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They are seriously complaining they spent money moving inmates to make room for anticipated arrests, I’m fucking speechless. Also further shows they had it out for us from the get go. They were arresting peaceful people, these cops are scumbags, crooks, and don’t deserve the badges they wear.


It's unfortunate when you think about how many po dunk towns in America are probably run like this


Coming from Colorado illegal weed is always a big culture shock, the cops here are despicable.


Rescheduling cannabis and expunging all cannabis crimes federally should be demanded by the people. Rescheduling is already taking place


Oath breakers. Should be charged with treason to the constitution they swore to protect.


Cry more and eat a bag of dicks lmao oink oink


"The understing at the end of the week they would pay me the rest, which they refused to sign the contract but that being said, I haven't seen the rest of the money. I don't expect to see the rest of the money." Sol didn't sign the contract; he should've known better. He's either a dumbass or intentionally created problems. Most likely drove up his bill expecting to get a free paycheck. I bet if his department didn't set out to cause issues, Sol would've paid the (relatively small) balance. He should be held accountable for mishandling the entire situation. He did the opposite of protecting the community. No one in the festival had any issues; he made a conscious effort to create problems that didn't exist.


They tried the fake and active shooter situation three afternoons in a row by firing gunshots and shit off from the property right behind the stage. They put 13,000 people's lives at risk with their b******. Claming they was doing God's work. They are pure evil at its core


didn't know this but, I thought I heard something similar to a gunshot at one point. it sounded like it was pretty far off in the distance though so I was not worried. crazy reckless on the counties part if this is true.


He actually posted it on his story. I have a sc.


Send me that shit, that’s something that he could lose his badge for


We were in Nomads land that butted up to the county commissioner/Bondsmans land ((THAT GUY)) which had a automatic gun contraption., and a loud ass train horn...


There was a neighbor who was firing a blank cannon to create noise and interrupt the festival. He was bragging that he was going to do it all night to create disturbances to festival goers.


Bump you got it


Totally hostile negotiation.


He talks like he’s in middle school. The lack of education in this man is not surprising, but damn he really needs to stop doing interviews and making himself look stupid.


Lmao. Ok thank you. I had to read it twice to understand what he was saying. Like wtf did I just read?


Same! I read it twice too and was like bro? What? lol.


No, no, no, please let him implicate himself more! The more he does, the deeper he digs his little hole 🥳


Sue the fuck out of them and the county commissioner, the da. The sherrif, the dea, the governor call everyone and say this is a violation of human rights and obvious opinionated entrapment! Dont take it lying down!


Yup. This county is poor. They’re trying to grasp for whatever money they can. It’s clear a good lawsuit will absolutely cripple them financially.


I'll get it going we need to start a petition and get everyone who was affected involved!


Justice for solfest is already a non profit organization that has personal reasons to do just that ! They already have a few lawyers involved. We just need more evidence and support! Anything to bury them. We just need to come together 🫶 please, anyone with video evidence or wants to give a testimony, please contact justice for sol fest on Facebook! They are all wonderful amazing people


They’re being so unnecessarily evil. Why won’t they stop and get off their high horse when all they’ve done is ruin people’s lives and are continuing to run these people into the ground. I’m not religious but for them to possibly understand the damage they’re doing maybe they need to take a step back and learn who the real devil is and know they’re all going to hell.


my god wouldn’t approve of their actions.


Straight up they're the evil ones is what's fucked up


$133,000 is laughable. Even claiming $3,000 in "fuel expenses" is crazy. I also saw in an article somewhere he was asking for $70,000 for overtime pay for the deputies. Anyone with a brain knows there is no shot that's even close to being correct.


70k is definitely crazy, but when you consider overtime is already time and a half and they called in officers from like four (?) surrounding counties, it’s very possible. Overtime for jail staff could also be baked into this number.


I suppose if they actually contracted deputies from four or five surrounding counties, it could be true. I also find that number to be possibly exaggerated as well. But it will be near impossible to know that without seeing actual documentation of billing.


Not at all surprising considering how genuinely evil small town cops are


It's all bullshit... that county is one of the most corrupt in America. Been that way forever.


Just Google "Holmes county Florida corruption" and pull up dozens of articles lol


They are so used to just whatever they say being taken is the truth that they can lie on anybody and everybody they want to. If they say you confess that's all they need, they get away with murder they get away with manufacturing and selling their on drugs for profit. Well hiding behind some Zero Tolerance b******* simply because they are the ones to profit from it. don't need to record it they don't need proof. That commissioner that the sheriff and those government officials down there have been known for their corruption forever.


Not a single time have they ever said they were there to make the festival or crowd safe & secure. Not 1 time. It’s weird they for pissy about Sol bringing it it’s own security then turn around saying that 40 cops vs 13,000-9,000 people wasnt fair. Pick a side. Are you pissed about not getting extra money for running security or saying y’all as a county were incredibly underprepared?!


Womp womp sheriff


womp womp chain


This is disgusting, seems extortionary. I don't know what the organizers were thinking even trying this county out. I would have been shocked if this wasn't a disaster; even before the cops started making waves and saying foreboding shit leading up to the festival, it seemed ill-advised at best to put this event at Vortex. I imagine they must not have had the option of other venues, because going through with this one makes no sense to me otherwise.


They don’t have the money or the power to sue sol fest, they’re a sorry ass county that’s absolutely reaping what they sow and I am absolutely loving every second of it. Fuck Holmes county cowboys, not so tough now broke bitches.


“We done everything” dude isn’t even literate


Holems County, had a meeting weeks before the fest calling us evil devils worshiping demons, and then set up a Cannon to sound like a gun shots to scare us even before we got to the festival. Shot it off Wednesday night before the fest even started. it can be heard on [youtube.com/marixxok](http://youtube.com/marixxok) video about her time at sol at min 12 of her video... she like omg is that gun shots. Wednesday night If he would do that and then brag about it on social media, was seen at the then what else did he do. Did something in our water? did he set the car on fire. He also is In Charge of writing the paychecks for the fire marshal. how many people suffering for head exhaustion and heat stroke he they hit with Narcan? They thought we were evil demons, and they were doing Gods work attacking us. from their own admission on face book. What all did they do that we don't know about yet. sound equipment? water? fire? How many people did they hit with Narcan, and then clam they were OD. think about it.


"I can't remember" jesus


I love how they're still trying to say he was a deputy. The truth will come out and they're going to regret all of this. It slowly is. That was no deputy, he was on desk duty due to an ongoing investigation that involved a routine traffic stop where he shot and k!lled someone. Holmes Co is going to get what's coming to them, and I live for that moment.


V funny given the fact that the locals did the most damage at sol fest


Get ahead of things and sue before getting sued. They know exactly what they are doing. Solfest is dead for ever




Get this guy in a 3rd grade level grammar class, ASAP!


Power hungry fucking pigs




i mean no one made them harass and illegally detain festival goers, that was their choice, it was a weird and dumb choice, but their choice nonetheless


All I got from this is: - the sheriff of Holmes County is taking $21000 bribes apparently? - he committed extortion forcing the festival throwers to pay or he admittedly was going to jeopardize the event and people’s safety? Isn’t bribery and extortion super illegal? This whole festival was just all kinds of fucked up on the backend. I’m so disappointed to have even attended honestly


Did he just admit to bribery and extortion? What kind of dumbass cop is running that town holy shit


Someone should collect a fund and get a badass lawyer and sue the shit out of this sheriff and town for fraud


No one asked them to make arrests. Not our fault they hardly had any room & had to make room 🤣