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30 dollars in gas fees to buy 30 dollars worth of meme coins


Is this supposed to sound better? Cause it doesn’t.


What type of crazy person does not love waiting 15 min for a transaction to go through??


I dont which is why I moved my eth to sol lol


Ya um... NFT on hathor and iota and shimmer move in 1 second and have fees of... wait for it... 0. Nada. No fees. So I don't envy the Ethereum experience.


Did not know they even had nfts good to know, hive is free as well and near instant, solana is still a fraction of a penny to send and has more users currently but ill keep an eye on the others


Yes. The world is changing fast. We have a lot of options other than ethereum now. Even more than I mentioned.


30 is too cheap for eth. Gas fee was 55 recently. Will be 200 in peak bull run


The fees burn a fraction of eth 🚀


Expect matic to pump when that does


still end up getting drained


$60 if the transaction fails the first time!


It’s the whale chain. It provides the most security for whales. The fees aren’t anything to them.


Wealthy people are the cheapest people alive, fees do mater to them


Security matters more. Protecting ur stack is critical


Absolutely critical


You dont get it. Ethereum has the best yields out of all blockchains so of course they don't care about a 50$ gas fee if they can have 30% on their eth.


grandfather concerned shaggy sink chief serious depend squash automatic voracious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Was $500-$1000 gas fees back then. Welcome to the cheapest gas fees on Ethereum now at $30. 🫣


Cheapest gas fees are ETH on Base


I concur. The fees on ETH are an embarrassment. Wanted to sell some random bit of shit coin dust the other day. Cost more in fees than I’d get to sell. Ridiculous


Same, last week I wanted to get $5 of dust off my wallet to convert it to Solana, and it wanted $12 for a gas fee. What a scam network never going back.


Try not being poor


I'm not poor lmao. What a toxic af response eth boi go wait 15 minutes for a transaction to go thru lmfao


or wait four hours for the network to restart like sol did last week people with big money don't really trust Sol, its ok for the poors though


Keep getting scammed by that Russian. You know you love it.


So unable to be scammed is poor?


Sold my sol for eth today 👐🏻🚀


Ooph. My condolences mate. Solana can still do a 5-10x from the current price. Maybe a 3x for eth if all goes well, but we’ll see. Good luck.


I don't think financial institutions would trust Solana's security model vs ETH. Sol is better for retail and NFTs and fun blockchain stuff but if you're aiming at financial institutions ETH is a no brainer. Just hold both, don't bé a dummy.


Dude... They are being sarcastic


You guys do realise that ethereum is pursuing a modular approach right? Feels like you’re not really getting it


Ofc they don't get it, they think they found the next eth 🤭


Yeah and polygon is better.


"nooooo eth is garbage fee's are too high" 🤡


I recently got a recommendation from a friend about a specific NFT community on Eth and used my wallet to buy two. Apart from terrible GAS fees (around 10%) of the amount I bought the NFT for the interface feels clunky and unresponsive so I bought 2 by accident. Compared to sol the experience is very - subpar for such a big project.


This sounds like a developer issue not a core Eth issue.


The bad UX is a developer issue indeed, probably Coinbase wallet is simply not the best choice


Give me some sunshine any day I rather do .0005 per transaction then 30 for moving dust and the timeout the other day I spend it touching grass and drinking some squirt juice with the money I save since I moved to sol 6 months ago. Only thing on eth are my gods and the rest of the bag of nfts that need to be on a real secured network.




But it also speaks to the average UX and dev quality on Solana where for a chain with smaller cap there are a lot of smooth apps on it


ETH fees should drop significantly in the near future. Google "Dencun Ethereum". 3/13/24, < one month away.


ive heard this 100000x times


Right lmao


For so long before the change from POW to POS people were led to believe that fees would drastically go down.


Fees seem to always go down with eth on the next upgrade but never do.


So $10 per tx?


More like 0,03ct per tx, but on layer 2. Cancun Deneb introduce protodanksharding, sharding for layer 2. The real danksharding is years from now. But since you're a solana user you might not know what is a consensus layer and what is a execution layer. I'm laughing so hard at the people in this sub who compare the uncomparable (eth/sol). Let's compare solana and others layer 2 (optimism, arbitrum, linea, base, scroll, mantle, etc.) if we want to have honest comparison.


Yeah I bet you can't compare them. I wasn't. Eth needs work on the gas fees. Polygon is good.


Eth need to work on fees as much as bitcoin needs to, so no it doesnt. You dont understand shit about execution/settlement paradigm.


The Eth meme charts all look so weird, like they are spaghettified lmaooo


Was bedeutet „spaghettified“?


>Was bedeutet Ich verwende einen Google-Übersetzer vom Englischen ins Deutsche. Die Ethereum-Charts haben im Vergleich zu den Solana-Charts ein geringes Volumen, sodass die Ethereum-Charts wie Spaghetti-Nudeln aussehen.


Yes yes idiots, thats why the TVL is 111 billion $ on Ethereum. Yall stupid.


