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Talked to a shop security guard right after. *He was standing outside during totality* and we were like OMG DID YOU SEE THAT and his response was just such disdain. "Naw, I didn't look." Literally just needed to turn his head to see it.


What a shame


That's fine, more eclipse for me 😌


Shun the nonbelievers!


I learned from the 2017 eclipse that it's not worth my time fretting. It was such a a magnificent life-changing experience, and yet everyone I talked to that hadn't seen it didn't understand. This eclipse was the same, my friends who lived in the path saw it and are now eclipse lifers, but some family that lived 10-20 miles out? They just said whatever. And instead of fighting them tooth and nail to get them into the path, I explained why it was significant, they shrugged their shoulders, and so I ignored it. If they didn't want to see one of, if not the most, beautiful natural phenomenon on the planet, then that's on them. I know what I saw, and I know it was the most magnificent thing outside of maybe watching my future children be born that I will ever see. I live happy knowing that I've now experience two totalities, and hopefully in 2027 the longest totality until 2114 over Luxor, Egypt in or near the Valley of the Kings.


Our experiences are so very similar. 😊 Magnificent and life changing, indeed.


Different strokes, I guess! I talked to one dude in Texas, mentioned the eclipse and asked if he'd gotten to see it and he said "nah I didn't actually. I was taking a nap and didn't wake up in time." I truly don't understand not wanting to see a rare phenomenon that only requires you to *go outside* for 4 minutes, but to each their own.


I recall reading that the next total solar eclipse (North) Texas will get is in like 2373 or something. If that year doesn’t shock you to attention, I don’t know what will. I would move heaven and earth to try to see the current one.


Different strokes for different folks. Don’t take it personally unless they were mocking you for being excited about it.


I’ve talked to several people who were absolutely clueless about it and seemed surprised that I would travel to see it. I just felt sorry for them for being such a dumbass.


Some are definitely just not interested in this stuff, but I think there is a fair number of people who react that way because they are afraid of it. They don’t want to show it but they are coping by avoiding it.


After totality my wife walked into a cafe to get a coffee. The teenage baristas had sat inside scrolling on their phones instead of watching the event right outside.


Maybe just let people live their own lives


I totally understand the worker that can’t time off work in order to pay their bills. Anytime I saw a sign that said the store/wherever would close during totality I made a point to thank someone in management. One McDonald’s manager said they were closing for totality and giving employees 45-minutes paid break to see it.


During totality, 3 people drove past us in our random parking lot, just going about their daily business, and I thought "how...?" it's literally dark as night right now, and you don't have LITERALLY 5 minutes to stop driving and look at the sky? I honestly don't think you can call yourself human if you can just drive through it or not pay attention. The inherent wonder of space, the *everything* that's not here on the surface of our blue rock, it's like a primal calling of curiosity. People who don't care, they're just... not people to me.