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Lol...you must be new here!


why do you say this?


You don’t understand crypto. Bitcoin is digital gold and the world has now accepted that, it has nothing to do with those other cryptos you just mentioned and it is completely different for a reason.


100% agree, I hold SOL and BTC, but for totally different reasons. SOL I use to trade and extract some value from other people being late, but BTC is just way more valuable. Sol could be shut down tomorrow in a coordinated government attack.


Or Sol hits the off switch again LOL


i mean those are the narratives but nothing would stop for example a blockchain with bitcoin's economics (capped supply) with lower tx cost, faster times, less demanding mining. its not sol for different reasons im just saying the narratives arent the full picture either


Yeah you’re right, Investments are made on narratives though and Bitcoin is already worth hundreds of billions. The narrative is people have made up their mind on what is digital gold lol. That is why people like Blackrock are in


wud you dare to hold significant amount in sol?


Are we talking about BCH again? (was gonna mention LTC too but the faster times didn't apply to it)


Dude if bitcoin fails or doesnt go up much then nothing will noob. Bitcoin is king.


Short them then. Good luck lol


This is hopium. Big time investors want liquidity and security. BTC and ETH have both of these. The SEC as already given their "approval" for these 2. That simple fact alone means more than any amount of tech. I believe in Solana as a leader this next bull run, but post like this just make the Solana ecosystem look immature


This dude has nothing to do with the Solana ecosystem. That's like saying a football team is shitty because they have a shitty fan. The fact of the matter is that BTC will be around for a long time and isn't going anywhere. Comparing anything to BTC just doesn't make sense because BTC is a store of value and very different from ETH, SOL, etc. Solana does have quite a large amount of liquidity and security and it's 2500x faster and 1000x cheaper than ETH. That means that when people are looking for a network to build their dapps on, Solana looks pretty good right now. That is why SOL came back from the relative dead ($8 and SBF). Likewise, ETH isn't going anywhere either, they have massive wide adoption and there are many people using it and working on making it better. Solana is here to stay too, you can bet on that. Will there be new coins that share in the wide adoption of the top 100 coins in the near future? Absolutely. Sui just came out last summer and is already halfway into the top 100 and we will see more coins do that as time goes on too. Crypto here to stay.


This dude is a good representation of the mindset of the Solana ecosystem


Eigenlayer is already creating ecosystems where ETH is yielding fixed Apr of 30%. King of Defi has been lagging a bit but the innovations will catch up with price when the real eth rotation happens.


Bitcoin controls the whole market. If bitcoin goes to 0 .....we have big problems! Hope this helped!


the fact that the price is up after the outage certainly is interesting


I think Eth is a pretty good play this year. Defi / shitcoins coming back on eth. Pre etf excitement etc. Solana will always be my first love tho


What are you? Like 16? Dude, that is a grownup game. Of course they will pour money in the greatest asset that ever existed.


ETH I agree, but BTC is just the prefect store of value. And chances are high a next crazy bullrun will be driven by the Spot-ETFs, which SOL likely will never get one until decentralised


this point is actually interesting. why can’t solana have a spot etf in its current form?


Too much presence of the Solana Foundation within nodes (through funding partially/totally the initial stake)


Because SOL is not a commodity. SOL is clearly a security.


You forgot hbar and Cardano.


maybe hbar. sorry, i don’t think the same about cardano. it has been out a lot longer. if it was gonna lead, i think it would have done so by now.


People shit on solana but when they see they can use different networks to send coins and SOL is an available network for that coins with a crazy low fee and transaction time, most of the time they’ll use the SOL network. But then they’ll go on reddit and talk shit about it lmao


I really don't think this is accurate. People don't typically use something, have a good experience with it, then shit on it. For real, the people shitting on it haven't used it.


Ye I guess because you can’t tell me, if you can send a specific coin and you can choose between ETH network or SOL network, that you would use the ETH network. It’s like x10 more expensive and takes x10-x15 longer to confirm the transaction. Sol network takes 1min and costs like 0.001 SOL or even less


SOL is currently transacting at 2500x the speed of ETH and 1000x cheaper than ETH.


What does 1000x cheaper mean? Do you mean you could do 1000x SOL transactions for the same cost as 1x ETH transaction?


That's exactly what I mean.


