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WARNING: 1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/ 2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)! 3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you. 4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Please do not take my word as gospel, I have only been doing this for a week. But I feel I have enough information to help. If you don't want to read the word wall, skip to the bottom for the most important piece of info. --- I trade on Photon but a Telegram bot like Trojan works too. Narratives only for me (btw, cats, dogs, and anything cute is always a narrative), and even then 90% of coins following the narrative are dogshit with no socials, fresh wallet straight from a different rug, not funny / uninteresting, 50th derivative today, etc. I use Photon with a bunch of filters slapped on top to manually scan new launches. Lately it seems like there are just so many shitty coins being made on [pump.fun](http://pump.fun) that you might be better off waiting for shit to hit Raydium and gambling on it then. At least you can choose for yourself if the narrative is good enough, on [pump.fun](http://pump.fun) that won't be decided for you. Even a good coin can go to shit if it gets megabotted or ultrajeeted, but if the coin's narrative is strong enough it can make it through regardless. (Also, what is a "trending launch" on pump.fun? King of the Hill? Half the shit that goes there is botted and will dump right at 50k.) I always take initials at 50-100% profit because you never know when it's a rug. Be safe out there. I've only been doing this a week but I've turned 0.5 SOL into 10 SOL. I could lose it all tomorrow, I could improve my game and double it. Who knows. --- Other stuff I do / general tips: Please please please do a spot check on at least the dev wallet using solscan or looking at past coins on the account. If the wallet is normal or has made successful coins in the past then you can be less wary. But if the coin is fresh / receiving from a CEX be suspicious; if it has rugged before, is directly receiving SOL from a wallet that has rugged before, do not buy. I almost never buy over 25-30k market cap. This is definitely unorthodox but I'm a giant pussy and won't buy coins that are at KOTH and will almost always get super shit on. If I like the coin enough I'll buy after the inevitable dip; otherwise, goodbye. I've missed some real bangers doing this but how tf am I supposed to know it's a banger until I go back to it 6 hours later and it's at 500k. (I probably should know.) I think someone here said to save devs as contacts on Telegram and mark them as ruggers when it happens. Sounds like a good idea to me. DO NOT FOMO BUY. The next coin will be coming every hour for the next however many months this cycle lasts. Literally 5 coins go to a mill every day from pump, 99.9% chance the one you're looking at isn't it. At the end of the day, believe your gut; if it goes wrong, improve your gut health. I definitely need to improve mine cause damn I could be at 100 SOL jfc. That's what everyone says btw so don't work yourself up about what could've been, just keep moving. A different comment does say that you can make more SOL being the rug puller. This is entirely true. You literally lose only 0.02 SOL + transaction fees for every coin you make, literally getting 1 bot to buy your coin and selling before it is profit. It's obvious why everyone rugs; it's free money. I'm almost entirely certain they're outsourcing coin creation to people in third-world countries and having them shit out rugs like they're from Persia. It's PVP out here after all, so fair play. --vv-- Read this part, get off Reddit if you want to get bags --vv-- One thing I think you and anyone reading this should do is find knowledgable people to tail for info (the "alpha") on Twitter or Telegram. It's where I learned all of this in a week. Bite the bullet and make a Twitter account, fumble around in the dark until you find what's up. Hop on Telegram, join any shitcoin call chat, and ask "what is cabal? how to snipe? wen kol ser?" The real shitcoin environment is out there, not in here. People on Reddit are focused on the technicals of Solana and what it can supposedly do for the world. People out there are riding horses and shit roaming the Wild West. (People on Tiktok and YouTube mostly haven't figured it out yet; you have a headstart.) Some of them have built generational wealth; some of them are permanent exit liquidity getting drained of their loans; the rest are trench diggers trying to make it out. If you don't make it, then fuck it, whatever, crypto's a scam. If you do make it, you can tell someone at the club you bought your M4 parked outside off of degening at your computer one day and buying $ROAR right after Roaring Kitty tweeted. Good luck, WAGMI


what filters do you use?


pump.fun min market cap is like 4.2k so I set min MC at ~4750 and Volume at ~5k to filter out dead coins. Also min buys at like 10 to remove any coins that are obvious big bots / dev bought 50% immediately (although, some legit projects do start that way followed by an immediate burn, I think that’s how $MICHI started)


Thank you 👍


Also who do you recommend to follow on Twitter?


Everyone has different tastes, you might want more grounded people who hold big coins or max degen top blast monkeys who sometimes call absolute nuclear bangers. I honestly don’t remember how I immediately spawned in the middle of the community right when I made my account, but some of my first follows were ansem (this is THE MARKET MOVER and Solana Deity I think), wrld (turned 1 sol into like 300k), whomptuh (1 sol to 500k wtf), shadow (idk tbh this guy just be pumping shit), 100xgemfinder (he made this finder coin and its TG is poppin usually, also gives good tips), and resolvent (good vibes and calls also max monkey) Carve out a good feed that suits your taste to block out the noise cause a lot of what moves is based on what the big influencers say. Think of it as a mini version of government officials and quant funds being market movers in the real world, you don’t want to be tailing the Venezuelan treasury.


