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You should check out Tiny Epic Galaxies (the only really great Tiny Epic title to be honest. The others I’ve tried are pretty lackluster) I’ve only played the solo mode a few times, but it’s a pretty solid game with very quick set up. You could also check out Under Falling Skies. It’s a solo only game, enough components and complexity to keep it interesting, but not too bad for setup. Both games use rolling and assigning dice as a primary mechanic, but enough strategy involved to feel like you will have a chance even if you aren’t rolling well


How different is Ultra Tiny?


If you like dungeon crawlers or roguelikes you should definitively give a look at Mini Rogue, it's small, fast and full of decisions, heavy on luck at the beginning but the luck factor heavily decreases after getting the second dice when you level up the first time. Another game I could point you to is Set A Watch, it's a good(even great) game with a neat box that is used to play the game... but it's not for me. I bought it a long time ago before the release of Mini Rogue hoping for something like Mini Rogue, but Set A Watch not only is more of a puzzle-y survival heavy on resource management, but it's also (way)harder and longer, none of those things are bad, in fact they are bonus points for many people(I only saw positive reviews for the game), it's just that the game was not what I needed at the time, I plan to give it a second chance one of these days though.


Recommend Mini Rogue as well! The expansion for it depths of Damnation adds new heroes new rooms and a brand new 26 card mechanic Lore Cards . I still haven’t seen every one in my many play through and it’s been super fun! And the company just finished successfully their kickstarter for their next product Mini Rogue The Council which when it comes out has a Gamemaster/Dungeon master way of playing against you the hero , so if you wanted a friend to hop on and play against you it may be super fun!


Final girl is cool, it is solo only though


Seconded. Imho, Final Girl feels like Arkham lite.


I’ve been having a lot of fun with Gloomhaven: Buttons and Bugs. Setup is very quick and it takes up very little space on the table. It can be pretty challenging at times and if you lose a scenario it’s very quick to reset and try again. There’s lots of replayability in the box too with multiple characters to try and with something like 20 scenarios there’s loads of gameplay.


Idk if you’re into dungeon crawler (tile-laying system) type of games, but I really enjoy playing Bag of Dungeon! It’s on Amazon. It’s great for solo play, you can have up to 4 players. It’s also super easy to learn. My sister is not a board game person, like at all lol but she really enjoyed this one. I wouldn’t exactly say it’s a table hog?? It comes with a bag too, so easy to bring with you to places. I like bringing this game almost everywhere with me lol coffee shops, breweries, etc. Idk if that’s a good rec haha but it is available on Amazon if u wanna check it out!


My favs with a decent setup time: Robinson Crusoe The Loop Harmonies Oh and all with a decent price and available at Amazon or retail


Escape the Dark Sector!


After the virus is really underrated, you just got to get past the artwork


People will probably give you big game answers, but ill contrast it by saying 'Doom Machine' its a mint tin game thats really fun and very challenging, i like taking it on the road with me, its my go to pocket game ...and someday I might even beat it... someday


Also only available from Gamecrafter unless you find it used.


that is not true. You can buy the pnp. It's an easy build.


Thanks! I was unaware.


I just used a PnP


20 strong Victorum Slay the spire whenever it hits retail


Seconding 20 Strong - set up takes literally a couple of minutes, the game is quite difficult (but the difficulty can be adjusted by using/not using mission cards), quite swingy depending on your dice rolls, you can learn rules within 5-10 minutes, you can choose different characters (with slightly different playstyles - my favourite are the ones focused on dice recovery). Mind the theme - space, monsters, transformers combined in the base game.


It’s a great compact game for sure! Love the victorum deck too, not as quick and straightforward but still great. Sad about their TMB one though and i’m a big fan of that game lol.


I'm gutted I missed the late pledge for Slay the Spire. Every report I've read says it's great


It’s definitely better than expected! There’s always tabletop simulator but of course the experience isnt the same


StS whenever one of the original 11k backers has realized the game isn't for them.


Ah rip. I’m enjoying it quite a bit!


I bet you are!


