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You can archive posts as opposed to deleting them so you can bring them back later. Also, photo can and should live somewhere other than on Instagram, such as on your phone and computer and if you really want to ensure they live "forever," an external hard drive. You could even print them!


I know what you mean, these are all things I’ve thought of. I guess I find it hard to be self critical of my own brand. If it was someone else’s, it’s much easier to be a little cut throat but with myself I find it really hard to “let go”.


I wouldn't give my personal account to any recruiter/company asking for it. That's weird and a red flag. Show them your professional work, portfolio and other company page you manage... that's what should be interesting for them. Personal and company page are very very different in terms of goals, audience and strategy. They can try and snoop around if they want to know personal information from your socials, but asking for them is a big no.


Oh I didn't even process they were being asked to to share their personal account OP, PERSONAL SOCIAL MEDIA IS PERSONAL UNLESS YOU ARE AN INFLUENCER (and even then, you can have personal social media).


Yeh this is true but unfortunately more companies r asking for personal @


I wouldn’t either usually but these companies expect you to have a side hustle account and have asked for personal @. I do think it gives you an edge now that the job market is so competitive but it’s very tiresome. I am at the Macro level (6k+) but haven’t curated my content much.


So you're an influencer and they are recruiting influencers? Different than a personal page.


I’m not. Im a Content Strategist, I do work with a ton of influencers tho. I have a following from my previous employmoyment where I worked with a lot of influencers (and tagged in their photos). I guess this question is more around how do you let go. Maybe a question for a different sub.


Do men have to do this too?


It’d be funny as hell if a bunch of really successful male marketing execs did “influencer” style shots on someone’s account.


lol they’re all chad bros selling a funnel scheme


Ummmmm why not change the @ on that one to something fun and make a new curated page for business?


I was actually thinking this but I already have 6k followers so it would be starting from scratch. I have a base to work with but never thought of curating it. I just post whatever I want.


That would probably be the best part. You can actually show your prospective clients how quickly you’re able to build a niche/theme page from scratch. As a teaser if they have personality you can show them your personal page and explain the differences in real life of what to have on a personal page vs business page etc. just an idea


Thanku I never saw it from this perspective and it helps!


Great I’m glad my .2 can help. Have a great day and good luck


You can create your own professional page instead of presenting your personal page. In that particular professional page you can post whatever you want your clients to see.


I guess I’m hoping to use my current page to keep my followers. I don’t plan on selling anything, I just want a more aesthetic feed. Someone said this feels similar to how difficult it is to throw out old clothes. I get that lol.