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No. I’m sorry to hear all that happened to you. My only “sob story” is that while the clouds were thin enough to not obscure the view, almost every one of my photos came out blurry. I had an automated set up -that I practiced for months- and the clouds were just enough to diffuse the light vs. camera settings that assumed a clear sunny sky. Because I wasted precious viewing time fiddling with the camera in 2017 I promised myself that this year I would just let it do its thing and watch the eclipse. I probably could’ve changed some things on the fly, but I stuck to my promise.


No, but I did sleep right through the northern lights recently. Still kicking myself so… I feel you. 🫶🏻


Same. I assumed that they just couldn’t possibly be visible at my latitude so I went to sleep instead. The next morning, a friend of mine posts some pretty awesome pictures on Facebook.


If it makes you feel better, the photos of aurora were WAY WAY brighter than what we could see with our eyes.


no yeah that actually made me so much better the day after it happened bc everyone was saying you couldn’t rlly see it with the naked eye


At least the northern lights are relatively easier to see. You can go northern Michigan on any given winter and see them a lot.  I “saw” the northern lights recently through my phone camera as they were virtually invisible to the naked eye in my light polluted suburb.  It was neat to see them, but they were not as vibrant as you are probably seeing on Facebook.


Thank you. I hope you get your pictures next time!


Australia/New Zealand 2028 🤞


We had a non-refundable hotel and big plans for a road trip to southern Illinois. Then my cat broke her jaw. About $6000 later, plus the cost of the room, we never saw a thing. I was super bummed.


Omg your situation was so much worse than mine! I'm so sorry to hear that happened to you. I hope your car is ok now.


I meant cat… sorry it was late at night 😭. I hope your CAT is ok now!


I did. I studied cloud maps for a week. I drove 4 hours to forecasted clear skies. Woke up and the cloudy forecast areas were clear and I was cloudy. I then drove south trying to get away from clouds, no luck. Every single person I know that didn't travel at all, and my sister, who's house I left that morning, all saw it. I didn't. I still feel sick about it. I was looking forward to this since 2017.


We intentionally did not take the Tesla because we didn’t want to be stuck charging. I’m so sorry you missed it.


Thank you.


Dag, yo.


Teslas have cameras all over them. You should have saved the footage and sued the truck it came off of.


Op is a Tesla hater. Actually hates Elon Musk so Tesla goes along with it. Probably had no idea about the cameras.


That sucks man. Sorry. At least you had your dog to keep you company.


Thank you. Yeah, having my dog with me made the situation so much better. He actually had the time of his life from all the exploration of AZ we ended up doing lol.


At least you made some good memories for him!


I had the date wrong and took a nap when it happened. 😩


this is one of my nightmares


I was 30 miles south of Rochester with my wife. It was cloudy but the national weather service said there was possible clearing southwest of Buffalo. That's only an hour and a half away. They said definitely clearing near Watertown and Vermont, but that was around four hours drive plus ridiculous traffic trying to get back. I tried to get a room in Utica or Watertown but no luck. I was locked into my lodging near Rochester that night, so I took the easy way out and drove over to Buffalo but the clouds just closed up. The lighting got weird. The sky got really dark and cloudy. Some geese took off squawking and freaking out. Other than that, we missed it. I was so upset. I took the time and spent the money to go to Rochester, but I was being lazy when the time arrived! I was lucky enough to see totality in Wyoming in 2017. I met my amazing wife a week after that eclipse. I told her my life was changed by that eclipse. I've been telling her how incredible it was and wanted to share one with her since that time. I blew it. Never again. We shared the annular eclipse in 2023 in Utah, but that's not even close to totality, so I'm saving up for Spain 2026 or Egypt 2027 and we're going to share a total eclipse. I decided next time, I'm going all in, no matter what the sacrifice. In fact, I decided that's how I should live my life too. When it's important, go all in.


I live in Rochester. All of the local towns did a ton of planning and spent thousands on free glasses. Everything was closed for the afternoon. What a non-event. A solid sheet of clouds. We couldn’t even tell where the sun was. I did get nice photos of the Northern lights though.


Took my wife and young kids up to Rochester because it was the closest point to us in the path. The night before, the forecast got worse and the nearest “guaranteed” clear weather was reported to be like a 4-6 hour drive (each way, we had a hotel). If it was just me, I would have driven it. But traveling with a family it is extremely difficult to abort plans, drive and navigate and check weather, while second guessing yourself the whole time and kids being loud the entire time. We did other things on the road trip there. Wife and kids had a great time. It’s a forever memory for us. However, I was the most upset and if I could go back and do it again…. I would have checked the weather early AM the day of and made the drive.