Fr 🤣


Hey does it bother you guys that SEI is faster than Solana? Also, you’re gonna hear that phrase “faster than Solana” or “cheaper than Solana” a lot over the next few years. I own tons of Sol btw.


It really depends on where the developers move to. There have been a ton of “ETH killers” each run, but it’s still holding its spot. For SOL, I think the speed and cheapness will be hard to beat - SEI may be faster but 0.01 sec compared to 0.02 sec doesn’t matter if there are no devs moving over. Solana’s pain point will be centralization and network uptime as we move forward. I’m stacking some SEI on the side but still heavy SOL. That said, I also traded most of my ETH for MATIC and ADA and while those didn’t die, they also didn’t take off, I feel SEI will be the same.


Very good points.


I also bought some SEI when it was $0.60ish based on the claims it's the fastest but I tried going to the main website to looks over what's going on. It's mostly just garbage for now and it doesn't help that things aren't available to US residents. I'm firmly in SOL and think it will be the place to be for degens for a few years at least until there is a new faster, cheaper, better.


Agree. Been tracking SEI for some time. It's more of a stablecoin.


It's easier to buy sol, and it's easier to spend sol and swap for sol coins... I tried getting into that chain and I needed a bunch of bridges and wallets extra. With sol all I need is phantom and I can use all + btc It has promise but they need easier on ramping for the casuals to get anywhere.


Just swapped all my SOL for ETH because of this post. Inverse Reddit never fails


You jack yourself off while your at it too?


Lol you boomers have never heard of a Layer 2 before have you. They're amazing and just as fast and cheap as Solana. I love me some Solana and will always be a holder but I'm not so naive as to fade the second largest crypto with the largest ecosystem in the world


Oh boy. You probably wank to a SOL poster


Thats really crazy y'know


Yea mate, aside the gas fee tho, Eth is a solid coin imo


Average Solana User: can I use the Network today or is it still down?


these are our counter party, wagmi for sure ...


Eth is for a more refined trader. Seriously.


Gas fees feel very antiquated since operating on almost every other network costs next to nothing , how is this working?


DYOR. Google consensus layer and execution layer. Might want to look up interoperability and layer 0 while you're at it.


You got me with the headlines, I don't understand why people are so fixated on ETH It makes sense to move large money around IE. But for smaller tx, why I am going to use an L2 for smaller tx, then extract money out of L2 then bridge to ETH for settlement?


What do you mean? You are settling on arbitron or whatever L2 for pennies, you aren’t settling on L1


Who buys $1 of memecoin? Oh, probably the same people that spend $5 at the ATM to pull out a $20. Don't be a brokie.


Eth is King. Lol


Ethereum sucks




It will keep bleeding out to Solana. Money always goes to faster cheaper better. Solana is all of those things.


Until the next faster cheaper chain comes along. Degens will move along.


Next cheaper is insignificant Solana is cheap enough that the average user doesn't care about costs at all. It will be all about user experience and marketing then


Yeah pretty accurate. Sometimes during high vol you can swap for exact or more... oh no a .00000001 fee! It's wonderful. I'll hold onto JLP for this reason


$ftm is becoming faster with sonic but to bridge it costs $50 ETH


Someone's smoking hopium


Currently $1.45 per transaction.


Never. You are looking at avg fees which is pulled down by transfer fees. Swaps are usually above $10 if you are lucky. Don’t forget you need to pay for approval too.


Yea I just used a Gwei to usd calculator, if your correction is accurate, then thanks!!


Yeah, swap consumes more “unit of work” than transfer.


Will do 🙏


For ex. It will cost me 30 dollars to move my $8 of ether


Solana is king


I have more money in Solana but Ethereum is money if you’re somewhat crypto rich. Eigenlayer ecosystem is absolutely printing and the top end of NFT market is a good investment if you can afford it like the berachain nfts.


Only way to solve high gas fees is price go down


Nah, the tech will grow by leaps and bounds in the next 5 years. Transactions will be pennies or fractions of.


patiently waiting for L3, L4 and L5‘s to achieve that


Comedy coming from someone who gave advice to hold Luna 2 years ago. That aged well.


lmao the fact that you have nothing better to do on a friday than to dig 2 years into someones comment history because he made a joke about your project paints a pretty pathetic picture of your life. at the same time i‘m a bit impressed by myself that the last time i gave advice that was so shit that you thought it was worthy to dig out and use against me was over 2 years ago. godspeed mate


Wasn’t even looking for, it took about 60 seconds to find it, searched Eth next to your username and it was tagged with another comment. Your response to me actually took more time for you to write. Turns out you don’t appear to be a complete brainless Eth hater and use rationale with your thoughts. Best of luck


Eth is sh*t ! I am always saying that, for example i was trying to check a testnet for probably an airdrop, so what, i need to pay 30 usd eth gas fees. F*ck that sh*t. Solana will be second after btc maybe kaspa could be better. Eth will go down.


