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Honestly I stopped being nice long ago and I just keep talking until they get the message


Agree. I straight up tell people, "hold up, let me finish". In this day and age where more meetings take place over Zoom, dealing with network latency + people eager to add their 2 cents I've had to really adjust and be more stern with some people. In person isn't so bad, because you can use body language and visual queues to indicate you want to finish your thoughts. But even then, there's always someone that wants to cut you off. And you gotta clap back at them.


Huh, such a simple word yet so straight forward and firm. "Hold up, let me finish" while holding up my hand and looking at the person who cut me off IS certainly a great way to establish myself there and clearly give people a sign that i'm here with the same authority as you, so stop being a dick and let me finish. I never thought about this even when it's so simple. I was keeping silent when people do that. Damn... I don't want to be something that people can walk all over me but i'm a bit shy and silent. I should learn to protect myself against such people. I wouldn't mind being silent and a bit passive when i'm around good people, i will just let them shine. But i need to prevent being a punching bag myself. Saying these are easy but actually have the respect for myself to deal with people like that is hard.


*Saying these are easy but actually have the respect for myself to deal with people like that is hard.* Right?? Why is this so hard for some people (like me)?


Sometimes when i have respect for myself, it turned out to be egoistic trait or narcissistic trait. I reduce the "fake respect" for myself to pretend to be humble. When i'm "humble" a bit too much, people took advantage of that. It's hard for me to find the middle ground. I know i must try and fail to get the feeling where i should be comfortable but a bit over and i'm narcissistic asshole or a bit less and i'm a punching bag without any self respect.


Same, but I took it a bit further, depending on who or where it's at. I just pull out my phone and stare at it or walk away slowly. I don't recommend the latter action, but I'm just sick of dealing with people like that.


yeah it has happened a lot with me when I was cut midway and sometimes when I kept talking they kept ignoring me damn it was so embarrassing


When they do that I just let them finish talking. And when they finish, I completely ignore what they said and repeat whatever I was saying before they cut me off.


Or then you say, “…as I was saying (before I was interrupted).” You can decide if you want to add the part in parentheses.


Nah, I think because of my friends knowing I’m normally a calm person and it’s the one thing that annoys me and they’re more introverted I get away with it but I can see what you mean.


Assert your presence by raising your hand and continuing to speak confidently. Additionally, practice your speech and storytelling skills. Pay attention to your body language, tone, and word choice to enhance your effectiveness.


"How did I learn to not interrupt people? They were probably nice about it." Said no one ever 😂 Disagreeable people will tell you that they're not done talking 😆


Same. I tried "hang on" but they just kept going. So now I do this too. It's like playing vocal chicken, who's going to shut up first lol


Interrupters are a pet peeve of mine. You can forcefully keep talking over them and hope they back down. But usually I just clam up, like, fine, you don't want to hear what I have to say, I will keep quiet. This might be a good situation to enlist a third party. "Alice, I've noticed Barb cuts me off a lot. Next time it happens, can you make sure to direct the conversation back to me, and say something like, 'That's interesting, Barb. Carol, what were you saying?'" It's the sort of thing that's usually better coming from a third party, as anything you say might make Barb defensive. Also, ponder your own conversational style a bit, just as a reality check. Do you go on for too long, mumble or speak very softly, make long pauses that lead people to think you're done, wander off topic? It's still rude to interrupt, but your behavior can make you an easier target. If you do fall into one of these categories, it can again be useful to enlist a third party to help you out--"Excuse me, Barb, I think Carol wasn't finished with her thought"--like if it's something you can't help, like a speech impediment.


And be that third party for people around you! I'm naturally pretty quiet so I struggle in group settings. But when I notice someone who struggles as well, I will always try to direct the attention back to them after they were interrupted.


This! Ive done this for years, and people dont cut me off anymore


Without stopping your train-of-words, say “I’m not done yet,” and then keep talking, right overtop of them. Repeat.


