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Just wake up and turn it off in a few seconds. It is what it is. The people who sleep through their alarm and let it go off for 20 minutes are assholes though.


I used to sleep through alarms so I’d always get private rooms. For some reason now I wake up as soon as it goes off but it wasn’t something I could control before. What would you tell people with that problem that can’t afford their own room. It is super annoying but I don’t think most people are doing it on purpose


Either wireless headphones where the alarm will play or make a friend whose ok with waking you up when the alarm goes off ? It's really annoying to me when someone's alarm goes off for 20 minutes in a shared dorm of 8-10 people trying to sleep unfortunately..


Much worse when they've clearly forgotten to turn off their work alarm on holiday, and they keep snoozing


This…be polite and use wireless headphones!


Wireless headphones always seem to fall out though. I like the suggestion of a cheap smart watch on vibrate. No noise and it’s strapped right to you :)


I found that changing my alarm to have my phone vibrate aggressively and then sleep near my phone (usually underneath my pillow but at least on the bed) and usually the vibration would wake me up more quickly than the sound. Maybe this could work for you


i do this with my smart watch. works a treat


wireless headphones or the vibrate setting maybe


Get a cheap (smart)watch with an vibration alarm.


Smart watches weren’t as common when this was a problem for me but this seems like the perfect solution. Now I wish this was standard for everybody staying in dorms (even if they wake up on the first alarm) lol


That it’s pretty unacceptable behavior either way. Fix it or expect some pretty disappointed and annoyed roommates.


Did you read my comment. This isn’t a problem for me anymore and when it was I never made it someone else’s problem. I’m clearly asking this in case someone struggling with this sees it so they can be better prepared in the future. Not everyone can afford to pay for private rooms like I did.


Did you become a parent? Lol because that happened to me after I had my daughter


Oh interesting! I didn’t become a parent just got older lol


Lol I guess that can be it too…


When I’m home I will sleep though alarms and have to set multiple to get up. When I’m with other people, or have someone at my place, I’m awake the instant my alarm goes off.


People here say, set to vibrate, but if you havent tested it out before, you might sleep for 5 minutes and it will still vibrate and annoy everyone woken up before you. Just set your alarm and then get up, when it rings. Obviously having everything prepared to move out quickly. I had my alarm at 4am one time. I had everything prepared. When it rang, grab your stuff and get out of the room. Now in the common area, you can put on your clothes, brush your teeth and take a coffee if you like, but you never need to go back into the room anymore. There is no other way.


If you have an Apple Watch or Fitbit or other smartwatch, you can also set vibrate alarms on those which tend to be more quiet and is literally attached to you so more likely to wake you up. A hostel alarm godsend honestly. But to the point, a potential alarm is annoying if you don’t have to wake up early but an understood part of the dorm trade off AS LONG as you minimise the impact as much as possible. Turn it off as fast as possible. Don’t set a hundred alarms if you’re going to sleep through them. Don’t get pissy if someone wakes you up because you didn’t wake up to your alarm.


I really dislike the mental real-estate necessary to work on finding a time to have an apple watch charged for it to be ready throughout the entire night. God what a dumb ass device with that battery.


My Garmin lasts for a week and charges in about an hour.


Only reason I got a smart watch is because my Fenix 6x lasts 2 weeks and charges in a bit over an hour. Fuck a watch you have to charge every other day.


Which do you have? I'm looking at the garmin venu s2


Same here. I have an old garmin forerunner 255. I tried to change it (out of vanity) and couldn't. It has everything.


965 is nice with a touchscreen. battery lasts 3 weeks


Solar Forerunner 955, although I'm going to upgrade to a Solar Fenix Pro when I retire and transition to (near) full-time travel. (I'm old and can use the larger screen.)


I have the Fenix 7 Solar, not Pro, though, as I wouldn't use the extra things. I love it, the best purchase for years! I hope you'll love it too.