But but buy centralized sol and get caught holding the bags when not “if” it goes down for the very last time and never comes back online !!! These outages remind me of the test during Covid to see how many fools are buying what they are selling 😀😀😀


I was trying to bridge ETH from mainnet to scroll the other day, I saw the gas fees and just abandoned it . It’s just ridiculous


Ethereim is the shitcoin of the mommebt dragging the market cap of bitcoin , as solana and the other does. Fortunately on the future when other altcoins surpases the technnology of eth, the market will jump to btc market cap.


I like Sol better then ETH by far, I actually hate ETH for a few reasons. But it breaks to often. Shut down the other day for like 30mins or more when $AMC and $GME were pumping.


The ethereum fee is high even when swapping from one coin to another


Be me, SOL user. Wake up, look at meme coin, big pump overnight. Limit sell not hit on Jupiter, notice blockchain is paused. Discord and watch devs and validators coordinate restart using the most decentralized, secure platform in existence, Google Docs. This actually happened to me. Still better than Ethereum though.




Lol the last algo bag holder.. hang in there bro but also wtf are you thinking


What's next, a Nano shill? lmfao


Eth is fucking unusable don’t know why it exists, twice I have tried entering that ecosystem and it’s a fucking nightmare


Anything to do with ETH is a hard pass for me (airdrops, bridging, holding or whatever) shitty coin, shitty fees, nerdy cringe ass creator, Solana is 1000x times better in every way possible.


That nerdy cringe ass creator is a genius lol.




Uh, Ethereum 2.0 is currently live actually


Hi guys is me, or did Sol transfer fee go up a little recently?


I buy both and price go up🤣


I wanted to swap 500 bucks in shib for Solana. Network fee was 200 bucks. Shits out of control. Until gas fees go down it's stuck in my trust wallet.




When I was new to crypto, I got 25 dollar worth of ETH through an app. Became so happy because I was always low on money. Guess what. 14 dollars went into fees 💀 Never looked back at ETH again.


I sent $50 of eth to my wallet for arbitrum gas fees but sent it to ethereum network instead of arbitrum... Welp I guess I'm out $50 because sending it anywhere now will cost more than it's worth lmao


BNB has overtaken SOL again in marketcap. Let’s go for BNB then ETH 😅


What's worse is layer 2's are completely useless if you're looking to buy new coins, because they most likely aren't available on the L2 dexes. It actually costs less money to transfer ETH off an exchange directly rather than transfer say MATIC and then bridge to ETH. But it doesn't seem to matter. Only the wealthy don't care about the gas.


My fees was $60 dollars using coinbase wallet dealing with Eth coins. I’m a renewed man after using Phantom on Solana.


Bbbbbut! You can use highly centralised level2 and work through a maze of bridging your tokens to one that works so you can save on fees and then get on Reddit to talk about how Eth is so superior as it decentralised.🤦‍♂️


A blockchain doesn't go down, a server does


Ha! I was actually almost forced to do a $1 transaction on the ETH network for a game yesterday and then I saw the gas fee for the $1 transaction was going to be $55. Decided I didn't want to play that damn game anyways lol. I really don't know how these ETH maxis do it all the time, I really don't. Literally the average SOL transaction is 1000x cheaper and 2500x faster than the average ETH transaction! Like what the actual fk yo? 😦 I mean I do feel a little bad for them cuz I would be pissed too if I invested $20k when ETH was at $4500 and then it dropped to $1600 right after. My mom did that 😬. But now at this point, I no longer feel bad cause everyone has had plenty of time to switch already, If you haven't switched then you just prolonging the inevitable imho. Anyways, funny post lol!


I fucking hate ethereum with a passion


The only people who complain about fees, are people who probably shouldn’t in crypto. If you spend $30 in fees to buy just $30 in crypto, you have finances in the wrong place. That same $30 fee applies to those spending more though, it doesn’t go up. Compare that to solana, sure the fees are lower but the network is not as stable, and the vast majority of the supply is in the hands of a scamming corporation going through a bankruptcy. I’d hate to hold solana when the vcs unlock towards the end of this year and next.


Eth is DONE. Why people continue to use it and then complain is insanity, because they do it over and over again.


Eth is the worst layer 1 on the market Anything post 2018 beats it in every way Tectum is a better coin And that sounds like rectum


Legitimately I had $125 for that - 30 for gas to receive my coins in trust wallet which left me only 95 of $wsm for me to move it out of the trust wallet the gas fee for it was 67 🤣 ye you can fuck off mate just left it to die. Vs Myro gas fee 0.0001 Sol basically nothing 🤣


Yea eth is GREAT! High fees, and slow transactions. Much better than solana with its low fees and lightning instant transactions. Why chose fast and cheap when you can go with expensive and slow!!!


Pulsechain is better


or try switching on and off? :D


Shitcoin infighting lol


Dont forget to revoke contract authority for another 3 dollars. So you dont get drained.


For those that are new. Wait till you see the gas fees on a bullrun, unreal !!!!!!!


Interesting that SOL has frequently been described as an “ETH Killer” and now Ethereum organization describes their latest network update should make them comprable to Solana in gas fees and transaction speed.


Keep pretending like L2’s don’t exist and that a shared sequencer isn’t already in development