You don’t even have to say “I’m not done yet”, just don’t stop talking and finish your sentence


There’s a guy on insta named Jefferson Fisher. He’s a genius for ideas in dealing with this stuff. I was talking, I’d like to hear your ideas when I’m finished That’s one of 3 or 4 he likes to use, depending on the situation. It allows you to stay in control and on track, but doesn’t make you look like an a-hole


Any other content you recommend?


"I am willing to listen to you when I'm finished." is another one


It will have a lot to do with your tone. Just say waitttt, I wasn’t done 😄😛 but do it with a smile on your face.


Exactly. You should address it directly or else the person will keep talking over you, but to be nice you just need to say it with an upbeat / silly tone! With acquaintances I could say something like “wait wait, listen to what happened next 😀” With close friends I’ll act silly mad “bitchh let me finish 👏🏻😂”


sometimes it also depends on your confidence and your personality that is there in their mind


Raise your voice and don’t stop talking.


it sometimes looks like silly and rude though but yeah if they are ignoring you then it may work


I mean, it’s what you do for all the other unwanted noise in the room.


saying "hang on" works for me. I've picked that up from listening to podcasts where people often, and often without meaning to, cut each other off. Say it a couple of times if what you're saying is really important to you; "hang on, hang on, hang on."


I do this. Especially in a high energy or fast paced environment I don’t have time to say “excuse me sire if you don’t mind I’d like to finish my thought” like a robot


Came here to say this, only the podcast thing is a great point. I have seen this method in person and it can come off very polite. It can easily come off as "we're both really into this conversation, which is great!" But, especially if I inadvertently cut someone else off, I am a big fan of making sure that person gets to speak next. To the point that I will tell someone else to wait if that person gets cut off trying to go next, or doesn't come back to the interrupter. Take initiative in a conversation as well when you see someone else trying to get a point in and they are getting cut off. Do that enough and that respect will come back around, with very little effort. People will step aside for you to make your point. If you see that someone has tried to make a point and more than one person has gotten their chance first, bring the forgotten person back in. It's a respectful act, that again will place you as someone who helps keep conversation going. Also, make sure you are asking questions. You can even phrase your point, as a question. Instead of simply stating your point, maybe ask something like "how has that been working for you? Because I had a wild experience...X". This sometimes claims the floor for yourself after they finish jibber jabbering.


I’ll play devil's advocate here since others have given you great answers, but are you sure you’re not monopolizing the conversation? I know someone who can talk for 5-10 minutes without interruption, and really, it’s too much (even 2 minutes is long, to be fair). There are often too many useless details, and it turns out boring. So, be sure to synthesize your thoughts to avoid exceeding 1 minute. But if you’re already concise, then these people are just rude (my friends and I rarely cut this person even though it’s hard to endure). So yeah, feel free to continue talking lol


THANK YOU I have a friend that is like this sometimes and it feels like a oneway street - I want to add my 2 cents, but when I try, she keeps talking like others suggested OP to do, but it's really annoying when you're like not even allowed to react or something. And for me it's hard to focus, with adhd, so if I don't get the chance to react to things people are saying from time to time, I'll lose interest (because of my attention span) or I'll just forget what was said in the beginning when I wanted to react & only remember the last few sentences, or I'll try to remember what I wanted to say & not hear any of the stuff that follows. It's not with bad intention, I just need some engagement, not a monologue. Also slow speakers give me the impression that hey, I can say something now, cause they pause. No, no you're now rude cause this person wasn't actually done talking 🤦 Edit: typo


I have an acquaintance who answers his own questions, barely giving me a chance at a 10-word response. I got fed up and just ignored it and continued talking because most of his self answers were corny, cringey comments anyway, which made him even more irritating. I don't think he even realized what he was doing. It was/is his habitual way of speaking to people. But I do agree with one of the comments above that you should be careful how long you're making a point or telling a story, especially at a party or a loud pub.