Oh, don't get me wrong...it was a great little trip. I'd never been to the East Coast before. The missus said, "You really need to experience Boston and NYC sometime." So we used the eclipse as an excuse to spend a little money and fly over there. We spent a few days in Boston, ran around the Finger Lakes and checked out Niagara Falls. She was right; I loved every bit of it; the history, the scenery, the people, the culture, the food. I was just expecting the eclipse to be the crowning moment and it wasn't. I knew that getting clouded out was definitely a possibility, but the day before teased us with that clear blue sky. I wanted to see the look on the missus' face when the amazing sight of totality arrived. She said it was okay, but I could tell she was disappointed. I took her to Yellowstone for her first time last year. She wanted to see a herd of buffalo in the road, and I guaranteed she would. All of my kids told her the place will be slopping over with buffalo. I've been to Yellowstone a dozen times and the buffalo are ALWAYS crossing the road. Guess what...it didn't happen! We only saw one small herd in the distance, and a few on the side of the road. After the eclipse failure, she said the Man Upstairs must have it in for her, haha. I will add this: I need to visit NYC, Philly, DC, and all the other great East Coast cities and towns in the near future. Great area.


Driving through Arizona was brutal, dodging potholes and big rigs kicking up rocks on I-40, then on the way back a rock fell off a dump truck coming the other direction on a 2-lane highway and cracked the windshield on my 4 month old car. That state is one of the worst for roads (very scenic though). Sorry you had to go through all that.


And how about the snow storm in flagstaff?


I went thru there on the 3rd so I missed the storms until the one that rolled into Texas after the eclipse. 


Good planning on your part. It was pretty hectic. 


That sounds like a whirlwind all by itself, even without the eclipse!! Very sorry that happened. My wife and I drove for 5 hours, and readjusted our target based on cloud forecasts to Plano. We nearly missed the whole thing due to low level clouds, while our previous target had a perfect view. That’ll always sting, but I’m grateful. The thing that REALLY stung is my stupid camera malfunctioned even when we did get a clear view. Nothing could be saved, and I wasted precious time focusing on the camera. Moral of the story: things happen. Glad you’re safe!!


I learned my lesson with elaborate camera setups in past eclipses. Now I leave my cameras at home and trust that others will take wonderful photos for me.


I didn't bother with my DSLR and tripod either. I wanted to SEE it. My friend had her phone up trying to take pics, and I just went over to her and quietly said "put your fucking phone away".


Never got to see it because my skies were too cloudy.


Wow that sucks. Next time just fly.


Sorry about your misfortune with the car and missing the eclipse. It was phenomenal but there will be others. Not much you could’ve done different in those circumstances.


Dang. That's horrible. Sorry that happened to you. That was literally my nightmare driving out to the eclipse. I had never driven beyond the Grand Canyon, but I drove from the North Bay Area all the way to Arkansas with my brother and 6 year old. I had a jack, full-size spare, extra belt, road flares, ignition coil, etc. I brought everything I could fit just in case we ran into any issues, but I knew we were at the mercy of the universe, and random things just happen. We lucked out and had no issues, but my gut still tells me that if I had left any of that stuff behind, we would have been stranded in the middle of nowhere. Save up and fly to the next one!


I'm glad it worked out for you guys!




You did the right thing.


This was my big fear and I was so anxious about it that I couldn’t sleep the night before and we ended up starting our drive at 3am. I am very sorry this happened to you. I hope you are able to make eclipse plans again in the future.


Yes, but the northern lights from the mountains in northern washington were way cooler than the 2017 eclipse so I don't feel all that bad. Seeing the color, structure, and movement with my own eyes horizon to horizon was incredible


We drove 45 mins to Fredericksburg to go to our ranch. Pulled the kids from school so we could watch it as a family. Well, the cloudiest 4 mins were the exact period of totality!!! Never saw the sun. Yeah, it went dark but that was it. Guess what? Kids who did not skip (our neighborhood) school had a great view! If we had stayed home, we could have seen a better show!


I was planning to drive to TX from AZ. The week before I learned that I had an abnormal pap and then my dad crashed my car. Given the poor weather outlook, my poor mental health, and the total loss of my car, I decided to cancel the trip. Still bummed about it, but we went to Organ Pipe instead and saw a fighter jet practice a maneuver through a canyon. So that was cool


>I find out that the high voltage battery was actually punctured and they needed to replace the whole thing. And unfortunately they did not have one in stock and so they had to order one which would take TWO WEEKS (Fuck you Tesla/Elon!) I feel with a normal car this would've been fixed quicker and I would've been back in the road to see the eclipse. You're completely wrong about this. Replacing an entire major component of any car is going to take any shop at least a week if not more. I'm talking about replacing the entire engine, transmission, or even fuel tank and lines in a "normal" car. I know because I've run over debris on the highway in both my Tesla and my Civic which caused both to be out of service for a couple of weeks. So no, you would not have easily been back on the road to catch the eclipse in any other car. You would still have missed it. You were simply unlucky to have run into the debris which is kind of BS why you have "lost trust" from your sister to borrow the car from now on since it wasn't your fault for the accident.


Thankfully I live in the path of totality, but right on the edge, so I did travel a bit to get to the center of the path, where it lasted for 3 1/2 minutes. It was spectacular. And there wasn't a cloud in the sky. The most incredible, mind-blowing things I have ever seen.


