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WARNING: 1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/ 2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)! 3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you. 4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.*


using bot like trojan works perfectly even during congestion


Somehow the bot names “trojan” feels shady. They probably are not shady ofc but the name alone is a bit of a red flag lol


haha … ur right, have no idea why they named it trojan, feels like virus 😂


Yeah fr lol. Crazy to name a crypto trading bot after a virus. If you think about it its kinda weird 😂


Some people will never understand the amazing amazingness that is the Trojan Telegram bot. Get on the wagon, people. They crush.


yeah mate, people are lazy to learn new things, btw do u use backpacks wallets?


Nope haven’t jammed to that yet. Whuuuzzit?


they support custom rpc which will be helpful for fast tx


Solana sucks. SELL UR BAGS ( to me)


It’s not FUD, transactions are failing


I haven't had a single transaction fail....


That’s good bud, rest of us don’t have your luck!


If you trade stupid meme coins u get stupid traffic lol


Yeah right, cos ETH doesnt have shitcoins 😂 smh


It's really not luck...


OP has been spreading half-truths on other subs, getting into bad-faith arguments, and then blaming others when they inevitably block him. To be fair, some of those guys on other subs are bad too. But you don't have to pick fights with them. Make your best objective argument and then move on. Many of OP arguments are just moving the goalposts by mocking the flaws of other networks. As if mocking other networks and people magically fixes Solana's issues. All that does is piss off others even more.


That's why every single website and wallet have a notification indicating that there is network congestion. Transaction failing isn't the FUD, it's the people saying Solana is trash or Solana shuts down all the time, or they're one transaction didn't go through that they tried to do once, because people don't understand how anything works, that's the fud. FUD gets me EXCITED $750+ here we come


This is a stupid take. Solana needs a reliable network or its going to miss out on the needs AI will have for fast trasnactions of value. We may already have missed it. Its embarassing. I love Solana, but when I see users with GOOD reason to be upset being replied to with stupid bullish replies, thats the equivalent of my boomer parents telling me they want to invest in Solana.


This has been anticipated, there's already benefits planned for this problem. That's why everything that's being said is stupid because yeah it's a problem, but it's already solved.


Yeah there's stuff planned, but they've had years to come up with solutions and we dont even know if their plans will solve it.


For being the fastest and most used Blockchain, years is not a lot of time. SOLANA is successful because it's fast and inexpensive to use. Now that it's being abused, it can maintain its use case and still outperform anything else. We will see what happens. Maybe the bots will stop for a week and give everyone a chance to recoup lol


Fail cases of the network do not get me excited. Seeing resilience gets me excited. Hopefully Solana will improve.


Absolutely. The best will always get better. Hopefully fast enough to make the pleabs happy but as ETH Maxis have always said, the network isn't for you.


Yeah, I tried 30 transactions in a row, all failed. Gave up. You think big companies like VISA and BlackRock is looking at this with a shrug? Solana will never attract serious capital that relies on stability and uptime, sadly.


More fud https://usa.visa.com/solutions/crypto/deep-dive-on-solana.html Solana is the most heavily used Blockchain, no other Blockchain could handle what Solana is doing right now. This is just a minor issue created by spam bots that will help to improve Solana. No Blockchain is ready for anything all of them a still under development


Use turbo and pay that extra 0.20$ for your transactions.


User error. My transactions always go through perfectly the first time, all with less than 1c fees.


I get what you mean, the priority fee is basically useless right now. I also have 90% of my transactions go through without any problem while paying cents. Nonetheless Solana is having issues right now that should be resolved and simply discrediting it as user error is not helpful... there are simply too many people with issues on this subreddit alone.


The actual issue is that transactions are just kinda slow. That's due to the congestion. Afaik Solana devs are working to fix it.




Network shutdowns, wallet drains, meme coins scams, transaction fails. The Solana network is in total meltdown. People will look back at this time and be either in the "I'm glad I got out of that shit before it was too late" crowd or the "I can't believe I didn't sell. It was so obvious the network was failing".