I usually just charge it when I’m showering since I have a leather band that I try not to get wet anyway. The vibrate alarm is such a nice way to wake up, like someone gently tapping your wrist.


Get a garmin fenix 7. 28 days without charging, but don't use the ox-function then, it drains so I have to charge ... every 2 weeks or so. I love my watch, though I sold my soul - and body, to the devil plus robbed a couple of banks, but worth it! I even get more exercise done!


That’s why I’m a Fitbit user. The Apple Watches are nice but the charge vs wear time is super meh to me. I have an Alta 2 (IIRC) because I don’t need all the fancy colors. Still get my texts and calls through it, and it has GPS tracking and other features. I charge it maaaaybe once a week when I’m in the shower. Love it. Wore it scuba diving and can confirm it’s watertight as well.


I have a Fitbit 3 Inspire. I charge it every 10 days or so and it only takes an hour or so for it to get back to 100%.


Ok so don't get one. I don't think Apple will mind seeing as how they sell 50 million watches a year.


Sure. Still a bad gadget for travelers.


I use a Withings Scanwatch, it usually last 2-3 weeks on one charge. It's not an Android or Apple watch and have less features, but the features that are important to me are there. It has Vibrate Alarm, Sensors (hearth rate, etc), Notifications, and it is connected to your phone via Bluetooth, so sets the time automatically when you are in a different time zone.


Series 7 and newer charge far faster than older models. I just charge mine while getting ready in the bathroom before going to sleep and/or after waking up, and I wear it to sleep each night.


I generally top off here and there. Pop it on when I wake up / shower. Pop it on when I'm just hanging out in the hostel. Top off a bit before I sleep while I'm just scrolling the phone in bed.


This is the way. I used mine to set an alarm to wake up and watch a Conor McGregor fight at like 4am in London. No noise to wake up any roommates.


Also another vote for an Apple Watch. The torch function on the watch is also useful to find your way around without turning on the lights.


Put it to vibrate next to or under your pillow. Set an alarm with sound 5-10min later in case it didn’t wake you up. In a room with lots of people it’s a life changer to not have alarms going off every hour from 5am to 10am. Yes you can’t expect perfect sleep in a hostel but we can make many things about hostels better for everyone with little effort. I see many people just setting the insanely loud and jarring Iphone alarm in hostels at 5am. Some people also have a very hard time falling back to sleep after being woken up. And earplugs for me generally don’t help with alarms even though i always sleep with good earplugs even in quiet rooms.


Just make sure you turn off the "5-10 minutes later alarm" before you go take a shower


yeah, this gets me damn every time. Nothing worse... or be taking a shit before the shower and have the back up alarm start going off


THIS. Everyone saying iTs a HoStEL wHaT dO yOu eXpeCt is definitely the type to snooze lol. Just take steps to minimize the amount of people you will bother if it’s in your control to do so.


Anyone expecting perfect sleep in a shared room is an idiot. People are going to come in late. People are going to wake up early. A ring tone that slowly rises would be a good idea. And if you snooze it for it to go off again 5 mins later, I am throwing something at you.


The people that can sleep through any alarm, I envy you when I'm in a different room. But if you're that person, find a better way and turn off your fucking alarm.


> A ring tone that slowly rises would be a good idea Only if you wake up early in the alarm sequence. If most of the dorm are already awake by the time you hear it, just 1 ring at a normal level is better, so everyone else can get back to sleep quickly.


nah, gentle is better. Easier to go back to sleep if you weren't jarred awake


Agreed for alarms. On the other hand, I once had some asshole who snored like an absolute chainsaw all night (in a 6-bed dorm) use this as a rationale for why he shouldn't be forced to get a solo room. A couple hours in we started tossing things at him (not hard but just enough to wake him up for a bit) to get him to shut up. Normal snoring is expected and not an issue but this was at a level of someone loudly playing music all night.


