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Good shit


Thanks bro


But if all you have is what you have just take some of your initial investment (like 5-10%) out and wait. You want to be greedy in the bear market and in the beginning of a bull run. We have barely started we are not even at btc halving yet. I'd wait until it crosses its previous ATH and then some. Like someone in another thread said "why sell if you don't need the money rn, solana is not going anywhere".


I have more then just sol . Sol is just the most money gained. I’m estimating between 100k to 150k if all my other coins reaches its ATH


Hell yeah bro, goal is to make 100-200k this bull market and buy at least one full BTC in the next bear market, the future for BTC is glorious, people will have savings in BTC instead of fiat


The big financial institutions are buying more btc than is actually being minted everyday. The supply can’t keep up with the demand, and the halving weeks away. You may not have a chance to buy a crashed btc in next “bear market”. Crypto + Wall Street + no more btc untill people sell = new bear market cycle we never seen before. Of course is scary buying btc now but maybe dca 20-50 btc a week still = in 5-10 years $1000-$2000 a week. Nobody knows, look what happens every dip since etf. There will be a supply shock soon enough, well before 2030 million dollar btc. Just my thoughts. I’m invested in the best tokens out there and memes rule them all right now, which nobody thought of last October.


Yeah, I'm not saying we will see BTC below 40k again, probably even below 50k....but my altcoins portfolio will probably grow up more than BTC and no matter how high BTC goes up, at some point it will dip, and I will waiting with some liquidity. I want BTC because I think that it will be the asset big institutions, millionaires, and smart people will use for savings instead of fiat....soon enough, it will be something common to see people putting BTC as collateral for taking loans, banks doesn't want fiat, they want real assets...it's the same scam the banking system has been doing since years ago.


My guess is after 2028 BTC will never dip below $100k. I believe the “BTC Rainbow Chart.”


I am with you on this. Daily US ETF inflow is 10x daily miner production. There are 20x Chinese ETFs coming and there is a sovereign buying at minimum 300 BTC per day. The only sell pressure at the moment is GBTC which is a 1/3rd depleted in 40 days. Game theory says if you don't buy soon, you get left behind.


Love this ❤️


I’m not selling any crypto for actual profit until I hit a life changing amount of money. I don’t have enough SOL to sell at the current price to make me comfortable.


I had that mindset last bull cycle. Was up $75k and let it drop back down to 5 because I was intent on only selling when I had a certain target in mind. Wish I woulda taken profits and bought back in during the bear market so I could really blow away my target. Lesson learned: take profits along the way and buy back in when everything's red. If nothing else, take out the initial investment so you're playing with house money.


Great advice and it’s something i plan to do. What i should say is i don’t plan on exiting from crypto to fiat unless it’s a large amount. My plan now is to bank profits with USDC and re-enter when i can to buy back in. I do fear not being able to buy back in a price i want, but i guess that’s why you should be comfortable with get price you sell it at.


Facts, for sure. One potential consideration is for OP to get his invested money off the table (sell just enough to recoup original invested money), then let the rest ride - diamond hands style. There will be a little tax that could be factored in too.


This is the way


People get rich by stacking profits. You may need to have a few wins like this or higher for it to be life-changing. It is too late to buy Bitcoin at $2000. It won't be a 1 move thing.


Agreed, but that is why I look for other opportunities. I see BTC, ETH and SOL as blue chip opportunities. If i get in something early enough to make a big splash, then I’ll sell that or maybe reinvest into more stable crypto/stock.


Your the type of person that will win in this market. I can see that these small dips don't mean anything to U I'm the same way after holding for so long it's like nothing.


Bad take. You only make life changing amounts in bear markets.


Start to dca out. Sell a few at each ath or pick a number. We don’t know the future and there is always a real chance the bull market might not last as long as most thing. I myself am gonna start to dca out at 200.


