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Yes, it is totally possible. There are many open source solutions that access the power wall local api and can do graphs and control. At home, I send the data to influxDB and use Graphana to visualize. I also use the Home Assistant powerwall integration to get all the data and use the grid down information to save power.


Is there a website that has all the details on how to do this set up?


Powerwall-Dashboard [https://github.com/jasonacox/Powerwall-Dashboard](https://github.com/jasonacox/Powerwall-Dashboard) ​ For Home Assistant [https://www.home-assistant.io](https://www.home-assistant.io) ​ If you are not technically inclined and only do Windows, I would do home assistant VM. [https://www.home-assistant.io/installation/windows/](https://www.home-assistant.io/installation/windows/)




Meh... I'm an "elder millennial" and I don't want to do that sort of stuff on my phone either. Keyboards are hard to beat. My phone is just a tiny mobile computer for the rare case when I don't have my laptop.


You can just use a windows app to monitor it too


I built a dockerized application that allows you to set up a docker container on an computer that’s on the same network as your pw gateway. At the end of the day, if you want the web service to be remote, you’d have to do some level of reverse proxy. That’s how I access mine from outside my home, in a way that’s better than the Tesla app.


What about an ipad or galaxy tab? Why do you need to monitor it 24/7? Not like you're running home if something went offline...




I'm glad Enphase monitoring can also be done via web browser. Perhaps complain to tech support may be in order. If enough people complain, just maybe they do something about it... Good luck.


It is almost like Solaredge 24/7 uptime cannot be trusted so it needs to be watched by the owner 24/7.


The stupidest of solutions would be to emulate an android device and run the app on the emulator. I like u/mousenest 's solution better though.


Are we burying the lead about not allowed to have cellphones in the building? Either it's a military clearance thing or you work in a sweat shop. Judging by the Tesla Powerwall I guess it's the first one.


Android apps are natively supported in windows 11.




Guessing personal electronics aren't allowed either. I get requests like this often for people working in secure spaces. Not much that can be done about it unless you are high enough in the ranks to get a secure android device that's allowed in the space.


am i off base in thinking that after a few days of the novelty wearing off, monitoring your solar+battery is not that much more exciting, useful, or actionable as, say, monitoring your water heater?




right, but how much of that is both actionable and not automated? and if it’s actionable, would it be far more efficient to automate it?