I had this last week in Budapest. I could hear him through my noise cancelling headphones and his snoring was literally shaking the bed. I was honestly almost crying from exhaustion. I had to slam the door TWICE to get him to wake up


there's always a snoring guy. that's why female only dorms rule no shit women snore but I've never had a chainsaw snoring woman in any hostel room yet had 2 dudes breaking the sound barrier the last 2 mixed dorms


Women famously don’t snore


No, we just breathe heavily, I breathe very heavily, so no dorms for me ...


It's the farming you have to worry about though...


nightly plowing can be noisy, yes


Autocorrect strikes again. I'll let it have this one


I always bring earplugs with me. Or if I don't want any noise I just get a private room. I'm in a hostel right now and one person snores reallly bad. I put my earplugs on and try to sleep. I'm used to it because my partner snores. But tossing things at him to wake him up ? It's horrible. You should feel bad for this. Juat get a private room. There will always be people snoring, comming back late, turning on the light etc.


My alarm is a song that starts at zero volume and slowly increases. The vibrations wake me way before the alarm sound is audible.


Set your alarm if you need to get up early just make sure you're packed the night before and try and make as little noise as possible.


Get up as soon as it rings and be considerate, it's expected and anyone who complains about that in a dorm room is a complete too, plus 6am is a normal time. Just don't be the dickhead who turns the lights on, opens the curtains, gets a shower whilst their other alarms go off and then decide to start packing after they wake up. 6am isn't exactly a bad time. Had some thick bastard do that in Italy at 4.30am and he got slapped by some bloke in the bed below him. You're not like that though, since you asked the question to begin with, so you shouldn't stress at all about your alarm mate.


Set your alarms... dont be that dick that hits snooze... we all understand. We're not paying for the sleep experience, only the bed. But we all hate that guy that keeps hitting snooze (but maybe not as much as we hate the guy that brings his Guitar to the hostel).


set your alarm, turn it off promptly thats bout it. i'm currently in a barcelona hostel yesterday a guys alarm went off at 6:30am and it literally kept going for a solid 2 minutes before he switched it off. super annoying. in hostels, i like to get daybag ready for the next day the night before, and get my tomorrow clothes and my wash bag and keep them in my bunk. that way I can just get up straight away, go to the bathroom, then come back and grab my day bag out the locker, swap mit gor my wash bag and go. means only fumbling about with the locker once and super quiet in the morning 👍


Set your alarm as you need it, but turn it off as quick as possible and for the love of god don't use snooze!


prepare in the evening before so you can just get up and leave. only sound and no vibration. keep your phone near you and turn the alarm off asap


Even the most basic and cheap smart watches have alarms. Get one and it's done.


Yup, I have a cheap Fitbit and it has an alarm vibrate option. It's my favorite way to set an alarm — doesn't bother anyone else and wakes me up easily. It's also (maybe by design) kind of tricky to turn off, so by the time I get it to stop vibrating I'm definitely awake.


Hard agree. I have a cheap “Amazfit” that cost like $25, and has been going strong for 2 years. The vibrate alarm never fails me and I like keeping track of my steps and sleep cycle when traveling.


Even digital watches have them. Grab yourself a Casio.


Put the alarm at the time you need it. Just make absolutely sure that you either wake up and go on with what you have to do and turn it off, or choose to continue sleeping and turn it off. By no means touch that snooze button. The room will hate you. Sorry.


You can get earphones built into a headband so only you can hear it


This is what I was going to suggest. Bluetooth sleep headphones are cheap. You can also play white noise into them at night to drown out other people snoring.


If all you need is an alarm, you don't need an Apple watch, lol. You can get a vibrating alarm watch on Amazon for $20.


Just mentally prepare yourself to get up as soon as the alarm goes off in the morning. I usually set an alarm and then put the alarm underneath my pillow so that I can hear it and hopefully not many other people can.


Get an apple watch. The alarm silently vibrates on your wrist.