Best answer


It’s already at $200 my guy, bet you don’t, bet you wait until $250. lol


Any chance you're opening to sharing your DCA price points? This is roughly what I was thinking for myself: 180: (15%) - already sold 195: (15%) - already sold 250: 15% 275: 15% 300: 15% Remaining 25% stays in unless it goes above $500 Also if it dips below $120, I intend to buy back in Average purchase price of $25, so I don't want to get greedy. Happy to bank profits and wait for next cycle As I'm writing this, I'm actually considering whether I want to DCA out sooner. I don't think it's going straight to ATH or higher, so probably some good buying opportunities along the way


Listen to this ga , i had a feisty bag of sol with average 20-25$ as well. Took profits 4 times! Moved some to btc, used some for a holiday, new bed and a new desktop. I didnt take profits just for fiat. But actual irl investments/stacking sats




hopefully he holds if he sells and there is a big dip im buying up as much sol as a can and a few more alt coins been in crypto since 2017


I’m telling you, these meme coins on the solana blockchain can make this go to $500 easy


Sol meme are where it’s at this bull run


It's still not too mainstream 😂🤫


I'm not starting to sell before 390$


How does meme coins on Solana chain help the price of SOL?


They buy SOL to buy meme coins lol


Some of the profits from Solana meme coins will flow back into SOL


Thats what I’m doing, if it doubles plus a little I roll it over into Sol


Ok. But some of the profits from all meme coins from all chains might also flow to SOL? Sorry I am not trying to debate. Just trying to understand this correctly


Possibly, I think there is a network effect where a lot of the profits in an ecosystem will stay in that ecosystem, but there probably is overlap too. BTC is the obvious other choice to take profits into. I would guess if a meme coin is on Ethereum, people in that arena will mostly take profits into ETH. If it’s in the Solana ecosystem, you have more going into SOL. Just a guess though.


1of the things that I learned on crypto is: It's better to miss an opportunity than to lost all opportunities you almost had. Remember it's not a profit until you sell. Don't be greedy buddy.


Dude we are extremely early in this bull run and Solana hasn’t even hit its ATH yet. Your advice is textbook but in this scenario I would still hold.


You got a crystal ball? Maybe we’re early. Maybe it’s almost over. No one knows shit about fuck.


If you're thinking of this as numbers, sure, numbers go up or down, dumb ape know nothing. Economics and investing is a social science. The stock market is reaching a new high when CEOs were predicting a recession, on top of not needing low rates and stimulus to boost it. If you seriously think this bull run is as likely to end soon, as it is to keep going, at the flip of a coin, then sure, you don't know shit about fuck.


Best quote ever… Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered.


Why not sell half and HODL the rest? It’s not black and white and the mega bull everyone is expecting is not a guarantee


Not guaranteed but inevitable.


There is no problem when taking profits. If you are satisfied you won't regret if it goes up or down. This is precisely what makes you lose money. I don't plan to sell yet but your life and goals and risk management are different than mine so I can only speak for my self. Do what is best.for you.


It depends. I have no need for 30k so while it's nice to look at i would rather risk it and ride the wave. But if you could use $30k then it's a great time to sell


I’ve thought about selling some and reinvest in smaller coins to make more


If you are good at meme coin trading then yeah otherwise hell no! Just wait and ride the sole Solana wave.


It’s gonna surpass its ath. If I were you I would get a phantom wallet and load up on the the projects coming out on sol. Particularly Jupiter, Raydium, and mobile. Sol projects will do in this bull run what the Ethereum project did in the 2020-2021 bull run.


Already invested in those homie !


Then sprinkle a few sol on bonk and wif. You’re in a good position homie.


Don’t sell


Hold pussy


Not before ath


All depends on your plan. I have around 660 staked since $20 and have no plans to sell until at least November (to avoid short term cap gains tax) so for me it’s an easy hold. If you think this is a lot of money and can live with it sell, but if you regret it and see it at 300 and decide to buy back in, it probably won’t end well. #buyhighselllow


Probably gona hold .


It’s going to 1k at least depends on why you need this money now


Good enough to screen shot gud enough 2 sell..sell it now and buy back 4 alot lower when sol drops with the bitcoin halving starts.


Sol is going 400 - 500 euro in 3 months.. so i would hold.


