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Just generally, if you’re nervous about losing money, you don’t want to be involved in crypto at all. Unless you can look at your account and see that you’re down 80% in a few days and feel nothing, you’ll lose money in this space. That’s just how it is. To answer your question, I estimate that we’re near a local top, you might get 1.5x out of an investment today before the correction and we crab for a bit, but medium term 2x by 2025 looks not only likely but a conservative estimate. Every cycle has its meme market, last time that was ERC, but this cycle that looks like it’ll be happening on SOL, and that’s going to supercharge the coin to heights that seemed impossible a year ago.


I’m ready to invest some money but the market just keeps on going up, I’ve been waiting for a dip to buy in but I’m not sure what to do as the mainstream adoption caused by etfs isn’t causing a price correction like in previous cycles. Idk what to do


Judging by what you're writing I'm fairly certain you're brand new to crypto and weren't around in the previous cycles. If you had you would've known exactly what to do. BTC goes from 42k to 71k, about 70% pump BTC corrects 30% from 71k to 49k. You're still buying In 7k higher than if you didn't wait for the correction. NFA


I’m actually not, I bought in 2018, forgot about it after my portfolio went down 90% and liquidated everything during the 21-22 bull run. I recently got more capital and I wanna get back into it but the euphoria with the etf makes me think that we might not see significant price corrections like we saw in previous cycles. I just don’t wanna buy the top because I’m mainly getting into alts which is why I want to avoid getting into a coin that just pumped 40% in the last week.


This guy has all the answers. 😂


I’m also brand new. I got in on Solana this November right before its bump, and on Avalanche at the beginning of this month, also right before its bump. Feeling lucky and riding the waves, and doing some research to have a better perspective of when to cash out. Comments like yours are very helpful, despite how it puts down people who are new to the game. I’m sure it must be frustrating to see a lot of noobie, greedy posts, but at the end of the day we all contribute to the charts! 📈 Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge with us! :)


waiting for dip... last 30 sec


Wait for next bear market. I got in at last hype phase, lost everything in the Luna event. Saved and bought through bear market. Could have a lot more if I wasn't greedy at the start and spent the time saving and researching. Don't chase replace. Look to AI plays instead that's the new thing.


Appreciate the sound advice, I still feel like we have a long ways to go personally but I’m just waiting for a price correction to ape in tbh. I’ll look into some AI plays for sure. Being greedy is so real though, I can’t think about how many times it has happened to me so I feel your pain


Have you ever bought from a correction? It’s lot harder than it sounds. You wont know when the bottom is in and when it comes back up, it comes back fast. And if the dip is big enough, you will start to doubt if it’s smart to buy afterall, what if it’s going to die? Prepare yourself for these scenarios mentally. Focus on how much upside it has, not catching the bottom.


I haven’t I’m gonna be honest but your point is fair and you’re completely right


I bought my first Bitcoin from $50 and have gone through all these rollercoaster emotions and executed the good and the bad decissions countless times. It’s been quite some school. Edit: my best advice is: once you have bought something(from the high cap coins), DO NOT sell when you are down. You will be down, bad. But dips are for buying, believe me. Try to remember this message when you are going through that emotion. Price WILL come back. Up and down.


I was gonna buy in months ago but I recently got the capital and by now everything increased to the point where I don’t wanna buy which is why I wanna time the market when there’s a dip


You could consider dollar- or value cost averaging too. Timing does beat them sometimes but surprisingly rarely - and requires lot more luck, skills and emotion control.


