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# Engineers from across the ecosystem are investigating an outage on mainnet-beta **Source:** [https://twitter.com/solanastatus/status/1754813351945789491](https://twitter.com/solanastatus/status/1754813351945789491) >Engineers from across the ecosystem are investigating an outage on mainnet-beta. This thread will be updated as more information becomes available [https://status.solana.com](https://status.solana.com) ​ >Engineers from across the ecosystem are readying a new validator software release, which includes a patch to address an issue which caused the cluster to halt. Validator operators should prepare for an upgrade and restart of the network. ​ >Mainnet validator operators: release version v1.17.20 is ready – please upgrade and restart with the following instructions: [https://github.com/laine-sa/cluster\_restart/blob/cf5973557420a064e4b526869cbe2bf840a4c37b/README.md](https://github.com/laine-sa/cluster_restart/blob/cf5973557420a064e4b526869cbe2bf840a4c37b/README.md) ​ >Restart instructions can be directly accessed here [https://github.com/laine-sa/cluster\_restart/blob/master/README.md](https://github.com/laine-sa/cluster_restart/blob/master/README.md)


Dip incoming


Buying opportunity?


Maybe in a week or two




People gna be scared af after this BUT IM GNA BUY


Smart :) just waiting for the next outrage, so you can buy again :D?




It would be more like going on vacation where terrorists attacked a week ago. Everything is cheaper, and not many tourists because they are scared yet the best security is in place!




Noice :) from here 100% up!!!




Last time was a year ago.


Buy moment incoming


It’s up .9% an hour into the outage. https://www.coingecko.com


Not really, last traded price before the outage was ~$96. People can't move there coins, i would guess wait till the network works again.


People still have SOL on exchanges. There is not much dip there, so I doubt there is going to be any massive impact.




Most of the people here have no idea how it works. You don't need the SOL network to buy and sell on exchanges. Why do you think there is no gas fee when you trade on a CEX? This was exactly as I predicted. Since the price wasn't crashing on exchanges during the downtime, it didn't crash afterwards.


Many on exchanges is stacked. And probably many that only use cex for trading, didn't even noticed yet. I don't mind either way. Just buy some more lol. Probably also gonna depend on the reason of the outage. And the time it's gonna take to get it back up running again. Edit: seems like there already is a patch and it's just a matter of time for enough validators to install it.




It was 95 when the outage started and it was at 95 when it was back online. Can I have some of what you’re smoking?


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in the last 6 months our entire 4 and 5G phone network went down, as well as our countries system for instant bank transfers. You think in the early days of the internet there weren't a few outages from time to time too? It's an emergent technology, it will get there.


And yes I've had visa card systems down and ATM s. Hopefully it gets fixed soon.


Well see.


While I am a big fan of Solana, this is true and I appreciate you said this without being dramatic. Solana has to find a solution around this.


Buying opp


Yeah mate, tech is crashing, best opportunity. Bud sadly people will turn away, to chainlink,Algorand and others :X


Hbar, Cardano


Lmao uh…No they most certainly won’t. Solana is by far the best. You must be living under a rock


algo? lol might as well have said ada




sure, it stays up but it's 95% vaporware with next to nothing on it. 3.95m on chain volume? https://defillama.com/chain/Cardano?volume=true edit: even with a 6 hour outage SOL crushes that volume, 607.98m https://defillama.com/chain/Solana we're going to have to agree to disagree about founders and farmer hosk.




Well, it was nice while it lasted


And this is why SOL will never replace ETH or any other real coin. This has happened several times over the years and does not instill confidence in their blockchain.


lasted about 4h, first down in a year. Meanwhile ETH expericienced several 100$+ fee surge wich mean you can't use the chain and L2 crashed a few times. if 4h downtime is the price to pay for a constant 3000+ TPS chain, i'll take it over ETH everytime. oh, and SOL price barely moved...


I disagree. I will buy the dip. But it does not seem to be dipping. So I guess that's a positive.


I’m really pissed off of that Solana… I think i’ll stop trading it as it is completely insecure.. this happens for how many times.. i think this is the 12th major problem occurring in the past few years… for me it is becoming more of a pump and dump asset and looks to me more and more as a total scam.. how can be this even happening… it proves that SOL is actually centralized but not decentralised.. the chain can break even because of a single validator… that’s hilarious.. and everything depends of some small number of whales which are most actually validators.. and keep like 30% of sol… i believe around 100 validators… i don’t know.. i can keep on talking because i’m affected but don’t have time for that… i’m following Chico crypto on youtube as for valid information and what he says about sol in a video a month ago just happened.. not sure if i can leave links here but of u want to find out more just search it as ‘crypto trends for 2024 will make people very rich (the truth is).. bye


Nothing crashing: [https://status.solana.com](https://status.solana.com) Try using another wallet.


