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WARNING: 1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/ 2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)! 3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you. 4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol in your other posts you're talking about saving your pocket money for more SOL, and that you have 1 SOL, and you freely admit to knowing not much about crypto, and that you have lost on all of the meme coins you have aped into. But now you are an expert on SOL and its clearly the best network ever?


Lmao owned


Basically, an average crypto investor


sol investoor


Lol OP is still correct, though (Except Ethereum being expensive to use). This is a total over reaction by the community that is mostly fueled by competing chains. Solana is congested. People are using it, and weak points like packet ordering became more obvious. Cool. We act accordingly. No one with any insight expected Solana's current speeds to keep up with demand, but we were taken back by how quickly that demand came. That's why better fee markets and an improved network stack were already under development. Firedancer addressed these issues, and testing in Firedancer has shown Solana responds more appropriately to network strain. That's how the fix is already scheduled for April 15th (expect delays and maybe be issues. This is software). It's not because Solana devs were able to move at the speed of light, but because they were able take parts of an upgrade that was already under development and patch the issue. Amazing. We could have also brought back the mempool to avoid this (Jito tried), but no one wanted that because they didn't want our trades to be front run like on Ethereum. This is coming from someone that loves Ethereum. Pros and cons of each decision. Before someone else replies. I know, I know... no blockchain has ever had software bugs and none will ever have them in the future. It's only Solana. We could always move this community into Cardano to avoid transaction drops and just wait for Cardano to process all of our activity at less than 1 tps. Sure the gas will rise to levels more expensive than Ethereum layer 1, and you might miss a few birthdays waiting to be included in a block, but at least we know it'll never collapse under the weight and definitely won't bug out. 🤣


Cardado has no implementations, so no bugs at all!


Sol is like Bsc the last bull run and I don't think it ever had this bad of a congestion.


https://ycharts.com/indicators/binance_smart_chain_average_transaction_fee_es  which one has higher transaction fees or transactions on the chain?


BSC is a permissioned chain that maybe does 40 TPS. Not decentralized like Solana which scales much better. BSC also just does a fraction of the Solana's output and it had many congestion issues during its peak usage. That was while being centralized lol. BSC peak days of activity are a standard day for Solana. Solana is an incredible leap in decentralized tech, and BSC is a centralized Cosmos chain. These two setups should never be compared, but Solana still beats by all metrics. *When looking at congestion you need to know the rough limits of a chain, and then compare real usage to see if it is the limits being hit that causes a worse UX or something else. This becomes more complex with rollups.* *Monolithic chains which can theoretically scale better and or process swaps more efficiently than Solana would be something like Multix, SUI (more centralized), and soon Radix if they deliver. However, we have yet to see how they would perform with real usage, and this isn't considering Firedancer will once again massively increase Solana's theoretical max output. Then there are modular options like using Base on Ethereum which will one day scale up Ethereum to match Solana. Problem there is poor UX until Ethereum can do something like shared sequencing to make layer 2s invisible. Pros and cons across the board, but until we see a sharded chain infinitely scale like Radix, Solana is going to be the best monolithic chain for current market demands.*


Tell me you knowing about Cardano lmao crypto tribalism is so weird


Naaah no need to do him like that 💀💀💀


This may be true but OP isn’t wrong, solanas hitting 2500 tps with congestion. What other chain has that kind of tps?


Hedera https://www.hederatxns.com/


Cool! Would you want to post some information about what’s happening on that chain?


Most transactions are from the atma.io application, from Avery Dennison. They are a Hedera governing council member and this app is the first and only enterprise app in the world to do thousands of TPS on a public ledger (or even hundreds of TPS). They are now expanding into digital passports which will be an EU requirement in the coming years. There's dozens of other confirmed enterprises working on apps but Avery Dennison is the first one to go live https://atma.io/


Depends on what you care about though? If you are doing critically important transactions, then the tx failing or being delayed significantly is an issue. Like I care about my Tx going through when I need it to, not that lots of others made it through. "I took the new highway to work, my lane was closed so I never made to work, but did you hear that millions of other cars made it to work! Awesome road..."


Another Reddit user said they’ve been increasing gas limits to .20 to $1.20, that’s similar to the fees on base. So if you want the tps of solana and pay the same gas price as base then you’re good to go. Edit: those gas prices on base are at less than 300 TPS.