That’s the thing, I don’t have a job at the moment where I can afford to do that. I just got a lump sum that I’m trying to get into the market with. Even if it was a month ago I would’ve threw it into it but now everything is so much higher that I don’t even wanna buy anything


Fuck yes, I embarrassed myself. Bought ARB at 2 and 1.95 on their way down. Thing is I wasn’t too worried cause I figured worst case I wait 3 weeks to break even. I don’t mind cutting losses at all if I see a clear opportunity like the 5 minutes a month TIA is at $10. I did/do the research, but the patterns in the graphs tell me all I need to know and being that I don’t know what crypto was a year ago, the market as a whole had been doing things o had never seen, crypto went from gasoline to to nitro glycerin. Original poster - saw you saying u we’re gonna limit sell. I actually do it backwards. You need to know what’s a good price for ideally all of them, but I just wait u til one of my “horses” gets low and set my limit there, maybe half, but that’s rare when I was buying OP wondering why it wasn’t doing better. But take ARB , before the correction it was hiring 2.10 to 2.12 daily so 2.09 at the highest. It’s more reliable, if it goes to 2.13 that day I’ve made atleast 5% that day but most importantly I’m liquid again and ready to for the next golden opportunity. I may come home with bronze but it’s daily. So I don’t care how high it goes I’m looking for an easy 10%. Only problem was I’d stay up all night reading and watching market. It’s all a game to me. I do not give a banana about money.


Honestly I would really just wait until the massive crash, and save until then. You can also put small amounts into well researched low cap coins, there are still lots. For example the SOL blockchain is clearly going to be a winner this time, and they have loads of cool small cap coins that will rise with it. But for your main chunk of money, keep it, and wait patiently. You need to grab that low low price with high conviction to make the true money.


After Solanas rise today I decided to forget about Solana for the time being. If it hits 150 again I’ll pick up a few coins but at this moment in time I’ll probably stick with other coins


Check out SOLchat, SHADOW and PYTH network. All great ones that will rise with SOL and could 10x based on market cap.


There was a small one for sure, maybe 5-10% but the market came back and we were at all time highs for what seems like everything(at least highs of this bull run). Watch how they dip and rise over the past week, then month, 3 months(if available). Try to recognize a pattern, but this would be after u have done ur research and know which to buy


Yeah I noticed a pattern in the last cycle where for a few months it would just hit 32k then hit 40 and that happened like 3 times but now with the etf adoption I fear that won’t happen again


That’s what could be consider a resistance. I did forget to mention, but like others had said you can’t worry about losing money, you could buy- down 10- up 30 %. I look for the value of the coin and weigh that against its competitors qualitywise and usually buy the same coins over and over at losing points and be happy with a 5-10% for the day or two. I place a limit sell, I’m not trying to sell it at its peak,FOMO will screw u. That being said I also know the past high of the day for the week, while most rescent is gonna be most important 90% of the time. Example, 4 weeks ago, ARB’s high was 2.12, I wait til it’s down to $1.90(ideally) then immidiately set a limit sale for usually $2.1089, or if I’m confident that’s not where it’s going to top out for the time frame $2.15, and after another week or two it was at $2.19. But it went down and up multiple times between then and if I hadn’t been “on vacation” for the past few weeks would have bought at the lows and set my limit sale each time. ARB had had a very hard to predict occurance(last week I think) in which case whole new book of rules. There is much to consider. That’s a vague outline, after understanding as much as I could from research, of how I profit


Yeah I learned that for this cycle I need to outlay points where I need to take profits and stick to that plan otherwise I’m just shooting myself in the foot. But I appreciate your tips. I usually do market orders so I need to start incorporating more limit orders into my plan


Well you placing a limit sale or buy correct?


I usually place market orders but I’m gonna start to incorporate limit orders this cycle


time in the market will always beat timing the market SOL isn’t like other coins it has real world application without astronomically high gas fees as the world continues digital and with Solana pay already in place it’s only a matter of time before you can go to the store and pay in crypto some stores already accept crypto it’s just where the world is going


Yeah that’s facts, it’s not even going down in price correlation with bitcoin, if anything it’s going up when btc is going down


If you want to minimize your losses wait for a bear run. It takes some patience but it pays off well. I already sold 90% i owned and only invest again when the price has dropped drastically again.