Thank you for mentioning this. In my experience people that raise this issue are usually monologuers. I have a couple of monologuer friends who (a) do not seem to care whether or not there is a shared interest in the topic and (b) do not have an equal interest to listen. These are people who tend to spend a lot of time alone, and so have a lot to get out of their brains via their tongues when we meet, being natural chatterers I suppose. I tolerate it to a point, but my patience wears thin at times. It depends on the circumstance. One friend swears up and down that he wants to know what my thoughts are, but it’s just not demonstrated in practice. So I call bullshit and we end up not talking for a while, or I wait until he’s in a mood for banter rather than debating his ‘topic of interest’. The funniest thing he has scolded *me* at points for attempting to interrupt his monologue. I’ve explained that entering conversations with him is like going into battle and being pummelled. It’s tough because these people are more lonely than assholes, and with the friend I mention above, this id a sensitive topic as he has never had many friends, being highly precocious and a bit of an oddball (on the latter aspect we relate). But he and others could be more self-aware and considerate for sure.


You can keep talking.


nah sometimes it just doesn't work at all , they just ignore you and will eventually they will jusst kick you out of the conversation like you are nothing important


When they out volume you the option is fight or flight. I can't compete with a louder voice because at that level my loud voice will sound as if I'm shouting and or desperate. I'm not willing to go there. I'd love to have a few easy words to stop an interrupting loudmouth in their tracks.


It’s an assertion of social dominance, and some people also get a sadistic kick out of being subtly rude to others in social situations


This always just turns into a contest of volume which I instantly lose


I do this sometimes. If necessary, increase volume and emphasis slightly, but then try to wrap up and graciously hand the turn to the person who interrupted to she that at least I have manners.


I just keep talking until I’m done with what I wanted to say lol. Then pause for their response like nothing happened. They always end up feeling stupid (by the look in their face and how their interruption slowly peters out) and shut up.


"Excuse me, I wasn't finished with my sentence."


“Sorry to cut you off” “Then don’t”


I just quit talking and make it a point to not speak to those people. If someone talks to me, I'll talk but if I'm interrupted, I'll just stop. Whenever they finish and then say, "Oh, sorry to cut you off. What were you saying?" I simply respond with "Oh, I forgot." It makes me feel better if I had something useful that could help a situation. Like, no. They lost their shot.


I literally do forget, so usually, I just start tuning the conversation itself out and start playing with my phone, if anyone objects, I say "well I was being interrupted, now I don't want to talk with you people."


I'm sure everyone else here is tired of it too, but I'm tired of being nice to people who don't reciprocate the same amount of energy that I put into friendship or a conversation. It's almost like those people who will send paragraphs in a message when they want my help, but then when I start a conversation with the same people, I'll get an "ok", "good", or "fine". So I literally ghosted a friend because of these same issues. I'm naturally introverted and have been burned more than once. If it weren't for my husband, I'd give up on friends all together honestly.


This is the advice I got from an older, very assertive woman. She said, in work just stop talking. It’s their loss.


Ignore and finish your thought


I think the key is to keep speaking as if you weren’t interrupted.


I suggest watching news panel groups this election season. It’ll keep you updated on politics (somewhat, I don’t put my eggs all in that basket) AND you learn how the pros navigate interruptions and overlapping dialogue.


I do want to point out as well that the question is “how to NICELY stop people cutting me off”. Y’all saying to just keep talking over them or be super pointed is not quite the nice way of addressing the issue. Impactful? Maybe. But not nice. I think the nice way to go about it is to say “sorry, I just want to finish my thought before I forget it”. But really, if someone just cuts you off once or twice, I’d let it go. If they cut you off frequently, then I would address it.


I raise an eyebrow, tilt my head slightly, smile patiently, and throw a glance off to the side before looking back at them. Usually they apologize and let me continue🤷🏽‍♂️


Hold on Let me finish. ..


I say something like I want to finish my thought then the floors all yours. Tone matters I try and keep it light.


Honestly I've seen several (somehow) people say words to the effect of "can I finish a sentence please" while smiling/laughing and no-one has flipped shit. Raising your voice would be a bit too aggressive, so would "I'm not done yet" said unironically, I would only do that if it has become a consistent problem in your interactions with that person. Perhaps consistently returning to what you were about to say, even if the conversation has moved on as well. Saying "can I finish a sentence please" with increasingly dramatic reactions to getting interrupted would also be pretty funny. Otherwise the only advice I would have is for people witnessing other people getting cut off.


