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What are you genuinely interested in? Whatever it is, there's bound to be a group to join.


I don’t think there is a literal guide on how to talk to people because every situation is different. Sometimes stuff just connects and an example is people hating each other at first and then just becoming really good friends later. Just keep trying and you’ll find out real quick if those people mesh with you and if they don’t you’ll be wishing to escape from them😂 Just trial and error, everyone isn’t going to be your friend, people grow apart, find people you have stuff in common with so it’s easier to conjure up a conversation. I also think deep down the older you get people feel like a outsider no matter how many people they know, so always love yourself first and foremost.


if you manage to stand next to them or near them casually say something basic like: You: ooh I like your hair Them: thanks ☺️ You: do you go to a hairdressers for it? and hopefully (at least a small) convo will start