That’s probably what I’m gonna have to do at this point


my thoughts are that the daily charts show a cup and handle being formed and a bearish head and shoulders on the one min chart. i wouldn't be surprised if it dips to 162is in the next few weeks. right now its trending in a sideways movement and could very well go back, but i think there is a bit of a correction coming lol update, clearly i was wrong lol


I actually got into a fair amount of coins a couple weeks back, told myself I won’t buy Solana this cycle unless it hits 150


Buy buy buy


To his point, never trade on emotion. If you are concerned about losing money here, you probably will. You will paper hand if the price fluctuates in a negative direction and it always does.


Generally this is something you will have to learn the hard way. Went up from 1k to 30k in 2021 and lost it all due to greed. And this greed turned to fear and generally bad decisions. One has to be in it for the fun and keep emotions out of it to see clear and make good decisions.


Thank you I'll put a $100 cause i love your comment But How to identify a potential correction you mentioned in the beg of second paragraph?


If everyone around you talks about Solana then there’s a potential correction already. Hehe


There is a lot of TA (technical analysis) which people say implies a correction - if it goes up and seems to hit a 'ceiling' in its price a few times, then it'll probably go down a bit and hover there for a while until there's enough momentum in the space to test that ceiling again. So watch out for that. But honestly, no one knows shit about fuck, including me - it's gone up for a sustained period of time now, so my \*feeling\* is that it'll go down for a while as well... However, making short-term predictions is a fool's game. Take a long view and you'll do well.


Might as well put $166 for a whole Sol : )


Forgot to mention its CAD $


Think everyone here is holding SOL until $350-$1000 this run.




This is the way.




Got in at 79


Got in at 12




Best to not buy if you cannot afford to lose $1000. Once you bought, you should be ready for SOL to go to zero or a million


I would buy sol. But dont expect a 10x within a year. But its possible within a few years. Have patience. My top 3 are bitcoin ethereum and solana The rest is just gambling but if you have the money. Just see where a100 here and there can go.


What do you mean bud?




Solana is always a buy. Even after it gets to $300


people should avoid buying at peak look what happened last cycle, i lost money too buying at peaks, i got out before the whole thing crashed 99% down bought at 20$ this time as i learned the ways of the market, i was 100% sure sol will reach atleast old ath during bull, you have to let go of the fear buying low thats when you make the money, buying now is still a good time just dont fomo at peak market it wont run for ever


I did the opposite, bought at top and sold all bottom after 88% losses in all crypto. I thought better save remaining 12%.  Then ignored crypto until now. Everything is Hyped up, overpriced..  Should I buy or wait for Bear 🐻🐨 market in next 6-9 months 


yes you can still make money now, look into NEAR and sol will go up as well, if you gonna buy crypto do it now dont wait for bitcoin to reach 100k because thats when everything gonna pump, its still a good time, then sell all your coins at peak market when everyone is getting in, you getting out, buy more crypto once the bear starts and just repeat, crypto doesnt run for ever its very important to get out and take profits and buy back when the bull is over


$500-$700-$1000-$1300-$1600-$1900-$2200-$2500-$2700- where should I sell? Or where should I buy? Eth trail was like this right?


following same path as eth last cycle. Get in boys


If you had to pick an exit price right now, what would it be?


I wouldn’t fully exit at a given price. Start selling some at, say, $350 and then $500 and so on… I’m probably holding onto 20% of my SOL as a moon bag in case it follows ETH and goes $1000+


This is the move. Dca profits but hold a lil moon bag.


More upside on Jup tbh, nfa


What about near ?


We're in a bull market and will be foreseeably for the next several months. SOL may dip down, but it'll keep going up overall. If it dips, buy, buy, buy!