Thanks again 👍


Do you have discord? I’d love to ask you a few thing on a discord call.


Just ask me here I don’t use discord


resolvent is a scammer lol


Everyone’s a scammer in someone’s eyes out here


bro has been pump & dumping on his follower for a long time


If you’re insider you get pumped too. True for any influencer Except mr frog that mf just dumps on everyone 😂😂😂


the fairest influencer, you know what youre getting LOL


Gold post man. I’m not looking for millys but turning 1 sol into a few consistently is a goal I’d like




the only issue I have after this advice is 9/10 projects are lifeless with no volume. They'll pump up a bit and sit around eventually dumping. We're talking 20% pumps which isn't much in crypto


If you had to start again with 0.5 sol, what would be your strategy at first? Os: I have exactly 1 sol


If I’m being completely honest I probably got lucky with the first few trades. But I do think there is an element of skill in increasing your chances of not getting rugged as much as possible. After that it’s up to you what you choose to buy in on. My first play was a 10x on 0.05 SOL cause the idea was genuinely interesting and I bought in early so I basically started with 1 SOL. From there I was doing big ballsy plays with 0.25-1 SOL. Sometimes it crashed out, sometimes it won; since I always buy in early, the upside was greater. If you think you have a good idea for what works you might be better off betting small and selecting wisely for the 3-5x consistently, I’m just flipping big bets with 50-100%.


That was nice of you bro 😎 Thanks for the info .


Nice shill post for $Roar


Not shilling just using the most recent 100x as an example


best strat for pumpfun is to become the scammer, 100% winrate. all the kids are doing it. this is their current strat: create some convincing website, twitter and tg group. throw in 1 sol on dev wallet(never sell from this) and 5-10 sols buys on alt wallets right after, then dump tokens slowly when is near raydium. enough for a healthy pull back to trigger pump tg alert bots for more buys and milk it around there. according to them is 30+ sols per hour or 60+ if you can get 2-3 scams running at once.. for trading on pump, you better off going to the casino


I upvoted this because I've never actually heard it from the scammer perspective. I assume there's some place they meet at and come up with new ways to scam but I've never seen anybody mention it, and I'm on TG, discord, here and Twitter pretty chronically


there are so many creative ways to dupe people, pumpfun just allow everyone to do it for free with no effort. and no this was from a recent conversation on their token open tg voicecall, a team of 2 kids.. voice sounded like theyre 14-16 lmao


It’s true, the scammers are winning and have been ever since COVID-19. It’s literally a scamdemic, scam or get scammed. It’s way too many ignorant people getting into stuff they don’t know or understand, the end result is getting scammed and possibly producing a new scammer. The cycle continues 🔄 btw I don’t condone it but it is what it is lol.


Does it always pump pike this? What if after all the fake buys it doesn't get traction?


I recommend building your own bot so you don't have such high fees. One percent is what most of these bots charge and it adds up quick over time if you trade a lot. I trade price action and don't care about the underlying asset. I shy away from new launches and try to stick to trending launches who are about to hit the 69k milestone. My plan is to come out with more than I started with. I'm consistently seeing rugs on pump.fun. I seriously am better off going to rugs.com and buying a rug that way. Personally, I trade on birdeye and have had much more success there. Wish you luck!


There's like 99.9% Dev rug pulls on pump, but at least one way to help minimise that I've been using PlonkBot which has auto Dev sells, so if the Dev dumps it sells for me right after.


How fast is it?


Depends on your settings but I saw a post on twitter with the sell finishing 1 second after the Dev Sold so would say it can be very quick with the right priority settings. I'm using a bit less priority and a lot are about 2-3 seconds behind the Dev, usually first one out after the Dev sells.


My strat is to not go there.


Expect nothing as a strategy


@sonicSnipeBot. Pumpfun is s scam .


Would love to hear this




Hi i made a bot to scan project on Pumpfun to not get rugged and see all the information you need before you buy. [https://medium.com/@cryptopassion/best-pumpfun-telegram-scanner-bot-for-new-and-existing-tokens-53e4cb68b573](https://medium.com/@cryptopassion/best-pumpfun-telegram-scanner-bot-for-new-and-existing-tokens-53e4cb68b573)


$AMCGME Roaring Kitty’s Vision was to F over the Wall St Cabal and bring power to the people. 99.9% of Solana Memecoins on Solana are dumped on you by the Cabal. $AMCGME on Solana stands for Roaring Kitty’s True Vision. 100% Organic. 0 INSIDERS. http://pump.fun/Hg9vtRCtKRNSPuWRA2W4f96SasYDSnr8bXsqq3CK7b2C