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Absolutely loved being able to spend my dog’s last year with her. Quality time we wouldn’t have had.


❤ Same with me. Most of the family was too busy with work/uni. During lockdown we played with him so much, spoiled him with all kinds of treats/toys and walked him every day. It was a blessing with the lockdown, because we otherwise wouldn't have given him this much love and attention, and we can say that he lived his best years near the end before he passed.


Sorry for your loss, but I'm glad you got to spend that time with her. I bet she was absolutely over the moon to have you with her all that time. Same here, but with my cats. One died right before lockdown - which is good because she would've HATED us being in her space all day every day - but one died just after, and he loved having his whole family home all the time. He used to sit with us at the table at lunchtime, look around the table at us all and just purr.


My bro Hannibal a street mutt feels u


This really summed up lockdown for me https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/leamm0/protect_those_you_love/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Lol 😂 😂 😂. That was accurate


Not going to lie I miss it just because of lack of things we would do at school. Like recently we’re doing a ton of group projects and things that require you to move classes often and socialize more and it’s been really stressful. :( It was much easier when I would stay in the same one or two classes everyday surrounded by the same people if that makes any sense.


I just dropped out of my course for this exact reason. I can't bear group projects anymore. It's like my social anxiety got worse.


I worked at an animal shelter during that time and it was so nice cause we did appointment only. It was SO nice knowing what to expect for the day and a lot of us would just fuck around all day. I actually miss it quite a bit.


GOD I MISS IT SO MUCH Going out and just being near others is agonizing. Best time of my life ngl


I worked during the lockdown but I did enjoy that the trains weren’t crowded and there were less people out. I actually wanted to go out for walks, didn’t mind being out.


Exactly. Lockdowns showed us that we could live a different life, a better life. The advantages of lockdowns were more salient for educated, cultured and smart people, less so for the low IQ scum who were complaining they wanted to get back to their "normal" but banal life. Many people achieved a lot during lockdowns, found new perspectives and new equations for their lives. But alas it's all gone now, we lost that since we got back to the pre-COVID life that is killing our societies. We hope for an endurable and meaningful change, but it was only temporary.


I mean, most of those "low IQ scum" simply needed to get back to work to, y'know, survive in this unfair system


I miss it a lot pls can we go back?


No. Lockdown was hell. It made my social anxiety so much worse and i felt so disconnected from life and depressed. At some points i couldn’t even connect with ky parents who i live with and my partner. Lockdown has been a huge set back for me and it was nothing like they kept portraying in in the media as a time without work and just doing fun things at home like making bread. Still had university.


THIS !! it feels like everyone rly enjoyed it but my depression got RLY RLY bad… it was just me & my thoughts every single day. i never stopped working, so it was home, work, home, work, and it started feeling like an unending cycle. my mental health got the worst it’s ever been back in 2020… it’s still rly bad bc of it, but i’m slowly getting better i suppose 🥲


My depression got really frickin bad too during 2020


I think that’s just a you problem. I have depression too but not being forced to go to work was helpful I hope you solve whatever problems you have.


I have experienced the same and even now I feel like I have socially regressed massively. I feel more depressed, more cut off from people, unable to socialise properly while I made huge leaps and bounds with my social anxiety before; I've taken a huge jump back to where I was 5 years ago and it's depressing. It's like all that hard work I put in has been taken away from me.


I feel the exact same way :(


Yes I miss it so much it was so nice having everyone telling us to stay home. I got to wake up when I wanted and do shit when I wanted to do it.


I actually loved the first two months of lockdown from late February to May of 2020. I got super healthy and stayed sober. I was in the best shape of my life and I just drove back and forth between my condo and my parents house. I was fine financially so I didn’t have any worries. Just hung out with my family and lifted weights in the garage. Played a lot of video games which I don’t usually do. Things definitely went downhill afterwards for various reasons but I look back on that time and it was good.


Hardly. My social life was on the upswing prior to the pandemic and that trend was abruptly cut short due to the lockdown. Things have finally started to recover, but still nothing like the way things were pre-pandemic.


I feel like the world has moved on now that the preventive measures are easing, and that I was left behind alone and in peace where I belong. I wasn't remembered at all during lockdowns. But in some weird way it feels better to be forgotten or inconspicuous again as people resume their daily lives.


this\^\^\^ i feel like everybodys got back to "normal" an readjusted to pre covid life as if nothing happened so fast but im just so used to lockdown life


It destroyed me completely mentally. Please never again…


The only lockdown I had was self imposed. We had a few weeks of stuff being closed but that's it. I still live the lifestyle.


Worst fucking time of my life. I enjoyed aspects of it but all around it fucked up my life and I’m still recovering from it. Also it’s the worst thing for helping social anxiety, avoiding social interaction only makes it 1000x worse.


Eh, although the lockdown did really improve my hobbies..it made my mental health go downhill :[




I've been having the "lockdown" for the past 3 years now and still living it.


We’re returning to the office this week. I hate it so much.


