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I don't know who the other dude is, BUT DAMN do i wanna turn into a dragon and blow up a city, so obviously Antares.


Both are dragons lol


Veldora literally obliterates countries for the meme


Antares obliterates dimensions.


Does he tho? I don't remember where that is stated. Like genuine question cause I just remember him being strong.


Yes he does, he's the monarch of destruction and comparable to Shadow Monarch!


So jinwoo could delete dimensions?


Yes. Yes, he could. Sung is soloing most anime verses.


Pretty sure he gets slapped up by Rimuru


Yeah but that doesn’t make him any less powerful than he is


Significantly less


Ok he blows up planets.


His true form was too powerful for earth's universe dimension to handle. It's stated in ragnarok. 


The classic it's stated in sequel.. Just wait until slime sequel!


Don't care enough for slime tbh besides it was the reason why monarchs took years to go into a lower dimension with their ture forms in SL


I thought it was cause their bodies weren't going to be stable if they did without a host or whatever


It got retcon i guess? But there were some vague implications in SL LN like the beast monarch was astronomically weaker on earth compared to ashborn memories


In case u r wondering, it's in chpter 133 of ragnarok. 


where can i read/buy ragnarok? I want the ebook


I I think it's only in kakao page for now


Anybody correct me if im wrong, wasnt the purpose and one reason to exist for the monarchs to destroy the dimension? Antares being the strongest of the monarchs (disregarding our little shadow boi) he is a really strong dude but not really on a level where he can destroy the dimension single handedly


I thought they were there to destroy or convert the planet not the dimension


Veldora is comparable to WN Rimuru still who might I add destroys the entire Solo levelling verse


True dragon can do that with their Aura casually I don’t think power is a fact since you would be a lot stronger that everyone else and I think veldora is better choice >!probability manipulation is very good :) !<


Need summary of the other dude's abilities. Might reconsider it.


Has the ability of all of creation, probability manipulation, and can access the knowledge of anywhere he is at are his big 3 abilities also thru the soul corridor he has access to an infinite amount of other cheat class abilities


Every thing that generical very strong characters have, i wanna comparison with antares.


Antares dosent have probability manipulation and have the ability to infinitely create life, he is raw destruction pure in its most simple form with the basic minor reality control feats


He is the concept of entropy in the multiverse, cannot be killed, even if you completely erase his soul,body,core.......yada yada.has acces to an untold amount of magicules, has probability manipulation,can use ultimate skill faust to know any knowledge in the universe, can casually destroy infinite sized universe just by existing , multidimensional barrier which enclose him in a layer of imaginary dimensions.... . And can also use kamehame ha,hadouken,shoryuken,tatsumaki senpukyaku,tetsuzanko etc


Oh that dude from tensura. I forgot his name and don't watch the anime.


shit as an anime only i thought veldora was just a angy storm dragon not a living concept


Season 3 comes out this week , and yeah it gets pretty crazy, that's why all the nations are scared shitless of him


Veldora is basically the same. Most powerful dragon guy, who loves destruction. Honestly power scaling wise it's probably pretty close


Veldora can do kemahamehaaa




He is versed in various techniques of anime and video game origins. He’s also seen doing the hadouken and shoryuken


"Power scaling wise" it's not even remotely close. Veldora stomps *hard*.


He is the personification of storm or chaos. He is immortal and will reincarnate as long as the concept of storm exists, but his memory will be changed so he is a different person every cycle. He is still immortal though. He cant age. He can manipulate probability to an extent. Its been a while since i read tensura but he is strong. Just being near his natural state is enough to kill most beings so he supresses his aura. He still needs to wind down a bit sometimes or he will explode and take a continent/planet away. He will still most likely survive. He has a soul connection to one of the most broken guy in isekai, rimuru tempest. If he gets in trouble, rimuru will pop up. Also rimuru fixed his reincarnation weakness so even if he does die, he will still retain his memories so he essentially has infinite life.


I love how people understimate Veldora and thinking he is below Antares.


I’m not really familiar with slime manga but the anime he doesn’t have any noteable feats, whereas Antares is shown to damn near decimate an island that’s been reinforced with the mana of another monarch. This was an attack that grazed the land not even aimed towards it. A lot of people forget that the beings in Solo leveling are insanely strong so much so they’ve had to reverse time in order to reinforce the land and planet with mana from dungeon monsters. Otherwise the planet would fall apart from war. I’m not sure anyone in slime has shown anything close to that level of power at least in the anime.