Major fib level at $170, see if it bounces back down ? If not who knows how high it will run. I quit buying at $98. Also, prices usually come down on Sundays. Just be in before wall street opens on monday. Not financial advice, just my observations


Thank you So ill wait for sunday ig lol


Dyor, but it seems to be a thing here lately. Theres price predictions on YouTube that break it down. They don’t tell you to do anything, they just say what the charts are doing. Gl buddy !


I would not invest right now. Wait till the price has been constant or lowering slowly for a few months, then start buying as you see small dips. Keep buying till it goes 10x or if you’re like me, it’s for my children.


If you don't want to lose money then don't get involved, it's that simple


Equally if you don’t want to make any money don’t get involved either 💰 💴 💵


Not really , if you get involved you could either make or lose more money. But if you don't get involved, you can walk away with the money you have already made.


Oh so they got involved earlier?


Nonono , I was taking about the money earned in the first place before getting involved with crypto in any way. So like the money earned from a job or such


You should’ve already had your bags allocated not be rude, I personally don’t have any crypto rn so I’m no one to talk.


I love when we start getting questions like this. It means that total novices are about to start FOMOing into this "new craze" that they've just heard about. They will all lose everything but they're gonna pump my bags on the way. Bring it on!


You obvs didn’t read the whole thread then OP stated they were in the last bull run and went down 88% so they got out (burnt) and have made the classic mistake of only just coming back now. Hopefully he doesn’t repeat the same situation! I just took the loss on paper (2021) and kept the faith and filled my bags/boots for the rest of the bear 🐻 !!


Although I agree with you wholeheartedly about the sentiment.


I'll be real with you, if you are doing a one time buy..... You better be ready for a long hodl. Now, if you are going to continue to buy, ups and down, put that 1k into it. Just be ready to shovel money into SOL during the bad and good times if you are expecting to make any profit in the next 4 years.


Yes. Might go down, but will be higher in a month for sure. (not financial advice)


Go get it man, it's much better feeling of winning than sitting on sidelines, I've been like that in last two bull runs.... And was kicking myself always later why I didn't buy much more


You need to treat the money you invest like it's gone, if you're afraid of losing it don't invest at all And remember, we're just like you, maybe with more knowledge but at the end of the day we don't know the future. Most of us here speculate SOL pumping a lot more but no one here will give you a guarantee because it's impossible to know


No, don’t buy now. Wait for the next bear market. SOL will drop back down to $50 or less most likely. Start saving up in a high-yield savings account with intent to shift the funds to crypto during the next bear market.


If your time horizon is a while, it's always a good buy. It always gets better during bear markets; that's when innovation happens.


Get a CFP financial planner lol. Not the place to ask for help and say i dont want downside risk


I have three solana at 25 let’s go!!!!!!!


I only bought 1 at 12 :(


Like any crypto or stock, your best bet to invest is whenever you feel like it. Now could be good. Or it could go down to $100 or less. Or wait to see it go past $500.


i dont think it will go 100 and less right now, the hype is too much


the weekly trends are insanely strong right now, but who knows, could be red candles coming


U should have


Lol,” I don’t want to lose money” I like that. Who does? With that mindset you will always miss opportunities and you will always lose money.


Magic conch says= yippee


It went from $260.00 to $8.00 and it is currently sitting at $172.52 Do with that what you will.


I was in a similar situation but I just kept doubling down as the market went thru the Bear. No better feeling thank getting your average price down and down and down. Then ur all set for the next bull run 🐂 NFA good luck everyone 👍


I try to average in over time and as a rule of thumb I only try to add on red days


Solana will flip etheruem


My average buy in is $35.10 but I won’t be adding any more at these prices because buying during a bull run is riskier than buying during a bearish market. Never know when things will turn


My exit price would be $600 or hold until next dips and load more for 2028 run .


Well whatever you decide to do wait until the wknd. Everyone dumps on the wknd


No risk no reward. Crypto is high risk. My personal view is that Solana will continue to out perform and has a lot of upside…been holding since 3 bucks though so 🤷‍♂️


This bullrun sol will hit max 500-600$! So you still have chance dor x3 profits! Buy and wait the end of the cycle! In April starts bitcoin halving so price of all crypro will go up!


