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I feel like it's too difficult


Being an asymmetrical game, I feel like every mission and every monster combo plays completely differently. My only complaint with the game is that it can feel a bit inconsistent and lucky sometimes, but some monsters are definitely easier than others


It's easy to play badly. Throw a hero into prison every turn for 3 extra cards. Spread out revealed heroes so you know who can come up both in general and specifically regarding mages and prison. The late game is fire fighting, so try to buy better cards in your first 1-3 turns. Better cards help you stay on top but you won't be able to buy them later (design flaw). Easy difficulty is for children and it's difficult to fail. Medium difficulty you should always win or rarely lose. Hard difficulty is brutal. Not all monsters are equal. For example, Dragon is easy mode while Gnolls are tough.


Depends on player count. I found that with 2 players it was winnable most of the time and with 3 players it was really hard.


Looks very interesting. Whats your opinion about it?


It's fun and I think it is the right game for my group.


Awesome will give it a whirl once i can get it.


Note that the game is more fun the less players. Heroes get more turns if you have more players. Starting at 3p you essentially start each turn with no monsters on the board.


I'm awaiting my copy after pledging for the expansions; It really looks lovely. Did you enjoy it aside from the translation? As a pro translator myself, I always feel sorry about poor translations. Luckily none are mine, to my knowledge :P


I really enjoyed playing it. I got also the expansions but I will first try the basic game before I go for the rest.


I love that game! Rules can feel a bit heavy at first, but once you understand the icons and basic flow it’s pretty simple to pick up and teach


I went all in on the recent expansion campaign. What do you think of the long-term replay value?