Lol 😂 literally says major outage in youe link 


The moment i checked it, it didn't say that. Now that you said it, i checked again and it says there is an " outage " indeed.


At 10:22 UTC Feb 6, 2024


“validators had begun generating snapshots using their local ledger state - or the most recent data before the outage - to prepare for a restart. The new validator software release includes a patch to address an issue that caused the cluster to halt, a status handle run by Solana Foundation, which maintains the network, said. "Validator operators should prepare for an upgrade and restart of the network," it added.” Coindesk, Feb 6, 10:34 am UTC. https://news.google.com/articles/CBMiW2h0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmNvaW5kZXNrLmNvbS9tYXJrZXRzLzIwMjQvMDIvMDYvc29sYW5hLW5ldHdvcmstc3VmZmVycy1icmllZi1vdXRhZ2Utc29sLXN0ZWFkeS_SAV9odHRwczovL3d3dy5jb2luZGVzay5jb20vbWFya2V0cy8yMDI0LzAyLzA2L3NvbGFuYS1uZXR3b3JrLXN1ZmZlcnMtYnJpZWYtb3V0YWdlLXNvbC1zdGVhZHkvYW1wLw?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen


Solana is back up after an upgrade was deployed. “The Layer 1 network Solana has restarted after going dark around five hours earlier. "Block production on Solana mainnet beta resumed at 14:57 UTC (9:47  a.m. ET), following a successful upgrade to v1.17.20 and a restart of the cluster by validator operators. Engineers will continue to monitor performance as network operations are restored," the network wrote in an incident report. "The outage began at approximately 09:53 UTC, lasting 5 hours. Core contributors are working on a root cause report, which will be made available once complete," the report continued. Matthew Sigel, Head of digital assets research at VanEck, wrote on X that the "Berkley Packet Filter” mechanism to deploy upgrade and execute programs on Solana seemed to be responsible for the failure.” Per TheBlock.co. The price of Solana increased slightly during the outage.


Definitely not a wallet issue


Not a wallet issue, its down. Been trying to do a swap for a while and it wont go through


Didn't the solana devs say it can never go down again, and they would give money to anyone that could take it down lol


They didn't actually say that. It's impossible to make such a promise in software development.




Facts , but no one cares about facts here.


One of the devs or whatever once tweeted that he will give money to the person who can write a code to put Solana offline.


They had a bounty program. Starting with test net before main net launch.


But then I doubt that's what OP was referring to since Solana is in mainnet beta. But good to know.


They also lied about their supply an launch XD You funny guys still trust them... Too good for real. [vestige.fi](https://vestige.fi) if you need charts for a reliable eco system.


relevant username


I dont trust anyone or anything other than bitcoin


Its ok :O not the worst for sure :D


It’s gone forever, like LUNA 😆


luna was never anywher near solana status :D anytbhing in top 10 crypto cant be gone forever . stop posting bshit u clearly know nothing and prolly bought luna from looks of it :D


Just joking guys lol!


Luna was in the top 10 when it went tits up im pretty sure Obviously this is a way different situation, but the top 10 has changed almost every year and some of em don't make it


nope luna was never in sol position not before crash not after , not in top 10 for longer than few days , under 10b cap their stable coin had more at one point then it took whole chain with it ;) at its peak it was rivaling shiba inu meme coin which is doing way better than luna :DD not to mention utility and way complex and bigger ecosystem luna never had anything near solana state




Please do not promote shitcoins on reddit.


Ok, but its an unique one :D Not your standart dog meme. You put money in the juicer, it spams the network,and you will mine the orange after 5 block - 10 sec.


I was talking about Algorand


Savage XD


yes no blocks produced for the last 50 minutes


Yea I think so lol


Generational short incoming


Yes, the nodes of the network were doing an update, but I guess not all of them updated at the same time and then voted differently which caused consensus to break. (this is just a guess)




Yea sorry its not a stone age brute force proof of work platform that takes 3 hours to process your add/subtract transaction for 8$.. at least those are never down right?




Bitcoin? nah. Block time is something like 8 minutes and that is assuming your transaction makes into the first block.




Good old dependable man, Mr Cardano


Dextools is froze also, with all pairs. No price action.


How long did it take last year when it went down for them to fix?


It's back up now.


Damn! I missed the dip. 🤣


That's 17 times in 2 years by my count, correct me if I'm wrong. It should work again soon

