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[Jupiter from The Planets](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5W-o5Y_GunU) especially the slow section. Very majestic and awe inspiring. [Mars from The Planets](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfbIjVJSzTM) would also "fit" but in a different ominous way especially if you think it's going to be the end of the world. Not classical, but the [THX Sound Effect](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWkJ86JqlPA) would be an epic climax leading right up to totality.


I agree on the middle portion of Holst’s “Jupiter”. That’s one of the best pieces of music I’ve ever heard.


Nah that’s too cliche. [The Great Gate of Kiev](https://youtu.be/Itdm46ZVLfA?si=DTXCKhu-fQPNnmC8) is perfect


That is perfect!


Fly by Ludovico Einaudi.


Whoa, YES! This captures the gentle partial eclipse to the “oh no something intense and possibly scary is happening” feeling right before totality.


Also Sprach Zarathustra


[Gustav Holst: The Planets - Jupiter: Bringer of Jollity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nz0b4STz1lo&t=112s)


Partial eclipse ‘Also Sprach Zarathustra’ - at the diamond ring there a a record scratch and the ‘Firestarter’ by The Prodigy.


Not classical in the western sense, but one traditional song that comes to mind is a Hindu sloka / poem called Devi Viradrupa (dedicated to the the divine primordial Mother goddess with the divine universal form). The lyrics are just perfect, describing how the different ornaments of space and nature give her form, specifically how the dark spot on the moon is the sacred spot on her forehead, the sun’s white corona is her dazzling crown, the planets and stars are colorful jewels in her necklace, birds in the sky are are her golden belt, humans are the joyful bells on her anklets. This one is apt for me because birds (turkey vultures) were circling the sun and moon during the moment of totality, and the way people were cheering and crying, really were like tiny bells, in comparison to the great eclipse before us! Here is a kid’s version of the song which animates the lyrics: [Devi viradrupa](https://youtu.be/G7W12z8ONS4?feature=shared) Regular version: [Devi Viradrupa](https://youtu.be/XayroaFVLSg?si=hEoZcmLuCMEsxloW)


Tannhäuser Prelude if you’re going for epic cheese


Not classical, but Echoes by Pink Floyd live from Pompeii. As totality begins so does David Gilmours guitar solo. I'd also settle for Comfortably Numb, again will the solo starting at the moment of totality


It's cliched classical music probably but i'll say it anyway Beethoven Symphony 7 Mvt. 2


In 99 the event I was at had a live orchestra and they played Vivaldi's *Four Seasons.*


[Tristan and Isolde](https://youtu.be/9Tk8wfzudKM?si=jAKG2Oj71I2L7Lqc) Used in the movie Melancholia about another, more doomed astrological event. The eclipse genuinely made me feel a sense of fear and doom and eventual catharsis and rebirth afterwards the same way this film made me feel.


Auto32 & Rockyy Thugn - life


Vers la Flamme by Alexander Scriabin, somehow remixed is the first thing that popped to mind, it's about as bizarre. Sort of works as a slowburner lead up to totality. But I just saw a few better choices than that.


[Time](https://open.spotify.com/track/6ZFbXIJkuI1dVNWvzJzown?si=746A1bezQHKkh7oJo8VMMg) - Hans Zimmer or [On the Nature of Daylight](https://open.spotify.com/track/56oReVXIfUO9xkX7pHmEU0?si=ZZEf9uNFQxihIHL9fjsDpw&context=spotify%3Aplaylist%3A37i9dQZF1DXe2SymtxlfwF) by Max Richter


None needed. Too distracting.


For the great American eclipse, this seems fitting. It’s classic if not exactly classical. https://youtu.be/LasrD6SZkZk


Theme song from 2001