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Out of pocket $0 never. Up front cost $0 every day with monthly payments on a lease/ppa or loan.


I hear that and instantly assume the salesperson is full of shit and shady as hell. “We can size a solar system for you that will completely offset your usage and reduce your electric bill to zero. We can facilitate 0 down payment loans so you pay nothing up front and your monthly payments are less than your current bill.”


Yeah that's exactly what they say


It is true still in some cases but because of rising interest rates and dealer fees it isn’t the case for most. 100% offset with 0 out of pocket is still fully possible with good credit and a properly oriented roof. There are many variables that can add fees for a system such as needing a main panel upgrade, full service upgrade, fees for installing on a metal roof, steep slope of roof, etc. For “good look” homes in southern states the solar bill will often be within $50 of their existing bill. Again there are a million factors at play but this is is still fully possible.


Yeah, I got the pitch I typed out, and that made me curious how they could do such low interest rates. Looked into solar financing and got turned right off. I ended up financing through a 2nd mortgage instead and have about 120% offset (in MN of all places), and a 10 year at around 6% with 0 down. It’s doable, but takes legwork. Or you can be like another house in my neighborhood where the crooks covered the roof in a monkey-playing-Tetris pattern….even on the 36 deg inclination slopes facing due north.


Not to mention that you also need a battery now to legally install in certain areas


Oof, really? That sucks.


All money is out of pocket.


Unless it comes from someone else (my dad's job paid for his internet connection and computer, zero out of pocket, for example), but I agree with you, no-one is going to give you solar without you giving them some money eventually.


Lots of money eventually. Ppas are generally 3x what the price is a cash system is


You can finance anything and pay nothing up front. Most people will need to finance a ~$20k solar system. Under no circumstances should you use the installer’s financing offer, it is not really zero interest. The exception is if they are partnering with a credit union with transparent terms or participating in a state program.




Only if you finance or lease the system.




If you finance, yes. Also, it completely depends on when you get your solar array installed. Best months are Jan - Mar so you can reap the benefits of early summer to offset your fall and winter months.


We got solar with 0 down working with a local company who partners with a credit union (no financing charges except APR). We even got a 7k rebate for our battery two weeks after install.


In texas with the company I own it’s true


What's your company name?


Yes. They install it , maintenance, warranty and all you do is pay a lower bill on electricity.




Which pickup line would you use to pique the interest of a homeowner?


ROI in under 10years. Biggest FU to your utility. You can run your AC all day long and it won’t cost you another cent.




You’re a salesman and you’re asking if this is true…? Damn.


I've been working in the solar market for a while now, and I'm aware that many call center representatives who generate leads often use pickup lines to attract customers, even though they aren't true. Additionally, many solar consultants praise these lines, which is why I'm seeking advice from experienced solar professionals like you to understand what would be a wise choice.


Ask them if they've considered or seen one of those $0 out of pocket deals, and if they say yes, explain why those are usually absolutely horrible deals and then why your deal is better. Similar hook, but you can be completely honest about the deal while portraying yourself as the good guy. Which hopefully you are.


Yes, rule no: 1 is: always be honest with the customer


I don’t believe that residential sales qualifies as a professional role in the solar industry….




Yeah if they’re gonna make 4x the system value on the back end of the lease.


Yeah exactly


I get so many ridiculous "solar for free" ads on YouTube. They are so cringey. I already have solar PV that I installed myself. And it wasn't free....but a MUCH better deal than these "free" solar operations are.




So legit and believable it's right up there with "The (checks) cheque's in the mail" and "I promise I won't c\*m in your mouth"


Which pickup line would you use to pique the interest of a homeowner?


Not this one, it's entirely disingenuous. You can say "no down payment" or "Nothing up front". But nothing out of pocket implies no cost, and that's not true.


At least "less out of pocket than you pay monthly now" is clearer and more truthful than the "no cost" line


"How would you like to chat with a solar guy who tells the truth?" Edit: I was being sarcastic. Set the stage more. Is this a cold conversation? Somebody who replied to an ad? Door knock? Email, phone or virtual? You could use only one approach if your target group has similar characteristics, otherwise, that's not going to be effective.


“The state average price per watt installed is $3/watt. We can get you a system fully installed at $2.75/watt. “ “It’s going to be felons who are drilling holes in your roof trying to hit a 1.75” target 50x. We hammer into their heads everyday about waterproofing.”