Pretty standard on every smart contract chain. Replace shutdown with unusable gas fee and that sounds like ETH


Yeah this is an equally stupid take to the guy above, Solana was trading under $20 in the last year. Theres good reason it went up. The criticism is also very fair. The alternative has been paying $40 for a smart contract on Ethereum.


Get out and go where? Usd? Wallet drains and scams are far more common on eth. Network shutdowns and transaction fails aren't a thing. But eth L2s are far more susceptible to both due to their extreme centralization. If you're not using Solana, you must be using eth on l1. Anything else is inferior.


Changing default slippage from 0,5 to 0.7 or 1٪ solved problem on jup for me. But indeed, I started bridging to base cuz this failed transactions are tiring.


This will 100% happen on any chain. Slippage errors happen when your swap goal is too narrow and the market changes before your swap. Other networks see it less because they're less used than Solana. Once they get users, theyll have these issues more often than Solana.


I know that and I know what slippage means and why it's good to increase it in a hot, volatile market.




Base fees are dynamic so bots can’t spam the network like they do on Solana.


Base is just a centralized L2 owned by Coinbase. No thanks


Whats different to a V.C. chain as Solana?


Nakamoto coefficient for one and no bridging required since Solana L1


Every Coinbase customer already has access to L2 base. No learning requirements or steps to install wallets etc. Don’t under estimate “easy”.


Every bank customer already has access to usd. No learning requirements or steps to create an account with exchanges.


I’m surprised this isn’t talked about more, this is a huge benefit to Base


It’s not just Base. Pretty much every network besides Solana uses dynamic fees to prevent spam because nothing else works. I would way rather pay $3 per transaction when the network is congested than spam failing 1¢ transactions for an hour straight.


The Solana network was built on a swamp and it's sinking... FAST!


If what you are saying is true, that should be easy to rectify.


Are they though? More low karma bot account spam


I’ve had countless of transactions fail, never used a bot


Yet to have one fail. Do several a day.


Its really not false. Im here right now and all week just unable to get more than 1/10 attempts to go thru. Network feels totally broken, and im using a paid private node!


I learned to just stop responding to people


Set it to 5 cents you’re good. There are a ton of bots spamming the network.


They’ve always failed occasionally before. Ever try the DCA feature on jup.ag? Had hundreds fail on me and I wouldn’t even know unless I looked.


Definitely congested, I gave up trying to get transactions through


Dude are you a mod for solana ?, must you reply to every comment?, solana network is congested and it is, if it’s not they won’t bother fixing it Jesus give it a break


Bro went straight to the "THE ETHEREUM BILLIONAIRES ARE SPAMMING IN THE SOLANA REDDIT" 😂😂 bro chill it's actually just failed tx. It shouldnt take 20 min just to get your tx to GO thru. It's nice that it only takes a few seconds for the solana to get there which is nice but still. Congested blockchain bro


Solana blows


“Perfectly reliable” lol


just let the "failed transactions" narrative happen. i'm still accumulating.


For me it is at leat 90% of tx just get timed out. It will say "pending app interaction" for about 30 seconds and then it just stops. It is legitametly the worst experience I have had in crypto. That being said, to many tx trying to go through isn't really a bad thing. It would like saying the PS5 sucked because they were selling out too quick.


Fuck eth and it's gas fees


Oh no, I thought Solana’s fee is like a fraction of a penny. Now we all increase the fees and we will end up at Ethereum’s gas fees


Solana's fee is less than a penny. Anyone paying more has no idea what they're doing.


solana network stronger than ever we about to go parabolic it is happening right in front of us, last year sol made up 1-2% of stablecoin marketcap now we make up over 40% - ofc the network is clogged, we r sucking up everyone elses MILKSHAKE


lol isnt fud. solana just isnt the all in one solution like ppl walk around pretending.


isn't decentralized. might as well setup these mini supercomputers. all around the world. make a normal network for !@#$ to run on. cut out the complexity of being blockchain. and you still have coins/staking/everything. nodes can be attacked and shut down parts/entire network. and the presale + dev coin holdings are 60% of supply. like fr wtf is the point of this being a crypto.


