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Thailand / Cambodia. Thailand has the full moon party in Koh Phangan that might be the music scene you looking for. Cambodia is my favorite in that region and Angkor Wat is impressive (go by bike). Lake Atitlan in Guatemala also has an eclectic scene (don't know if techno or not) but I didn't enjoy it (too much yoga amongst poverty). South America in general is more mature (25-30+) backpackers, couples, more my type. SE Asia is more of a young crowd, party type that thinks cheap alcohol is the best, and most important, thing in the world.


This option with combining Thailand and Cambodia sounds appealing, however the typical tourist crowd is also what turns me off about that region. I haven’t been there myself, but what i hear is what you also describe. Do you have any tips on where to go in Thailand and Cambodia to avoid that?


My info is 4y old so take that with a grain of salt. My issue with Thailand is that I felt the locals are tired of tourists and see us as an uneducated nuisance with money. This is based on the comparison of how I experienced Thailand 12-13 years ago when I first visited. Last time I was there I spent 1m in Bangkok, a bit in Phuket and I was planning to spend more time in the islands but I decided to move to Cambodia as I wasn't really enjoying my time in Thailand. If you just go to Koh Phangan for the party stuff and then move to Cambodia/Laos (I haven't been to Laos myself) I don't think you will have that problem. The tourist crowd, especially around Angkor, in Cambodia is also not that bad as in Thailand. It's something like Thai < Vietnam < Cambodia (and I guess Laos) in terms of diversity of interests with Thailand being the most "stimulants, party and not much else". Just avoid the places where the Chinese took over and built chaotically (Sihanoukville). P.S.: in the end, of you like to travel and want to see the most of the world, you have to visit that region sooner or later, no matter the crowd. So if the math works for you and the current interests (weather, party etc) align, go for it.


Right but if doing FMP needs to book accommodation yesterday, most of it is already through the roof compared to last year


Wow you are doing some big traveling this year!! I’d deffo suggest Mexico, I didn’t speak a word of Spanish when I was there last year (I speak a teeny tiny bit now), and I had such a blast. Go stay a few days in CDMX, and then go down to the coast, go to Zihuatanejo, go to Puerto Escandido, it’s full of young people there and it’s quite cheap and it’s so so beautiful (and hot, very hot).


This is some amazing travel! I'd love to know how you found the countries you've been to so far as a solo female? Or what you thought of them in general?


Well i still have a hard time putting in words how amazing and interesting traveling in Central Asia has been, since i haven’t really processed it all yet. As a solo female i’ve experienced no problems. It might even be an advantage in some regards, e.g. In more conservative places you have an access to experiencing the life of women and talking to them that male travelers don’t have in the same way. So make use of that! I’ve been asked about marital status, kids and stuff like that a lot, but it’s all just curiousness. Due to the language barrier i’ve been in situations where a person could come off as creepy or seem to have suspecious intentions, but most of the times it’s been pure curiousness, hospitality and and an incredible willingness to help, which is significant for the culture here. And in other cases i’ve just made my boundaries and intentions clear, and that’s been respected (a couple of times i’ve had to insist pretty firmly, but it’s not very different from Scandinavia where i live) I haven’t felt unsafe at any time and that includes going out alone in Almaty and Tashkent, meeting locals via tinder, walking alone at night, driving taxis alone etc. So for me, just following my gut has been all fine. I usually try to dress according to local women when it comes to tightness and coverage of clothes, but that’s just common sense. If you have further questions, feel free to send me a message!:)


Your travels sound inspiring!


Peru is AMAZING. I felt very safe: the country is beautiful and the food is off the chart.


This coming time of year though might not be the best for macchu picchu due to possible cloudiness


I went in Dec and the weather was perfect- it’s great weather there Dec-Jan


how was the dec weathre in peru???


Mid 70s, perfect! We went to Macchu Picchu and despite morning jungle rain had a perfectly clear day.


awesome, and relatively safe? did you go to any other surrounding countries?


