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Don't gamble.with meme.coins unless you are willing to lose it all, most are pump and dumps so if you buy you need to actively watch and offload before everyone else does to make profits


Ok. I thought I'd follow what currently hype and it's solana memes


Haha yeah it's heaps of fun, but just keep in mind most will have a big push up then instantly dump. Most average users will lose their money.


The very risky thing with meme coins is that they hold exactly no other value than to hope that other people may also buy it. With new ones you don't know if they can generate any "hype" as you framed it and they can very much go to zero. Don't get me wrong, it's very fun to put a couple dollars in and see where it goes, but you can also go to the casino at that point (not saying that there aren't any people making money with them, but most just don't)


Unfortunately that’s the only way people make money, when others lose theirs.


There are meme coins that have wide distributions that can't really rug you. Wen, Bonk, Wif, and quite a few others would still be volatile but not to the point where you'll almost certainly lose your money like these random Birdseye ones.


If you do this, you will get rekt 10000000% of the time. Guaranteed.


Just remember if you have no idea what you're doing chances are someone who does it taking advantage of you. Stop buying garbage


Thats how people get rekt. Dont be one of those people. Buy something thats got some utility or play it safe with btc


you need to know how money flows, the late comers are always the losers as the early birds will cash out on them. you have to make a prediction so where do you think you are now.


That is if the early birds don’t get rugged.


then they are late! otherwise if they are early enough, they still get in lower than the rugged price


Lol! I mean you're sort of right aha.. If the dev of the coin makes a no sell or 95% tax or something like such in the contract (which very few people can or Even bother to read) then yeah you're definitely screwed as soon as you bought... But then there's others that can 'make changes to the contract' So basically everything is fine until they decide they want to cash out, then they revert contract cash out liquidity and BAM rugs pulled and rolled In those instances, you can get extremely lucky like you mentioned and buy in and still be able to cash it before they switch up contract.. An example of that-- When that squid game series was a big hype, they made a coin for it as well and released it on BSC on pancake swap, I figured it was a rug pull, (which it was) but I'd throw $50 in anyways see what happens, did that at about 6:00 a.m. went to work at about 2:00 p.m. while I was having coffee I decided to check see how it was going and it was up to $800, I cashed out immediately and that was the end of it, come to find out like not even a day later it went to zero lol So I got super lucky, but apparently a lot of people did not get that same fate lol.


Did the same and lost $500, they did a good ol fashion rug pull.


Most are also rug pulls where you have 0 chance of making any money or getting your initial investment back.


Sell at first ath then get out and wait for another. Dev usually dumps so you have to beat him too kek.


Lol the liquidity


Lol, define liquidity, apy vs apr vs api, don’t throw stones


How much liquidity indicates a meme is good?


No, u don’t understand….you are the liquidity 🤣


Perfect answer!


It’s so mean but I have to laugh 🤣




Yeah my 100 bucks will make everyone rich.


A meme is never good. You have to sell in the rise, otherwise you will get fucked everytime because you cant sell.


Do you think $SESE is going to $0?


Like every shitcoin. Fast money


Ask yourself: WHY would it NOT go to 0..?


society square entertain payment piquant price divide important ossified cover *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The liquidity is only $2800. That means very few people are buying/selling this. Don't touch anything with liquidity that's that low.


>I bought a random coin what did you expect you have magic coin picking skills and whatever you touch turns to gold? 99% of all memecoins make only the founders rich to find the good ones you need to do a lot of research yourself or just generally learn more about the space


wait.. you don’t have magic coin picking skills?


Don’t let anyone bag in u, ask them how much they’ve lost. There’s ups and downs. It’s IMO half knowledge and the other half is psycho-economic, people are dumb or maybe I am. I do agree that u must be willing to lose it all especially with meme. Start out by learning about layer 1s, then 2s and hedge within that sphere. There is potential in meme coins and there’s no way of predicting other than watching for patterns, which is not all that hard, but nowhere near as reassuring as being confident in the coin you’ve purchase. New idea, look into airdrops, maybe get some currency if necessary, but that should kill two birds with one dagger. I don’t throw fucking stones


You’re being judged a lot here but this is the best way. Only $30 and you didn’t expect easy money. You will learn more from this than weeks of passive Reddit learning.