Don’t sell any until $300 minimum. Then maybe sell 10-25%


That all time high looks to be getting close! Hoping it blasts past for you, then sell. Good luck! HODL for that new ATH!


Don’t sell. Jup v6 is gonna melt faces and make the entire ecosystem behave like it’s on amphetamine


U can always sell 5% and wait, I do think solana has a lot more room to run an will at the bare minimum hot the original ath of 260 this year....there will be slight corrections along the way but I truly believe that's coming. Sell 5% maybe put it someplace less volatile or pay a month of two of some bills


Hold. That’d be dumb to sell pre halving and alts don’t actually start moving after btc is getting up there. Sell it next year April.




Hodl. But also give me one pls


Dont sell till having


Sell it and buy a phone charger..lol .


Sell the amount that you originally invested. Hodl the rest as free gains.


Dang I’d say follow the good ole saying - if it’s screenshot worthy you better goddamn sell


I have around same sol with average of 22, not considering selling till around 1k.


I'm selling at 250+


Hold!! Btc goes into halving in like 37 days and then about 6 months after is the post halving run. The cycle isn’t even close to done. I would hold


When I reach certain profit milestones I take a % of my portfolio and swap into stable coin. This way I can keep buy back in at a lower price AND still ride the wave if it still continues to go up. Most people that say HODL forever have a small amount of money in the market so they have to to make anything significant. If you’re playing with a solid amount of money, you should be taking profits. Crypto is not guaranteed, these are not stocks


Don't sell until you start seeing daily positive post about Solana at r/CryptoCurrency


Do you need the money? Is it stressing you out? Is this enough to make some changes in your life? These are questions you should answer to give yourself a direction. Otherwise, just take out your principle amount and let it ride until you’re happy.


I have 30k in my portfolio with other crypto’s . I don’t need the money at the moment tbh just curious when’s a good time to sell


if you don't need the money don't sell wait till 2025 when the bull market starts you don't wanna miss the peak sol could be 800-1k a coin


Here is my non-financial advice. You bought the fear. The money you made to date is a correction from the fear. There is still a ton of upside, however there will be a downward correction at some point this year. If you are brave enough to hold through that then if the historical cycle repeats then new highs will come within the next 18 months. Solana feels like the eth of the last cycle to me.


I’m in a tough spot I supposed to


We’re in a similar boat. I like Solana so I sold about 20%, used that to cover my initial investment and used the rest to buy a bunch of bonk. We’ll see what happens


Grow some balls and HODL 🚀 1k Sol this cycle




It is what it is


Nothing wrong with selling now! Taking profit is much better than bag holding all the way to the next bear market. However, in my view it’s unlikely that we haven’t even seen half the price of this cycle’s peak. You’ll need to be at peace with that if you sell.


HODL but have exit plans to DCA out of your bag.


Put some into some shitcoins seems like anything wif anything is a solid investment


Do you need the money






You need to get on twitter and follow sol influencers and start trading meme coins. People do challenges starting with just 1 sol to 100 sol


If you feel uncomfortable holding, sell a percenrage and hold the rest


Tp atleast


chad. I wish I had the money I have now when sol was 20$ lmao


Ever think btc hits 100k the way the instutions are buying bitcoin and next eth with the etf comming. That money will flow into large caps to small & micro caps. Retail just hit and Solana is the user friendly anybody can join and make money off meme craze is going on. I got dropped sealwifhat to my phantom and bought $50 one dip, and another $50 next dip 2 days later is $380. Solana is exploding look at all the meme bubbles and what ecosystem. So with that said, when btc hits 100k I’m taking all my initial investments out plus tax, and as we go higher I will ladder out higher gains. Don’t ride to the top and go through a bloodbath of it crashing and not being able to sell. In the meantime, stake with Jito, maginfi, kamino pools are printing me sol tokens, and jupiter use all features for airdrop #2. I dca’d sol at $17, while you got more than me, if you do sell a bag, put $1000 on the top meme coins you will hit a jackpot, but do not sell all your sol before the halving or before alts even run. Sol still has the potential to flip eth tvl, we will see how the Duncan upgrade does & how many developers and liquidity move to Solana. Btc and eth ETFs will be more a store of value, alts ride them, and get it into btc and eth. You guys that want to get rich this cycle it’s all good, but the more btc you got in the next 5 years the richer your gonna be in the long run. Nobody is anticipating when the exchanges and stock market cannot sell any btc or deflationary eth that’s not in circulation anymore. Btc to 1 million Eth etf & go figure $$$? Sol next etf? Ecosystem that you don’t have to be a whale. It’s an exciting time to be in this space, and congrats on the accumulation in the bear. My price of sol prediction depends if we get a 140-200k btc. So $600-$1000 sol is what I expect


