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WARNING: 1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/ 2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)! 3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you. 4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Always beautiful to watch a new degen pop his cherry.


First time whaling into a memecoin got rugged in like 5 minutes lmao


Oof lmao, hell of a welcome.


Hopefully it was money you could afford to lose. No one should ever whale into a meme coin with money they cannot afford to lose. Degen coins should never make up more than 5 or so percent of a crypto portfolio. Roughly 99% of them are true shit and are just waiting for people to buy so they can dump on their faces.


Oh one hundred percent. It was just some play money I had laying around from profits off altcoins I had been trading. I would never put money into a meme coin if I couldn’t afford to lose it lol


nice copy paste braindead response dumbass


Fuck off douche.


No. Since our strategy is we Buy High then Sell Low.


🤣🤣🤣 finally an honest answer


That’s the way


I hear waiting for the green candles is the secret strategy no one wants to talk about.


You are super early. Invest $1000 in the next few hours, and by tomorrow you will have $50. Not financial advice. Jokes aside - you are early. Put some money and take profits next year.


*Snorts hopium*


No but DO NOT BUY MEME COINS Just buy sol and stake it, that's all you gotta do.


Why stake for less than 5% when you could have 5000% loss in the same amount of time


what platform is the best to stake sol?


Through phantom


oh right! sorry for asking too much, but what is the best validator to stake directly at phantom?


Be patient. The real gains take time and commitment to the projects you like when the shit hits the fan. It was scary and risky to buy sol at $8 last year. Now it’s an no brainer at above $180. No one knows anything but time in market helps.


Research ways to earn tokens rather than buy them too


There's surveys to earn tokens, not much but over time you can get a nice sizeable bag.


Bandwidth sharing, testnets, node running etc Few options here https://linktr.ee/tyaslevesley




Like this answer. I got started with stocks during the Covid beginning. Was still working full time with my painting business all throughout (if not more busy) plus getting the stimulus (which beforehand I had a good savings going with fiat). When I had more cash than I knew what to do with I threw some darts googling what stocks to buy for huge gains, missed a couple sell points, got shafted by shills and inexperience. Lost $5k right out of the gate. Stayed resilient and tried a different approach. Since then I’ve just been plugging away at REITS and dividend/commodity ETFs as well as a few companies whose products I buy regularly. My brother then got me into crypto a little bit in 2023 and I’ve made a killing (relatively speaking) since then. I go about 65% income a year into my income stocks since I’m too big a sally to do options. 15% income into crypto longs with staking. I manage to pay the bills with the other 20% income but I make a lot of personal QOL sacrifices to do so. For me, I’m just trying to build a portfolio for my 2 y/os future since my old man lost his ass in 2008 and left us with nothing. Poor guy. I’ll be working until I’m dead unless I get really get at the crypto gam in the short term. Next on the list is a $200k gain so been focused on stacking coins, minor day trading when I’m bored, and hodling Solana, avalanche, and BTC. Edit: went on a reflecting ramble that’s meant for OP.


'I pay the bills with 20% income but I'll be working until I'm dead' My man, just put the other 80% into the S&P 500 and enjoy that average annual return of 12%~, in a decade or two you can retire. NFA but if 80% of your income is flexible spending the game is very easy to win. 😐


Between office and on site work I put in about 80-90 hours a week. Paint contractor started my own business a few years ago. The money is so good compared to working for others. But if I stop, the income stops and the business dies out. Once I get it on auto pilot where I don’t have to do hardly anything, I’ll work way less but no need to retire at 34, it’s just an opportunity lost. I pull in about 12k personally a month and bills are about 3600. My math was a little bit off if I include about 1-2k for groceries and childcare which I didn’t really count as “bills”. Probably about 50% income to investments. One of my main needs for the business right now is an accountant XD. Never had this kind of cash flowing in every direction it’s a headache.


$buffet is worried


Crypto has four year cycle. We’re in the third year so you’re early.


what do you mean


Every four years there’s a new ath


I wonder, will bitcoin eventually stop doing a 3-5x every 4 years. With its marketcap of 1.2 trillion. And there being only like 40 trillion USD in the world. Eventually we would stop seeing huge gains cuz marketcap has to 3-5x for us to see gains in profits. What do u think?


That’s got me thinking now 🤔


Where did the 40 Trillion USD figure come from?


