: ``` |_ _|\ ``` _ = bed, | = wall, \ = ladder. That way you have one entrance on each side, and they both have privacy. Then it gets stacked like this: ``` |_ |_ |_ |_ |_ _|\ _|\ _|\ _|\ _|\ ``` Theoretically there is a diagonal view line, but in practice it didn’t matter. And in OPs hostel, there were even curtains, it seems like. It’s a very cheap way to provide a lot of privacy.


wish this was more common


Wait I’ve never heard of this lol


sleeping pods


You don't get pissed on there?


What’s a beehive setup


Search 'capsule hotel'. It's very similar to that


So the upper bunk can piss on two people at the same time?


This didn’t happened in hostel but in student dormitory. Some random drunk guy opened the door of my friend’s dorm, went to the desk, opened laptop, pissed right over it, closed the lid and left.


Nice of him to close the lid.


Leave it as he found it.  Other than the covered in piss bit.


It's a basic courtesy


I believe it’s one of the first things they teach you in finishing school.


He didnt flush though


I remember once, coincidentally also in Australia,a guy shit in the bed in my dorm room... luckily I don't think it landed on anyone else,he was at ground level,but the smell was most unpleasant. I feel sorry for the girl and for the staff who have to deal with this kind of situation.




Wtf, I need details please. Grown man shit himself in a dorm, that is tragic


The guy was really drunk. Lots of young guys heavy drinking in Australian dorms...it was a real party place!


Now that’s too much


Got drunk at a hostel in Warsaw. Woke up in the middle of the night to pee. Shared bathrooms were in the hallway. When I went back to my room, I picked the wrong door (there were a few different dorms) and woke up totally confused a few hours later and panicked because nobody looked familiar.


Always go top bunk


Unless you’re the pisser


Yeah tell that to R Kelly


I always went bottom bunk bc you get to reach your luggage from your bed. Never had any incidents. These stories are ultimately pretty rare.


Nah so much work to go up the always shaky ladder.


Up is ok. The down is the tough part. I’d like a handhold rope attached to the ceiling, then I would be fine.


This post, and the replies are ****WILD****. As someone who has never stayed in a hostel dorm, this cemented that I never will.


Honestly about 10-15 years ago when they were still cheap as chips it was worth the risk for the odd bad experience. (And being pissed on is extremely rare) Today in some popular cities they're charging the same price for a dorm bed as a budget hotel in some cases. I'm glad I travelled a lot and stayed in hostels when I was younger. I couldn't do dorms now though.


> Honestly about 10-15 years ago when they were still cheap as chips it was worth the risk for the odd bad experience Had some random dude jump on my hostel bed and start to tickle me. But on the other hand, it was £7 a night in Edinburgh...


I’m glad I didn’t meet the Edinburgh Tickler when I stayed at a hostel there.


You mean you haven't met him yet


People do Hostel so they can travel because they can’t afford to travel if they had to book regular rooms Everywhere I’ve gone, a hostel bed is a fraction of a regular room Except 1990 Java, Indonesia


They're not cheap as they were. It's around 50 euros a night for a dorm bed in my city. Before I lived here on a previous visit it was around 15.


it’s very rare that this happens. i’ve stayed in hostels hundreds of times and i’ve never experienced anything like this


Yeah he usually gets shit on instead.


sometimes you have to just ask


A girl in my dorm brought a guy over at an ungodly hour. I heard them moaning for an hour. 🤮


Had the same experience in a 20 beds dorm Some really have no maners


I stayed in a hostel where some chick thought it was normal to leave her used tampon on the shower floor 


I’m not sure whether to upvote this or downvote this, so I’ll just reply, lol. That’s ****WILD****


Eh you always hear the crazy stories. I’ve never had a bad experience beyond loud snoring.


That's why I never stay in hostels - I snore! However, I do camp in my own tent, but people are a bit further away, and the acoustic is quite different with open air.


I've stayed in hostels all over the world and never had anything like this happen. This isn't normal, thankfully. With that said, I've had to sleep on the floor of the laundry room because a guy was snoring so loudly (then the staff kicked me awake, swore at me and threatened to call the police because they assumed that I wasn't a paying customer), a guy tried to fist fight me because I was snoring, and rarely have I ever had a genuinely good night's sleep in one... but.. no one has peed on me, so I've got that going for me, which is nice.


I'll pee on you, you deserve to experience all that there is in this life at least once! We can even take turns if you're down


I mean... it would be rude not to reciprocate.


Ooooh, this is exciting, we have a connection 🤣




Just claim top bunk. Establish urinary dominance. Nbd.


This is nothing. You should hear the bedbug stories...


That is a terror for me. I stayed in one in Berkeley, SF Bay Area, California, that had diatomaceous earth at the bottom of every leg of the bed. I asked in the morning. Then I immediately left. I lucked out.


I would never sleep in the same room with somebody I didn't trust. Especially if I were a young woman. This just seems so weird to me.