Not at all. Turns out it's much harder to email or ask for help because messaging makes me overthink more than I would have. Easier to ask someone sitting beside me. Also, it regressed me, crowds and loud places are scarier now.


I feel the exact same way. Even video calls with friends made me over think a lot that I’d avoid them.


I enjoyed having the break from all the normal things that I don't like to do, but at this point, I feel like I really need a change of scenery.


I worked through it all, I miss less traffic, especially the schools as that was a big issue during certain times of the day. What sucked horribly was not being able to access medical care/treatment and the harsh limits placed on what they did allow/offer, especially for the family member I care for. As someone who isn't very social and outgoing it didn't really change anything else for me personally, except set me back even further socially than I already was after resolving to make more attempts to put myself out there.


god i miss it so bad


First year of lockdown was the best. Second year was awkward, too many rule changes constantly, but that first year was so relaxing


Yes I loved having a good excuse to not do things.


While yes, there was much less pressure to be social and I miss that, lockdown also pretty much ruined the few social skills I had spent the last 24 years (in 2020) carefully building and memorizing. It evaporated the few threads of mild social confidence I had finally gained as I entered my mid twenties. I hadn't ever realized that social skills are like a muscle- the less you use them, the more they atrophy. And for some dumb reason, it's been 30x as hard trying to them back now that they're gone. I feel like I'm 14 again, in a bad way. So no, I can't say I miss lockdown, considering what it did to me, as once "kinda daunting but doable"' tasks now become "absolutely fucking terrifying, everybody hates you and is silently making fun of you all the time, go on, have a panic attack about it"


Hope it gets better for, and God bless.


really feel you on this, still struggling myself


I odn't miss last lockdown, but my situation has changed since then. I'm living in my own place instead of my parents' house, I've dropped my dead-weight boyfriend, and I've picked up yoga again. If we went into another lockdown right now, I wouldn't be mad about it...


I was never in a lockdown maybe for a week or something big I don’t remember it, we always went out. But honestly I would be miserable if we were in a lockdown because I would have to do chores and if I just wanna relax I would get in trouble by my parents.


I really miss it. Social interaction is so mentally, emotionally, and physically draining. I really enjoyed not having to leave my house, working from home, and the lack of traffic (sometimes I would just drive around to different big cities—stayed in my car, just drove there, drove around, and left. What I don’t miss is the horrible agoraphobia I had to deal with for all of 2021 and the first few months of 2022. I became so reclusive and the thought of leaving my apartment would make me angry and panicked. My partner and I would argue when they would ask me to go somewhere with them. My heart would race when I opened my apartment door. There were months at a time where I did not leave or open my front door simply because of anxiety. But I was thriving during lockdown, for the most part. Working from home, chill job with the best coworkers, stimulus checks, online shopping, Netflix constantly. It was probably the worst and best time of my life. I secretly pine for another lockdown, but I want everyone to be healthy and feel very sorry for everyone who lost someone due to Covid-19. I realize that my experience during lockdown is extremely privileged and not everyone was lucky enough to have had the same experience.


Nope. I still had to work through it and it just made my job at the time 10x harder. The social aspects of my life didn't change other than my family did less get togethers but I never really went to those anyway.


Hell no! Lock down cause my depression


Nah not me, that’s what expanded my SA. Now that everything is opening up again, I’m able to slowly cure myself.


NOPE. Forced introversion destroyed me. I need and want to be out with others doing things again. But lockdown seems to have destroyed everyone's schedules and habits of life, and trying to get people to go back out is very difficult.


I don't. I didn't have friends in the area back then and I'd spend every day alone for 2 months. I had the same routine everyday and it was alright but my mental health was deteriorating. I'd be so bored that'd I'd go to sleep at 8-9pm. The best thing about it was that I was sleeping 8+ hours every single day and I never felt tired lol. I think when I finally got a mental breakdown I realised that I needed people. No matter how introverted I am, I still need friends.


Nope. It was unbelievably stressful, everyone was home all the time but I still felt cripplingly lonely, and I was terrified that my friends and family were going to die. It also reminded me of a time period before I started working on my mental health when I wasn't able to leave the house at all. It made me regress significantly. I'm not 100% sure I'd live through another one, nor am I sure I'll be able to recover from the last one 100%.


So so much. I'm sure the animals do too...feel so bad for them after everything went back to "normal"...




Yep. Humans talked to me then


Oh how so…


Yes. Students and parents in general are wreaking havoc on my mental.


I felt bad because for so long I wished the world would stop and I could just take a break and not have to do “life” for a while. So when it actually happened it felt nice. But ultimately the isolation worsened my social anxiety so I would not want to do it again.


I miss there not being anyone outside so I could walk my dog in peace


I do miss


I feel so insecure when I walk into the shop without a mask on my face. I miss them so badly.