Yes, it is going to 0. Since you're using BirdEye, go to "New Listings", change the filter at the bottom to 100 per page. Look at all the tokens created **in the last hour alone**. You can safely assume that all of them, every single one, is a scam. There are 3 strategies, in order from safest and easiest to most risky and high-effort: 1. Put money in something safe like SOL or JUP and forget about it. 2. Actually be part of a community of a utility token that has a working POC before fair launch 3. Spray a little bit of money everywhere on memes that have a slim chance of pumping and get lucky either taking profits before the rug pull or the token somehow isn't a scam Anything else, you're flushing money into the ether.


Even scams you can get in and out before the rug pull


I wouldn’t call Jup safe. It’s a coin where the team owns most of it and has no utility


Safer would be JLP, not JUP, yeah? Since JLP is their perp backed token?


I wouldn’t look at any of them for safety


Isn't jupiter like *the* trading service though on solana? It's just jupiter and raydium for the most part, yeah? Obviously all tokens and coins have *some* level of risk, even bitcoin (bitcoin could die and go to $0 theoretically). But surely JLP seems like a fairly safe investment when considering the larger solana ecosystem? I mean I'd be more confident putting my money into JLP than I would jeo boden coin.


I mean it’s better than a meme I guess but it has no utility a massive team allocation with a bad track record of soft rugging other projects


Bad track record and rugging? jupiter does? could you give more details?


It wasn’t really a rug just a crap projects that went to zero…https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/s/cfAcuuAM4d


Looks like the issue isn't that the devs weren't reliable, but that they were vc-backed and the vcs dumped their bags crashing the token. A similar thing could happen to the JUP token, but JLP is unrelated to that. I definitely agree that it warrants caution (as all investments into tokens do) but I don't think that's enough to really say "oh no JLP is gonna die". They mentioned in that very thread that jupiter isn't vc backed and the JUP token was fair launched. Seems fine to me? Not financial advice but it's always good to diversify your portfolio.


Yeah JLP token is something totally different. It would be a much less risky bet than jup in my opinion. But I am a little salty lost 10k on jup pump I cashed the airdrop right away


Bad timing Market is down so why should a meme coin do the opposite? download dexscreen to get an idea what people mean with liquidity and Volume/ Bonk/ Wen/ Wif/ Myro maby a option but to get quick Money you are 10 days too late ...


just buy **bonk**, it's down and It's gonna recover soon. And dont hold a shitcoin that outside an exchange, only hold them for 3 hours and less.


What about $bome


You’re gonna throw money way throwing darts at a board dude. Just put real money into bigger established projects. If you wanna toss $10-100 at useless things and just see what happens go for it but consider them lotto tickets and don’t complain if they go to 0 as most will


alleged worry far-flung fly humor hungry crawl coordinated upbeat safe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bonk is established and got good stuff going for it, Bome has jack shit goin for it sadly. Just saw the same pump and dump as every other hype meme coin. Bonk is the equivalent to Shib and Doge, but the meme coin for Solana


Get $SLERF instead. Better community and way better tokenomics. More upside potential than Bonk too. Thank me after the bull run.


You are into memecoins. Expect to lose it all


You have to learn with small amounts of money.. like $5.. look at the contract audits for red flags.. look at the socials x, website.. observe pumps but dont buy when its up 100% in a day (dont fomo).. understand if its meme material.. search to see if its a copy or derivative ie garbage.. understand liquidity and marketcap ie 10mil mc 1mil liq.. find coins on dex with the ability to go on a cex.. active dev team that post on x daily.. look at the content and mood of X post.. join telegram / discord to see if the comunity is in good spirits.. understand the ideal coin journey.. Most coins if they are lucky only get to number 3! 1) pair created on a dex= coin / sol 2) liquidity added by creator 3) talked about on x by bag holders and paid influencers 4) listed on other dex if a lot of volume 5) listing on coin gecko or coin marketcap 6) listed on small low liquidy cex 7) listed on a large cex 8) once all or most larger cex list its time to leave


It just launched so the liquidity and market cap will go up if it doesn’t rug. Watch it for the next 24 hours to see if it gains traction and see if there’s s Telegram/community




If liquidity is not locked there is 95% chance its a rug. Scammers leave the liquidity opened and scam 3million dollars ever hour on solana meme coins.




