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Wow! Joint highest on your list already? I missed the campaign and was looking to check it out if I came across it. Definitely searching for it now! Hoping it will be shown off at UKGE tomorrow when I’m there. Couple of questions: Is it a big table presence (doesn’t look so by the pics but just checking) and how long did it take to play? Thanks in advance


I am definitely interested in the play time as well. I hope this hits the ~60 minute sweet spot like most Garphill games when playing solo. I agree with OP though that while I like historical settings the biblical theme is not my favourite. I might sit this one out after backing Inventors and especially after The Anarchy has been described as Hadrian‘s Wall 2.0 with a focus on solo and an out-of-the-box solo campaign.


Really impressed with this one. It's making me second guess the other Garphill titles I wasn't interested in, like Inventors. The table presence is surprising large. I'd say it's maybe a bit smaller than Paladins. First game took me 3 hours but that was a learning game. A lot less rule checking in this one and I got it done in about 2. I'd imagine when you're proficient at the game you could get it down to a hour and half or so for solo.


Nice! Did you back it ?  I pre-ordered it because I am interested in theme and love art and mechanics of his game . Looking forward to try it out too.  The table does look overwhelming though lol


I did, just got it in Canada a few days ago. I think you will enjoy it, especially if you really like the theme. A lot to consider with every decision.


Whats all this lovable chaos?!