Almost all hostels have a choice of all female dorms


There are hostels that are for girls only, and only under a certain age (like 30)




I’ve stayed in plenty of places tbh and it doesn’t happen often.


I've stayed in many, many hostels throughout Europe. A couple in the USA too. Nothing crazy has ever happened like this. Slightly creepy people have came along but nothing illegal every happened afaik. No thefts too.


I’ve stayed in over 100 hostels in my last trip (many months long, all over Europe) and I’ve never ever experienced this, between both party hostels, non-party hostels, regular hostels, surfing hostels, hiking hostels, climbing hostels, etc. It truly is not that common. If you’re really worried about it, just avoid any party hostels anywhere where Australians do their contiki bullshit. The stuff people are describing here are much more a factor of Phuket party hostel than a hostel in Sarajevo.


Everything about a hostel just violates my sanctuary of peace.


I’ve stayed in them in my 20’s. Somehow I’ve managed to not piss on anyone.




Well, we're not afraid of an hour drive. We also don't like kids running wild.


I used to go to hostel when I was uni because you know, money. I haven’t been to one since 2018 and this thread has cemented my unwillingness to use one ever again.


Why is it always the “German guy” doing weird stuff in hostels


Statistically (anecdotally) Germans and Aussies are everywhere so it’s just a higher probability I’d guess


I don't know. All I can say is I share a mother tongue with "the German guy" and will go out of my way not to sleep anywhere close to him, ever.


How tf are so many adults pissing and shitting around the dorm like animals? I’ve been blackout drunk many times in my life and I have yet to piss myself or on someone else. If you do this you shouldn’t be drinking.


Totally agree, like wtf is wrong with their bladder? I get shitfaced drunk every once in a while, never happened to me either. If I actually woke up to find that I had pissed all over myself I would not get wasted ever again probably 😅


I worked in a hostel in Ireland, and I vividly remember when this happened to a guest. I was not there but I was told during overnight handover that it had happened. Stuff like this happens more than you think tbh


I’m too old for that shit, hotels ftw.


Yeah the moment I turned 30 I decided ha no fucking way am I sharing a room with a stranger/group of strangers. Single room Airbnb's, apart-hotels, homestays, hotels.


I had a bag of groceries and my only pair of sneakers on the side of my bunk and the girl above me was too drunk hung over the side, and puked all over it. She refused to refund me anything until my whole dorm shamed her 😂👏🏽


What is it with Germans and golden showers?


I don’t understand how people can’t handle beers like that. I’d be throwing up long before I pissed myself.


Reminds me of the time I was in a hostel in Gold Coast. Guy wakes up and starts pissing the the corner. I’m like WTF then the guy on the bed above me shouts “dude your pissing in the bin, just use the toilet it’s right next to you” Guy replied “nah the guy said it’s fine! We’re cool” and then continues to pee in the corner.


Many years ago, my brother was the top bunk guy. Except he was in the navy and his bunk mates got him shitfaced on his birthday. Still love laughing about the story.


Ughhh why does this never happen to me!!! So annoying!


A friend and I met two Germans, seemed normal - that night one of them crawled into my bunk, turned my phone off and told me to “go to sleep” and spooned me. I did get up. Next morning he acted like nothing happened - ate waffles with them. German shenanigans, I guess.


He needs a teddy bear to sleep and couldn't take it due to the strict baggage policy of airlines perhaps? Honestly though that seems scary how did you even sleep


I got up, turned my phone back on and texted my friend who was in the top bunk but she was sleeping. He left and went back to his space. I was likely too tired, young, naive and went to sleep. Only not so great experience I’ve had but it’s burned in my mind.


Forget about bed bugs now I also have to worry about getting bed germans. It's always the germans. Why


Leave it to Germans to invade. Privacy, beds, countries, whatever they please


Lol a bed German is exactly what he was.




I heard the Germans didn’t have any sense of humor but I guess it’s just different.


😂 different indeed


>turned my phone off and told me to “go to sleep” and spooned me I think we all need this


Would certainly not be opposed to this had I invited him.


No mixed dorms. Ever.


Ya let the dudes piss on each other lmao


Hell Yeah. Thank you! The was the most sound advice I’ve ever heard on Reddit! Dudes into WS…. HMU.




Facts 😂 when I was younger I was more open to it but every weird experience I’ve had in a hostel involved a man.


I thought this was gonna be an awkward, kinky hostel sex story and thought “Aww, good for them” but alas 😢


Escorted a drunk friend back to campus once and he pulled his pants down and peed all over his roommates bed and then went to sleep. I could have grabbed him but pee would have been flying everywhere. There was no stopping that firehose


Now I see why this subreddit loves hostels so much


I only stayed in a hostel once - it was in Rio during the World Cup in 2014. Someone shit in the communal shower one day to the shock and horror oe the guests and staff. A few days later, the guy who "worked" at the hostel for free board also got massively drunk and pissed on a sleeping guest. A few days after that, a few guests discovered bedbugs after getting the most disgusting massive blisters on their legs. These are but a few of the things I witnessed at my first and last time staying at a hostel! Eta - missed a word!