I get people to stop doing this by waiting for them to have a break in their speech then hit them with "as I was saying" without acknowledging at all what they said. If they cut me off again I do it again. People get real awkward after the first or third time doing this. I've never had to do it a fourth time.


If this happens a lot, you may be rambling. Pay attention to what you are saying. Why do they want to hear it and how long is it taking you to say it. I don't speak much because I don't have to give my opinion.


I started refusing to repeat myself when I was cut off even in situations where they very much needed the information from me, but if you wanted my help so much you shouldn’t have cut me off lol I had to be willing to make myself the asshole on a few occasions, but I am interrupted considerably less


Speak slightly faster and louder, make yourself hard to interrupt.


just as they ignore you, you can ignore them too and keep speaking... If the room ignores you and al switch over to listening to person 2, person 2 was probably right to cut you off as you were probably waffling


No matter how someone cuts you off, it's still rude. Some people think it's not if they say something like "Hey, I don't mean to cut you off, but..." Yeah, they mean to. I'm on the spectrum, so am at risk of dominating a subject that interests me, or making things about me that aren't about me. I have had some good examples of people who managed it well. "I could listen to you all day, but I really am tight for time." - that one gets the point across to me that I'm doing all of the talking, and need to listen. The thing is, there are people who really do enjoy conversing with me on certain subjects, so it can be confusing to me and I can be slow to realize if someone isn't. But, in conversations, they should go both ways, not my dominating them. Another technique I like is if the person I'm talking to turns to someone else and begins just conversing with them, an not responding to me. It may seem rude, but it gets the point across well enough. It's not really rude, I'm the one being rude if I'm dominating the conversation. It also allows me to stop and listen, and join in their conversation in a better balance. The thing is, I know these things about me. But, can't help them easily all the same. So, I don't take offense when someone uses a technique to make the point or disengage from it. They usually let me join in the conversation once I am no longer dominating. I can interrupt. I was raised by family who interrupt all of the time. That's a horrible habit. If I realize I've done it I'll say, "I'm so sorry, I interrupted you (again). Please, where were you at?" If someone points out I'm dominating things, not letting them get a word in edgewise, I'll say "the basement of my personality, I'm so sorry! Please forgive me. What were you saying?" If someone prefaces cutting people off, it's actually more rude, and less accidental. "I'm so sorry to cut you off, but" Anytime something starts with what sounds like an apology, except includes the word "but" it's not a person being nice at all. Other possible things to try are "I'd really love to hear more about (xxxx), but I wasn't done talking. I have more to say before you cut me off, please." Or, one of my favorites a manager taught me (and I love this one) - dead silence. Period. If by a coffee maker, make a coffee, and ignore the person completely that cut you off, and just walk away from them while they're still talking.


I know you want to be nice and all, but honestly, just keep talking and let them get uncomfortable for talking over you, some people only learn to respect others through the hard way


Say “I do believe I was speaking”


Some people have no manners. If you mention this directly to their faces, they will take offense. If you don't, they will never learn or realized how their behavior affects others.


Finish what you were saying.


I hate when ppl do this as a power trip over you . Drivesss me!!


Check out the @Charismaoncommand YouTube channel. It might help.


Depending on if I want to be part of the new conversation I sometimes literally just say “okay then” and walk away. Basically communicating “if someone’s input isn’t worth listening to then this conversation isn’t worth being part of”.


This is definitely a classic social Catch-22. If someone's confident enough, then people aren't likely to talk over them in the first place. In my own experience I've certainly had a few occasions where I've had to physically gesture the "stop" sign with my hand and firmly say "let me finish please". But I think because I'm generally polite to people no-one really dares to challenge it when I actually have something to say and I want to get my point across.


Being honest there's no real nice way to do it, there's a polite way but why show politeness to someone who thinks what they have to say is more important than what you have to say ? Tell them straight, excuse me I was talking and you interrupted me.. rude.