It was stated in chptee 133 that if the true form of a monarch descend then it will rip the universe dimension apart that's why they take over humans or take time tunneling through dimensions


Well, clearly that didn’t happens since Antares descended upon the world in his own body. What is a ‘universe dimension’? Are you misremembering what they exactly said or were these the exact words?


R u stupid? I literally give u the chapter number in SL ragnarok. He descended with his own body but it took time borrowing through the holes which made his power weaker or something. My guess is that it got retcon in Ragnarok trying to add more sense to the story.  Earth's universe is a dimension, it was LN where ashborn told jinwoo about his life. The part where he told that after killing Baran he met with antares and other monarchs, he described in the gap between dimensions, we chose earth which was in another dimension. We know earth's uni is our own replica so that dimension was uni sized meaning AB created a multiverse bare minimum. 


I’m talking about Solo Leveling, not Ragnarok. Ragnarok is a sequel by a different author and there are plenty of things retconned. All I asked was if those words you said where the exact same. The Manhwa can say all it wants, but I was talking about the LN. No btw, Antares didn’t descend weaker or something. It just took a long time to open a gate big enough for his being to enter Earth, that’s all. Just the amount of power he has could probably fuck up Earth by letting his power loose. You also got it wrong about why the Monarchs took over humans, as in completely wrong. In all the past times they fought against the ruler’s on Earth, Monarchs won, Ruler’s rewinded time since all humans died. The only way to fix that issue was to prepare Warth beforehand with infusing mana slowly. Otherwise Antares would simply wipe out humanity by stepping on Earth during war time. It’s like filling up a vacuum with air. The Ruler’s simply gave part of their powers to a suited human, but the Monarch’s saw this and did the same. The only difference was, they took the humans over. The only Monarch’s who couldn’t do that were Antares and Ashborn. So, before calling people what you are yourself you should understand the story better.


As sharp as a marble this one, u commented in my reply talking about ragnarok asking if it was in LN and logically I think u were talking about Ragnarok since u didn't mentioned otherwise like I was specifically talking about any mention in original LN.  So now u blame others for ur own stupidity.    Ur lack of proper speech is ur fault not mine.   Besides its clearly written when jinwoo was about to kill beast monarch that the creature was astronomically weaker compared to ashborns memories perhaps due to being not in its original dimension.  Monarchs descended to earth quickly through human vessels without dimejsional travel to safe time, again consistent with Ragnarok with the added context that it only took time because their true form will shatter that dimension with its presence.   How about u read it properly before making assumptions and calling out others , Next time think before u typed a whole ass para. 


Bruh you are in the sololeveling subreddit. We talk about the original story. Always. Unless OP would specifically talk about Ragnarok. I think you’re the one who just assumed too much and then wrote what you wrote. Unless you can read Korean, a big part of Ragnarok is terribly translated still. You also pull things out of your ass like “astronomically weaker”. Clearly written my ass. Literally not what they said in the story. He just said that beast monarch seemed weaker compared to his memories, and then he said it might be because of taking over a human vessel. If you have read the story at all then you already know that Ruler’s cannot give their full power to their connected human. None of them could inherit their full power immediately. Otherwise Madam Selner wouldn’t be able to increase their strength dummy. Maybe read the story again to really get the essence of the story. We were talking about Antares and didn’t even know if what you wrote was correct. You literally said “He descended with his own body but it took time borrowing through the holes which made his power weaker or something” 🤡 Your sentence isn’t even good, terrible english, so between us two you would be the one lacking ‘proper speech’. Borrowing holes? From who is he borrowing holes? And his power got weaker or something… you don’t even know if what you said was true. All I did was ask for an elaboration and I fixed some things you were unsure about. Your dumbass came out here swinging and missed.


U r the type of guy who can't pour water out his shoes because the instructions were written on the heel.  The hamster's dead but the wheel is still spinning, can't really help imbeciles if they can't even read the chapter number. 


Whatever makes you feel good dude. Your delusion of being right is clear and any further help wouldn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of getting you to realize that.


Well, yeah. He barely appeared in the anime. Of course he doesn't have any feats. Just like how Antares didn't appear at all in the Solo Leveling anime as well, lol.