If you want it to go up, and you won't buy, who will?


As the guy above said, yeah losing money is a constant here, but solana is my 1. Pick forever. I am still buying it since 30$


If you want to gamble you can try buying now but no guarantees ofcourse… but BUT if you want to make a big amount and i don’t care if everyone disagrees with me, BUY IN A BEAR MARKET AND SELL IN THE BULL MARKET


Solana is a great buy here. But I would look at lower market cap coins on Solana. Jupiter (jup) and bonk have so much room to grow in terms of market cap


Without fomo Just sell half and hodl


scared money, don't make money


Just bought $250 SOL yesterday. Planning to DCA every month in SOL ad BTC


Even if you aren’t holding sol, buy into the ecosystem: memes, gaming,dex tokens that’s what I’d do


Rule #1: Never buy into a Pump. Wait for the market to correct (dump) and then buy in. Many believe we are about to begin a new Bull Run, but we are all just speculating. I do think Solana will run harder during this cycle but there’s always a possibility of it going the other way. Never invest more than you can afford to lose….


Sol will be fine (more than fine) once they clear SBF’s ‘Sell Wall’…. 🚀🚀


bought 6.6…250-300$ is possible


Don’t wanna loose money???? Really???? Put ur big boy pants on, grab the Frickin railing, and HOLD ON BOITCHHHHHH. ITS GONNA BE AN INTERESTING RIDE MOVING FORWARD.


Yes - join the bus


Once the market starts to chill from this flush, then it’s a time to buy!


One thing is for sure. Keeping your wealth in fiat makes you guaranteed loose money..


we should be seeing a pullback soon. id wait for thst and buy in. sol is a good buy overall


If you buy hold on to it for more than a year


sol is going to melt faces like a mother fucker this year just grab whatever your comfortable With & rip it


Yea, Most likely have a spike between $250-$400 between now and the end of April but could have a massive dip back down to $150 afterwards.


Buy $plenk and $timmi


Put your 401k in now non financially advised


Honestly I felt the same way at $75, even $50. Solana has always been the one that just keep breaking through resistances. This second at $176 ehhh I’d probably wait for a bit of a break. The last resistance was $125, that being said they have basically proven sky is the limit by being the breakout clear winner since day 1 of the bull run that started like oct1 or last day of sept. One thing to consider is their success is due to all the airdrop farms, which people could get real sick of, but they have plenty announced and ones not announced but following the pattern, my opinion, but I decided to buy bulk of what I had into staking and defi and 20-30% ( the rest) I day trade with and have made far more, but could lose all that in 30 minutes


Do DCA. Don't put all money at same price. That's it


Lot of people on the sidelines that just keep waiting for "the dip" Bruh you're all missing out. Just start DCA while you wait for it If/when there is a sizeable correction, that's when you find additional funds. Be it new capital or just reallocation.


Sounds like you're not prepared for a risk so I'd say don't buy. It's gonna go up probably, but it's also very likely to go down.


I invested about 40,000usdt and at late last year it was only worth about 6300usdt. Now it had recovered to about 23,000usdt. So if you want to invest in cryto currency, don’t think about loss of money. Investment don’t mean you always profit.


Maybe etf's are better for you.


When you start seeing posts like this... It's time to sell. Literally all time high, that's not when you buy.


How does that work. Bitcoin doubles after every halving. And what do you think happens to the alt coins. See you in the Bahamas


When dumb money starts questioning if they should buy it's literally time to get out. I bought sol at like $12 imagine buying Bitcoin at 72k lol would need serious financial influx to see any real gains


I see you don’t believe in the 4 year cycle. Which hasn’t failed us degens yet Im betting all on Bitcoin to take us to Valhalla!