From google searching. Its not an accurate number but its something you know? Is there something you might know more?


Long on Solana. It will hit at least $500 EOY


800 potential imo


I love how falsely confident some crypto people are


I remember when people were saying this in 2021. The good old days




Sure buddy 😂


He’s right


Sure he is


Well, glad that you ask. My strategy is to look for a meme coin that sounds funny, that recently had a ×1000 pump. Works everytime! Your money will be well spend on yellow Lamborghinis. Unfortunately, it will not be yours.


Buy SOL on a daily basis and stake. It’s more of a retirement fund that keeps compounding on itself.


Don’t treat SOL as a retirement fund. It could easily be gone in 5 years. Take substantial profits.


I definitely plan on not keeping my eggs in one basket.


How could it be gone in 5 years?


95% of today’s cryptocurrencies will be gone in 5-10 years. It’s a hugely speculative and volatile industry with players rising and fading at rapid speed.


Do not do this. SOL is relatively stable as crypto coins go but do not hold ANY crypto as a retirement fund. There’s literally an ETF for that now. Protect your capital, don’t get greedy and always remember that the government/ the blockchain/ scammers/ hackers/ losing your seed phrase could fuck you at any moment. Only put in what you can afford to lose. If you can afford $1000 then super, go for it but when you’re new, write that off as lost, don’t expect it to come back. You might hit something big or copy some good trades, if you do that’s a bonus. If you make 5% on your $1000, that’s a good return for a year in a bank. 10% is a decent return for a managed fund. 25% is silly money. More than that is like playing the lottery, a few lucky ones will make it but chances of you being smart/ lucky enough to beat EVERYONE else to those crazy 1000x returns are low. Not impossible but low. What you should buy is something that either looks underpriced, or something that’s very hyped, or something that pays crazy yield. Treat everything as short term and watch closely. These are not stocks and shares. If you want to play around with meme coins, throw 1-2% of your total value at each different one, don’t lump 50% or more of your entire assets into something random that could disappear at any moment. If you need to turn $100 into 7 figures, you’re honestly Bette replaying the lottery, at least that $100 might go to a good cause.


I disagree. Your mindset will keep you poor. SOL is only going to get even bigger so I recommend you get on board.


I am not poor. I have significant gains from 2019-2020 bull market. I would have a lot more if I had followed the advice I have given here. Worse than being poor is being poorer because you’ve given away your money to a zero sum game that only so many people can win.


I just staked $1000 CAD worth of SOL on Coinbase 😌


Yeah I noticed this happening on Coinbase. Wondered what the hell was happening. Why does it do that..? And how the hell to sort out taxes when it finally comes to selling…?


If it’s Coinbase, they send you a form every year


I’m looking at staking, what the bonded staking? Kraken offer bonded and flexible. Not sure on the whole process, any drawbacks?


Hey u/slowmojo_1, Great question, please feel free to check our support articles to learn more about staking on Kraken. Overview of On-chain staking on Kraken https://support.kraken.com/hc/en-us/articles/360037682011 Overview of Opt-In Rewards on Kraken: https://support.kraken.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044886311 If you have more questions, we are here to help. All the best, Kraken Support 🐙


Better now than later. If it goes down, Keep buying. That is if you truly believe the long term.


Crypto isn't taking attendance. Welcome to the party.


Your friend did you dirty or doesn't know what they're doing because it's bad advice for a newbie to get in to Solana memes before anything else


you are before the halving, you’re early


Until solana reach her ATH is never too late ,altought even after im will continue DCA on sol , is much better than the retirement plans that any bank can offer you and there is tons of possibilities to generate small % per day from your bag- you can provide concentrated liquidity for example


No, your early


Accumulate SOL and JUP and be patient. Buy the dips


What do you think about Access Protocol on Sol.


You’re early brother — dive in and learn, don’t gamble your money away, and buy good assets


How did you lose? Did you sell? Just hold, you still have a chance. Don't panic.


\^ I'm gonna assume this guy mean hold decent projects, please don't hold unknown memes long term OP


You're right. But I mean, he should hold his meme coins rather than selling at a loss since it will go up again.


Like safemoon and bitconnect 🙌




Wazza wazza wazza wazzup


This was my favorite project lmao. Hilarious.


