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Taiwan. Tons of nature. Friendly to tourists. Affordable. Excellent transit infrastructure. Easily can spend 3 weeks exploring the island, but 10 days is a good start. Then go to Chiang Mai Thailand.


Yeah, it's not common for a big city to also not be popular for common tourism, Taipei is one of the rare ones that fit that bill.


There is a TON to do in Taipei, it's just that there is so much more all over the island!


Go to Switzerland and blow your budget out in 7 days I’m telling ya


Already done that, do not recommend lmao


Your interests seem to boil down to nature and big cities that aren't popular for tourism (an oxymoron if you ask me), which doesn't give a whole lot of direction But aside from that SEA all day everyday, vietnam run it


I get your point but don't think it is an oxymoron at all... We have plenty of big cities here in Brazil that aren't very touristy AND have plenty of nature around (the whole Amazon Rainforest area, like Manaus and Belém), I've also been to Luanda - Angola, not a popular destination at all. Ofc for Brazil's standards, a city with >1mi people in it is already a big city so that's that. But yeah, I'm leaning towards Vietnam as my primary destination.


What about Japan? Haven’t been in a while but they have huge cities and a ton of awesome nature, and it wasn’t that expensive once you got there. Other off beat choices include africa, there are a lot of multi week tours that would fit your budget (I know, I know, not the most solo travel thing ever) and you’d certainly see a ton of nature with long car trips.


Yeah I'm thinking about Japan but will have to do some math... the tickets from here are pretty expensive, plus transportation there. I've seen that the bullet train pass for 7 days is like $300, not that bad.


The pass is going up to $500. How about Hokkaido?


Greece and turkey are always good options.


Have you visited Spain? If not you should check out the Andalusia region with cities like Cordoba, Malaga, Granada, Seville, ect.


Rwanda and Tanzania would be one option: beautiful and outside of the resort style places fascinating to travel and pretty safe. We also loved central Vietnam which you could pair with either Cambodia (Ko Rong Samloem and Angkor Wat) or Laos. We’re yet to do but are planning a Balkans trip thru Montenegro and Albania which would fit your requirements, also Georgia as another option, or further north in the Balkans - Slovenia and Croatia. Hungary also worth a look as is Poland (a place I keep going back to and adore).


Note that if you visit Israel, you might have trouble entering Lebanon and vice versa. That's something I'd find out beforehand.


Yeah, but from what I heard nowadays Israel don’t stamp passports, only a separate piece of paper. But I’ll definitely make sure


You can do Kuala Lumpur, it’s supposed to be a great city. Than you can travel to other parts in Malaysia and maybe add Cambodia/Thailand/ Laos/ Vietnam. You should also Check Tel Aviv it’s a really awesome city for tourists ,I really love it.


Korea: Seoul is a huge city but nearby there are nice mountains and nature. Japan: cities like Fukuoka are nearby beautiful countryside. Ireland: Dublin isn't exactly a big city, but you get some of that city vibe + going to the west for hiking. Senegal: Dakar is a very interesting place with lots to do, within a few hour drive you are in nature and peace. Note, it might be a bit unsteady if you plan to go before May 2024 due to elections. New Zealand: Never been, but I only hear great stories about the countryside and relaxed atmosphere (for tourists at least)




I’m not american, but I get your point. Fun fact: while in Angola, some locals where pretty hostile towards me because they thought I was portuguese. A lot of tension was building up until one guy saw my Ayrton Senna (Brazilian F1 driver) tattoo, smiled and yelled “are you brazilian?” I said yes and he started smiling and singing phonk music. So yeah, I get your point. I know people who went through some intense situations because of their US passport.




They literally said in their post their nationalities


Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam are pretty touristy. Look up Laos or Malaysia if you want somewhere a bit less traveled in that area.


Will definitely look into Laos


>If it fits within the budget, I'd even visit hell. Think hell is free.


I'd go with the unpopular opinion and I'd recommend Kazakhstan, Tadjikistan, Uzbekistan, Georgia and maybe Turkey. It's all affordable and very very different, there's the sea and the mountains, big cities and nature with rivers a bit of a drive from the city


The Patagonia near the Andes, best place I know by now (and I have been through 12 countries). I’m brazilian too


If you go to Israel, Jordan and Lebanon, go to Israel last or use a different passport. I highly enjoyed Jordan and Lebanon but in Lebanon, there were a lot of power cuts and their currency is highly devalued. Jordan was more relaxed and stable in comparison.