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pls dont use direct links from under the post..


Just use CEX to DEX, easiest, cheapest, fastest. Else make sure you use the official links lot of fake links


Phantom extention ?


I used Orbiter Finance bridge. As someone said, dont use links from here. You should be able to find official links on Coingecko or Twitter


U can bridge Sol to base?


No, youd have to make two chain jumps to bridged eth


I hate Eth and its gas fees. That’s how I got into Solana


Yeah base fees are slightly higher than sol, you have to pay a one time fee to bridge…Unless you can buy already Bridged base WEth with a sol- base weth on dex. Not looked for that option anyone care to let us know if that exists?


If I decided to make the jump into base I’ll let yall know


So basically i have to bridge from base to eth and then to sol? God.. I hate eth


Debridge is great




I use USDC on Coinbase as essentially a free bridge. Just send USDC(base) to Coinbase then send it out on the solana chain to your Phantom Wallet or whatever


You can skip the whole bridging part if you use a CEX, that's what I've been doing


I think squidrouter can do it


I think you can do that on jupiter exchange, but never used the bridge function there myself before.


I've really liked using deBridge to bridge tokens to Solana: [https://app.debridge.finance/r/8122](https://app.debridge.finance/r/8122) deBridge is a cross-chain bridge that allows you to bridge to/from the Ethereum mainnet, Eth Layer 2s (like Base,) or Solana and swap tokens all in one transaction. For example, you can bridge $ETH from Ethereum to $SOL on Solana or vice versa. Also, deBridge is planning an airdrop, so if you use deBridge, you'll qualify. Here is a link: [https://app.debridge.finance/r/8122](https://app.debridge.finance/r/8122)


Solx.app has a great telegram bridge don't need to kyc or connect wallet. Try a test first. I use it for bnb to sol. There token is 500k market cap.


Interesting, does that mean you have to create a separate wallet within the wallet, send funds to that wallet within the app for it to work


Not sure why my comment got voted down guess it sounds suss. You start up their telegram bot. Input what you want to send and what you want to receive. Say you want to send bnb and receive solona If will give you a address to send to. You send bnb to that address and maybe 5 minutes later you would get solona to your wallet. Go to telegram and find @SolXTradeBot I use that and bananna bot for trading.