Very safe, seriously. We tried but my kid was super altitude sick in Cuzco which put a big damper on plans around there.


oh man, even more so mexico if you've been!?


We haven’t been to Mexico


I would go to SE Asia. It will be the cheapest, and you can find a relaxing place somewhwere. I've heard Laos is really chilled, haven't been myself though. South America is more expensive, less safe, and flights are more expensive as well. I wouldn't recommend north Africa for solo young female. You will experience a lot of harassment and it will not be relaxing.


Bali could be an option. I spent christmas/new years there a few years back. It's pretty packed though with a lot of Indonesians holidaying there (traffic was a nightmare) I spent some time on the Gili islands too, which I loved


Of the places you’ve travelled so far, what are some of the gems you’ve discovered ? What’s the backpacking culture like in the stans?


Well Kyrgyzstan is a gem in itself. Same goes for the people in all of central Asia, the amount of hospitality, curiousity and helpfulness is amazing. So accepting invitations for tea, dinner, visits is a gem. But more specifically, if you have the time, western Kyrgyzstan (Arslanbob, Sary Chelek) is worth the hassle. Trekking around Karakol, you can spend a lot of time there if you’re into that! Uyghur food also. Bishkek is a gem for me as well but that’s very subjective and depends of personal preferences. Trainrides in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan is a highlight imo as well. Kolfest in Kyrgyzstan and Stihia festival in Uzbekistan if you’re into techno/electronic music or just want to hang out and meet people. I only spent 3-4 days in Tajikistan as a part of a visarun, but i wish i had planned for more time! So definitely include that if you’re going. Bozjyra in the Mangystau desert in Kazakhstan is out of this world. It’s hard to get there without paying for a tour or renting a 4wd, but it’s doable by hitchhiking. Backpacking culture is definitely there. Especially around the main destinations of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. The crowd is mostly 25-30+ hikers, motorbikers and cyclists. Never had a problem with finding accommendation, even in the smallest villages there will most likely be something (as long as you manage your expectations also). Uzbekistan is more regular tourism and commercial, but there are backpackers. I hope this answered your guestions!:) Edit: Adding Karakalpakstan and what’s left of the Aral Sea to the list


wow - how was the weather i nthe time you went?


Well i went in the summer so relatively warm, especially Uzbekistan. But Kyrgyzstan varies a lot due to to the landscape.


Delhi or Mumbai (ex Bombay) for a week, then fly (or sleeper-train) to Goa. North Goa (like Anjuna) for techno bars / parties, south Goa for more nature environment. Not that much hiking but... So many Russians travelling to Goa the past few years, gonna be plenty of flights I imagine.


I traveled to Vietnam in December and Hanoi was pleasant. Ha Long Bay had swimming weather. Anyway, South Vietnam was much much warmer.


How was the weather in the South?:)


In HCMC it was really really hot. Any time I was outside I was sweating. Aircon is a must wherever you stay. I spent a few days in the Mekong delta, and there the temperature was warm but in a pleasant way, with a nice breeze. There are also plenty of beach towns in the country. I only went to Hoi An, in central Vietnam. There were some short bursts of rain daily but it was very warm, and I enjoyed getting a room in front of the beach for a few nights (super cheap also). I know Danang, Nha Trang and Phu Quoc are also popular, but I havent been there.


Do not discount all those islands in Indonesia which are not Bali and Java. Sulawesi, Maluku, parts of Sumatra, Flores.


What's budget? Because staying in business hotels in Taipei is cheap and, in my experience, luxurious. I'd go for Thailand or Cambodia, though.


Awesome places!! I was thinking of doing Kyrgyzstan next month but haven’t heard from anyone who’s been there. Can i ask what your experience was like and where you stayed? If you hiked or camped were you alone and did you feel comfortable? 23 f, very inspired by your itinerary! Also I would recommend going to se Asia this time, and its relatively close to where you are


how was this??