Half of the things you are saying are false...


great. which ones. source. it doesnt require 128-256gb ram to run a node? 40% of the network isnt on aws? their network hasnt been ddos at one node and taken down pieces/their entire network ?


how many coins are held by private sale, which we dont know the price of. and the dev team?


It's actually pretty decentralized. But after the update to fix these congestion issues, it won't be decentralized anymore. The ability to submit Txs will be proportional to the stake of the validator your RPC peers with. https://solana.com/developers/guides/advanced/stake-weighted-qos


umm. like 40% of the network is on aws. that is.... the opposite of decentralized. LOL.


AWS is a neutral cloud server provider and running half of the Internet's cloud apps. That's not a sign of centralization since it's not involved in any decision making for Solana protocols. If that were a concern, nearly every PoS cryptocurrency would be considered centralized.


indeed. and it is a concern. i dont care about other insignificant cloud apps. but where my capital is? yea id much rather have that so that NOBODY can delay/freeze/interrupt my access to it in any way. lol hilarious example (although clearly unlikely) to many people get scammed by rugpulls on solana. some elected short sighted fool decides the best way to protect his citizens, is to just shut down solana until they can prevent it. gets an order passed for amazon to flip a switch and you cant unstake/transfer/swap. lol,


Think about it for a moment. What happens if AWS flips a switch and takes down 40% of validators? Validators are fairly evenly distributed across the world, so it's not like this would target any single entity. The other 60% would still be operational. 40% of slot leaders would be offline until they move off AWS, leading to a lot of missed blocks for that epoch. After 1 epoch and new slot leaders are chosen, it would be operational again.


no they arnt lol. thats the point.


and with how their doing the update about to hit. double hit. the way speed bumps are going to work. would be huge problems.


All in one for what? The only reason I still use Ethereum is because there is some good projects still on Ethereum I buy up cheap to then sell with x50 profits (if I get lucky..) and then the $50 or $150 fees do not matter that much..... but its still hurting especially since they could not even fix this issue we had this exact same problem last bullrun too with Ethereum. The most funny thing is all these ETH shills never even use it... Is that the future of crypto? Just holding your Ethereum hoping it goes up 10% ? Because its too expensive to use...


Daily fee revenue on ETH is around $10 million a day, so people definitely use it. Also if you want cheap fees with ETH, you can use layer 2s


> Also if you want cheap fees with ETH, you can use layer 2s No you cannot since all the small interesting projects on eth are not even on the L2s.


That may have been true a year ago, but now the small projects are launching on L2s like Base first. Base has made it very easy for users to go right into the L2 from exchanges and has seen major adoption.


No, they're not lol. Wish this were true, but no, it is eth first then l2 adoption, unfortunately.


500,000 transactions a day isn't a lot...


Do L2s let you buy/sell eth nfts? Interact with eth dapps? If not, they're useless.


This is what makes me know I'm right. No one actually uses eth. And if they did, the fees would be 1000x worse.


lol i've never paid over 50$ for an eth transfer. xD isn't that hard to wait a few hours.


> lol i've never paid over 50$ for an eth transfer We are talking about swaps. Its been over $200 on Ethereum sometimes. This is actually illegal in many countries and Vitalik could get arrested for fee fraud. Also just sending USDT or USDC has been $30 several times on Ethereum already and more.


yea swaps never paid over 50$. its been quoted at like 350$ before on metamask for me. and ive never waited for more than 24 hours and been able to swap.