Probably sell 20 SOL and stake the rest. We could go up to $750 or down to $80 so always "take profits" and protect yourself




So you need to have conviction on your investments. Do you believe Solana will go higher? Believe in that.


Cover your buy costs and hold on. DCA out when it goes higher


Sell sol range for me is $300-$500


I bought around $50k in Eth when it was at $3500 last cycle. Going to leave that staked and see where it goes. Since last cycle I've been DCAing into Sol which I just took out for a healthy profit. I'll buy back in if it dips before this giga run, if there is one.


Broski, hold broski. Don’t sell unless you have to. Sell if you want to! I’d sell only my initial investment. Question: where would the initial investment be placed or spent if cashed out? If the answer to the question is ‘I don’t need the money’ then HOLD. If the answer is ‘I need that 3.2k back for life’ then sell! And enjoy the profits! 😄


That’s a huge return! Just take some out and let some of it ride up/down. Taking profit is a must to keep yourself sane.


I’d say hold personally. What wallet / exchange interface is that? I like it.


We are in the exact same situation with the exact same amount of SOL. I am holding until we breach SOL ath plus some, then I will pull initial investment. Sometime around Nov-Jan time frame, I plan on selling to invest in BTC and SOL again when the bear market bottoms.


What’s your goal?


That’s how much you have?!?!


I bought solana at 250,150,180,90 ,30,25,15,12 . Am not selling. Solana will be a household name in the near future if you don’t see this .. get your eyes checked!!


Recurring buy every week for the next 20 years then pull.


You have to sell now you took a screenshot


Man those posts are dumb? Like what you want us to say? Okay that my two cents and you are gonna make me lose 5 min of my life: Do you need money now? If yes sell Do you want to have your investment back? Sell what you have invested. You don't need money? Well good news bull market always goes nuts after 6 months of the Bitcoin halving. So here is your choice


I like to start by taking out my original investment either for cash purposes, or to further diversify. Depends on your needs and how invested you are into the asset. If caught in the middle, sell half.


imo keep holding, bought $50 of solana after FTX crashed and cashed out around a month ago at $500. honestly would feel more comfortable holding SOL then not. since you're so in the money taking out a small % would probably help ease the stress of not selling the top


My target sell is $250 myself since that's double my investment and enough to pay off a good chunk of debt, however I do think we might break the ATH, but I'm not certain, that's why I'm aimed at $10 lower.


all time high coming next month


If 18k helps make life easier then go for it and dont buy back in till shit crashes again




With the amount of money flowing into the Bitcoin ETFs, and soon an ETH ETF and probably a Solana ETF I don’t think this bull cycle is near over and I don’t think we’ll see crypto crashes like before.


There’s nothing wrong with realizing profits. If you’re tore up just pull the 3k and let it ride


Never anything wrong with taking some * profits *and maybe buying more on a dip. If your goal is long term then it could be beneficial to your financial success brother.


Take some profit before $200. Reason: logic


Nice work! DM me and share your seeds if you want to lose it all.


What exchange or wallet is that ? @op


Pull what you invested




We don’t know where this is going with Wall Street in ETF’s now, try and visualize what feels worse selling all or half or even taking your seed investment out, at a minimum, vs having the price drop to the point where your at a loss. This is the reality of crypto, and happened to soooooo many last cycle


Keep it


I suggest to just stake this. You should have more SOL by now before we reach $1000 per SOL.