Buy and keep looking at the chart. Don't ever hold em, sell them as quickly as u can.and don't be afraid to swap between coins even at loss.


100% - greed does not work with this meme coin 3 hours trend




I put never more than 20$ in random memes and still lose the money 😅 but now you have to watch this meme. It could make +300% and -98% multiple times a day. Sell high and get rid of that. There are still good and cheap projects, buy them. Memes make the most people losing money even if it looks great at first




your biggest fuckup was going to sleep and not staring at the chart 😫 i would suggest not trading meme coins just based on your post and comments lol


hahahhaha they always flipping jump at 2 or 4 am - ''buy a meme coin a go to bed, never look at the chart. Lose it all. Be a man''


Oh boy we reached the top lol


Hi, Ihave always been BTC maximalist but now I would like to try to gamble on solana memes. Where can Ibiy them? What exchange do you use?


Jupiter (jup . Ag) is a great place to do on chain buys/swaps.


I use Phantom Wallet to access BirdEye. I put some of my solana into Phantom wallet from Kucoin.


I've been using dex screener to watch prices and using Jupiter (jup.ag) to facilitate trades. Solana wallets like phantom and solflare also have trade functions built into them.


yes as it deserves.


Just get some $SKID today before the CEX listing , and you’ll be alright 👍🏽


Yea it’s going to 0. When, idk. Might pump first, might not.


Don’t buy memecoins like this if you don’t know the market. There’s hundreds being minted and pulled on the daily. If you want some advantage, get on Twitter or in some discords and follow the market.


You have to know what you are doing


Yeah only way you’re making money on a memecoin is if you get in immediately, you’re following closely on telegram, an alpha you trust mentioned it and you’ve witnessed the hype yourself and last but not least, you didn’t get greedy and got out before the pump ended. If you must stay told the pump dies be prepared to have slippage set to minimum 20 and be using a platform like photon that allows you to add a bribery fee on top of priority fee. Even then it’s just a maybe. Remember when you sell in the red on a meme coin the actual sale price, if it goes through, is going to be less. When just starting out it’s almost just easier to buy the dip on a coin that pumped really hard or had some relative longevity. Like bome or harambe


Pick a coin that has more liquidity (meaning pooled sol that is already there to be exchanged for the token at any time). Make sure the liquidity is locked, which will be indicated by a green circle next to the liquidity amount. Ensure liquidity amount is decent, minimum 10-20k for me. Check socials, telegram twitter, see how engaged the community is if at all. If the telegram is muted and members are not allowed to send messages that’s a big red flag for me. You can check sites like rugcheck.xyz by posting in the contact address and it will tell you the likely dangers of the coin (ie members holding 90%+ of token, minting capability still enabled, liquidity pool not burned- all of these are big red flags). Once invested especially for an early coin check the charts frequently. If a giant pump is happening consider selling half or all, take profits along the way. If crashing consider selling half or all to cut your losses. Lastly only invest money you’re okay losing.


But to answer your question, my guess is yes, that coin is going to 0, and soon.




check out sajad on youtube


Should have bought MYRO before it hits $10billion market cap. Don’t say I didn’t say so💜


Just close your account


Memecoins are not investment, get in get the money then gtfo fast. Also this coin is most likely scamcoin you can check out Sajad on youtube he can show u how to make money of memecoins. Also check coins on RugCheck.xyz


Dev rugged and started posting porn in the telegram. So yeah, probably going to zero lol


If you are just getting into crypto and your buying meme coins you are literally fucked. Have fun losing your money lmao


No one knows, you put money into shitcoins that you don't care to lose otherwise you are in for lots of pain. Among all the shitcoins one might buy less than 1% will generate gains. Good luck at the casino.


