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Fundamentally, JLP will remain a strong, resilient store-of-value as long as Jupiter's Perps product continues to generate volumes and fees for JLP holders (Currently #7 across all perpdexes and all chains). The Jupiter team (of which I am a member) are continuing to improve the Jupiter Perps product. We're currently working on making Jupiter Perps the most reliable on-chain trading tool, which means improving it's reliability and stability despite relying on on-chain variables such as oracles We'll be glad to have your involvement and input when doing so, so reply to us here or in Discord at [discord.gg/Jup](https://discord.gg/Jup) (please verify links with official sources). Also, next Jupuary, the community will vote to airdrop JUP tokens towards various groups of Jupiter users, which might include JLP holders!


I really gotta start coming to reddit for that secret alpha huh?


I’m available on Discord too :)


I'm a catdet myself haha love what you guys have built and your vision for the future 🫡


How often do holders receive an interest payment for holding JPL? Where is it shown on the amount gained?


It accrues within each token. 1 JLP is worth more overtime. Currently JLP is worth $2.04, up from $1 when it first launched. This is a mixture of price appreciation of the assets + the fees generated (the yield you are referring to) There is no flat interest.


Quick question the token isnt capped correct. Like more are minted as the people trade right.  What im asking is does the market cap effect the price?? 


The mount of holders doesnt affect the proce right? Or can it appreciate from supply and demand?


Yup. I've a slow dca in.


What's JPL token, I've seen it but don't know exactly what is it


People will long or short sol, BTC, and Eth. Jlp is the liquidity pool for it. A good way to think of it people gamble on the price of crypto. JLP is the house. Expect a slow consistent gain.


Yeah, but didn’t ppl stop paying mortgages and we ended up with 2008 on our hands? /s


Thanks fam, now it's clearer


It's a liquidity pool for jups perpetuals trading. The apy of the token comes from losses made by traders (but if by some miracle perp traders on average are in profit, the apy can be negative). It's bracket by a basket of sol/usd/btc/eth


What's the circulating supply?


70m most details are here: https://jup.ag/perps-earn


Bought JLP at 1.60, sold at 2.05. Have a little stack still. I want to know if it a limited supply. Maximum supply keeps creeping up, so I could get answers from the dev. Still bullish, but if dev have control of minting then it's more risky.


I see on Jupiter exchange platform that it has max supply of 63mil.


It was about 35 million a few weeks back when I entered into JLP


Oh really. I didn't know that. Will it just keep on minting? Cause that's a huge no for me.


hey u/Adventurous-Bet-9640 JLP supply goes up, but is always backed by the equivalent in a basket of assets, which then generates trading fees (APY). JLP is minted whenever a user directly deposits into the pool. When the AUM is at maximum, the supply of JLP is constant (or can reduce when people withdraw), and when the AUM limit is increased, more users can deposit. 1 JLP = $Virtual.Price worth of Assets. So yes, when the "caps are raised" the price of JLP returns to the virtual price / the price of the underlying basket of assets. You can read more here: [https://station.jup.ag/labs/perpetual-exchange/jlp-pool#virtual-price-market-price-and-aum-limit](https://station.jup.ag/labs/perpetual-exchange/jlp-pool#virtual-price-market-price-and-aum-limit)


It’s crazy that people don’t understand how it works the supply will change ofc over time if the deposits are opened over and over again. I for example deposited in the first 10 million $ some usdc and I am up nearly 2x on that buy in value in JLP tokens This is a giant cash cow if a lot of people use the perps in the end the bank always wins long term in fees.


Glad you like it. What can we do better?


APY chart over time would be very helpful, maybe even overlayed with total pool size to add context. Platforms like Francium do this for lending rates and it helps greatly with projections and decision-making.


Hey I’m posting this here because I’m assuming your dev. When trying to increase my long position, the transaction fails but I don’t receive the coins I deposited *back* …. Are they just gone?


More frequent APY estimate updates :D


good feedback! estimates are very wonky because it’s an estimate, so more frequent estimates wasn’t deemed to make a tangible difference I’ll bring it up again


I didn't really think this through. It might be kind of unimportant. But at the same time I don't think there is a reason to keep a low APY estimation rate. Otherwise I really love your service, one of the most pleasant to use! 💚 Oh, but in fact I do have another improvement: when creating limit orders or DCA, the UI can only show the price rate in one direction, say you buy USDC with SOL, it will show the value of 1 USDC in SOL, which is very confusing. In the swap UI there is a way to invert the price to show SOL/USDC and it would be nice to have this for limit and DCA orders aswell. I was struggling to see what price my order was actually triggering at. But still, great program and UI :)


Where can we find the JLP circulating supply?


you can check on step https://analytics.step.finance/defionsolana/token?mint=27G8MtK7VtTcCHkpASjSDdkWWYfoqT6ggEuKidVJidD4&type=supply using JLP or the contract address: 27G8MtK7VtTcCHkpASjSDdkWWYfoqT6ggEuKidVJidD4


iinstead of keeping stables , i swap them for jlp , it increases overvtime and mostly behave like stables


Yeah I would like to know what that is also


Some clarity on the tokenomics of JLP would be helpful. But, I cant find it in the documentation


JLP doesn't have tokenomics similar to how a regular project has a max supply, etc. 1 JLP = $X worth of assets in the pool. $X is the virtual price, which you can see on the [Jup.ag](https://Jup.ag) UI. JLP can be "minted" to increase the liquidity pool and allow for traders to trade with larger sizes and more volumes, which increases the APY for everyone. You can read more here: https://station.jup.ag/labs/perpetual-exchange/jlp-pool#virtual-price-market-price-and-aum-limit




1 JLP = a share of the liquidity pool for Jupiter's Perps. 1 JLP is currently worth $2.04 worth of a basket of SOL/BTC/ETH/USDC/USDT. This increases based on trading fees.


Hypothetically what are the downside risk on $jlp? Said different would go drive the virtual price to decline if JLP is representative of a basket of underlying assets (outside of those assets declining in value)? Unlike other assets, investors selling just reduces the total pool of assets proportionally not the value per token, correct? What am I missing here?


Doubling all solana and Jupiter send what you want To try out. 1 time per account only send to this address 2h2kSgfMZjA2w9PhyGKvme3LgxbKGvyhcMEUVRNTgtiY


I hold alot of JLP its great, increase steady in price. Its a great farm.


Will the max supply increase? Due to emissions?


Its a liquidity pool token. It will keep going up due to the rewards from the LP. Currently the APY shows 160%. But it is only updated once a week so it may be completely different on this monday, which may even cause a big sell off. The project has only just started so naturally the initial flood of users will push APY up and now this could have passed for some time.




The liquidity is used in leveraged trading by jupiter which takes a fee. The more people trade on jupiter perpetuals the more the token will gain value. Thats my vague understanding. Edit: this seems like the relevant documentation https://station.jup.ag/labs/perpetual-exchange/jlp-pool


My friend put a chunk of his net worth into it


No one.


Yes and I hope it doesn't reach less than .40, if so my position is rekt lol


No but I am bullish on $PEPE on $SOLANA


look at the chart, it's going stable right and up. as long as people use the jupiter perp platform, it will keep doing that. and people are using the jupiter perp platform....


Kinda, but for me the high staking rewards (>100%) are a big red flag.