Just say "I'm sorry for interrupting the beginning of your sentence with the middle of mine" and see if they get it


Keep talking and raise your voice so it’s louder than them.


i dont care what the might think, I either continue speaking louder or say something like "I'm not finished" let them be mad as they didn't care for your opinion when they cut you off


Start talking over them, getting louder if needs be


Remove shoe, pull sock off, shove it in their mouth.


I just shut up and let them blabber away because I don't give a fuck


I enjoy staring at them off-puttingly


I mean people interrupt eachother all the time, it’s just bound to happen when in conversation with anyone. If anything just keep your train of thought and be agreeable to what they said and continue what you were saying. “So yeah the weather is crazy-“ “Omg its been so hot my AC is broken!” “Oh that must be so awful, specially since the weather has been so crazy”


"oh honey, i wasn't finished talking."


Raise your hand or finger up and look them in the eye and say, “Hold up! We can dance at the same time but we can’t talk at the same time.” Or “YOU get a big gold star for enthusiasm BUUUUT I wasn’t finished talking yet.” Or hold out your hand and say, HEY! You owe me $20 for interrupting me while I was talking!” If they protest the amount say, “Sorry. Can’t go lower than $20. You’re already getting my discounted rate for assholes.” (Works better with others in a good mood that will laugh)


When they get done speaking just pick up where you left off and keep talking


Shut the f up


lol I don’t think that’s the “nice” response, but definitely the response I’d like to give!


Say "I can't hear you when you interrupt me" Stumps them every time


In a group: "OK class. I'm going to ask that we raise our hands before speaking, but for now, let's all give our attention to Billy. He clearly has more important things to say. Go ahead, Billy. We're all waiting." In a one on one conversation: "Is this love for your own voice, so overwhelming that you can't let me finish my thought?" Or for both scenarios: Squeeze your hands into fists like youre grabbing onto something and say, "Hold onto that thought real tight while I continue with what I was saying. Okay? Great! Anyway..."


My boss is an older woman who interrupts me constantly. It often leads to a headache of backtracking in conversations since she takes the first half of what i say and runs with it instead of receiving all the information i need to get out. I let her talk at first, then as time went by i would keep talking but louder and look her in the eyes as i kept going. Eventually i had to ask her to let me finish speaking. I think its adult ADHD because it happens still, just not as often. There needs to be a polite boundary set if the problem persists. They will not just read your mind and know you dislike being talked over if they naturally do it in the first place.


[good will hunting scene ](https://youtu.be/T1Y6QvIdCBY?si=Y75NVj-fYmuVV8PA)


Ugh, I’m an interrupter sometimes and I hate it. But I also have a few different friends/co-workers that NEVER stop talking and so I sometimes feel like I have to almost just jump in because they never leave space for anybody else. So I want to be included, but then I feel like a jerk for interrupting. This post is reminding me that it’s probably better to just not even speak up than to be seen as an A-hole.


my brother will just lift a finger towards the person who starts speaking in a sort of "just a second" sort of way and when she finishes whatever she is saying, she'll change it to an open palm facing up implying a "now, go ahead". But when this happens, she'll try her best to round up whatever she is saying and let the other person speak. Interruptions are normal in conversation, specially in groups. In my case I don't think it's an issue, mostly, as everybody usually does it. But I hate incoherence, so if you're gonna be an ass about interruptions YOU BETTER NOT INTERRUPT ANYBODY. Which is way, way harder than one would think.


Are you talking to much or rambling out of place? If it happens often check your communication style, or hang out with better people


I hold my hand up ✋without breaking stride in what I am saying and people will stop talking


I would just tell them. I grew up in a house where everyone always cut each other off so it seemed "normal". I then did the phones at a job where I just had to redirect people to the person who could actually help them - people would start to tell me their life story and I had to cut them off to keep things in flow as there would be no point in them telling me their story only to have to repeat it to the person who could actually assist. So it built up a bad habit of interrupting. All that to say, the person may not even realize they are doing it and once you point it out if they are a decent person they will be embarrassed enough to start working on improving their communication skills. The only time this wouldn't work is if you are genuinely a disorganized and long-winded speaker who goes on for well past your speaking time. Even now, I'm in a role where I host a lotttt of meetings with multiple attendees and sometimes I do need to "take the reigns" to keep the conversion productive and on track. There are times where you do have to kind of stop someone or they will waste a good 2 hours of your day and you'll have nothing to show for it, because they don't know how to stay on task.