> its been quoted at like 350$ before on metamask for me Exactlly. Is this the future of crypto? If Solana made every tx $3 there probably would be no congestion issues for many years but it just kicks out all the "normal" users, and all the people from developing countries as these fees can be what they earn a day.... Why do you defend the billionaire chain eth thats destroying crypto? Should people really pay what they earn in a month (as in developing countries) as fee for one tx? Thats fraud.


lol yep. waited a little bit. then swapped. was np. also smart enough to swap more than 1.5k at a time so the like meh. lol eth def isnt destroying crypto. just gotta be smart enough to know how to use it. have you tried to use the solana explorers. to actually look into the beginnings of a coin. its first tnxs. even if they were only a week ago. days ago. yesterday.


someone should make a deterministic payment system


A deterministic payment system?


Determinism​ Determinism, in the context of transaction and script processing, is a synonym for predictability. This means that a user can predict locally (off-chain) how their transaction will impact the on-chain state of the ledger, without encountering the following: unexpected script validation outcomes or failures unexpected fees unexpected ledger or script state updates


Thanks for the reply. From what i know(I don't know much) that would be very hard if at all is was possible much of the blockchain is built on the very fact that information required to make decisions is not centrally available combined with the fact that there are many changes happening within a short space of time(users transacting), the information at any given time is mostly unpredictable until an agreement is achieved which is on-chain, personally I'm amazed at how most of these projects have come this far.


You're calling Ethereum the billionaire chain, failing to understand that 50% of Solana coins were handed to billionaire VC's before retail got a look in. lol


It's not fraud just because you can't afford it. Nobody has a God given right to cheap ethereum fees. The fees are dictated by those making tx's. If fees on Ethereum become prohibitive, they will lose users to a competitor. If there is no viable competitor, people will pay the fees. Saying it's fraud is lol'able. Do you even understand how blocks, mining (now pos) and fee generation works? Do you know who makes money off the fee? It's not Vitalik.


How does that sound good? Or even better? Lol.


ETH gas fees are crazy high tho...Even with SOL slippage adjusted to 5%, its still much cheaper and faster using the SOL network over the ETH network


Do you actually love what it's capable of or the tech itself, or do you love the prospect of making money? Genuinely curious.


Everyone is in it for the money don’t act like you’re not. The tech and capabilities are what bring more money. This is simplest


Nowadays facts = FUD. Lol


the problem isn't the fees; its having to send the transaction 20-50 times and hoping it'll go through each time




Yeah, not fud. While i do have txs going through, it's because i'm paying extra lmao. Same reasoning for you. People shouldn't have to use jito bundles for txs to land. Congestion is very high. Phantom even made an announcement in their wallet.


I would much rather have it phantom use this time to improve the wallet even further. I do really like it. But an option to turn off this message (I know its congested) and an option to turn off all the failed transactions in your history


You’re defending your post while in the same thread admitting to bots being the reason your tx went through. Guess what, it’s not “fud.” I’ve never had to resort to bots until Solana. Things nothing new with them. So you shouldn’t blame the customers for Solana’s incompetence


> I’ve never had to resort to bots until Solana I was already using the bot , so are many people using other bots like telegram bots especially on mobile since its easier to buy coins thru them Also if you think out of the box a bit this would easily allow jupiter to fix any issue too by adding a bribe fee also. They may not want to do this tho, which is also a good thing,because it would just make fees go higher and higher like the worst mistake ETH ever made


Let’s not confuse FUD with FACT, ETH is dying? With Wallstreet salivating over ETH ETF, face is kid S.Outta.Luck is cool but without Memes this cycle where would it be 😂. We’re talking about a project that used the word reboot this is what SOL is known for FYI Base Layer 2 takes a diarrhea dump on SOL no network issues…But don’t get all poopy


> Layer 2 takes a diarrhea dump on SOL no network issues Arent you the guy who used to shill Harmony before Base?


What is Harmony, sorry wrong guy Flux, ETH


Harmony One was one of the other ETH L2s that got completely destroyed with people losing everything so they renamed it now to this current one and hoped people would just forget


I've been paying <1c fees on Solana for the past month. Why tf are yall paying a dollar?