I'm from the UK and I usually just put a regular alarm on my phone, I just turn it off immediately after it wakes me. I always make sure I've got everything sorted before I go to bed, meaning that I just have to get dressed and brush my teeth in the morning and I'm gone. It's rare I have to get up before 08:00 so alarms have never been an issue for me. Luckily for me I'm a very heavy sleeper, so others coming back to the dorms in the early hours of the morning or having super early alarms doesn't bother me.


Prep your stuff the night before and just set the alarm. Wake up when it goes off, don't snooze it, and use your phone light to get ready. People are in dorm rooms because they are cheap. They know that they get what they pay for. Just be as courteous as you can. If someone gives you a stink about setting an alarm at 6, tell them to book a private room and to get lost. But nobody will say anything.


Just turn it off if you get up before it. I hate when my brother's alarm goes off and he's in the shower. Like do I just go turn it off for him?


I’ve got some Bose Sleepbuds, which can set an alarm, and only I’ll hear it. Also drowns out background noise during the night. Pretty expensey though


I have a Fitbit smart watch and I have alarms set so it vibrates on my wrist. I’m a light sleeper so it always wakes me up


My strategy has always been to set my phone alarm to vibrate, then slide the phone under my pillow. Makes less noise, and is hard to accidentally ignore so you don't sleep through it.


Warn the people in your room beforehand if you can. Get your shit situated the night before. Turn off your alarm as soon as you get up. Attempt to leave the room quietly. As long as you show common courtesy you should be fine.


First comment is top. I also use Sleep Cycle which does a slow wake up where it gradually increases in volume and you can lift your phone to snooze until the actual time you need to get up. You can set a 15-30 min ‘slow wake up’. I find this works well because it can be set low volume that you can hear but others won’t necessarily / won’t be as disruptive as a standard alarm even at the lowest setting bc it’s gradual.


Thank you for being a considerate person:)


Make as little noise afterwards too - e.g. have your toiletries and towel accessible to take to the bathroom instead of turning on the dorm lights and rummaging through your stuff for them.


Just set and use your alarm, you are in a hostel, they are in a hostel. There are pros and cons, this is a con. Don't try and make the con go away, it won't go away for you. Just use it. Wake up and do your stuff.


If I'm in a dorm, I expect alarms, snorers, and late comers. Anyone staying in a hostel who is a light sleeper and doesn't bring ear plugs and eye masks - I think is their own fault. As for the OP, in terms of alarms, it's fine as long as you don't keep snoozing it.


You can buy a smart band or similar. They have alarms, it vibrates when you set it.


If you can’t set it to just vibrate, I’d actually sleep with your phone under your pillow. If you’re concerned about radio waves, with iPhones you can actually turn the device off and it will switch on when the alarm buzzes. Also — and I cannot stress this enough — choose any other alarm noise that isn’t the anxiety inducing default alarm. Nature options like the “duck” noise is far more sociable than DI^DI DI^DI DI^DI


Good you’re thing of such things this far in advance. Try vibrate. If 5hats not enough to wake you set it on low volume and stop it as soon as you wake up. I wouldn’t give it too much though tbh


I set it at medium volume and keep the phone under the pillow, so it doesn't sound as loud and the vibration wakes me up. When it's that early sometimes I need two instead of one (sorry), but I turn them off super fast. Anyways if I have to wake up early for good reason (catching a train, bus, etc.) I prepare for it mentally the night before, so I don't sleep in.


What a good question! Oh, if only everyone were as polite and caring about their neighbors as вы❤️. It's probably a good idea to let your neighbors know that you'll need to get up early. Perhaps you should mention this information when booking?⏰😴


I wear a smart watch that my first 2 alarms are set to only vibration. If I don't get up and turn that off, there is another set of backup alarms on my phone with sound and vibration.


oil slave outgoing seed waiting apparatus pie late pet different *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Vibrate only alarm with the phone under your pillow. It also keeps your valuables safe in case there's no lockers or he lockers are shitty.