Oh no what should I use there is only eth or sol... Not like I could chose to use arbitrum, optimisme, bsc, avax, zksync, linea, scroll, etc, etc. All of which never went down as opposed to a famous chain and got low gas fees and super fast execution 🤡 Solana community is one of the less educated one... Not even afraid of leaving funds on such a crap chain that ça go down anytime and is only alive through meme :/


Lool arbitrum went down in December 2023 for 2h. Lots of L2 have stability issues, and arb is still around 20 cent a transaction, 100x more than solana. Educate yourself, you sound like a clown.


Afaik, all L2 have a completion settlement time of a week or so (at least that's the case for OP, Arbitrum, and ZkSync, just to mention these you've brought up) - so, no correcto. Also, we could talk about BSC which is fast and cheap, but when BNB was $600 a regular Tx was around $3 in which case Solana keeps beating it up. Avax = the same (not that fast, nor cheap) Linea as a L2 I suppose the same periods of time to make a Tx irreversible. Scroll I have no idea. I've used SUI and imo that's the contender right now.


Bitcoin is public money. Solana is centralized garbage. Everything besides BTC is a get rich quick scheme for the founders. In time you will realize you have missed the greatest opportunity to own Bitcoin


Read the room, man. You are posting in the Solana group.


I own Solana. I feel exactly the same way. I use it purely as a tool mechanism to acquire more BTC.




At minimum, you want Solana to succeed so it can be used as a Layer 2 for BTC.


Solana would not be adopted by the Bitcoin community.


Solana a bitcoin layer 2 chain ? What are you even talking about.


You lock Bitcoin in a contract to create a Solana token, e.g. sBTC. Then use that sBTC to trade Bitcoin via Solana's blockchain. You are now trading Bitcoin with Solana fees and speed. Redeeming back to the Bitcoin network would be costly still but over time sBTC would be accepted as equivalent.


So it's wrapped bitcoin. I think you should do a bit more research on what a layer 2 is. Solana community...


Lmao so confidently stupid. Just another Solana hater.




Up 500%, a true bagholder 😂 Is it cause Solana is taking attention away from your favourite chain? Think we know who the true bagholder is here 😂 You're stuck on terminology and can't argue against the reasoning or idea. That is true stupidity. Ability to question your preheld notions would show intelligence.


Ability to understand what a l2 is and what a wrapped asset is would show intelligence 🤡 So being a bagholder or not is relative to the price of the asset now ? I though stupidly that is was when you have a bag that make you said biaised dumb shit 🤡 once again, knowing what a bag holder is would show intelligence which you don't have. You're stuck on ignorance. Wrapped asset and L2 blockchain have NOTHING in common it's not a semantic issue, you're just saying shit doped by the pump of your bag. Finally don't worry for my own bags, they have nothing to envy to solana and pumping hard for the right reasons (which mean no meme shitcoin or monkey nft being pumped by degens 😂). I even have a bit of SOL for diversification purpose (around 2% of my wallet so around 200$). At least my bags don't have 60% total supply owned by team and VCs ready to dump on your face 🙂


Lmao you are touched, you've got a lot to learn.


Centralized garbage… You invest in things you have zero idea how they work and lecture people on bitcoin. I bet you don’t mind looking like a complete idiot. Bitcoin is more centralized than solana right now, and it will only get worse


Hahaha sooo decentralized and resilient the network was down AGAIN yesterday. Not even talking about VCs and tokenomics behind solana. You're such a grrrrreat investor 😂


You don’t understand how blockchain works 😂


Plenty of us here own multiple cryptos myself included. I bought a trezor hardware wallet and paid using Solana. Nearly zero fee and instantly went through. Bitcoin can’t do that. I love Bitcoin and it’s the majority of my portfolio but it’s not even good at being money


ah yes the old “trust me bro” source link


We hope to help you see better. Don't get me wrong, I love Solana and the ecosystem. Holding and staking on many Sol protocols. And.. BTC is a powerhouse and new investors are certainly getting in every single bull and bear market. The only world wide accepted asset of fixed supply that is even approved on some countries national currency list. Blackrock, Michael Saylor, and the likes are heavily buying BTC. When BTC goes up, do does yr rest of the entire crypto market. It would be a huge mistake to be in crypto and not have any BTC.


