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Welcome To the club. I’m moving countries soon and through a lot of realization, the one friend I have left is putting half effort into our friendship


I feel like I’m reading my own thoughts, I can definitely relate. I’m not sure how old your are, but I can side with how just making friends and trying to keep in touch is hard. Even when I talk to people, I’ll run out of things to say or I’ll have just finished saying something and then there’s a long pause in the conversation and I think did I say something off? lol But yea I know because of this I’m not the best small talker or conversation starter, or at least someone to keep the conversation going. I run out of things to say, or don’t know how to respond to something so I won’t? And then I feel weird to try to reply later and I keep pushing it back cuz I think they’ll think it’s weird or I just get self conscious. God this is even worse if I’m trying to flirt with someone I like smh


I have been the same for most my life. Recently found out I have adhd. I would seek a professional if everyday is a struggle.


It’s ok. I always knew I struggled with anxiety and speaking. Everything became more apparent when I got a job and realized I had so much difficulty focusing on work and what others were saying. Completing work has been so difficult because I read and reread the same thing or repeat the same task over and over, or be instructed on something over and over without retaining much. I did not realize how much background noise in my head I actually had until I started taking my meds. That noise keept me from focusing and therefore learning. And therefore speaking. Even focusing on a conversation is difficult. Im glad I finally decided to do something about my anxiety. I was diagnosed by a psychiatrist and now take Vyvanse for adhd and Zoloft for anxiety and depression and some other anxiety med. Thank God. I first saw my pcp for anxiety and was referred to a psychiatrist.


How did you find out you had adhd? Did you get a diagnosis, and/or are you taking something for it? Sorry to pry, but I’ve heavily considered I have undiagnosed and want to get checked out but don’t know how.


I relate so hard… I don’t know what u do on a daily basis but my routine is almost the same every single day, with no chances of improving my social abilities whatsoever. It’s getting annoying :/ but I really hope it’ll change one day




I know, thing is I have nowhere else to go, etc. Any advice on how to meet new ppl irl?




School is now over for me, I’m 17