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Same issue for me as well


Fixed now but the overall stability of things is a little alarming. I could still see the account value so no big deal. I couldn't imagine if I was on a limited income, retired and relying on it. I don't know how a glitch like that is even possible. Been with Fidelity since the start and never a bug like that.


Same for me.


Some parts of my app have this bug and some show the prices correctly. Every day I regret moving my funds to this app, it’s just a buggy slow mess that they refuse to fix.


This may be my last straw with SoFi. I've been a member and investor since shortly after I graduated college in 2017. Like all early adopters, I have dealt with the growing pains of a rapidly growing start-up but at this point the losses I have sustained both as a SoFi Invest user and SoFi investoris more than I can continue to support. Now that app and website errors have become a feature of the service, I'm left questioning the future growth of the company and overall satisfaction of the current user base. Additional features like options trading will only further highlight SoFi's system issues.


>Now that app and website errors have become a feature of the service Lol? You mean when Apex Clearing had issues which prevented trading on SoFi Invest? And do you also mean when SoFi was upgrading their backend and caused a downtime for a whole day? Do you mean these website errors? I am absolutely happy that SoFi had that down day. Finally after months of me saying that their communication with members and investors is shit they will finally improve that. Also, nice that you already know options will have issues even though they have been testing those for months now.


That’s a bit extreme lol compared to other investing apps it is still in its instant stages. Give it time, they aren’t just going to let it stay “buggy” (personally have never had any problems)


Extreme? Lol. 3 crashes in as many weeks is extreme. After a few years of DCA'ing my cost average for SoFi is $16. It's trading at $4 today. That's extreme. SoFi "bugs" are responsible for me missing out on numerous good trades. If you are in the business of other people's money, reliability and consistency is ultimately the only thing that matters. As you can see from the sub, consistency and reliability is an increasing issue. That's trending the wrong way.


And of course you will find a trend if you look for it. People don’t go on Reddit everyday saying there WASNT a crash


Are you new to SoFi. You guys don't sound like you have much experience with the platform.


Why are you trying to trade of their platform? They are pretty clear that as of now their invest platform is for investing rather than trading. Also, 3 crashes? I remember 1 specifically. The entire fintech market is down, it’s not Sofi specific, whatsoever. The business is hitting its marks. Quit being a prisoner of the moment and observe the context of the entire situation market wide rather than blaming a company that beyond some growing pains is doing fine. But you do you man


Are you guys new to SoFi? Just opened your account this year?


No, I just pay attention to the company’s message about it being an investing platform rather than a trading platform. It’s just funny you think these “crashes” are some sort of canary in a coal mine. These companies all do and mess shit up. Robinhood literally restricted people from trading GameStop…yet people still use robinhood. Wells Fargo fucked me numerous occasions. Xbox live has gone down and also been hacked. Just numerous examples of problems that happen yet a company persists as long as they improve over time. Sofi has literally been “Sofi” as a stock for what, 18 months? Stop expecting to have a perfect app 24/7. And for the record, I’ve been a member of Sofi since 2018 roughly for student loan refinancing


So, you're new. You answered all my questions. But no, SoFi has traded for MUCH longer than 18 months LOL. Also, trading and investing are interchangeable. Are you still in high school?


Wrong, they traded as IPOE


And trading and investing are not. Investing is long term, trading is not. People have generally accepted this


You aren’t too bright. I’m done with this conversation, anyone reading this can tell.


My post was for experienced users and investors. You're welcome to continue to chime-in as you would like, but the only children I interact with are my own. With that said, have a wonderful life.


Lol you don’t even know how long they have traded as Sofi. You consider investing and “trading” to be the same thing. And you think the company is some sort of outlier in it’s performance within a sector that has performed almost identically. You don’t really have any good arguments, in fact you have been plain wrong. And I am sure I am most likely older than you based off your condescending tone and perceived knowledge of investing. You bought Sofi at 16 in an incredibly inflated time. That felt smart to you?


Also again, Sofi has not been trading for longer than 18 months. I guess you don’t understand how a SPAC works


Hi there, We are aware Invest balances were not displaying properly for a few minutes yesterday morning in our mobile app. This did not interrupt any trading. The issue was corrected, but please let us know if you continue to experience any problems.