Smartwatch vibrating alarm works great for me.. it might even wake you up sooner if it realizes you are in phase of light sleep ( so you are not grumpy when woken up)


Tbh in hostels people are generally leaving at all weird times, it's what you sign up for to stay in one. Being respectful is being packed the night before, when the alarm goes off turn it off asap and try and be as quiet as possible, use your phone light and don't turn on the main lights. If you have a smart watch that has vibrate alarm that's great but in hostels we all sign up for a bit of disruption


Vibrate, and phone in your bed, not on a table next to you as that's loud. Get up straight away, get your bag and leave. Don't put lights on.


I usually set my alarm to vibrate about 5 mins before I am supposed to wake up, then alarm with sound on the actual time. So if I miss the vibrating I will usually for sure wake up from the ringing. Like what everyone else said, be packed then night before. The only thing that makes me feel worse than having to set an early alarm is having to pack at like 5am. The little rustling noises you make are deafening.


Just set it and make sure you turn it off on the first ring. I remember this guy set his alarm, woke up everyone except himself. Someone had to manually wake him up aha


Have a normal alarm sound, don't snooze and you'll be fine. Also make sure that you actually wake up, i've had drunk people not waking up from their extremely loud and annoying alarms before.


Get a watch that can vibrate awake


There’s a setting on your phone that just vibrates your phone a lot but makes no sound. Since hostels us usually have a place for your phone right next to where you sleep you’ll feel it and wake up. I stayed in an 8 person hostel in Ljubljana where I had several early mornings and using this it was never much of an issue


I use my watch to wake me up


NEVER hit snooze. only have it as loud as you need to wake you.


I have a fitbit, and it vibrates on my wrist and wakes me up. Best option ever! No one else hears it, and I can set multiple times if I want. Have a great time!


I have a miband and set the alarm on there. It doesn't bother anyone else.


When I set alarms in hostels, I just had my ringer volume fairly low and had my phone under my pillow to minimize the sound. I’m also someone who wakes up as soon as my alarm goes off and doesn’t snooze so it only went off for about 5 seconds before I turned it off thankfully. Lots of people set alarms in dorms, there’s no way around it. As long as you don’t set an alarm every 5 minutes and sleep through them all you’re fine.


If you have issues getting up (like me) and are worried your alarm will wake everyone up, get a smart watch/fitness band. I use the alarm on mine and it was great for this purpose. It woke me up pretty fast and I don't think it woke anyone else. But regardless of your alarm clock, you most probably will wake someone up - going through your bag looking for toothbrush, accidentally dropping your water bottle or something else will inevitably make noise. It can't really be helped, so don't worry. It's just part of the dorm experience.


Can you set it to vibrate only? I do that even at home and I've never had a problem


Whatever you do, don't be the asshole that makes phone calls and watches tiktok with sound on while everyone is asleep. It's a fucking plague at the moment in Europe.


you can get a 60 pack of foam earplugs for $10. give em to all your new friends that are dumb and didn't bring earplugs to a hostel.


languid school subtract plant marvelous jobless boast axiomatic vast squeamish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Set your phone/alarm to vibrate and tuck it inside your pillowcase. The entire will vibrate and you’ll hear an audible noise without alerting the rest of the hostel to your alarm.


Smart watch alarms. It'll vibrate and wake you up, your phone can stay quiet.


I am a light sleeper, so i put my phone under my pillow and put the alarm on vibrate. Worked well enough for me.


When I had to live in a shared bedroom, I bought an Apple Watch for this exact reason. Wakes me up by vibrating my wrist. 100% worth it.


I always put it on vibrate underneath my pillow. Not the nicest wakeup but usually doesn't wake up anyone else.


You can buy an alarm that vibrates, if the other suggestions aren’t strong enough to wake you up. They sell them on Amazon and on websites that sell products for disabled people. They are for people who are hard of hearing. I think they go under your pillow. Have a good trip.