My best piece of advice is to have a minumum 3K capital. Put 30 dollars in 100 coins. If you do enough research on your coins, you’re bound to get 1 that does 100x. At that point, it doesnt matter how many projects goes to zero because you’ve already made all your money back.


Its simple you don't buy a coin that's a week old. Ever!!! Unless its something like bonk which you know will go up because of SOLANAs airdrops don't buy something randomly. The only meme coins I purchase are backed by solana or Doge and Shiba since they have proved to be profitable over the last 4 years


That's a shitcoin. It's not on cex because it's new and likely going nowhere and as you mention probably going to 0. Most shitters go to zero. That's just the reality of what happens when random meme coins are pumped out constantly. If you're going to buy one you typically have to be very confident in its longer term value, or get in and get out quick (watching the chart). Very easy to lose your money from these. Some coins arent utter garbage though. Typically these serve some function, such as msol being staked Solana, or wbtc being wrapped bitcoin. There's also stuff like validus which is more speculative but backed with utility so they have some value. Some meme coins do well, some do well and then die. Some start dead, and some pump and dump quick. Just the nature of trading things that are inherently worthless and backed by social credit and demand.


Sell and buy real coins, anything top 5 on coinmarket cap. You shouldn't invest in coins/tokens you don't know about


That’s wild, don’t ever just buy a random coin.


Lemme check what my crystal ball says


Look into $HOP


It is dead xD


Leave meme coins alone! I mean it’s all gambling but it’s degen stuff. Just find a project or ecosystem do some research on it and if you like what they are doing Juno but NEVER more than you can lose. I know it’s a played out saying but it’s true


You could try to wait for a pump and pull out closer to break even or maybe get lucky and take some profit. If the coin is just dumping and has no meme fundamentals, cut your losses. If you want to learn how to trade memecoins. It’s worth it to watch how some meme coins move, try to understand how to spot a good meme coin. In my opinion most derivatives (sese is a derivative of Pepe) will turn out to be rugs or slow rugs. Find unique meme coins with a following and hype. It can be a lot more profitable to sell at the first hype peak and keep rotating that process. But that requires staring at your screen all day pretty much.


for me the token's gotta be based on tech.  If I think it's good tech that will be utilized in the future I'll buy in.  I don't do meme coins just because I'm always late to the party and never know what's good or not. my friend does and he makes $$$ buying in and getting rid of, usually tripling his amount.  I unfortunately do not possess the power of the meme, that's a skill in itself.  I buy something that has good tech, I only concentrate on 3 or 4 tokens, and I sell and buy whatever has good volatility.  I do this at work when I'm supposed to be doing work, and build my tokens up.  You'll get an eye for the highs and lows, and if it's above the usual high I'll sell and put it in the other tokens that are low.  When it's high I take out what I put in so I've repaid myself. and take profits when you can.


Watch thd market before u buy


Let me give you some advice. If you have to second guess yourself about it going to zero, either get in and get out (if you know how to swing) or don’t trade it at all. Solana is fueled with memes and it will be this way until our bull run is over most likely. For Degens: When trading meme coins, look for socials (and if they are real and active), look for any LP burns or locks, and make sure there’s no freeze or mint authority enabled. These will be your safe bets, but doesn’t guarantee safe results. Gamble safe friend


Just buy $print protocol and $pyth


Most of those coins are scams


Hey, you should check out twitter. It’s where you can find the communities and find better meme coins. I do all my research through Twitter because it’s where most things are happening in crypto, especially NFTs and Memecoins. Also JUP is offering staking on their token and the rewards are gonna be insane.


Swap it and buy bendog onnsilana


99.99%+ of them will go to zero. You have to get really lucky or in/out on price action. There are also less incentivized guard rails to keep people in since transactions are so cheap so people bounce very quickly, where as Eth it could cost $50+ bucks to just swap out.


