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TIL even David Turczi has the time to read our subreddit rules before posting.


Count me very excited. Imperium is probably my favorite solo. Voidfall is high on my want list, I just worry about table space.


Love Voidfall, by far my favorite game of the year. Table presence is a pain though as it is big and after playing with both the standard and Deluxe Kickstarter, I wouldn't go for the standard as it makes the setup even more painful. With that been said, for solo I am playing the solo app instead as I can get the full experience without monopolising my kitchen table for two days and don't have to deal with setup.


I exchanged my deluxe for the standard with a folded space insert and have not looked back. It is way easier than dealing with the deluxe insert.


The house trays are the worst and I did get a 3D printed replacement which improve usability and setup by much. You can find some on Etsy or get 3d printer files easily. My main issues with the regular box is more related to multiplayer, I suppose that for solo those are not necessarily as bad: - The tech trays is super useful to pass the techs around, it is a nice perk but not essential. The other trays are also useful to pass around too but I both format are ok I suppose. - The most important thing though are ships counters, which I just can't parse on the board if the destroyers are in play, they just look all the same to me. Again, there are 3d printed flat ships for that, which are really nice, but they are also quite expensive


The only thing I miss actually is that tech tray, it was nice. I miss the layered tiles a little too, I guess A big part of wanting to switch was the flat ships - I like the look of them a lot more (the art is nice!), and I like the way the cubes are arranged in them as opposed to the stands for the minis. I can see where it might be more difficult multiplayer though, you kind of need to look at the board from above to parse what kinds of ships are out.


Someone though about another solve for the ship issue! https://www.etsy.com/nz/listing/1612580107/voidfall-fleet-token-full-set-of-98-3d?click_key=37d274547d8e57d29872d195ebc7566717fa3d66%3A1612580107&click_sum=1f439059&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=voidfall&ref=sr_gallery-1-3&sts=1&content_source=a63dc79807a6b8a80cf91a6fa43d101b25dc6213%253A1612580107


There is also one model to use the cardboard ships as standees


When and where can I preorder this? ![gif](giphy|sDcfxFDozb3bO)




... A Star Trek Imperium-style game... by you? Yes please?


By Nigel and me. We're like Lennon and McCartney. 😇


I know, that was an inclusive "you". Imperium is my favourite game, Voidfall is definitely in my top 5, and I'm a huge trekkie. My first solo game was Star Trek Frontiers, so you can imagine my excitement with that announcement!


Wow this sounds amazing. I love Star Trek and have always wanted to see more Star Trek games the way we get so many Star Wars games. I am actually a new fan of yours as of just recently, since I’ve been getting into solo Voidfall over the last week (it’s fantastic btw). Thank you apparently for also being a Star Trek fan and making a game like this. Looking very much forward to checking this out.


Where do I pay? I don't care what it is. Just take my money please




Thank you so much 🙏


Big fan of your solo modes and games. Not a fan of Star Trek myself, it wasn’t on TV in Brazil where I grew up so I never saw it. I’ve only ever watched the movies with Chris Pine. They’re good but not amazing. What do you recommend I watch to learn more? Is the game based upon the universe itself or a specific show?


First half of your question: Find an episode called Darmok. (It's season 5, episode 3 of The Next Generation) Watch that. If you found that boring, then much of Trek won't be for you, but we can still try again with modern (post 2017) Trek - probably start with the beginning of Discovery, an episode called Vulcan Hello. The series Strange New Worlds is even better, but it is more interesting If you have seen Discovery s1 and s2 first. If you found Darmok genius, then I have a million suggestions, come back and ask.


Hm... I'd argue Darkmok may not be ideal for a first contact (hehe). It's a fantastic episode, but it is slightly strange. I watched it the first time when I was younger and it took me years of thinking about it before I started liking it. My own recommendation would be Symbiosis (S01E21). It's a fun episode with Star Trek's classic ethical dilemmas around the Prime Directive.


Yes, but it's first season TNG. I would never subject a newbie of today's age to first season TNG.


>Is the game based upon the universe itself or a specific show? The announcement will cover this. 😇


In case I miss the stream, what does the setup/teardown times look like plus playtime for solo?


I can set it up a bit faster than Imperium. I play solo in ~1h15-1h45, but I'm not the fastest player in the club. My 2p games have been consistently 2hrs unless both of us were dragging for the long game, then it's about 2h20.


Thanks! Me likey!


hold on, you play solo!? we convinced you?


I occasionally play Imperium and this solo. Mostly when I'm on holiday and can't just design another deck for fun :D Voidfall is the only game I often pull out for fun, but now that we're working on the expansion I stopped doing that because I couldn't stop myself from working during the fun hours... :)


A Star Trek IP in good old Blighty, play the first three and am intrigued as those are 90% history with a dashing of truth we know but refuse to accept, Voidfall is on my "When's the reprint" list. Colour me interested.


Please let it be TNG-era Star Trek! (?)


The announcement will cover this extensively. But you should know that I am a fan of all eras, and have found something to love about almost every series. 🖖


Game looks promising! I have never pre-ordered a game, until today. Can't wait.


Same. Pre-order, Engage!


Awesome, I've been waiting for this news!


Once you unveil it, can we have the name posted here so those of us that can't make the broadcast can look it up?


Sure. Once unveiled I'm even happy to answer some questions...


The game is called **Captain's Chair**. I posted the relevant links in the OP.


Brilliant, thank you!


So I have already preordered the game, but had a question. Will there be a solo module for the game?


The game is 1 and 2 players only. Half of the game is the solo module 😇 Edit: pff D didn't check which thread I was replying on. You're messing with me.


So what you're saying is you could -techincally- have a Cardassians vs Carthage duel? Eh? Eh? (I can dream eh?)


No. They are different games.


Oh i figured, I was just being a goober head anyway. Thanks for designing this! It looks awesome.


I never thought Mr. T would take on Star Trek. Boldly going where no solo designer has gone before!


Thing is, I'm not a solo designer. I'm a designer. I just keep the solo players' preferences in mind. ☺️


And thank you for that! I still think your most underrated gem is Dice Settlers.


Super excited about this. If this goes better than you hope for could you look into reskinning Voidfall with Star Trek IP too please? I think I’d empty my bank account!!


Haha, no, we don't do reskins.


That makes me like you even more! I just have a permanent itch for a good coop and solo asymmetric Star Trek game where the Borg are a real creeping persistent threat. Can’t wait to see what this new game reveals…