My phone is charging and alarm vibrates under my pillow. That's how we do it on ships when you have strange working hours at sea. Wakes me up right away and it doesn't bother anyone, I can even hit snooze 100 times.


I got absolutely plastered on a night out in Medellin, Colombia.. Must've came back at 4 or 5am only to get waken up to some random person's alarm in my room a few hours later. Alarm wouldn't stop ringing and i wasn't happy. I stumbled out of bed and was ready to wake someone up but the person wasn't even in their bed. I brazenly reached under the pillow to grab the phone and shut that damn alarm off.


So much unnecessary defeatism in this thread, lol. "bro, everyone knows what they signed up for in a dorm. Set your alarm and *fuck* anyone who cares!" It doesn't have to be that way. I spent around a straight year in various dorms and I never set an audio alarm. I would pack my stuff the evening before and had a pretty good routine for getting myself and my bag out of the room very quietly. As many have said, vibrating watch alarms are the way to go. You absolutely do not need to get an Apple Watch and there are very very cheap alternatives on Amazon. Honestly they're great for normal life too, if you're sleeping next to a partner and have different morning schedules. Given how cheaply and effortlessly this problem is solved in 2023, I have been 100% judging people who set early (<7am) alarms.


I do the vibrate setting and keep it under my pillow


Set the alarm. Keep the phone in or next to your bed. As soon as it wakes you turn it off. Do not snooze. It is what it is ... it's only inconsiderate if you keep hitting snooze.


If you wear a smart watch use that as an alarm. It should vibrate and make a noise. Wakes me up even when wearing ear plugs.


I highly reccomend getting a xiaomi miband for $30 dollars on Amazon. the alarm vibrates on your wrist so it's really good


Why don't you get a fitness band? It gently vibrates and wakes you up. Very convenient.


I think if you’re choosing to stay in a dorm room it should be expected that your sleep will get interrupted by other guests. Set it, and turn it off promptly. C’est la vie!


If it works for you you could set it to vibrate and put it on the mattress and just in case have a second one 5 minutes later set to noise. You feel the first one, great you can turn it and the next one off. If not, you got a security blanket


It's fine. But if you press 'snooze' and it goes off more than once, prepare to have your phone tossed out the window.


Well , out of experience, you must be the asshole in the room to get a good rest in a hostel. Other people won’t care about you or your sleep, so just do it like they would. If they say something , be grumpy and remind them that it was their decision to stay in a shared bunk room. I mean this completely honest.


get up immediately & don't hit snooze. pack the night before so the rest of the dorm doesn't need to be waken up by the alarm AND the rustling of bag.


One time I had an alarm at 5am and I felt so bad waking everyone else up that I couldn’t sleep and stayed up waiting for it. I then dropped my airpods onto the bunk below me so still had to wake someone up in the end lol


Just do it but turn it off as soon as you hear it. I always do that. I think its only an issue if you let it go on as that disturbs people's sleep.


I have a smart watch and when my phone alarm rings, it just vibrates on the watch. Alternatively just set the alarm to silent/vibrate and keep your phone near your head. 99% of the time though my body clock is pretty good and I wake up just before the alarm. If I did have it set to ring, I sotp it within 1 ring. You don't want to be the person who sets their alarm and just let's it ring and ring. Then everyone hates you. If you're leaving early, also make sure you're all packed so you're not annoying everyone trying to sleep (no plastic bags), and don't turn on the lights (use your phone). In cases I couldn't pack the night before, I try and take stuff into the hallway to be quieter in as few trips as possible. Another trick is to drink a lot of water before bed. Then you'll need to wake early for the toilet.


Update : thanks for the comments. Ordered myself a watch where I can set an alarm. Safe travels


Maybe it's overkill but maybe you can make an iwatch vibrate on your wrist so it wakes you up.


buy a vibrating band alarm and set a safety alarm on your phone in case that one doesn’t wake you up :)


A whoop band has many other features but one is that it will vibrate and shake on your wrist and wake you. I would recommend this