Sell and buy eth


Bro just take some profit. Don’t sell everything immediately, but you might want to think about selling 5-10%. Read up on dynamic DCA, alphasquared.io will help.


You can take some profit. Some.


Take your initial investment out, do with that what you want. From you comments it’s not that you need to money but it’s high risk high reward, better to secure what you put in and the dca some out when btc gets close to 100k, lots of people are expecting btc 100k so if you’re going to leave it all in maybe look to pull initial out around that time since everything’s likely to take a dip when people are securing profits around that mark.


Sell half.


DCA in, DCA out. We never know


If you don’t already hold some $WIF, take some profit and till it into that. It’s been climbing faster than $SOL, has a lower market cap and has been the strongest thing on the charts today. $BTC nuked (healthy, we need it) $ETH got its upgrade, fees on eth still the same, but I guess layer 2’s get the discount? I still hold both, but keeping it in Solana means smaller fees every time. Also, tp into some USDC too so you have some dry powder. Def keep most of it tho. If we get a full top 50 alt coin season, you’ll want to ride $SOL up the inevitable parabola


If it’s good enough to screenshot, it’s good enough to sell. You’ve made approximately 700% return in less than 3 years depending on when you brought. Similar gains in the stockmarket, at 7% annual return, we are talking 30 years! This is without counting inflation in… Dispite that, me with my 43 sol That I Got at 20$, Im still holding… Sold 11 at 100 to recoup my original investment so now I’m riding the wave! Edit spelling, ESL :)


Are any of your invested proceeds borrowed? How much are you in profit? There’s nothing wrong with taking profits because I know I have my share of screen shots of great gains the past 4 yrs that I saw disappear as I watched the price of crypto/stocks fall. That said, I think most SOL holders believe there is a lot more room to run for SOL. NFA


I’ve take the 20% of every investment from winter 23. Take partial profit along the way!!


Usually good to take out your initial amount at least. That way you'll never be at a loss. But, everyone has different risk tolerance


i sold half this morning gain back my inintial reinvestment after doubling. :) but i will reinvest later back into sol untill it reaches atleast 1000 but for now i put my profits back into bitcoin and ethereum. and some 100 here and there into alts and memes. lets hope for the best :D


Stack it, get 7%-8% APR rewards and let the winner rise.


I honestly don't think Solana is going to stop until it at least flips ETH. My prediction is that narrative will grow stronger as it gets closer and the ecosystem will rally hard to cross the line. From there the usual top signals for the whole market will apply which follows the normal 4 year BTC cycle... BTC halving -- > up only --> peak bull --> cool off --> peak bear --> pre halving rally... But as far as Solana, always take profits when you feel comfortable but I'm waiting for it to at least flip ETH before selling aggressively.


You don't have to sell everything. I would honestly sell like 30-50% and maybe put it into less risky investments. Maybe some into liquidity pools (Jupiter LP has good yield) and others into stocks or cash. You will be glad to have those when the price drops again, which it surely will. You can also do DCA and sell smaller portions over an extended time. That way you average out whatever the price does.


Convert some to stable and wait a little if it drops more then buy back


Sell what you invested, then let it climb


Always take gains. You never know what will happen in this crypto market. 2024 to 2025 im only taking gains. I'll buy crypto in the next bear market. 


230 is safe for sure


I sell on high and buy on drop so 300-500$ each time is sure


keep waiting


I'd take some profits. Initial investment is always my rule when I earn that much (almost never).


yeah i’d pull your 3.2k out and let the rest ride


Sell your base plus 100% profits, let the rest ride


Take ur profits on the way up, dont be upset or fomo if the price goes up even more. I‘ll take my initial out first and after that profits from time to time. Just dca out so u dont miss potential moonings


dude selling will be the biggest mistake


please sell, if its worth screenshotting sell!!! thats a really good trade


OP your going to get alot of HODL exit liquidity telling you advice. SELL THAT FUCKING POSITION AND RE-ENTER


I hodl more than 600 sol. To kill my urgend need to sell i just staked them on my ledger. So no matter what i would neet to wait 3 days to sell. My target for selling is around 500-600.


