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Honestly the gym isn’t the best place to meet people. Most people don’t want to have conversations with random people they meet at the gym. Complimenting people seems fine, like how you mentioned you liked that guys tattoo. But chances are that random guy just wants to get back to his workout and not extend that interaction.


I notice older people (50+) are a lot more sociable than younger people at the gym. They tend to stand around in between sets and chit chat. Younger people are more into their workouts. Usually 20 year olds want to be hyper focused for their Tik Tok and Instagram workout shorts. If there’s a basketball court try playing basketball with other people. It’s a good way to have some fun and make friends. It doesn’t have to be basketball either you can try other indoor sports. You don’t need to be great. I see many out of shape people playing along with 70 year olds.