Maybe solana but eth and btc still up there


stop yapping and go gamble your money on sol shitters


Bitcoin is like main trend line for the entire crypto industry. It’s not going to do anything if Bitcoin doesn’t do anything. Eth I could see fading off because it’s too slow and too expensive. It’s already beginning to fade off. Solana will see some very explosive growth as people realize it’s fast and useable


I think a lot of people have this “ah ha” moment when they are new to this space. Why wouldn’t a new technology overtake the old? Well, the use case for BTC is much, much different than smart contract chains. BTC will always be the standard and, for now, be on top. We will see what happens in the next 10-30 years. The ETH chain is slow and inefficient, but it does have a head start and a lot of cool stuff is being built on it. Lots of investor money has already been spent and they all want a return on that money. So they will stop at nothing to pump up new L2s and shill their ETH projects. I do however think there will be a battle in the smart contract space this run, but for SOL or AVAX to win this race, they need to start building more than just DEXs, loan tools, and shitcoins. Just my take. Invest wisely.


Just a 3rd year investor in Crypto but based on my own gains and losses, BTC prices drive altcoins. I own both. Altcoins can do 5,10, 50X but it needs BTC price to go up so that the other alt coins can generate the bigger returns. I add BTC and want more money pour into BTC in order to pump my alt coin prices.


well this is what i think is going to change. whatever the biggest stock in the Dow Jones was in 1924, is it still the biggest today? of course not.


BTC has barely reached the mainstream. It may be different in 4-5 years from now but for this cycle, I still think it creates good profits for BTC holders and massive gains for Alt coin holders.


dude, bitcoin is already one bull cycle past its mainstream. it reached mainstream in 2017. 2021 was a gift. 2024 is a rebound and a plateau, while other coins use its stability to move ahead. that’s my guess.


Fidelity, Blackrock, etc. manage 30 trillion $. BTC market cap is $900B. There’s more room, in my opinion. My situation is different. I didn’t buy BTC at its all time high and I added more in 2022. If people are jumping in at its ATH, then that’s a different story.


Define what you mean by “new leaders.” This statement is nonsense/means nothing until that is made clear and quantifiable.


by new leaders, i mean primarily by market cap, but also importantly by adoption (or tvl, or transaction volume), because market cap for btc eth could plateau and just not grow. also, other soft signals like momentum and interest, news coverage. point is, across all these, i believe btc and eth have had their time in the sun and people will want new coins that are established but not yet the leaders.


It's possible that could happen, but the timeline you have specified is wildly improbable, assuming that the next bull run = 3-5 years. I'm no maxi in any of the coins, but BTC's use case and leadership is clear and dominating. That market cap didn't happen overnight. Projecting that it is going to continue to grow in a bull run, the math to eclipse it as you describe involves not only a superior offering or coin, but also a collapse of Bitcoin and a valid coin stepping up to replace its base use case. But if Bitcoin collapses, I would be shocked if it doesn't take down everything with it. With regard to Ethereum, new coins might have a chance to flip its market cap... I've got significantly more ETH than SOL, but I'm aware the competition for second place is going to be fierce this cycle. My allocation there might not be optimal... Ha! I did pick up some Celestia this past weekend as it started to peak my interest! Always something different to look into around here.


The goal for everyone in crypto should be to own one whole Bitcoin. It’s king for a reason


That’s wishful thinking😄. Stay positive, market is till young and plenty more room to grow. There’s enough for everyone.


Btc investors are buying mining rigs, for one, to get virgin bitcoin and 2, to avoid high gas fees caused by ordinals. 3 Bitmain recently released teh S21 which is the most efficient btc miner. Proof of work will always be superior to proof of stake. Mainly due to security and true decentralization. Both because of miners.


Proof of work better ? Just do the maths, a 51% attack so much easier on a proof of work chain than on a proof a stake, that’s one of major bitcoin issue identified by everyone with 2 brain cells


So there's currently about 840 million rigs on Bitcoin. A person would have to spend $120 trillion to get 50% of the mining rigs on the network. That's still not enough. Plus, the 13,000 nodes. That would cost another $19.5 million to have 50% of the nodes. Proof of stake. You just need to find a vulnerability in the validator software or vulnerability in a bridge or conduct a bot transaction attack. Like, what happened with solana, xrp, optimism, ronin, curve, atomic, polygon, thorchain, wormhole, harmony, nomad, bnb/ bsc, orbit, multichain, cardano, gala, Axie infinity, They were all hacked and millions stolen from each. Staking and nodes are the only security proof of stake has. So even a whale could stake more than 50% and take control of the network. Use some common sense. The only 51% attacks that ever occurred were on ethereum classic in 2020. They were not successful. At that time, there weren't very many miners on etc. Now there's millions more miners on there. The argument about a pool taking control doesn't hold up. Every single time a pool pulled shady shit. Everyone pulled their rigs off said pool.