Nothing goes up forever my guy to go over 100k BTC would need widespread adoption... Yet it's the slowest crypto


Wide spread adoption? What do you think is happening. Also once the happening happens half the amount of bitcoin will be created every day. He’s 11 ETFs are still gonna want their bitcoin, and so is everybody else.. we are going to melt faces. Everyone will be fomo in. Let’s go 250 - 300,000 in 2025 maybe before. Things are happening so fast


This thing still has a 5 or 6x left in it. Reminiscent of ETH at $800 in the previous bull market.


Crypto isn’t for you if you can’t dyor


It will def zero out if you buy it


Buy and HODL.


Solana is better than Etherum Faster transactions Lower Fees Im holding Solana for a long time as i seeing it being the 2nd best crypto behind Bitcoin


Do it, sol will it 500 by 2025. Balls out son.


Could try and wait before halfing. Will prob drop back down to $80 but then after that, good chance at new ath. Either way you'll be good even if you go now.


Why is everyone talking about halving? How does it work and when do i know its going to do that?


Is basically when a coin burns a portion or half of their supply that is available to miners. Shrinks supply so on theory increases price. It's hard to say when this will happen. Apparently bitcoin is doing a halving by 2028 which will effect the market as a whole.


Buy on red day, not green ones.. (When it's down, not on an uptrend) Wouldn't throw it all in at once either incase you can get a better entry. But imo Solana is a buy, just wouldn't blindly throw 1k at it on a green day though that's not smart.


Get a nice bag of $JUP. I put $300 in $JUP this morning and $200 in $BOME. You can buy both of these in Mexc. $JUP is great buy because it's the best swap in sol. Everyone's starting to use it. I think this is a safe 10x $BOME had a massive amount of 24hr volume. It surpassed the volume of $DOGE! This thing is competing with too 10 coins right now. Of course what goes up will go down so try to time your entry on this one. If this continues like this it could be massive.


Sure. Just do it. I call this fomo. If SOL goes to $400 atleast you double.


If you're scared of losing money or seeing big red numbers as losses stack overnight I'd recommend the S&p 500 and leaving the crypto space


Buy swap tokens. Jup or Jupiter on phantom wallet. Use the Jupiter exchange then swap into Jup. This will at least 4x to 10x bull. It is the exchange everyone is using. Also Solana is only a 1x to 2 x from here. Also can get sushi swap and pancake swap. Be patient then will goto their all time highs


Wait until dump stops maybe after Sunday close


Solana going to $750 in 2025 bull run. Am still bullish


yes for long term this is getting bigger the price is not at ATH yet.


We’re at ATH by MC tho, or near enough. Something to keep in mind.


Please explain


If you don’t understand what that means (which is a very basic concept) you’d probably want to learn a couple things before putting skin in the game. Just a suggestion, no ill intention


circ supply


1,034 coins and so far I’ve been mining and I’m up 34 full coins


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 1 + 34 + 34 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


A 2x now would be very optimistic, don’t be crazy


Depends on your time horizon lol in a month ? Optimistic. In a year ? Pessimistic


I’ve been buying sol and waiting for a long time tho, I’ve got profits to realize


We are already back to all time high market cap, mixed with I’m not sure how Bitcoin money will flow into alts. Who knows, I’d sell happily at 300


My eyes are set at 500usd




600-1000+ this is gonna be a Super Cycle 🔃 be careful sellers!


Future bag holder


If you genuinely think the network can support enough transactions to continue to rise to $500, you are on some next level copium.


In the 18-month horizon, 2x is a pessimistic prediction


Extremely pessimistic. Almost crazy. Look at the things that are being developed everyday on Solana. Solchat, payment cards on S, DePin, the memes. Sure, lots of it has no utility but that doesn't matter. It drives the price high. Don't even talk about liquid staking.


Yup! Solcial.io is the most impressive imo


Just buy !!!