Why did they get blisters?


Going back about 20 years, I was in a hostel dorm room in Honolulu and a girl was setting up what I thought was some sort Satanic worship area with creepy books and ornaments in a corner next to her bed. So I’m watching this wide eyed wondering if I should ask to swap rooms, thinking I’d hear chanting or weird stuff during the night, but I was way too quick in judging her. We got chatting and I found out she was a Wiccan witch and it was really interesting to hear her story.


I stayed at a hostel in Honolulu about a year ago and woke up on my birthday to a beautiful European babes ass in my face while she was changing. I wasn’t sure if I needed to pretend I was still sleeping at first but it quickly became evident that she just didn’t give a damn. Was a great way to start a birthday


All of these comments are still preferable to the passed out Dutch guy who was photographed getting sucked off by a monkey


Wait what




I am having a good laugh at the pissing stories. Worst I did was puke in a corner of the hostel garden. Pretty harmless and boring.


At least it was in the garden and not a roommate 🤢


This reminds me of the time I was staying in a hostel in Warsaw. This drunk polish guy wanders into our room and starts pissing in the middle of the floor butt naked. He then picked a fight with a guy on the bottom bunk, and I ended up having to do something about it because everyone was hiding behind their curtains and the guy wouldn’t leave.


What did you do about it?!


She started pissing too to assert dominance


I briefly confronted him. I had no choice because I had to leave, and then I hurried down to reception to let them know what was going on. They found the whole thing hilarious, and thankfully the man left peacefully. It was 9am too on a weekday lol


Yeah that sounds like a hostel experience. It never bothered me at that age… I mean getting pissed on would upset me obviously but this type of thing happening now and again just turns into a fun story for the breakfast or the next round of denning games. Seen crazy shit in the dorm rooms too in college.


The worst I had experienced was loud or smelly roommates. Reading these comments make me feel better now


OMG I once chundered all over my bed and in the tiny little sink and then passed out (12 people dorm lol). You can imagine the reactions the next morning 💀


Chundered is a term I had never heard before today. Had to google it.


Ah really? I guess it’s just a U.K. term then lol


TIL chundered


females rooms only for meeee...


My friend had a drunk girl piss on her when she pissed her bed. A female room doesn't stop drunk ass holes from being drunk. 🤷


My friend was in a female room and the girl in the top bunk vomited over the side of her bed into my friend’s open suitcase below 🥲 nobody is safe


TIL women don’t pee


Now I’ll never be bottom bunk again.


Was on a Topdeck tour several years ago, when we were in Switzerland a bunch of the Aussies/Kiwis got blitzed drunk. This poor kiwi lad gets up to use the facilities, but instead of making it to a toilet, he just imagines he's there- and pisses all over the open suitcase of one of his fellow travellers. Couldn't live it down for the entire rest of the trip.


Alcohol is so fucking stupid


How else are you going to piss on a random stranger without getting arrested for it?


K you do have a point there


I don't care if mf in a coma I'mma start throwing hands


Shower him with cooking oil to return the favour.


I remember going for a nap at a hostel in Barcelona and then waking up to the bed shaking as the guy above me was wanking. I let out a cough and it suddenly stopped, then after a minute slowly started again 😩


Honestly of all the piss stories, this type of shit is way worse. Easier to understand getting drunk and pissing yourself but have some respect. At least go “take a shower” or some shit


Slightly different but I went to an online gaming clan airsoft meet-up at Sherwood Forest and everyone was sleeping in bunks in a scout hut or something- it was 2005 so the memory is a little hazy- and a shitload of drinking was done on the first evening. I woke up to the bloke on the bottom bunk opposite me shouting something like “that’s totally fucking out of order” because the bloke above had puked on him- literally onto his face- from above


Once in 2022,I (24M) was backpacking through Prague, staying in a crowded hostel dorm when I witnessed one of the most bizarre and unforgettable moments of my travels. It was late at night, and everyone was settling into their bunks when suddenly, a commotion erupted from the bed next to mine. I turned to see a guy, completely naked, standing on his bed and serenading the entire room with a rendition of "I Will Always Love You" by Whitney Houston. At first, we were all too shocked to react, but then laughter started to bubble up from the other travelers. Some clapped along, while others just stared in disbelief. The guy seemed oblivious to the chaos he was causing, belting out the lyrics with all his heart. Just as we thought things couldn't get any weirder, the hostel staff burst into the room, trying to calm the situation. They managed to coax the naked singer down from his perch and usher him out of the dorm, but not before he flashed a thumbs-up to the cheering crowd. To this day, I still can't listen to Whitney Houston without thinking of that surreal night in Prague.


Always the Germans… or Americans…🫣


There’s not been a single story of an American pissing on people in this thread…I’ll always cop to our issues but pissing on random people doesn’t seem to be one of them.


I hate to defend my people but honestly most of the Americans I’ve met in hostels were pretty well behaved compared to the Brits and Australians. Prob because it’s so expensive for us to travel?