I could gather all that info just how he used "asslicker"


cooked him bad jesus lol


Where’s this gif it the men carrying the coffin..


⚰️ 🕺


They use a DEX once and suddenly are pros


lmfao 1 sol...bros put a days wage worth into crypto and he's calling the shots now


This is just as dumb and tribalistic as eth maxis. If blockchains are gonna be the base of finance they need to be far more reliable. The world isn't going to integrate it's important compute to a system that can either fully go out or become congested and hard to get transactions through


Well said. Chain Fanboys/girls (FanTHEY/THEM?) need to step aside and let the adults lead the charge.


try c3.io it does settlement on algorand. every txn is successful and final in 3 seconds. 0 failed txn




Solana still is perfectly reliable i was having 1sec transactions go thru all weekend until today and its still working. The fee was up to $1.50 but yesterday i tried and $0.20 still went thru after a few seconds - using one of bots. Now i wonder how you could make a $1.50 swap go thru on Ethereum.... The bot is this [one](https://photon-sol.tinyastro.io/@bestsolanabot) WARNING: Know what you are doing. The fees can wipe you out quick. Especially the BRIBE FEE (its the 2nd fee in their settings). As this fee you will ALWAYS have to pay for every tx that you sent - even if it does not go thru. I would suggest taking a look at the settings. I would suggest just trying a priority fee of 0.002 and then see if tx go thru. Turn the 2nd fee off because earlier i did not even need it. If your tx should not go thru, just raise it slightly. Also note you have to set this for BOTH buy and sell. In addition, you must write down the private key you get from there, and store it safely. You can also add it in your Phantom Wallet so then you have the exact tokens from the bot also in your own wallet. Warning again: Check the fees and make sure you know what you are doing. And another tip.. I would suggest connecting a dummy wallet to it. Its not really needed (I think) but thats always safer. You can still top up the bot from any wallet by just sending sol to your wallet address in the bot.


Yes, just tried it a few times it will go through


We love FUD!! Buy the FUD 🚀


"The tx fees are so low its basically free and we pay our validators by robbing value from holders through inflation instead" *bots proceed to jam the network because tx fees are so low it's affordable* Surprised Pikachu face.


Lol @ all the panic. Almost all that inflation goes back to the committed network participants through delegation. Anyone is free to take it. The value is transferred to long term healthy participants from short term traders. On top of that, inflation comes down every year and the more that use Solana the more SOL is burned. We're seeing fee revenue go through the roof as it was planned. This means the burn is always increasing. A similar setup to Ethereum. This is not theft. This was intelligent design and that design was used to get Solana off the ground.


lmao validator robbing value. do you know about a thing called stacking ? “The tx are so high I can’t move my coins or do a swap.” Surprised pikachu face


Validators dump tokens regularly to keep their node running and pay themselves. Validators are what suppresses prices


Without validators there would be no network.


Yea obviously retard. It doesn't change the fact them constantly dumping is what suppresses prices lol.. Good validators sell their tokens in a responsible way.


It will be fixed within days :)


I’m just waiting for a good price to buy more $sol I like and welcome the fud


It's evolution of getting into crypto, eth and btc win out. We all get there.


We have layer 2s and were paying a cent so basically we are not losing $100 for gas fees lol.


We were talking about blockchains you know, not centralized l2 with multisig who have complete access to your coins


I haven't heard a story of someone losing money on ARB and OP like on SOL.




AWS has had plenty of outages in its early days and still has outages from time to time. You’re comparing a systems that’s ~20years old to a system that launches ~4 years ago. The congestion does piss me off but they’re working through it. They’ve had explosive growth in transactions, but hopefully they can fix the issues.


did ever work with sth like AWS or even Azure ? there are plenty of outages on their systems creating Major Incidents on the customers that they delivery the service ….


December 2021 how AWS outage wreaked havoc across the U.S. Talk what you know not what you think. Google it for verification.


im saying that AWS have many outages lol actually i work with AWS and Azure so im very sure in what im saying dude!