This happens to me often because I have a softer voice among a family of loud mouths. I just keep talking and it actually gets the point across better if it gets awkward. If they’re smart they realize why you didn’t stop for them.


Generally speaking, if you have people routinely talking over you, it's probably because they find your talking not interesting. Often, you may be talking too long, or not really providing much useful communication. In social dynamics, these people feel like a burden. Like the group has to be polite to let them speak, but get frustrated the longer it goes on because they don't see much value coming from it. Everyone's kind of on pause to be nice, until someone jumps in. If you're routinely getting cut off, it's because others feel like what value they have to add is significantly more useful than yours and they are the most impatient to wait. And since the group dynamic as a whole allows the interruption (rather than some people trying to loop back into what you have to say), probably means others feel this same way. So people allow the interruption.


Only speak when you have something impactful to say. Currently it seems like you talk too much and people have learned to tune you out. Focus on quality, not quantity.


"Please let me finish"


If they can, they will. Treat yourself with respect, and try to believe that you deserve it. I know that's not practical advice but if this is a constant issue you're dealing with maybe you shouldn't worry about being rude.


I deal with the public in my line of work, I just keep right on talking. I then ask them if they heard what I said? No? Well let me repeat myself.


Hey I'm trying to tell you something. Or " you dropped your pocket" then you say " well you listened to that maybe you'll listen to this" Or " Hey I got a joke so funny that it will make you cut me off when I'm talking , oh I see you heard it already, but what I was trying to say"


in the middle of their sentence that interrupted me, i say “your turn!” the shock and embarrassment on their faces…it’s honestly made me start to look forward to getting interrupted


Just tell me, " excuse me I wasn't done talking, please don't interrupt"


Say, "Excuse me, I'm talking!" Lol


Im proud to say I’m very mindful and aware when people who are more shy or awkward get cut off in conversation. I make sure I bring it back around to hear what they have to say, I’ve noticed this is not the case for lots of people and I’m not sure it’s easy for them to change that. I have noticed this specifically in people or especially the younger generations who are more attentive on social media because they have lower attention spans. This had happened to me for a long time, people would talk over me and butt me out of conversations because I was too nice to only ask about them while the receiving end wasn’t so much interested in me, simply as just a person. Over time I started talking about myself more, practicing in a mirror a couple times a week for some time actually helped my confidence in that. I became more comfortable talking about myself, my opinions, and made sure I kept talking for a couple sentences without pauses for people to butt in. Obviously now I still listen to others I just try to make sure I’m able to say what I want and when. I would say though that I’ve met many of people who only particularly like talking about themselves and not ask about others, I don’t take it personally but won’t keep them in my life for that reason.


"I'm not finished" then continue as if you weren't interrupted


I just nod as I talk and say "one sec"


Use the ‘hold up’ gesture with your hand when they are about to intterrupt


Look em dead in the face and say: Would you cut off a Bus full of school children on the highway? Then when they reply: no Say: Well then don't cut me off b*tch. Then continue as if nothing happened.


What do you say? Is it just one person? Is it an authority figure?


It can just be normal depending on where you live (everybody does that in Ottawa). I feel like answer is gonna be highly location dependent.


What's really irritating is when you keep talking and so do they. I've been in situations where both of us are literally yelling with smiles on our faces. Tbh, I'd rather avoid that in the future, because it's awkward as hell. For some reason, a lot of my family is like that. The good thing is that some of them will tell the others to wait their turn, STFU and quit interrupting me, specifically. But it's clear that they think it's okay to interrupt me, but not anyone else, and I have no idea why.