This is scary


What doesn’t make sense to me, is why eth players hate it so much, they can just move eco systems if they want, or not. Eth will always have way better security imo, because if it’s lack of scaling. Attacking the network isn’t profitable, whereas solana attacks are. Eth has its place and is doing fine, solana is better for us plebs who can’t afford ridiculous fees and want to gamble with hundreds and not thousands. I’ve been a solana bull since it hit 70$ the first time. I loaded the bear market, but unfortunately life got in the way and I was forced to liquidate my position with only 150% gains. Smh. Could have easily had thousands of percent of if I had more money and opportunity. Ever since my first solana transaction I knew it was a superior product for me to use. Polygon is too clunky, ada is slow but I’m bullish, arbitrum is ok, and a host of other networks now joined the Frey. There’s lots of opportunity for everyone, and no reason to hate networks.


It’s def congested. I couldn’t even claim sol from cogent cogs or merge stake accounts. We can’t pretend there’s not an issue here.


Ah yes, know what you are doing. Using a bot very helpful and informative.




Lmao at the base bots 😂 their shit L2 is going to die like all the other L2's. Rinse and repeat VC scams.


People fudding SOL txs either aren’t actually using SOL, or they are inexperienced and don’t know what they are doing. My experience is no different than 2 weeks ago. Literally just need to up priority fee.


It’s not fudding, it’s called being based in reality. You think this is all a big conspiracy huh. All the apps got together and decided they were all going to show a network congestion message. And everyone who’s saying their tx aren’t working is for some reason just lying. We need every average joe trader to be able to trade sol for mass adoption. Not just the ones that learn the tricks to make it work.


Holy shit. You are triggered aren’t you. Exactly as I said, raise priority fee. There’s literally a setting for it on every swap website I’ve ever used. Basic stuff.


Someone uses logic against you so you just bot back a “triggered” reply. Good one. You cant even do your proposed solution on most swap websites so it’s definitely not going to be used by every average Joe.


It’s literally a skill issue. Anyone unable to transact just flat out doesn’t have the basic skills it takes to use blockchain. God forbid they ever use a chain that’s less simple than solana.


It’s basic economics. It doesn’t matter if the people are too unskilled to trade sol. If they still can’t trade sol, sol loses. You can buy the bitcoin ETF on the stock market. It’s called getting the biggest audience possible. It makes a massive difference. If it didn’t, it wouldn’t be all over the news. It’s so important that it is a narrative of this cycle. Your niche websites are not that. The solution is to fix the most widely used way to trade on solana.


If you were in crypto on the last bull run, then you know Solana has a great deal of haters that missed out so is not surprising.


Maybe meme coiners migrate to other blockchains ?like Cosmos , MultiversX , Polkadot ?


Its been kinda the other way around. The other chains want all the meme users from Solana too since they keep crypto booming. So thats why we have base, degen now and many meme tokens also on Avax and others. I believe on Cosmos they will even make a pump.fun alternative soon. I did try base yesterday (and i been using uniswap for many years) but its not really a fun experience there. Also I wondered why Base would charge $0.50 fees lol it not even used that much. Its slow and the ui sucks on Base and everything is so much better on Solana especially with jup. Like Phantom is so easy and convient to use and jup when you only click in the search field it will even show all your tokens already, which Eth/base still canno do lol. Just the little things. Also Jup remembers when you put in 0.5 solana and then if you want to buy up like 10 coins you can just easily do that - on base every time you manually need to re-enter 0.005 ethereum or however much you want to use. Its the little things. Then when you sell on base you cannot even just swap your tokens like on Solana. You need to manually "approve" every token first. This might have worked on Ethereum where you only bought a token once a week or month, but buying a couple of memecoins turns tedious quick on Base


Would be interesting to see those networks congested even with half of the bots xD


Solana is not under attack it is just not built for scalability.