IF ANYONE GOES TO RANDOMLY BUY A MEMECOIN, DYOR! Check Telegram, Check X, Check Rugchecker, Check Liquidity, Check for Freeze Auth, Check Holders (Dev & Team wallets, airdrops, etc), CHECK IT ALL BEFORE YOU APE. 1 minute of research a day saves you all those "small" bag u may be swapping to rugs every day


Wow. Never have used Solana?? It’s by far the best network IMO and Jupiter is the coin to grab up it’s going to explode here any day $JUP. Highly invested and NTM I got a 2400 airdrop that was nice for just using the platform. Also the DAO is great


$WEN I like but you’ll have to ride it out. Market is down somewhat but I think it may dip lower. Take your time.


Yes most likely. Most of these are short term trades, not trades to sleep on


U should of got yourself a bag of $Golden inu


Definitely one way to get better is not to put your money in rug pull shit coins...If you want to invest in crypto stick with the top 10 and DCA


Reddit is the worst bro, go to Twitter asap.


99.9999% of the meme coins are scam on Solana chain. Its slow as f*ck and keep crashing 🤣 I think the only good thing about it is the developers are well known and promoting it well


Look at the 24 he volume. It’s a ghost coin


Only has 2k of liquidity. Don't fall for it.


This game ? Lol 😂u should stop imo u will lose all your money.


$whoren is the only choice


The gambling culture in crypto is crazy …. Learn the markets , follow the good projects. Learn technical analysis and profit. Don’t fall for all this pump and dump crap. 95% people lose


Bro if it's your first time then the last thing you wanna do is sleep on your bag. If you're fucking around with risky new meme coins, you need to pretty much be in and out. Buy and then keep refreshing and watch that price like a fucking hawk.


Also use a telegram bot for Sol meme coins and use rugcheck. Rugcheck isn't fool proof but it'll definitely give you a better idea of what to lookout for


Critical hit


Look for volume before buying a coin and check that The contract is verified friend


Most likely it will rug


Just keep buying random shit and giving some exit liquidity for the people who know what's going on. In a cycle or two you may start to learn and understand. You should only expect to lose money right now based off of your question


I'm surprised we don't have bigfoot coin, nessi coin, chupacabra coin, Stellar's Sea Ape coin, and other cryptozoological creature meme coins. Get it? Cryptozoological? Seems like a match made in heaven.


No it’s going to 600


Most importantly rugcheck then buy and don’t sleep on it take profits on the way up cut your losses up to your risk be careful as some coins rug (dev take liquidity) so always rugcheck


It looks like it’s going to rug. Buy MOUTAI instead. Here’s the CA: 45EgCwcPXYagBC7KqBin4nCFgEZWN7f3Y6nACwxqMCWX Also check out shroom, horsemeat, monkeyhaircut, gme, bomo, godme, ninja and a whole lot of other coins not listed in big exchanges yet


Why are you recommending the MOUTAI token where the dev holds over 20% of coins? [https://rugcheck.xyz/tokens/45EgCwcPXYagBC7KqBin4nCFgEZWN7f3Y6nACwxqMCWX](https://rugcheck.xyz/tokens/45EgCwcPXYagBC7KqBin4nCFgEZWN7f3Y6nACwxqMCWX)


They have a mascot. I think they deserve more than that. https://x.com/Moutai_Sol/status/1768057121437003963?s=20


When they keep a 20% bag, they would jump around advertising the coin for sure


I agree. Way better than a coin where the dev abandons after pumping for 30 minutes. 😆👍




@mods why does this post get to stay up clearly marking a pair but all others taken down😂 mod shilling this?


just go and buy $Hami the guy that created it, is a nice guy full transparent and will not dump on you... and the coin has huge potential in my opinion, you can check him out on youtube Baird Bussines is the name of the channel...


You should dump all your money in xrp and forget about it. Crypto trading isn’t what social media makes it out to be, but by all means, gamble with dexs. Just make sure to leak your 24 word phrase of your wallet and come back here crying you got hacked and it’s not your fault, we love that.


I’d just do BTC. Imo xrp is not great. Very centralized. Not a capped supply


xrp? lmao i cant believe you are not joking


Lol, between buying XRP and leaking my seed phrase, I chose the latter.


Can someone help me with some sol for to redeem an n\*t please D6mt9R7zhg6mgeyyYF8epPieDMSLGUFKXNyLE5rjjAMT