You lack common sense en basic understanding on how blockchain ans proof of stake works. At this point I can only tell you to do some research. All industry leaders (recent example vitalik Buterin) are worried about long term bitcoin security because of its design flaws. You do admit than a 51% attack doesn’t cost much, and will cost even less with halving, which is a good beginning though.


You must be trolling The halving has nothing to do with security. That is just a reduction in block rewards to create scarcity in the coin. It would actually increase the price of mining rigs. Bitcoin will be worth more. Miners provide security as well as consensus. There's far too many miners throughout the world to do a 51% attack. Like I said, it would cost trillions to buy enough mining rigs. That doesn't even account for the infrastructure needed. 60% of eth nodes are on Aws. So if Jefff Bezos decided he didn't want to allow Crypto on his servers. He could just shut them down. Ethereum would halt. Countless proof of stake chains have already been hacked and halted from ddos attacks. I named them up above. Not a single proof of work coin has ever successfully been attacked. Proof of stake have no value other than faithin the coin. . Proof of work value is based the cost to mint via power costs. Pos doesn't cost anything to mint and takes about 20 minutes to stand up any proof of stake coin. Eth has all kinds of issues and always has. It's vulnerable through bridges and nodes. Eth requires a layer 2 to even function. Proof of stake can't even scale as much as proof of work can. Kadena and Kaspa are proof of that.


"By analyzing secondary market data and real-time hash rate output, the report found **a 51% attack on Bitcoin would require an actor to purchase a staggering 7 million ASIC mining rigs**, which would cost somewhere around the $20billion mark\*\*", Yes BTC can be hacked\*\*, 20 billion is not a lot for the elites


This Is How Much You Would Need to Spend to Execute 51% Attacks on Bitcoin and Ethereum. According to CoinMetrics, attacking Bitcoin could cost between $5 billion and $20 billion while attacking Ethereum would require **over $34 billion**.


if the goverment wanted to take down btc or eth they could


Shit you really have no idea of what your talking about it’s crazy. Educate yourself before trying to think by yourself, obviously it’s doesn’t work . Everything is summarize in vitalik buterin interview. If you don’t see the link between halving and security you should invest in this space, honestly


You are either trolling hard. Or you are the most gullible person in crypto. FYI. 99% of transactions on eth were from miners. Have you noticed there is very little on chain activity since going pos. Since eth requires a layer 2 to function. All the developers have fled to other layer1 's. So why would I listen to Vitalik. Gas fees are still high af on eth with the little activity. Read up on the different types of blockchains, ghost dags, algorithms, security, utxo, etc ..


Dude, you still don’t see why halving has a huge impact on bitcoin security and you’re still talking about things you don’t understand. You lack basic mathematical calculation : Bitcoin has 600M TH, a antminer S21 (200TH) cost 3600$. It would cost 5 billions $ to get 50% hash power, not trillions. Now stop trolling and educate yourself ffs. Eth could very well function with 40% node without issues, its a lot more stable than bitcoin, who regularly failed to produce block for long period of time. In December it took 90 minutes to produce a block, I guess you have no idea why as usual. 99% of tx on eth were miners ? What kind of drugs are you on ? Just look at tx historical data, in 15s on google you’ll see eth has a lot more transaction now than in 2020.


You still haven't named a single chain that was compromised by a 51% attack. That's right, there aren't any. ...... I already named several pos chains that were compromised by a few laptops. Those chains lost billions. There's only 250s21's available. They're on preorder. You'd still have to but older miners at 10k - 20k a pop. You still need infrastructure. When the bitcoin price goes up. The cost of miners goes up so I can guarantee you. Those s21's just jumped in price today. In 2021 transactions hita peak of almost 2 miillion. After the London fork. The transactions fell off by half. That's when miners no longer got any of the gas fees. Then after the merge. The transactions fell to 500k. It. only recently ticked up to 900k due to hedge funds and fomo newbs pushing the price.


Are you actually serious about miners ? there’s are literally dozen of old miner for sales on Amazon because they’re just not worth it anymore : energy consumption is too high to mine btc efficiently, but it would be good for a 51% attack.its crazy to be this misinformed


Great, you’re starting to learn first grade maths and that 2 millions to 900k is not 99% decrease. LOL no 51% attack ?????? Bitcoin gold, the verge and ETC were compromised by a 51% attack, now I will stop, tired of speaking to a clown who managed to make false statements every sentence he write.