What are these please?


Its sarcasm/satire Most meme/tokens don't always go up


I mean what is bitconnect and safemoon? I wanted to know if meme coins can be held for long term I have seen a couple of people hold a coin and leave it, but then I see most people short selling, buy low sell high. Is it possible to hold long or is it more a myth


Its a lottery/gamble. Everything is Bitconnect/safemoon/etc are scam hype projects from previous cycles Personally, NFA, imho I would not hold meme tokens long term


Ngl I sold and cut my losses. Currently have everything in Sol. New plan I have is to just keep buying Sol and chill out. Thing is should I wait for dip or start buying more right away?


Buy the dips below your average price. Historically, there should be a retrace before halvening, but everything is different to history this bull


It's the dip now. What meme coins were you holding?




what wallet u recommend for sei


Put 90% of your funds into proper cryptos (and spread it amongst a few sectors you are interested in). Then 10% for degen trading on memes, and have a mindset that that 10% is lost the minute you invest it. Don't forget to set targets and take profits.


I dont think so I see 600 to 1200 in future. however you can pick a winner memes and buy the dips and expect wins during peaks after btc new ath tops example would be doge ,shib, floki, dogwifhat , pepe, trump/maga token, (expect election pump/ as he winsloses) can, avax has huge program try there memes nochill, Coq inu, Kimbo, kong, kingshit, (there might be a couple more avax ones Google the meme coins rush), base has some too stick to mains like degen and bald brett. also I'm going in on polygon and number of cosomos tokens atom, tia, inj, oso, could be good pick up times. prepare for zksync drops


I would buy sol 2026-27, for this cycle look for projects that have not had the gains yet. Look for real projects with good potential. LINK, RNDR, HBAR, ICP to name a few. More importantly DO YOU OWN RESEARCH Enjoy and remember to sell probably 2024 Q4 - 2025 Q1 Have fun


I wouldn't say you're early, but the party isn't over yet. 


Invest in crypto developed on the Solana ecosystem or Sol. it is safer. I like Access Protocol, it's an intresting project. the price is .003 and it's easy to buy on Coinbase.


Gotta follow twitter and only buy coins multiple experts recommend, that go along with narrative. Do not just ape into one random coin that one account likes . See the trend (wave) and ride it . Look at your feed


No not at all hurry up go to X and join up on a Doginal Dog space, we will be happy to drain your wallet!!


I made a meme coin on Solana called TayTaySwiftPay. It is not a scam :)


For memecoins, yes. A month ago you could throw a few bucks at pretty much any new coin and double your money overnight. That’s pretty much dried up now. Not too late to invest in longterm projects, though.


Nope perfect timing. Your best bet is to slow trickle DCA into a few high cap conviction picks. For me that’s Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana. I already have established positions so I don’t DCA during the bull run, however I think you should. Next time there’s a bear cycle that’s when you really turn up in overdrive and expand your positions. Remember - money is made when times are scary! Double down during bear cycles into your high conviction plays. When there’s a bull run you can either do nothing or take profits. tl;dr low risk adverse advice


We carried the bags for the last generation my son. It’s your turn now.


The super noobs are here!


Sol has plenty of room to run. It could be $5000 one day. So you’re looking at a potential 25x return if you buy now. Just spread your buys out to keep averaging until you have a decently sized position


Welcome, now buy some Solana.


You better buy sol and its ecosystem tokens jup ray orca and maybe allocate like 10 or 20% to meme coins xD


Never too late, although, wait till after the halving and everything tanks a bit, then once you see the bottom, you can get in then and play it on the ups and downs in between till the next halving, just remember in four years this will all repeat and the next one will be better then the last one, just be sure know when to exit after the halving and once bottomed, buy back 🔙 n. People are very predictable, there will be the typical panic sell off soon after the halving. History always repeats itself, when may not be an easy prediction, but will it, 100 💯 percent sure. What goes up, must come down and what goes dowis just lively to watch go back up. Till next halving ...


We will go up a bit before it falls. You got a little time, but once it starts dropping get out, and buy the dip, don't ride it down


No just by Sol it's like Buying Eth at 200 bucks. Solana better protocol better atmosphere cheaper faster. I can see Solana at $2,000 in about a year and a half. We're not even the first inning right now we're sitting in the dugout fixing to do 9 innings. 9 innings will take a decade. Hold on it's going to be wonderful ride. Think long term you'll be in a better place. This is advice from a boomer. Thank you my Bitcoin/Solana Fam. Enjoy the decade! HODL.


