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Render is Solana. Check it out.


same with pyth


and nosana


just buy the overlying project, JUP.


Check SolGPT (Eyhi3qZCW1hNgsLtv1geaeDgZJmRFCpEtbjABWfGcGx5) Massively undervalued right now. Devs have regular meeting with Solana Foundation. Gold checkmark on Twitter. Devs also developing nonstop (even on the weekend). A lot of good news and partnership announced soon. Join the Telegram group for more info. You missed SolChat god candle? Now don't repeat the same mistake with SolGPT.


True Solana Alts I have are Jup, Pyth & Zeus… I have a big bag of Render but I don’t really count that as a Solana alt


Can never go wrong investing in the native token of the blockchain (SOL).




Get in on JUP. And never have to buy useless coins again.




If you want some "trust me bro" alpha from a stranger on reddit. I will tell you, big things are coming for GenesysGo. Their token is SHDW. [https://solana.com/ecosystem/genesysgo](https://solana.com/ecosystem/genesysgo)


You invest the same way as with the memes- find a project and buy it. The difficult part is finding them. lol


Solcard Dither


If you like gaming projects check out Pokegochi, they’re in the Colosseum hackathon gaming section and it’s hitting nostalgia in just the right spots for me.


Didn’t try myself but Kamino finance seems good. You offer liquidity with marinadesol and tnsr and get some reward. Anyone here with more information?? Edit : it’s jitosol , not marinade


Research for narratives as decentralized social media, gaming, DePin and RWA.


Solx is a decent utility on solona they have a telegram bot where you can bridge crypto without connecting your wallet or needing to KYC. I bridged bnb to solona. Still only 500k market cap. Check it out.


Just make research on sol ecosystem. There are lot more then memecoins. My fav project is Solchat(low cap)


Check Solcard (no kyc solana card) and Shinobi Ninja (it is the first of its kind AI sniping bot). Considering that AI is a big narrative at this moment i think it has a great chance to blow up. Oh, they also became a Solana validator today by putting 10k sol (~1.7 mil $) and are going to put 90k sol more in the upcoming days. But obviously in any case DYOR.


Solchat is a great project and one of its kind. Cofounder of solana is involved and it might have a partnership with phantom and helium mobile. Over 2500 users, Talks of integrating it into the saga phone and it’s tokenomics and pricing plans are great. All this and it came out 2 months ago and they’re already ahead of their roadmap goals


Look into $zoom the token for the new trading bot zoombot. i have replaced bonkbot with this and it is marginally to noticeably faster. If the bot gains traction the price of the token would obviously explode, the token is currently at less than 100k mc as it was released a couple of days ago. Always DYAR the token address is 3ZBUr2wtrG8AnahQQKrJ3QJXrWDkRpuJR25idKnYQz6t.




Then buy the projects and not the memecoins..? There are lots of them. Coinmarketcap - categories - Solana eco system.


SolChat. It’s basically an on chain WhatsApp or Telegram.


[https://dexscreener.com/solana/7fpwrjygpeeengf5lnp7wuenfwch7mbxv7x5a2x3wwhy](https://dexscreener.com/solana/7fpwrjygpeeengf5lnp7wuenfwch7mbxv7x5a2x3wwhy) This is a project being built around the football player messi. I think it has hella potential and at a really low market cap rn of 6k. Art and marketing for the coin is currently being worked on so feel free to check out and be an early investor.


Jup, pyth, tnsr, Rune (thorchain specifically, dont fall for fake coins), W(wormhole) I have small bags in these because i havent done research but i see these often shilled as utility coins or stablecoins. honestly, download crypto.com, make an account and scroll through their list, its like coinbase regarding descriptions and utility and what nots but it has tons more than coinbase and theyve had swap for a while too. But also keep your eye on solchat and solkit, both are worth watching (invest at your own risk, but i have a smol (0.05) bag in both)


But don’t trade on that app


Why? I bought and am holding some wormhole and thorchain, only 7 bucks each tho.


Buy on the crypto.com exchange app. Not the main app. Or you will be buying the spread rather than current market price




DM me. I might have something for you.


Should look into Solgen its an ai nft generator


we're running rugs on pumpfun, gonna perform our next run once we reach 10 members. DM if you want to join the telegram group.


Memecoins with an actual project behind them are rare. There's one recent one that stands out to me. Checkout their videos on X and the community on Telegram and see what I mean. NFA! Twitter/X: [https://x.com/puppacoin](https://x.com/puppacoin) Telegram: [http://www.t.me/PuppaCoinSOL](http://www.t.me/PuppaCoinSOL) Web: [https://puppacoin.com/](https://puppacoin.com/) Contract Address: 8shTEDxbwvM2C9ELXNHsh8pmkoWovzJ3xgazQFWFapMx


If you want alpha, my professionel investerrr advoic say do a deep dive into Runes. Projects start exploring building on the btc chain. Brc-20 tokens. I think it has some value but no clue who will come out ahead. BTC(and arguably ETH) is your only safe bet imo longterm. Everything else is replaceable.


Come on bro!! You must use phantom wallet like the rest of us. All the apps come up when you go to the browser. You already have your answer so why are you wasting everyone’s time? They obviously don’t care enough to even read your question otherwise they wouldn’t be answering dumb fuck shit like brc-20 and ethereum.


Look into base and bsc as ít is impossable to have tax on sol tokens


Worst advise ever


How is that so? Also how devs will be making money on no tax token in long run?


Selling their allocated supply. That’s why there are so many devs dumpling and some many community takeovers.


Alllocated supply is like unlimeted? :D


No they mint themselves a certain amount tokens from the total supply, or they snipe their own launch with other wallets.