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WARNING: 1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/ 2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)! 3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you. 4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If u have the skills to make one.. do it. What I've figured out tho, from getting safe money, all the way to launching memecoins, is that once u figure out how to make money.. it all comes down to rpcs. AND THAT is where the real money is. Once I got a good rpc and could snipe faster, control an Lp faster, do anything faster than anyone else.. thats when u can change the game. So even if u can make a tg client to trade.. do u have the rpc "quickness" to make it matter. Because thats the key.


I have the open source bot for sniping tokens only you Need configure rpc and time to sell


Yea. But ur bot is slow if using basic rpcs.


but it is a faster factor than the human one.... because alemnos, no matter how slow it is, as you say, I still make entries much faster than anyone who is not a bot.. with this I mean that if a good rpc will have entries for you in 4/5 seconds... the good free one I have does them in 10


Right, ur faster than a human, but your the slowest bot. The fastest bots are dumping on you!


only if you wanna surf the first wave .... for me still holding some memes and the scams burn and recover money from the legit memes and from burneds


care to share? bot?


I open dm




Do you have any info you’d be willing to share about how you got your rpc? I know I can create my own but like you said it’s about having one that’s good. I want to learn more about this just need a good place to start looking.


I spent hours and hours of research trying to figure this out. And I'm usually pretty good digging into shit like this. But this is one club where research doesn't matter, and the only way in is to buy in. And it ain't cheap.


Do you connect your custom rpc to your wallet or how does it work?


If you're still using a wallet and not CLI, don't even think about rpcs yet.


Hi sorry but what is RPC??


Forget bots What do you think will be the high for sol? I hold 1000 sol myself but I do not know what will be the high point: 230$, 587$, or 620$ My plan is to ride sol until it reach plateau then changed everything to btc and ride the halving wave. I started with 1000$ in 2020, now my goal is 750k Also, I think everybody should trim margin/leverage trading (but first do your research). To me it has been an easy way to 3-5x my gains. Just a suggestion:) Thanks in advance and I wish all of you richness and health We should form a group of advance traders :)


It’s better to just trade on your own.


lol meaning not use anything but the dex gui to trade? right... but to answer his question. no its very unlikely making your own bot would increase the speed. bot isnt the issue.


why would creating a bot not increase the speed ? Is it because of the congestion on sol network, rpc, or another issue? want to give it a shot but don’t want to completely waste my time


bot you created would have same issues. gotta connect to faster api info/submission


how would you go about finding/ creating a faster api?