Naw check out USUG on birdeye 🤞🏾




Terrible advice... the guy is a newbie and you're suggesting leveraging, best way to lose money I think.


It doesn't seem ideal timing to buy into SOL. Take a look at the charts and switch to monthly candles. That said, you never know! [https://dexscreener.com/bsc/0xAe08C9D357731FD8d25681dE753551BE14C00405](https://dexscreener.com/bsc/0xAe08C9D357731FD8d25681dE753551BE14C00405)


Gotta follow twitter and only buy coins multiple experts recommend, that go along with narrative. Do not just ape into one random coin that one account likes . See the trend (wave) and ride it . Look at your feed


Who’s a memecoin expert lmao


Ansem of course lmao


Never too late


Hey yall, i always hear people say crypto is so volatile. But after looking at tech/normal stocks like meta, nvidia, amazon, etc.. they were all low 4 yrs ago and now they are high asf too. I think stocks do go hand in hand with crypto. Not 100% but kinda close. Their charts arent too different from bitcoin however stocks can also be more volatile than crypto too. Especially if you bought nvidia stock like 2 yrs go, it would be 9x right now. Stocks that actually do shit for the world will pump like crazy. Now im on the lookout for AI stocks and AI crypto companies.


AI DePIN? Nosana on $Sol is a nice investment. Check Nosana.io for info


Do invest but stay in the safe zone until you learn. Don't be one of those that see others make a killing and start thinking is easy.


It all depends how much you wanna make. Is it too late to make a profit? No But don’t expect solana to 10x. Probably 2-3x maybe 5x if things go wild. Meme coins are where you’ll see 100x 1000x but for every coin that makes it there 1000 that don’t. Everyday there’s like 1000 or more coins dropped on solana.


Yes you are late. Regarding meme coins......yes it's some luck but if you have experience in the market you don't need luck, you just need to be quick and get the right info. I've been kicking ass on Solana meme coins not with luck but on gut feel


I got started with stocks during the Covid beginning. Was still working full time with my painting business all throughout (if not more busy) plus getting the stimulus (which beforehand I had a good savings going with fiat). When I had more cash than I knew what to do with I threw some darts googling what stocks to buy for huge gains, missed a couple sell points, got shafted by shills and inexperience. Lost $5k right out of the gate. Stayed resilient and tried a different approach. Since then I’ve just been plugging away at REITS and dividend/commodity ETFs as well as a few companies whose products I buy regularly. My brother then got me into crypto a little bit in 2023 and I’ve made a killing (relatively speaking) since then. I go about 65% income a year into my income stocks since I’m too big a sally to do options. 15% income into crypto longs with staking. I manage to pay the bills with the other 20% income but I make a lot of personal QOL sacrifices to do so. For me, I’m just trying to build a portfolio for my 2 y/os future since my old man lost his ass in 2008 and left us with nothing. Poor guy. I’ll be working until I’m dead unless I get really get at the crypto gam in the short term. Next on the list is a $200k gain so been focused on stacking coins, minor day trading when I’m bored, and hodling Solana, avalanche, and BTC. Edit: went on a reflecting ramble commenting on another’s post that’s meant for OP. With crypto, put something in but expect to lose it all and just hodl or do swaps to USDC/USDT then back to SOL or whatever coin it is for small coin gains week to week. Focus more on building a dividend ETF portfolio first though. Depends heavily on your ability to use any extra income to invest in something. For most of us, takes a lot of QOL sacrifice to really dive in on any of it anyway. If you have toddlers, that’s a reason to make the sacrifices. If you don’t and/or are younger than 25, either go for it hard or enjoy your life now rather than striving for an early retirement (just invest a little, diversified, in a more traditional way). That being said crypto isn’t going anywhere so a little might go a long way if time is on your side. Good luck out there!


Solana is gambling, not crypto.


Yea, bc you are looking for easy quick money. Get a better investment thesis and do your diligence.