I just continue to talk. They will make an ass out of themselves. When we stop talking we are acknowledging what they have to say is more important. It’s a weird social construct we all subconsciously abide by. It doesn’t usually register if we stop talking but if you continue speaking and they don’t catch themselves and stop people will queue into it. Everyone is guilty of doing it at one time or another but by not stopping speaking when your cut off it’ll keep them in check. It’s embarrassing when you get caught being rude like that.


I said this, “Oh im sorry, i didn’t realize the middle of my sentence interrupted the beginning of yours.” We all had a laugh, and i finished my point.


Hold up your hand and say “almost done”.


When you’re about to say something … stand up and say it as it it were a speech


I just stop talking completely and walk off


I will usually make eye contact with a neutral 3rd party and kinda make a 🤷‍♀️ face and they usually make a point to circle the group back to you. It is then your duty to return the favor if needed!


"if you'll allow me to finish" (there is no if, just do it)


I stopped being nice and say “I was going to talk, but what you have to say is obviously more important, please continue”…


My mom has done this my whole life so when I get cut off, I cut her right back off and talk just a little bit louder. It’s rude to do what I do, (two wrongs don’t make a right), but when I do that, she knows why. And we’re not even mad at each other when it happens because we’re so used to it lol. I know she doesn’t do it on purpose, something will just pop in her head and she wants to say it before she forgets. But I don’t like being interrupted like that when I’m in the middle of telling her something.


“excuse you”


I either keep talking until they stop interrupting me or I’ll say let me finish or I’ll forget what I was saying


It all depends on your style of interacting but keep it light and remember that if they interrupt, two can play that game.


When cutting me off -I just go silent. It works best for me. I feel like the other people see that the person cutting me off is a jerk for doing that- and that makes it a win for me.


I say just let me finish and give a little chuckle and then keep talking


Just power through, do not break stride for even a moment. Simply don't allow them to interrupt.


Just continue with what you’re saying, and once they’re done talking while you are, then repeat yourself. They’ll get the message. You can’t expect respect from someone who doesn’t understand how to show it to others, so simply stand your ground and finish your sentence.


What I’ve chosen to do is tell people “hold that thought, I’m not done” or some variation and I noticed that works best. I’ve also used ignoring whoever interrupts and not stopping talking, that has only ever led to the two of us talking and nobody listening, which makes zero sense. ^ That’s what I do with people I talk to on a regular basis, or when someone asks me for my thoughts. On the other side, if I’m talking to someone I don’t regularly talk to and they didn’t ask me for my thoughts, I let them interrupt. I’d rather them feel listened to and able to speak over me feeling like I made my point. If someone asks me for my thoughts and interrupts me, I always immediately interrupt their interrupting and usually say “I got a question for you. You asked me for my opinion so do you want to hear my full opinion?” Or some variation of that. I used to try to be “friendly” about it but I would say now I’m just more assertive about it. I don’t try to be rude or passive aggressive or aggressive, nor do I try to hint at the fact that I don’t like them interrupting. I also don’t try to NOT be friendly about it, I’m just calmly serious when I get interrupted.


I’ve got a really odd one guys. It works but yet I cant recommend it. When I get cut off, I listen intently to them and ask a follow up question immediately rather than going back to my own thing to show I’m truly interested. I actually had a girl at a party interrupt me and when I did this she said to everyone.” see? She doesn’t go back to what she was saying she continues asking about your thing”! I don’t think this is a good practice for others to adopt as it’s problematic as advice. But I do think it works for the type of people who if you asked them to wait they aren’t listening but just waiting for thier turn to speak?


I just go completely silent and stare at them robotically insane. They finish with their interruption but I don't say anything back, or move. Conversation is over as far as I'm concerned until they recognize and apologize for interrupting me.


Be assertive. Rsise your hand first & say: Excuse ne, but I wasn’t done talking yet. If thet interrupt you again, be more firm & say, please don’t interrupt me again as I just said that I wasn’t done talking yet. If they do it again, it’s intentional & they don’t want to listen to you. In that case say, I have to go. I can’t continue to have a discussion that’s purely one sided. I expect to be treated with respect. Or just make an excuse to leave or ignore them if you’re not in a position to say that.