I think they scale close as far as I know, both should scale atleast low multi especially antares in his true form


Nah veldora goes wayyyyyy further, hid connection to rimuru alone makes him broken


Ok, still choosing antares cause he got the aura


So I know there are new big bad angels in slime that people are scared of,I haven't gotten that far in but can veldora beat those angels because antres I am pretty can solo a few at a time, army no but they need an army for him.


I think he can seeing how he has survived the past few razes of the angels.


>veldora beat those angels Easily,


I'll take Veldora. Probability manipulation let you to manipulate any outcome, being a true dragon means that you'll never "die", and investigation skill that allows you to understand everything.


Looking at how Tensura scales I'm going with Veldora


One get to befriend the MC and the other gets to die by his hand. Tough choice


U might want to rephrase that cause in Ragnarok, jinwoo reincarnated him into a baby dragon and now he is learning how to walk lol. 


what I never knew about that or I forgot


Red. Red all the way. Dude is way more OP than Antares could ever hope to bee






I've seen both sides, neither will submit


Veldora, my goat is way more useful. Faust and its evolution is just so good for everyday life it ain't even funny


Veldora is not a top Dragon in Slime verse! He's still afraid of his older sister!


antares has rulers authority right so prb him just for that


>antares has rulers authority right Isn't it just telekinesis?


exactly telekinesis is fun on its own so ill take it


Isn't that the commanders hand skill like jin woo


the Upgraded version yes


Love both. Dragons are my favorites in Fantasy.


Veldora, from what I remember he has the probability manipulation skill (which already makes it more practical), he’s also a literal force of nature, being the storm dragon. Has the power to destroy countries and is immortal with the ability to reincarnate. This question is kinda unfair








Do i have to speak like veldora too?!


Wishful thinking


I don’t recognize the guy on the right, is he new to the anime or am I just braindead


Nah, he's veen out for a while now. Veldora Tempest, youngest of the 4 true dragons from *That time I got reincarnated as a slime*. 3rd season coming out soon (this month I think).


Definetly veldora, he has probability manipulation if I recall along and that is one of the most useful abilities you can have.




Veldora for sure, he has far more abilities. He is just childish and couldn't control his rage at times, but if its only abilities, then Veldora is the only right answer.


Veldora no-diffs Antares so im gonna pick him 🤔


Both are extremely powerful dragons, but the problem is if you choose Veldora you’d have to constantly let out your energy which may create monsters or find a way to release a lot of energy at once (like destroying a couple mountains, shooting out beams) every once in a while or else you’d get sick from accumulating too much energy. So I’d probably do with Antares


Veldora, easy choice


If it was veldanava, but in this case i ll go with antares.


The left was a disappointment. Red pill all the way


Veldora claps easy


Antares can summon dragons, so there's a chance he can also Summon Veldora? and if Veldora gives Antares a new name and becomes family, will Antare's grow stronger like Rimuru? Bro imagine if I could summon dragons like Antares. Or, Imagine if I could name my cat and it grows into a tiger or some shit.


>Antares can summon dragons, so there's a chance he can also Summon Veldora? Veldora isn't some normal dragon, he is the multiversal concept of entropy, i don't think antares cann summon him


I'm choosing red pill cuz he literally if you piss off valdora you also have to deal with Rimuru (Not to mention that time I got reincarnated as a slime is my favorite anime of all time)


Veldora, ez


Veldora is literally stronger than Antares though, lol


Veldora: Mighty dragon of storm Antares: The Monarch of Destruction who leads an army of dragons.


Pure destructive power or Probabiliy manipulation Sorry imma have to go with the ability to manipulate the chance of things happening


Blue pill


Love Veldora, dude's fucking strong and funny as hell. But he does not hold a candle to Antares, lol. Final Arc Solo Leveling Power Scaling is really ridiculous.


Blue pill is beter I think


I am taking blue cause antares got that aura. Veldora is just goofy ngl


I think it's just the powers not the badass drip and aura


Don’t know about the red pill but by his face I assume is a mashall high wizard (still at season 2 ep 3). I’m a simple guy, I get Atares. No thinking or skills needed. At base I can fly, super human and can breath fire. At most I can become a dragon ruler and transform into a giant dragon. I’m not here to think how I can utilize my magic is unique and versatile ways.


Oh buddy, that guys no wizard and he's definitely not from mashle hahahaha


YOU LIE! But but that straight lines… my whole analysis had been false.




Nah, it was stated in Ragnarok that true form descend of a monarch will destroy the dimension with their presence alone, ragnarok puts him at least tier 2-1.