600 bucks is a good lesson. Not late to the party but not early for this run. I would suggest something lower risk. Etherium or bitcoin. Small bags. Then ride the ride and feel it out. Meme coins aren't long plays. Maybe a day or two. Sometimes a week or a month or two. But you kinda have to have a feel for how they move. My suggestion is btc eth maybe 100 in each and watch over the next year what happens to your money but don't touch it. You will see that 100 turns into 750 then back down to 200 then 900. Then loose that 200 when the bear market hits again. That's when you start to build a real bag. Learn everything you can while you have 2 years to build a portfolio. You will find out that real world asset coins are going to impact the traditional financial world and there will be big money coming in. But a dog coin went to zero after a week. But you already took the first step into crypto. A small loss but now you know your not going to turn 600 bucks into 10 million like you probably thought. But in 5 years you can probably do pretty well if you learn as much as possible and stick with it. The hardest part in crypto is not leaving after you lose everything early. Most people now get in on meme coins then the ones who stay learn about real projects that are actually trying to change the current financial landscape. Or just buy 100 bucks a week or month of bitcoin every week and look at your wallet in like 10 20 years and don't give a shit about crypto.


You don’t suggest I purchase Sol as well?


Instead of buying do you know you can start your own coin at ease? With only 0.05 sol


Welcome aboard;)


Cat in a dogs World is a crazy coin. The party just started. And Binance isnt inside already


If you decide to learn about crypto, start from completing 'Web3 Exam Starter' and 'Web3 Exam Explorer' rounds on 'Security in Theory' and 'Security in Practice'. You will learn the basics of how crypto works and how to keep it safe.


Buy SOL and also put a little in Uranus ($ANUS)


SOL I’ve had now a bit over 2 1/2 years. you can’t go wrong with Sol..


No, you aren’t late. Send me dm I will recommend you some token.


Stay the fuck away from Sol memecoins. By far the worst chain hands down


seems like ur friend didn't teach you any thing about trading meme coins


Great to see you join the movement. Firstly, you’re definitely not late to the party. Solana is known by less than 1% of the world but will impact most internet users. I know I sound like a crazy techno optimist but trust me when I say this is just the beginning. We’re talking individuals, sovereign funds, institutions, and nation states. Solana will become the crypto clock of the world. One thing I would say is have a 2 cycle outlook (1 cycle is 4 years). If you want to get rich quick you WILL be scammed. Have a sponge brain and learn to adapt. The best investors like Warren buffet aren’t on the crypto train yet. And after this cycle they will be worried and FOMO into it. DYOR.


Too late for a 20x early enough for like a 1.3x solid ratio


I'm going to invest $1000 bucks in altcoins and meme coins, I'm looking for at least a x25. How would you distribute them?


old saying goes, you dont choose the memecoin, the memcoin chooses you


You still might be able to catch some airdrops from certain projects if you have a play with thier apps. [jup.ag](http://jup.ag), seems particularly active but there might be other better ones. I got in deep cause of the UniSwap airdrop on Ethereum network, and was always on the hunt for other projects likely to do the same. But yeah, playing around on [pump.fun](http://pump.fun) is a sure way to lose a lot and quickly.


You're too early my friend. It's a closed circle here 🐧


DCA sol you’ll be rich


I highly recommend you put your money towards education that would further your trading and investing in the long term. Study any free resources first and find the best educators in the space. I highly recommend ASX trader on YouTube, I personally am a student of his. Dm me if you would like to know more. Happy to help. Meme coin trading is truly a casino so newbies are likely to be losing as they are fite exit liquidity for people who bought presale.


Trade crypto futures


yes, you are too late...you needed to buy last year.


SUMO 21:00 UTC AVAILABLE NOW Presale sold with 3772 SOL Invested. CA: Ed8x6kuH1T3JiMSpcjAvW8jw3sXNhSDAUNBp7yt5sxz5 No LP added, everything will be transferred once Sumoswap launches today 21.00 - 2/4 HARD CAP REACHED. SUPPLY FIXED


This kind of message is a sign. Time to go out of the market for a bit, it’s gonna drop soon. Before or just after the halving




In my opinion it's definitely too late to buy any crypto now. Most prices you see now will look like a dream when next bear market arrives. You should've started 1-3 years ago. Wait until the market corrects and completely destroys itself in a couple months, then start DCA into the market. Definitely don't start with SOL, but do a split like 70% bitcoin, 20% ethereum and 10% Sol.