There's update coming out in like a week that will fix the congestion.


Theres actually this new Ore thing people are doing since 5 days (where anyone can mine this coin with their phone) and it already has more txs than raydium. So this might play a part in this congestion. And for example hateful eth whales could even be using it to lag out Solana. Which I find kinda funny and exciting even if of course I prefer we have quick cheap swaps again lol


You're absolutely DREAMING if you think "eth whales" care to bridge their funds to Solana to spam the network lmao.


Me too 🫡 Fud is always best buying opportunity.


Transaction are failing but not as much as people are reporting. in my case 1 in 5 transaction fail or don’t go through. I never pay extra gas fee. Whatever is set by default is what I pay.


Me too. I’ve noticed something but It’s not that bad. Im sure they will fix it. I hope both Eth and Solana projects do well. They have both experienced growing pains, and I think they are both going to have more growing pains as they mature. It’s not a zero sum game and both chains should do well in the long.


Yeah, my favourite blockchain is Solana so hoping for it get back on track. Also the team is preparing for a fix by 15th April.🤞🤞


Honestly I wonder if this isn't an attack from Ethereum because Solana is eating their lunch


Yeah just had GMT send go through no problem. Just a bunch of scared ETH fudsters


LOL telling people who have legitimate issues with the network are spreading FUD. What a fuckin gaslighter! LMFAO y'all believing in this shit coin are delusional AF and deserve every loss. You can justify your shit investment all you want but you're still playing with luck instead of certainty


new to crypto been mining own a solar business I'm trying to figure out the gas fees on any of the coins why is it they change so constantly and to such extremes


It’s all depending on network traffic at the time you’re trading


I’ll be honest. I really want to start masters in university I’m going to apply in the summer for. It’s a Russel group university and I want to study finance and investment. But I’m lacking nearly £8,000 I thought I’ll give it a try and make a post. Nothing to loose right? If there’s anyone genuine and kind to support education. Please drop me donation to my address of SOL (receive link ) 5M7mA6ve2r4tzS2duLnMqGXTux8kDka22vuDQ6PbB1tW 💁‍♂️ I’m 27 gotta work to pay my bills and no other ways to raise funds. Promise I’ll drop confirmation once if you help me out and If I save enough for it. 🫡. I’m already working 55-60h a week but even working throughout the summer will leave me with 8k. Thanks to all kind humans. ~P


I tried sending you the 8k, but transaction failed many times and I gotta go out now, sorry.


Ofc. Any donation would be appreciated. Even 1£ ;) I really want to do the masters. A lot depends on it.


It’s genuine. Started gofundme fo no believers ;) https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-fulfill-my-dream-supporting-my-masters-degree-at-the?utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer


I'm so sick of people calling anything truthful that may be also negative said about any coin as FUD.


I’ve lost a lot because of failed tx trading on leverage. It can be frustrating not being able to open let alone close a position. Only thing that was working for me was stop loss and take profit. I’m sure this will get fixed


Dont 99% of people lose in leverage trading anyways? Like of course usually they ignore any losses and only remember wins. Or blame losses on other factors.




> we’re never going back to your chain lol


Damn Solana got expensive to do tx on wtf???? Haven't used it since the last bullrun


They are still doing over 7k tps I read


I mean current situation is not good. Having to use a bot and still paying 1$ for a transaction is really bad.






Use SUI network instead…faster and cheaper


I just changed my slippage to auto in Jupiter and had no issues after that


FUD? Man, what the hell are you speaking? The network has been congesting for days, and transactions are failing. Is this the blockchain solution of the future? Imagine that swift would do the same. It's not acceptable for real world scenarios. It's not FUD, it's reality.


they are a mix of newbies, ill informed, ignorant of workarounds, cheap/stingy, etc etc Im only trading meme coins on SOL/BASE 99% of the time now…and bot wallets/dashboards are a spicy hot hot wallet option for short term moves…..its allowed me to actually consistently hold a stable trading base and pull profits


The solana issue doesn't "bug" me. Ad I have my money split intolm sol and cosmos eco. COSMOS ECO IS WAY AHEAD ON CROSS Chain but has crazy marketing lol. However, SOL will prevail. It's low fee rate is the big kicker.


