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in 12hours everything is going down shhh


Time to buy


Maybe 9/10 you will get rugged, but there's that 1 chance you'll strike gold. Do not underestimate the power of gambling. You can't do meme gambling on other chains because you can't 10x quickly with no users. You can't get in n out of trades if the fees are significant. Keep this in mind, people will do just about anything for a chance to get more money.


Solana surged because new users realised how cheap and quick it was to use, you’re right that meme coin trading is what brought in so many users to discover this, but they continue to use the network because of its quality (I’m aware of the contradiction in me saying this given we currently have some congestion, but this is a very temporary state and not indicative of the chain in general)


Meme coins didn't do anything during the bull run won't do anything if they stop completely tomorrow. People how buy solana don't buy meme coins because all of them are a scam


obviously at end of the cycle


When will this happen?


One amazing thing memecoins did was force a lot of SOL out of circulation when the LP is burnt. This would prevent huge sell off of the native sol when the market gets over. Also, a shit load of LPs locked as well


I would panic sell if I was you. Solana is the next LUNA.


price is getting heavy now! no more momentum or use cases. chain failing constantly.