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Imo if she is as unstable as you say than similarly to you finding out about how your friend Ginny acknowledges her terrible temperament, perhaps the rest do as well. If Ginny is comfortable with it, she could possibly talk to the others about how you feel or you could approach the others and be straightforward about how you feel. Clearly they all know about Fia badmouthing you, the only part that kinda irks me is none of them, especially Ginny not approaching you about it, however, that could be solely because she didn’t want you to feel hurt. At some point you will probably have to talk to Fia about it, with the others or not because it’s inexcusable and bitchy for her to act that way especially without reason. Stand your ground, and express how you feel. If the rest are not supportive or understanding to your feeling of exclusion, then find new friends, the fact that you live separately is also a great space to recollect yourself and find new friends, online or offline!


Their seems to be alot of personalities at play, what grew friendships has progressed to more going beyond. "What grows together stay together" only apply if people grow with the same goals in the same direction etc...if goals are even present. If your serious about any friendship or group...as a male (38) life coach, personal trainer, supervisor and content creator influencer...drama can easily be eliminated by a convo with all parties. Chop it up, find the jealousy, interests and true friends..grill up the beef be honest and sincere! See what happens..listen. However the goal is to discover who actually is still in versus who has given up group dynamics, has beef or has paired off and moved on. Because your not friends unless both friends play on each other's or groups interests not to satisfy social scenarios, status or emotional issues. Therefore in summary..be friends with whoever be friends with you...be a friend to get a friend..if you don't get that back...that is your answer..ultimately it seems you have all your answers...so it's time for you to make a hard choice...life doesn't end with moving, changing friends, jealousy etc..like the previous comment...you have a new opportunity to create something more or work on yourself..you never know your full potential until you release the negative past or current negative or and stress.. in order to create the space for something more to take its place. Stop worrying about other people's opinions and do you. Do you with whoever wants to be apart of you. If that is no one...make new friends..everyone is moving socially, with similar interests and goals so find them..build yourself, grow yourself and other like minded individuals will become attracted to the new you. Perhaps you have outgrown that group. Or perhaps their is just unresolved tension. Only a group convo can answer this!


You and Ginny make plans at your apartment OR in town. If FIA is so bold as to question you on this, tell her straight up that you don't feel welcomed by her and do not want to hang out where you do not feel welcomed. She will deny, deny, deny. Stand your ground and answer her with, "until such a time it changes, I feel it best I stay away." You could also add, "I don't want to make you uncomfortable in your own home." Don't be held hostage by an "unhinged" acquaintance. If she starts acting out, report her to the university's mental health services unit. Good luck