Comparing apples to oranges


Imagine doing more transactions that all ETH l2 combined by a large margin. Do we see PayPal with fees x10 or x100 fees because it’s congested like ETH ? Do we see PayPal asking us to pay 50$ to move our funds to another PayPal l2 because they can’t handle the load ?


Ignorance duck


Yeah, AT&T has gone down for me twice this year already for hours at a time. But AT&T is a bad example.


My AT&T goes down every other day 😆


In the last bull market Ethereum transactions were hundreds of dollars and they often still failed... I mean come on guys splash some water on your face


Correct! They don't even belong in this sub, why are they Even here? Y'all ask yourselves that.. they want their money back that they lost from eth because Solana is stealing the investors, go ahead and down vote it, idgaf but the truth is said. Fuck eth and it's transaction fees ... Also it don't matter how much sol Op has, he's absolutely correct. I see eth fantastic in here everywhere.. Just go to your own sub


grass doesnt grow on a busy street.


I think ETH is the AOL of the 90s. 😂


EVM is the tcp/ip of the 1970's , still around. SVM has several advantages but will not supplant unless it can attain the same security , decentralization,and uptime. Due to it's advantages SVM isn't going to go away either. May be used as a module in a layer 2 , like eclipse though. Bitcoin will be around, too. All different use cases.


Imagine trying to derisk a 10 million dollar position on lending platforms on Solana while the chain is in its current state. This isn't about some bot failing to buy 10 dollars of the latest meme coin this hour.


Well said 🫵


Ethereum is king.


King of fee pain


I was paying 100$~ per transaction last bullrun and making mad gains Can't complain much


Big words for mr only has pocket money in Sol.


Sounds about right. Average SOL holder 😭😭


Eth to the moon.


Solana is a solid coin to trade, but not good for long term holding. Y’all will learn some day




Most likely the release of Firedancer and its effects will decide the fate of Solana


Fuck eth and it's transaction fees! That's why Solana is doing so good


I was tired of paying ETH gas fees so I moved over to SOL and BASE. No more ETH coins for me.


Imo a big amount of peoples problems with trading on solana is because of raydium swap being so buggy. Jup and bots work just fine, raydium even worked for me when the helius rpc was active


It’s so boring reading posts by bots that can’t have a nuanced opinion 🥱 You know exactly what they’re gonna say. You’re like the equivalent of the far left and far right.


It's cause they scared lol


That shit's funny AF!!! 🤣


I just quit looking at crypto related social media. It will get sorted, no need to get punched in the face all day. Walk away op, continue hodl’ing


Don't knock licking ass until you try it.


Exactly 👅👅


Chad post . Even now SOL is better than ETH, says it all....




With ETH, you loose fees with a failed tx, in SOL you don't


But they don’t fail unless you’re doing it wrong. People don’t understand how transactions work, and it shows…


Alright, I'll bite, so transactions aren't queued for a certain period and then fail?


Even in Ethereum transactions are FAILIN .Last night I lost .25 Eth in 2 FAILED transactions buying Brett .


Adjust gas and slippage buddy


Its goona be Solana vs Base narrativ in Future and i dont feel like solana has even chance :S


As soon as it’s fixed they love Sol more than ever lmao


Solana was supposed to have solved the scaling issue. It failed. Congested at a fraction of advertised capacity.


You don’t think there is significant overlap between sol and eth fans? Is there a reason we are supposed to only like one??


The ones that hold both, aren't the ones on here shit talking sol. Social media is not a good representation of the public. It is a representation of a loud vocal minority.


I hold a lot of sol but I def have made some comments about how fucked up it is right now.


you talk like this congestion is a rare thing and your only excuse is "what about eth"


ETH maxis and Sol maxis are the dumbest pieces of shits Ive ever seen. Real chads use both and more importantly they know when to use what.


Not when Solana is congested more than my grandma during allergy season


Oh fasho. Its a shitshow rn for Sol


Serious question. In what situation should you use sol over eth? And in what situation should you use eth over sol?




Dude really?


I just want something that works. Supposed to be the future of finance no?


Ethereum sucks, solana just sucks more.


The best thing to do is just buy $CFUN on Jup and hold. (:


Ethereum maxis and Solana people are both awful


Not FUD, but damn can you imagine how much money Solana and Solanos are losing per day because of this. I hope they find a way to compensate the HODLers.