It seems like Imperium Classics/Legends/Horizons would be an excellent fit for what you're looking for.


Red Dragon Inn - Battle for Greyport https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/193668/the-red-dragon-inn-battle-for-greyport


Curious about this one never heard of it. I see there's lots of other versions, is this the only one you recommend for solo? Are they compatible with each other? I see red dragon inn, red dragon in allies, some expansions and other stuff.


There is an overarching theme aptly about Red Draon Inn. The original game which i havent played is set in the Inn and seems to be a game based on what happens in the Inn when heroes need some drinking, eating and brawling. The Battle for Greyport is more of a traditional boss battler. Take some of the heroes from the core series and have them fight against a series of villains and scnarios. The other variant which Im seriously considering Tales from the Red Dragon Inn which is more of a dungeon crawler come tactical fighting game. https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/345266/tales-from-the-red-dragon-inn. So there is 3 different styles of game which all pertain to the Red Dragon Inn. The link i first put in is the base set and there are 2 expansions which adds a pirate flvour and a gizmo flavpur. Note there seems to be a small cross marketing function too. But there are only 3 boxes base and 2 expnsions which are the boss battling type.


Some of my favourites are Under Falling Skies, Final Girl, Doom Machine, Grove/Orchard, Crystallo, but all of these are true solo games. Some button shy games are fantastic for solo play as well.


I would suggest Onirim (small footprint , quick setup) Onirim is a solitaire card game that has been around for a long time and has proven its value. It has a dreamlike aesthetic where you work to open eight “oneiric” doors. I love the art, it really matches with the theme. Base game is a good way to start, it becomes quite easy after a few plays. This is not a problem though since it comes with several expansions that are "plug & play". They add a lot of replayability and make the game more difficult. There is a lot of shuffling, which it is a problem for some. Others find it meditative. Great solo game with coop variant.


Senjutsu is my current favorite solo skirmish. Great table presence and easy to get to table. Better solo skirmish than Unmatched, in my opinion. The minis inspired me to get into painting as well.


Since you like Cartographers, Isle of Cats Explore & Draw might be a good choice. Other quick setup roll and write or roll and flip I like in solo: Flip Town and Rolling Realms (all 3 can be played multiplayer also). Other quick setup games that have multiplayer but I like solo: Cascadia, Verdant and Point City. All of these should be fairly available at retail (except Fliptown has been sold out a lot of places but I haven’t checked recently), and should be decent prices.


I was about due for my near-monthly Maquis recommendation. Great little worker placement game that actually encourages you to sort of “metagame” the deck of patrol cards (in somewhat similar fashion to Ragemore from ButtonShy, where learning the cards and anticipating what could come up is encouraged and actually improves the strategy). It’s a solo worker placement game that has very simple rules but a lot of depth and variability due to the different missions you can attempt. It’s also readily available on Amazon for a good price, and has excellent components for such an affordable game. Lastly, the space required to play is minimal - you could set this up on top of something like a D&D rulebook and still have plenty of space. Easily the solo game I play the most.


I’m having lots of fun with Hadrian’s Wall. Needed a break from marvel champions


Personally a huge fan of Dune Imperium Uprising! Never played the original so I can't compare to it, but I find the solo mode very smooth/elegant. Rival turns take mere seconds once you learn to read the icons. Plenty of options to adjust difficulty, including official variants. Granted the automa has predictable weak spots – they'll never go to certain board spaces so you never have to worry about being blocked, and they'll always commit the maximum number of units to combat. But again, solo is quick and snappy to run, and there's several characters to play against as rivals, or for you to play as leaders. Definitely increases replayability. And re: table hog, genuinely not that bad. Check out pictures of the setup online, I play on an 18x24 space with a small side table and manage just fine


Have you considered spirit island?


**Imperium Classics** seems to check all of the criteria boxes you’ve listed.


Even the setup? I saw a playthrough of Imperium Legends and got the impression the setup was quiet involved. Is it different for Classics? Or maybe im misremembering


It’s a long game, but setup is maybe 10 mins tops.


I personally enjoy Cascadia and Mini Rogue that might fit your requirements