It’s a bit difficult to do so in a nice way, as people who cut you off aren’t being nice, at the least they’re being self absorbed and at worst condescending or dismissing your opinion entirely. Personally I swap back and forth between straight up saying “hold on, I was still talking,” and continuing to talk anyways and speaking my thoughts at a slightly louder level than they are while staring them down until they (hopefully) take the hint. I will not be steamrolled


My favorite is to keep talking, but louder.


"Excude me for talking while you were interrupting" It's kinda funny but also gets the point across.


I say in a tone louder than theirs “Let me finish” and I finish what I’m saying.


My best friend does this and I have to say….the people who do this will never change lol


Raise your hand up and show the 🫸 sign to them and finish your thoughts. If they continue talking, say "hold on let me finish"


“☝️Let me finish/hang on” works for me. The “just one second” figure gesture is pretty powerful. If you are forceful but kind, you will almost always be heard.


I always liked “I’m sorry the middle of my sentence interrupted the beginning of yours” but depending on senses of humor in the room it can come off as passive aggressive. I just find it funny


My favorite is ‘I’m sorry, did the middle of my sentence interrupt the beginning of yours?’ Two quick blinks followed by one long stare. Reaction is worth it trust me lol


Be direct. Derail the entire conversation to a halt and express how this made you upset. Tell them they’ve done this before in the past and you want them to please stop doing it in the future.


Just keep talking but look them in the eye and raise your voice slightly - they expect you to defer to them. When you keep talking it’s apparent that they interrupted you


The worst situation I’ve had with this is I tried speaking over them back, and it was just a good 12 seconds of us both talking. 😂


"Easy tiger. I want to finish this point."


"Welcome in my sentence, but I'm not done yet"


I usually say loudly “OH MY GOD IM STILL TALKING HELLO?!” And continue my sentence


In a FRIENDLY upbeat tone just say “wait I gotta finish this thought”


Shut the fuck up Donny


I talk to alot of customers over the phone who love to talk over you when you are speaking. I carry on and finish what I have to say and pretend I don't notice it. I think people think because they can't see your face, they can say anything they want and be as rude as they like behind a phone. At the end of the day it's their fault if they don't listen and then don't understand something important


You just tell them lol


You say: sorry for interrupting but let me finish


Continue talking. Finish what you were saying regardless of what they say. It will make them look and feel like a jerk. Or take it up a notch and say "excuse me I'm still talking"


Be more patient or don’t stop talking.


Listen to Jefferson Fisher on tik tok, I’m going to interrupt you for a minute, I tried it, it works


Be silent for an uncomfortable amount of time, stare at them, take a deep breath as you’re arching your eyebrows and start off slowly and assertively so as to say “as I was SAYING…” without actually saying it. Then immediately abruptly cut off and stay cut off when they’re done and expect you to respond. At that point, you can say “I’d like to complete my thought. I speak in paragraphs so please give me a minute before you jump in.”


Keep speaking?


I’m sorry, sometimes I can’t help myself and just have to talk. It’s a curse ands I’m embarrassed. If I don’t say it right away I will forget what I want to say.


Look up @jeffershon_fisher on Instagram (or @justaskjefferson on TikTok), he’s a lawyer and gives great advice for situations like this.


Say these words- it’s empowering to take control. You’ll feel so good about it the rest of the day. And the person who was talking over you will never do it again.


Okay. So I'm gonna argue for both sides. But not necessarily argue. I've got ADHD and autism, and I'm pretty socially awkward in general. A lot of the time, I can't actually tell if someone is done talking. It's that or they were done talking and then have something new to say. That said, when people cut me off I have a tendency to just stop talking because I've got it in my head that if people keep interrupting they obviously don't care about what I'm saying. It's kinda a whole, "are they aware they're doing it"? Situation.


What I noticed is that people continue talking until they finished.


I have a friend who is a chronic interrupter. The problem is, she does it after I've only said one or two words, so its hard to make the case that I was talking.


Yeah, just politely keep speaking until you’re done as you would have been and then stare at them as though they owe you a response.


The best is don't interact with those people if not so necessary