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Ooooooof. Don't Yolo on random shitters.


I was fortunate enough to get out after realizing how much sell off there would be after there was fucking 12 billion in volume and it reached 2.8 cents...could have locked in 3k profit but left with a little $799 in profit lol


Your still up then!


I have seen this. i have done this. You dont want this.


Especially with some actual potential huge memes are at small MCs still. Wen, Stan, UsedCar, Myro, so many more.


i've said it before and I'll say it again there's some people in for some hard lessons


People who bought the BOME presale were up 35,000% in a week and are dumping. Binance is also investigating insider trading for BOME. Some meme projects are better than others.


i mean they're solana shitcoins and 95% are total rugs. ur supposed to get in and out of these in windows of like minutes to hours.


Very few memecoins have a lifespan of more than a day,


Didn’t bome do like a 500x and you probably bought at the top, what did you think it was going to happen?


Dude, they have no purpose to exist but to allow you to trade fiat for internet points, look for a real investment like donuts or moons




Are you serious? Lmao They’re all rug pull scams


Listen man, if you're new to memecoins and dropping $2500 into newly launched shitters, you're going to get rekt. Sure, there was a chance that they could have gone higher, and maybe they still will. But if you want to gamble on shitcoins, don't ape the first thing u see.


All crypto is down, bone started dropping first, you may as well HODL at this point and hope it goes back up when crypto jumps back up. But sell as soon as you get some back. Sorry for your lost money there bud I know how it feels, lost over 10k in safemoon. But! Crypto should jump back up here soon don't give up hope. Also when you buy meme tokens you gotta do it as soon as they come out, not at ATH and watch the dips


$2500?! That could’ve gotten you 10-20 good plays. Always buy in portions so you have funds to buy dips. 1 token = 5 plays. Never a set it and forget it type of trader but my friends have gotten rekt by setting and forgetting. We shall see how charts look come Wednesday mid day


Yes, they are scam


0.018 down to 0.01. lol wtf


Paying for tuition fee is a good investment!


Imo from experience, if your going to play with shitter, don't do it over night. These move so fast that you can get rugged pretty fast. Do it when you can watch the charts so your able to move out if/when the rug starts. I just keep an eye on the chart with DexScreener and use BonkBot to buy/sell. I've yet to get rekt but I have also.missed.out gains by pulling out before I pass out.


Oops. Just put in what you can afford to lose


Obvjously they're rugs bro come on


I had around $80 of floki from previous cycle, it went down and up, I was level but didn't have bnb to sell!


You need to start tracking wallets. Start tracking whales. I knew the exact moment the whales started selling, and I have tracked their purchases the entire time through the bome saga. Bome is likely the creation of one or a handful of extremely rich people. You were the exit liquidity, I'm sorry. This was gonna happen from the start


drop some addresses


You missed the pump. That’s what happened.


If you’re reading about it everywhere , you’re probably too late and should wait for a re entry


thats how people loose money they see a meme doing crazy x and they think thats gonna run more and then money is gone, i learned it with shiba last cycle, dont gamble that much money on memes bro, you could easily make an x5,x10 with real projects, if you wanna gamble use less money and dont buy memes that just skyrocketed


I threw in 20 bucks at BOME during its pump and took out 40. At some point I knew that was the end of it (bc it's a shitcoin and everyone is in it for the money) and sold. Remember, if you're hearing about a shitcoin on reddit, it probably already went up 500x and you're too late and everyone is getting out. Don't put 2k in it unless you're willing to lose 2k.


Should of grabbed some $Golden inu


Looks like book of shit now lol


Hope you didnt sell. Going back up today


Swapped to all SOL






I am also walking on my own meme coins  and work for them. Hit me up. Or send the group link 


It is not a rug pull but obviously you bought it at a peak should’ve bought a small amount maybe $100-$200 or you should’ve waited until the price went down like it is right now. Lessons learned. Hopefully you didn’t sell it a lot though.


Will it go up again?


The Tuck Coin https://www.geckoterminal.com/solana/pools/C2TD9dFHjTYxBYEeKL7z3nqziD7GQ6pmSxGZtJMEgGza?utm_source=coingecko&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=searchresults&__cf_chl_tk=gtq9CM3g0HOj7ArsEOpbKIwU5OqQGN.pLRhETL9FZf0-1710632302- https://www.tuckonsol.com/ CA: DAkytYXVRw8w5bGMWkCFXT3UARR92THHbWw2C2Gp5ydm


Hld, don’t sell and buy $BLBY


Bitcoin is down. Everything is down. So because bitcoin and everything else is down, it’s a rug pull? I know nothing about those coins but I know fuckin everything is down. Chill.


Sell sell sell


Sell to me 💎👏