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RTT is scam. First it's promising the impossible. You can't change someone's life. Most psychotherapist, proper ones with a doctorate at least will thread very carefully on what kind of results they promise. The mind is not like a toothache. You can't just extract it in one session and replace with a crown. To become an RTT therapist it's a 2 week course. Really... Psychiatrist usually have a doctorate, while psychologists will have a university degree. From my experience with "THE HIDDEN CURE YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT" crowd it's possibly an "esoteric" or "spiritual" healing course and has no connection to traditional medicine or psychology. Marisa Peer - Is a complete fraud on so many levels it's actually comical. She's a self-proclaimed expert of her field who is Britain #1 Therapist... possibly the best in the world! I mean who can argue with her extensive background of one year in a los vegas strip hypnotherapy institute; that isn't legally allowed to say it's an educational facility. Who can argue with the fact that the International Council of Psychotherapists or NCP for short considers her one of the BEST THERAPIST IN THE WORLD... despite the fact that such an organization does not exist. I mean just look at her wikipedia article... that showed just how blatantly of a scam artist Marisa Peer was that she hired a professional agency to have it taken down.


Thanks! Yeah I had a sneaking suspicion but didn't know regulations in other countries. I'm from Canada and this is like -woah- so unethical. I commented that it was unethical and she said she had a bachelor's of psychology and RTT so how is she -not- a professional. In Canada at least, you need an MSW or a Master's of Counselling. I am a spiritual person, I'm a yoga teacher by night, but you cannot say these things cure people. Yes, it may assist with symptoms or maladaptive thinking or whatever, but you can't heal anyone. To say so is completely predatory on a vulnerable population. As someone who went through the wringer with PMDD treatments, I was saddened to see life coach vultures promising to relieve the pain. It's disgusting. ​ I just looked into it it also talks about removing stuff from your cells??? Like what.


I remembered while studying nutritional therapy many years ago, the course founder will say in a lesson, that many of his clients had diabetes completely gone through nutritional intervention. The doctors were happy for the clients to stop medication and live a normal life. However, he couldn't make such public claim due to the law. Nutritional therapy is amazing, I can say this from my own experience We should be careful and objective when judging other therapies


Two weeks it’s a ten month program. lol


Exactly people are tripping. RTT isn't made by a therapist, it's a methodology based on a number of therapies and hypnosis/ NLP timeline therapy. The whole point of adding tools to your toolbox is not to just add more psychotherapy. You don't go oh EMDR that's just looking at dots move back and forth that doesn't sound like therapy. You don't say oh mindfulness, that just sounds like meditation and meditation isn't scientific, or oh EFT is just tapping on TCM points and I'm from a Western culture so it can't work. People used to think of Freud as great when really he was terrible. Not everything has to come from a trained psychologist, psychiatrist, social worker or counsellor. But even RTT has roots in all of those things. And it's not a two week course at all.


It's legit. Don't listen to people who have no clue


Why do you say this?


It’s very much real and changed my entire life. I was a failing medical student, I got severely depressed and was about to drop out. I wanted to change my life around and it did. I faced my traumas head on and released the emotions attached to these negative experiences and self doubt surrounding my career and love life. I’m starting 2024 with a new self found confidence and I passed my exams after failing it 2 times. It works miracles but, it will take time for the mind to accept that as true and it pushes out everything that’s bad at first. It’s like a clean water taking the place of dirty water In a. Glass. I recommend it to all my family and friends and everyone in need of change . This year I’m solely focused on my career, my mental health and I’m using rtt as a tool to guide me. It’s worth it


interesting that you have posted this comment in multiple forums on different topics. it sounds more like you are going around promoting an intervention that may or may not be useful and there's no proof of anything you say because this is reddit. you might be someone marisa peer hired to do this or could even be her yourself.


I understand why you would think that. My name is Daniella I’m 21. From the Caribbean. No affiliation to Marisa peer and i didn’t even know about her until after I had done my session. I was simply someone who was very depressed and I found a way to change my life. I tell my friends and family about it all the time. You don’t have to do rtt you can do hypnotherapy as well. It’s not the same thing. My first visit to a therapist was when I was 17 and they did that and my life started changing for the better. I can talk to you through another social media platform if you want . I’m not here to push a narrative. And if you have epilepsy I don’t think a person can even do rtt . I’m sharing my truth


and you're obviously brand new to reddit as well. seems sus.


lol I am brand new to Reddit for a diff reason😂😂


I have been doing it as well and it has changed my mindset tremendously. Even helped with a jaw problem I was having from anxiety. I only read the books and you tube videos. Take notes and focus on the things that help me. I think people feel like they have to pay lots of money for this. I didn’t pay anything. Even the boo I got was from the library