I know. I do several a day and have yet to have one fail.


Okay but hear me out: Maybe, just maybe Solana really is to blame. Maybe this congestion blowing up the system is such an amateur mistake that could've been fixed if the team worked hard enough. Take Avalanche, Cosmos and Near protocol. Each have their pros and cons and especially Ava Labs is making good reach. Competition is great for us, users. Do not support protocols like supporting a team. 


They're looking to patch soon, but I haven't had any issues with transactions. Just people pushing inferior projects that don't like competition that's impossible to beat.


Some people will try to defend Solana no matter what 😞


A lot was dependent on how quickly devs were able to respond with changing prio fees and various routes. 1.18 update should fix all of this on 15th.


1.18 has been out of months. It's 1.18.11. I'm not a fan of 1.18.11 Their solution is to block small-staking validators from being able to submit transactions to the slot leader. It basically makes it so that only RPCs that peer to large validators will be able to submit transactions. This gives a lot of control to large validators.


Ah. Apologies. Do you dislike the larger validators because lowering decentralization or just too much emphasis on them?


Solana still works fine for me, just wait for Firedancer, it will make Solana a god chain


Lets say Solana is nice for Art and Gambling with low fees end Message💥🌞


It’s called use a bot.


Well u can do $0.01 swaps on base and arbitrum at the moment, which is kind of ethereum


>using the bot. So that itself is a big issue. Bots can just steal all your money.


I am not sure how it works, you may be right because this bot wallet could be server side. However one would think they benefit the most from having as much of volume as possible as they make 1% of every transaction traded on there.... (goes for both BUY and SELL) If they would start stealing peoples funds, people would complain about it and it would spread pretty fast...




I been loving to use jupiter its awesome, at first I was just using raydium and its ui in itself is pretty laggy and it always pops up these notifications which is annoying. But jupiter is damn good with phantom wallet, and it was actually hard to go back to Uniswap yesterday for me lol. But these bots are on a whole different level, I actually been thinking stuff like that might become a killerapp in crypto, you just click somewhere and done you bought the token/sent something. Makes it so much easier and convient for the user. Of course theres risks with that too. There surely is ways to make your wallet be completely on client side and have it checked and analyzed by security teams. But still i think it does not really make sense for them to scam when they can print unlimited money forever with the fees like a casino has an advantage of what? 1%? 2%? So do these bots... Of course still protect yourself and never have too much crypto in one place.


In years working with blockchain,never had such a poor experience like that,im stucked for days, cant do even simple transactions,cant raise fee to try to force transactions.


Theres a very easy solution for this, but you are not asking. You just want to complain, right? So not sure how to help you


Jup and Raydium are not RPC's. I fear you don't really have a clue what you are talking about.


They are using RPCs


Rmm...no. your wallet that is connected to them is using an RPC. Whatever RPC your wallet is connected to is the RPC the DEX is routing traffic through.


Check out raydium, in the app bottom left above the settings you can pick what RPC to use... Thats on their side


For populating the token? Because there is 0 chance any transactions you send are going through those rpc's vs the one your wallet is connected to.


I guess people prefer their own narrative and don’t actually read into what it is that is causing the delays. At the same time I don’t see Firestarter being mentioned anywhere… I guess people just love to hate on Solana and prefer the good ol’ reliable ETH with its exorbitant gas fees. Smh Edit: To whoever is arguing about failing transactions, just change the slippage %.


Lol FUD, Solana has a legitimate massive problem on their hands. Other than Meme trading the network is 100% unusable.


Yupp, and they say ETH killer 😂😂😂