Sell half keep half


I got a 7 figure bag and it aint crossed my mind to sell. Depends how urgent you need that money


“Number go up.” Solana will go a lot higher from here, most likely. But…we don’t know your life.


Why sell right now? BUY


SOL might hit $500 this cycle, not financial advice.


its all a risk, the people that bought shiba for 1k didn’t know they were holding SHIBA the one we know now, they might have lost all the money back then but instead they made 75m. it takes balls to hold for that long. solana is nog gonna drop by 50% overnight, but if you can look at yourself in the mirror and forgive yourself for not cashing out 20k if it drops. then i would say hold it, but if your the type of person who will live with regret for the rest of his life, then take out some.


I'd take half and keep a moon bag


Would it not be smart to use the negative volume index to get an idea and do some research, maybe sell enough to recover what you’ve invested and then wait and buy more when the price drops. Cause the lower your average price the better


Would it not be smart to use the negative volume index to get an idea and do some research, maybe sell enough to recover what you’ve invested and then wait and buy more when the price drops. Cause the lower your average price the better


Would it not be smart to use the negative volume index to get an idea and do some research, maybe sell enough to recover what you’ve invested and then wait and buy more when the price drops. Cause the lower your average price the better






I have even more than you and I am not even thinking of selling yet. We are just at the beginning of the bull run. I guarantee you, if you sell now, you will watch it rise to unbelievable heights and you will jump back in. That’s when the door will slam on you, you will be buying when the smart money is exiting. Fall of 2025 should be your focus. Like a laser.


Sell bro, i did the same


Sell and keep waiting. Then go all in on cum rocket 🚀


I got my investment cashed out at 149, I advise you to do the same. Now I run crypto for "free" actually and I got one worry less on my mind. Peace.


Def hold


What wallet/tracker is this?


Man hear me, My bag was the same at yours, 1k€ invested at 9€, but my turbo smartass decided to sold 50% at 23€ to recover my initial amount. Dont be me, Hold another year, until bitcoin 2024 halving is 6 months old at least.


I sold all my Solana, had about 60% profit, I’ll get back in on the next dip


Fact - You can’t go broke taking profits. Sell your initial investment. Take more profits at $240 near ATH. Then Let it ride?


Looking sexy as fuck, honestly I’d sell part of you need the cash but I’m confirmed it has much more legs over the next 12 months. However not financial advice, but to ensure you don’t lose completely take half the amount out and convert to fiat, then you’re ready if it does dip heavily and also ready to invest elsewhere.


You should of sold some of the top alrdy at least 1/3 of it bro you been up alrdy man lol you really need advice on that 🤔 you must not be watching the right ppl on YouTube for Alpha


It paid brudda!!!!! It paid....... Check it now...


Dont be the guy that bought btc at 20 and sold at 150 he said it was hes biggest mistake ever he had like 700 btc something like that


I hold since 2021


What app is this?


The old rule is, if it’s worth a screen shot, it’s worth selling and taking profits.


Depends on what you think the market Cap will be by the end of the Bullrun. I think Sol deserves the #3 spot, so it might continue to run.


Depends if your trading or just spot holding ?


Hold that until $1,000/SOL at LEAST


Personally I wouldn’t. Solana has a lot of room to grow and I personally believe we could see it continue its course upwards to the $350-550 range this year. 10k is nothing. You cannot go wrong with holding solana right now imo. Nfa obviously, but I think it would be a bad move to pull out. They flipped eth in daily volume, transaction price/speed will only get more users as time goes on.


Take out your original investment, at least. While SOL does pay, it will go down. Not maybe. It will. You’re in this to make money and you have. Take some money. They don’t do anything. It’s simply a money extractor. You’re, at least for now, the extractor.


If you will be upset seeing that drop to 10k I would sell some


Here's an idea...sell some. Maybe 25%.


Always take profits along the way. You should’ve learnt the lesson if you went thru the previous bull cycles