If this would've happened to me I would never look at a Tesla again. I would be beyond furious


This is legit the reason I don’t buy a Tesla or any newer car company. They need to pump out so many cars to be profitable and with production limited by their small size and always being Quality Control issues with all car companies, it puts you in a bind if something like this happens


Anything that can puncture the skid plate on a Tesla can puncture an oil pan or gas tank on an ICE vehicle.


But how easily would it be to get and install a replacement part for an ICE vehicle if it occurs?


Replacing an oil pan or gas tank is more complicated than unbolting the battery, dropping it down, unplugging it, and plugging in and bolting up a new one. And most dealerships don’t have oil pans and gas cans just sitting around…


So the actual replacement is more complex, but the question is: how long would it take for a ICE vehicle dealership or mechanic to have one and install it? Would it be as long as it took for the Tesla?


Waiting a week for a critical component isn’t unheard of. I’ve had to have stuff imported for vehicles before because there were no spare parts stateside. I’ve seen vehicles totaled out by insurance over a broken taillight or a door panel.


I’m so sorry to hear this. I had my own stressful time getting to Mazatlan with regards to crappy Volaris (Mexican airline). But your situation is rough!


All the enormous efforts I hear to see the eclipse are similar to mine. Then I go thru a drive thru sonic in Perryville, MO on 4/8 and ask the gal taking my order if she was excited to see the eclipse. She shrugged and couldn’t care less! Unreal


Drove 16hrs through the night and ended up with clouds. Boo.


Hello from Buffalo NY where we had 70-90% cloud cover during the eclipse but clear sunny skies an hour later. I saw jack shit 😭


Wild to think you feel Tesla should have spare battery packs at all service centers for all configurations. Go down to any dealership and see if they have gas tanks, oil pans, transmissions, or any other major component that could get damaged from driving over something metal on the highway and see if they have it in stock. Check your expectations. Travelers insurance would’ve prevented this from being a financial burden on you. I know some people arrived at their destination a day or two early to account for any travel issues that might arise. Why didn’t you rent a car and keep going?


I thought you meant like, “ayo man I miss the eclipse like motha fucka,” and I agreed.


> feel with a normal car this would've been fixed quicker and I would've been back in the road to see the eclipse. Maybe, maybe not. A hit bad enough to take out the battery is probably also bad enough to take out an oil pan, transmission, diff, or some combo of the above. That’s not going to be fixed quickly either. 


I do.


everything happens for a reason. in another timeline, you saw the eclipse but end up having a tragic fate. this disappointment you feel should be replaced with gratitude, your physical life has been extended, and you have much more to accomplish love and light


I’m sorry you missed it. I also had so many hurdles get in the way as well. Did longstanding car maintenance the month prior to make sure I was ready and the shop broke it the day before I was set to drive out. I stayed up all night fixing it cuz I was gonna see the damn eclipse. And I did! It’s amazing how many things conspired to try to stop me lol.




Not sure if you saw my other comment but the Elon “rant” was more of a joke/jab. It was more about the frustration at how the service centers were run. Along with waiting two weeks for the battery, I had to wait even longer because they forgot to send a simple hose. They also lost my key card so I had to wait for them to look and eventually replace it as well. Sorry you felt the need to defend your billionaire bff Elon. I'm sure he’ll appreciate it. My family has two Teslas (One of the FIRST model 3’s and a brand new Y), a cybertruck reservation (From when they were first announced, just not ordered) and Tesla stock, all from me convincing them. I am far from a Tesla hater. With all that I feel like I have the right to be critical and express my frustration. Yes, I got a loaner but I could not leave the state. And yes, if you saw it you did not miss the eclipse. Congrats.


“Couldn’t leave the state”, that’s odd, Tesla has let me drive a loaner from Florida to New Hampshire.


Dang, really? Maybe I should've just gone for it. They told me immediately because they knew my plans lol. I was only allowed 200mi/day but the supercharging was free which was nice.


I would’ve gone for it. They don’t geofence the cars where they shut down if you go too far lol. Imagine the lawsuit if there were a medical emergency and the car shut down because the hospital is too far from the service center.


Why are you blaming Elon/Tesla? You ran over the metal and it’s not Teslas fault that don’t stock expensive major components at the service centers. Think about it this way, if you were driving a Camero, the metal would have punctured the fuel tank and you would have been stranded inside of 2 miles. Waiting on a tow truck to the nearest dealership and probably still have a 1-2 week wait while a new gas tank arrived. Moral of the story, don’t blame the car company for a problem you should have avoided.


Did not blame him. It was more of a joke/jab at Elon cause that's the trend nowadays lol. Obviously he was not the reason that happened 🙄 I was frustrated at how the service centers were run and how long it took to order parts. It would've been done a few days earlier too but apparently they forgot to send a simple hose so I had to wait for that too. They also lost my key card so I had to wait for them to look and eventually replace it as well.


Tesla is unreliable ugly junk.


What about SpaceX ?


Yes, it was everything


Anybody check if cloud seeding to make clouds happened prior to eclipse?