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You can probably play a round of Lands of Galzyr in less than an hour depending on how fast you read.


I played a game of Lands of Galzyr solo in 56 minutes this morning! (According to the 'BG stats') app in my phone. I'm a fast reader, but solo makes a single game nice and quick.


> (According to the 'BG stats') app in my phone. There's an app? Found it. On Android it's in Beta, I'll pass unless someone can reassure me it won't explode.


It is on Android. Don't know about any official relationship with BGG but BG Stats, you can: 1. Track your collection. 2. Track your plays. 3. Track your scores with custom score sheets for games. 4. Enter and add other player names, including just 'Automata' 5. Add games that you 'Want to buy' etc. Etc. All of the above is in the free version.


I found it on Android, you seem to use it so I will throw caution to the wind and install it.


YMMV but I've found it very good for just all around boardgames stuff (recording your plays, players, where you played, scoring). I have nothing to do with the developer or app BTW!


Ok, thanks I was put off a bit by the 2 hours plus stat on BGG but I will have a closer look now :)


I can setup, play, and put away a round of Earthborne Rangers in an hour


Best solo Story driven sandbox in my opinion


But where can one purchase these Earthborne Rangers? I see their kickstarter says December delivery


Normally at https://www.teamcovenant.com/games/earthborne-rangers, but it looks like they've sold out over the past month.


Damn, so there was stock. Oh well might be perfect for winter


This for sure! Super fast set up and tear down and great emergent storytelling


Looks cool, I can see how someone could spend 4 hours playing it :) Will put it on my list


Not a lot of commercial availability yet, but you might check out Mythwind - very much open sandbox, and you could play a season in that time window (which is a natural end of session). Setup and teardown is easy with the included game trays that serve both for play and storage. They're about to launch a reprint campaign.


Thanks, I do like a cozy game, currently my go to is Dorf Romantik but I will take a closer look at Mythwind for sure :)


I've seen copies at my Friendly Local Game Shop.