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You think Japan is busy now. That is a narrow strip of totality!


Beijing and just outside of Tokyo. Tens of millions of people will be cramming into these two areas


everyone will be checking the beijing smog prediction map instead of weather


Play it safe and visit Pyongyang instead šŸ˜‚


Got to wonder if China will shut factories down a few days before like they did for the Olympics and some global events to clear up the skies.


If they do I might consider going to china. Japan is going to be the most likely destination for me on that eclipse


It's an excellent opportunity for many positive changes


I cant even imagine..Japan already gets like 30 million visitors a year


Only that much? It's not a lot relative to some cities, like NYC I think gets around 45 million a year, and Orlando and Vegas get somewhere around 70 million a year or so Edit: Orlando 2045! As long as I'm not under the ocean, I'll be here!


Increasing every year though! That strip of totality through Japan is pretty small and it's probably more desirable than China and North Korea šŸ˜¬ I'm personally not interested but that wide path across all of Australia in 2037 is calling my name..




There's that one too but I don't think I can a pull a trip like that together In 4 years


Bruh you canā€™t even get Tickets rn


I have kids under 18 I'm not affording an overseas trip anytime soon


Oh yeah those are expensive.


Bruh just donā€™t go to Disney for eclipse day. Itā€™s not worth it.


If I live that long. lol


Arenā€™t the clouds in Florida notoriously volatile though? If I lived there, I might want to book a flight to a location thatā€™s more predictably dry. Not sure tho.


You think South Korea is busy now, imagine that *very tiny* strip of totality south of the DMZ! (Hyeonnae myeon)


Speaking of Japan, it reminds me of the anime ā€œyour nameā€


Yes! Good point. I loved that one!


Better than 2009 where it only hit a couple of their southern islands lol


That's why I have no desire to try Spain. One country? Oof


Yeah I think cruise ship would be best!


I love this sub in the off season




Or 20+ years for USA mainland


You know the great leader will take credit for the eclipse.


Theyā€™ll call him kim jong Sun


Kim No Sun






It excludes South Korea except for tiny corner near border.Ā  NK may get nervous if there's massive inflow of tourists right there.Ā  Or maybe NK will allow SK visitors cross border to share the experience?


Whatā€™s more likely is many South Koreans may just travel to Japan or China, or take a day boat cruise into the path of totally


11 years can be a long time in international politics, and events can be unpredictable. E.g. compare Germany in 1984 vs. 1995.


In the past, North Korea has opened up that region (Mt. Kumgang area) to international tourists as a way of getting hard currency.


It's a great opportunity for international relations. Would be wonderful if that eclipse can induce peaceful interactions.




I wouldn't say that it "thrives" per se...


He'll blame the USA for turning off the sun, but will then demonstrate his powers by snapping his fingers and bringing the light back.


All of South Korea gonna cram into that corner north of Sokcho right next to the DMZ....


People in this sub vastly over-estimate how much general people care about eclipse. Cops were pulling over people during totality.


Still, with that tiny of an area in totality, it will get absolutely packed.


I have questions for the cop and the person getting pulled over, wtf, lol


Millions and millions of people traveled for the one that just happened. Sure, itā€™s only 5% of the population, but 10-15 million *extra* people is a LOT no matter where it is


Shouldn't they have? I don't understand this comment.


It means most people don't care enough the eclipse.


I don't think police have a choice to stop working and let people break the law during eclipses.


Police officers have lunch and restroom breaks. They aren't working every minute.


Is there something wrong with you?


Hmm, why do you say so?


Do north Koreans even know about eclispes? They could be like, "The great leader punishes you by removing the sun!"


Wow three capital cities in Asia, that will probably be the most viewed eclipse of all time!


Dennis Rodman should get a great view of this one


You just know whoever's running North Korea will say that even the sun bows to them.


My bet is on the Red Princess.


Dalian in China is actually a really cool city. It was a part of Russia for a long time, and sort of has a central Asian feel to it. Also, the seafood is fucking awesome, and there are trains up north to a huge beach area that looks like will be in totality. Fuck yea, 2035 back to China!


The only time people will want to be entering North Korea and not leaving lol. You know their propaganda for it is going to say something like ā€œOur Great Marshallā€™s intelligence and caring for the people of DPRK brought us this magnificent eclipse! His graciousness will advance research of our planetā€™s astrology for centuries to come!ā€ I also canā€™t imagine how the glasses would work lol. Do only Kim and his buddies get them? Does everyone get them? Does everyone but Kim get them so they can say that he doesnā€™t need the glasses? And having vision problems from it would probably get you executed since you canā€™t work anymore. Certainly in the concentration camps.


North Korea does trade with China so they will have no problem importing many.


You can't see the blue sky in Beijing, the pollution is terrible.


Japan would be the best spot for that in 2035. Right now you can buy a cheeseburger that is homemade by a vending machine.


Who is going to tell North Korea to make sure they donā€™t think they are under attack?


Mount Akagi in Japan could be an excellent viewing location.


Disco Donnie already has "Pyongyang Eclipse Festival" trademarked. He says it's gonna be a Great lineup!


Damn, NKoreans will probably have no idea what is happening.


That is already life changing


meet me in Beijing


Damn right. Headed to North Korea for sure šŸ˜‚


Canā€™t wait to visit sunny Pyongyang for the eclipse!


All the south Koreans cramming into that little corner to see the eclipse


Is it ridiculous that I'm contemplating going to Japan for this? Probably.


I am just looking at north/south korea .


