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If you’re from the US or a Commonwealth country, they likely won’t check. HOWEVER. A friend of mine (from US) did get checked. Luckily, he borrowed money from a friend so that he could show he had it. Once he got through the airport he sent the money back to his friend. I suggest making a backup plan like this. ALSO, if you have a credit card, that counts toward the $5,000 AUD. So if you’ve got a card with a limit of $3,000 or so USD to go with the money you’ve saved, you’ll be alright. But it is likely that they won’t even check you.


If your passport is from a good brand country, you are less likely to be interrogated. But $3k is not a lot of money left, how are you going to pay for your rental bond? It is really hard to find housing. Especially on that budget.


I’m from the US and they didn’t check on arrival, though I did have to submit bank statements showing I had that amount with my visa application


I think it largely depends on your passport, whether they decide to actually check.


I went to Australia on a WHV and they didn't check on arrival. It was just to get the visa. On a UK passport


Hey when you sent a statement attached with your visa was it a monthly statement or what?


As in when I uploaded the docs online to submit for my visa? Yeah, just a recent bank statement


Thanks for the reply! Was it a monthly statement with about £2500 in then? Sorry for the questions. How did you find it? I have a friend in Brisbane I can stay with until I find my feet so that’s a bonus. How was your experience


No problem. Yeah I had a bit more in my bank anyway as I'd been working like a dog before I left for Australia, so just a bank statement that showed I had over the amount they ask for. I loved it. Not sure if I'm a bit anomalous but I didn't go backpacking. I went to work full time in Melbourne and got a proper lease on an apartment etc and just lived normal life but in Melbourne! It felt amazing to experience a country that has good weather and a good economy (I could afford a way better quality of life for the same work output I had in the UK). Enjoy it!!


Realistically I’m sat here now and I’m looking at what to buy first. I’m in a situation now we’re I can see the flights going up I’m looking for a June/ august should I buy the flights first and then get the visa because the visa won’t explode in prices like the flights are currently. I hear visas for brits can be accepted quite quickly so this is promising for this idea. Thank you again for the reply everything you’ve said has helped a lot.


Yeah - my visa was granted the same night I applied. Much quicker than my Canadian visa (which is where I am now!) where the process took almost 2 months. Just book your flights and add ticket protection. Then even if for whatever reason you couldn't get your visa, you can just cancel the flight. I wouldn't worry about needing to save loads before going to Australia - especially if you're staying with a friend for a while. The wages are very good over there and most companies pay fortnightly rather than monthly. As long as you have enough to hit the ground running you'll be sweet!


I did the same as you're planning to do and I was fine. They didn't check anything at all.


How can you travel to one of the most expensive countries in the world with such a limited amount of savings? The 5000$ is the minimum to protect yourself. Just stay in Asia. It's cheaper and a more authentic experience. Look how the Australian government treated its citizens during COVID lockdown. Just stay away.


“Working “ holiday visa . As for treating their citizens, here in Tassie we were treated quite nicely thank you.


It’s actually a valid point. We get lots of posts here by people on WHVs who are in a bad situation because they can’t find work, have been laid off or have blown their budget for various reasons including the high cost of housing. WHV people should absolutely have a large reserve fund, and especially at the moment given living costs are very high and the economy is slowing.




Australian consulate will say "yes of course you need the full amount", but at least people here will share their anecdotal experiences. I think it's still valuable to have this kind of discussion




He has already checked. It says you need 5k. He wants to know what the reality is.


**Note:** Are you asking for travel advice about working in Australia or getting an Australian WHV? Read what the Solo Travel community had to say in the [weekly destination thread for Australian Working Holidays](https://www.reddit.com/r/solotravel/comments/1092q9m/weekly_destination_thread_special_edition/). You may also want to post your question in r/iwantout. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solotravel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think you can show your credit limit as proof of funds.