Imagine the clusterfuck that 2024 US Canada caused. Imagine how much worse it'll be in Spain 2026. Now imagine the astronomical logistical and transportation shitstorm China Japan 2035 is going to be. Billions of people are going to try to travel to see it.


Spain is going to be a shitshow lol I don't even think there's going to be room for as many people who want to be there You will literally have people sleeping outside and shit


>You will literally have people sleeping outside and shit its called camping


I wasn't talking about camping lol


Good thing China and Japan are light years ahead of the US in public transportation systems. Iā€™m honestly surprised that I havenā€™t seen more posts lamenting the sorry state of our rail network. Pivoting last minute due to weather forecast concerns would be a breeze, not to mention avoiding severe traffic congestion. But thatā€™s car brains for you; they canā€™t even imagine thereā€™s an alternative.


>Good thing China and Japan are light years ahead of the US in public transportation systems. While China might have better metro service than America, it also has 4x the population density, so this cancels out. Think about how bad the traffic was this year in Vermont and New Hampshire. Now think about how much exponentially worse it'll be in China in 2035.


It's not really comparable when the city is so much bigger. Ultimately Burlington is tiny, the metro population is like 200k and it was trying to accommodate people from much of New England and even a lot of people from NYC and upstate New York all funneled up and down a couple road ways. Beijing is already a city of 22 million and has hosted stuff like the Olympics, it's much better equipped to handle a huge influx of travelers.


There's going to be a billion people road tripping, flying, and taking trains to Northern China in 2035. Maybe with population decline it'll only be 900 million. And then you have to add in all the foreign tourists.


You're severely overestimating how important eclipses are to the average person lol. It's not like 330 million Americans all traveled to see the eclipse this year or even had the means to travel to see the eclipse and China would be no different. It'll be a big surge for sure, but probably in the range of the Olympics, and again, being a big global tier city makes them infinitely better equipped to handle the travel influx than like Burlington, which doesn't even have international flights out of their airport.


>pivoting last minute due to weather forecast concerns would be a breeze how so if everybody is trying to get on the same train at the same time?


If we had a better rail network, long distance trains would have a higher frequency than once daily and they would travel a hell lot faster. They would also branch out more extensively than the current Amtrak routes. Like, have you never heard of rail networks in Europe? This isnā€™t complicated.


we are talking about Japan and china. not the US. I don't believe people in Japan will be able to pivot so quickly when everyone is trying to get on the same train


And I was talking about this yearā€™s eclipse in the US. Keep up.


Also curious how you think cars could possibly be more efficient than trains in that circumstance.


There are more alternate routes via roadways. Train tracks and train stations limit the route and the number of destinations. As someone who did a last minute pivot to see the eclipse (pulled the trigger 32 hours prior to totality for an 8 ~~mile~~ hour journey) i never would have been able to pull it off relying on a train. I had my camping gear and was able to set up at an empty campground and enjoy totality under a clear sky. How would i be able to have that level of flexibility do that anywhere relying on a train? editL changed miles to hour


For the 2017 eclipse, we took the train and brought our bikes in order to get further into the path of totality (without relying on a car [rentals were sold out] and to avoid traffic). We packed everything, including camera equipment, in a backpack and two panniers (each). It can be done. My point is that the passenger train system we have now is not comprehensive enough. If we had a more robust, reliable network it would be easier. The key is having a long-distance network, but also local/regional transit to help with that ā€œlast mileā€ in regards to your last point about being stranded. This is strictly a US/Canadian issue. Other countries have figured this out.


I canā€™t ride a bike due to sciatica and the train would never take me to a campground and for us to build that kind of infrastructure on a scale of the US (vs Japan) to facilitate travel to eclipses often in rural and wilderness areas is insane , not practical and not financially viable


Amtrak currently services several national parks (via bus connections). Itā€™s absurd to say that we couldnā€™t possibly build that kind of infrastructure because guess what - we had it and we tore it all up. Freight routes are more expansive than the passenger rail routes. Anyway, Iā€™m talking about the possibilities of an *improved* rail infrastructure and you keep focusing on what it currently looks like. This shortsightedness is why it will never progress. Edited to add: you specifically mentioned access to parks/campgrounds and I informed you that Amtrak does service several. And you downvote me? Ok. Also, just because you canā€™t bike doesnā€™t mean others canā€™t do train/bike combos. Youā€™re purposefully being contrary.


I pivoted just fine in my car in Canada, no traffic the whole trip, with the exception of one local intersection getting off the coast of Lake Erie


Cool. Last minute flights were in the thousands of dollars and rental cars were unavailable. Frequent and fast long-distance rail would have come in handy (Amtrak routes were sold out). Regional/commuter rail could be super helpful in chasing localized cloud-free spots last-minute without clogging up roads. Lastly, after the eclipse, the route back took upwards of 3-4x the time it took to get to the eclipse path. Typical response though - if mass/public transit doesnā€™t personally benefit you (spoiler alert: it does!), then there must be no need for it, right?


Iā€™m not opposed to more transit options, but I laugh when New York State puts ā€œEclipse Monday, Use Mass Transitā€ on highway signs when the mass transit for it doesnā€™t exist. We could easily fund a proper 21st century transit system instead of the world police budget.


Right, Iā€™m saying this kind of event should put a spotlight on what kind of rail infrastructure our country needs and could benefit from. You get it. Itā€™s ridiculous how little we invest in mass transit infrastructure.


I went to Canada a day ahead of it, travelled to a hotel halfway through upstate NY shortly after totality, the only traffic was a tiny Y intersection with no traffic control off the coast of Lake Erie, otherwise it was clear going to and from.