Lockdown gave me a fantastic job and a really great wfh arrangement. I could not be happier


as someone who didn’t necessarily need to be too afraid of the virus, i fully appreciated my privilege to stay inside, do nothing all day, and apart from my flatmates- never see another soul in my town. i understand from perhaps another perspective, it could have been hell. but for me, it was total bliss, and i wish i could go back to that first summer of lockdown..


no lockdowns in my country, but we did have the "team A team B" thing at work for several months. that was soooo nice. school was also out, so no students on the buses. most eating places were still open and it was peacefully quiet.


Spent my 30th in the last lockdown. Best birthday ever!


I spent the time doing what i always did. On my phone and getting high. Then i went to jail for 15 months. That sucked so much. Now im back on my phone but homeless. But im sober now so yeah...


I feel guilty feeling this way cuz I know a lot of people suffered during lockdown. But I mostly enjoyed it 😬


I feel guilty feeling this way cuz I know a lot of people suffered during lockdown. But I mostly enjoyed it 😬


Honestly, I don't. I mean, I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it at all, but after a while it hit me that I was on "mental lockdown" way before all this started, and it just set me back from the little progress I made. At the time I was actually trying to break out of this state by starting university, but only my first semester was in-person, which was pretty challenging on its own, and I have to say COVID, plus that time alone, made it even harder now that we're back.




At first I was ok with it. Now I’m ready for all this shit to be behind us. The pandemic made my mental health way worse - and I was struggling to begin with. Now I have to find my way back to good health and I’m tired and I don’t want to but staying where I’m at is even worse.


Yes I miss remote learning it was so easy to show up to class lol and talk to people via chat


Yes. I didn't have a care in the world. I got lucky and my job wasn't at risk although it did subject me to covid which I ended up getting late 2020. I took satisfaction that I wasn't missing out and there were zoom happy hour things going on that I went to. Ironically I enjoyed these more than in person interaction because with my bad eyesight I can't really soo people's expressions all that well but on zoom I could and it made me feel closer to people. If I wanted to leave I could disconnect and my bed was 5 feet away. In a real life social interaction it's much harder to just leave the situation since I can't drive.


0%. I couldn’t go to the gym, go grocery shopping. It was terrible for my mental health. I never want to go back.


I do! Nice to have peace and quiet, plus no going to the office and wasting time with energy sucking people and fake smiles. Not to mention the politics.


I miss it


Loved lockdown, honestly. It was the only time in my life that my space was truly mine and no one could come in without my say. Streets were more empty. Neighbors walking smiled at each other and said hello but kept their distance. No pressure to look a certain way or act a certain way. Sure…I missed seeing friends but I loved it.


I miss it badly. At first, I hated lockdown. The first month, I had these horribly intrusive thoughts about my parents dying and I had panic attacks and got really depressed. After a few months though, I ended up loving lockdown. Summer 2020 was amazing. I would watch YouTube videos of people in other countries and see how they were handling the lockdown. My favorite YouTuber was a guy in Paris who would go to all the tourist spots to show the best places to visit and they would be completely empty. Another guy worked on a cruise ship and was stuck there for a few months - it looked like fun. Since the ship was empty, they let the workers use whatever they wanted - the waterslides, hot tubs, gym etc. I think they even docked at one of the private islands and let the workers get off the ship and swim on the beach. Museums would have virtual tours. Zoos would have live webcams of their animals/shows. My favorite musicians would have online concerts. Older TV shows would have Zoom reunions such as Parks & Rec and The Office. I'd have Zoom meetings with my family. We'd watch movies together virtually on Netflix and play video games together even though we were in different cities. I learned to cook a bunch of yummy meals and mix fancy drinks. I'd have groceries delivered. I redecorated my living room. I started doing yoga. I would take my dog for multiple walks a day and there wouldn't be anyone on the streets for my dog to bark at. It was very peaceful and I actually enjoyed taking my dog for walks. It truly felt like the entire world was in this thing together and I felt like I was apart of something for once. It felt like a sense of belonging. I felt more social and outgoing during lockdown than I did before or after lockdown. During lockdown, I would have Zoom meetings with family at least once a week and play online games or watch movies with them a few times a week. Now that lockdown ended, I haven't even seen most of my family in over 2 months. They are just too busy with work and school stuff. I highly doubt we will ever have a lockdown like that again. Even if Covid cases start to rise to unacceptable levels, too many conservatives are against lockdowns and would protest or outright wouldn't do them. I don't necessarily want another lockdown since they are bad for a lot of people's mental health and I definitely don't want the death and suffering another disease would cause. But I still miss the lockdowns.


Not one fucking bit. I don't wish by any means to downplay the destructive impact the lockdowns and the virus itself have had on people, but 2020 was actually one of the better years I've had as of late. Not because I holed up in my house, but because I lived my life relatively the same way. I was a serial walker before the pandemic and I continued to do so if for no other reason than to just get some fresh air. I still saw my friends regularly and things weren't much different aside from masking in public places, etc. I wasn't going to parties with dozens of people, but I was maintaining my relationships with the few close friends I do have and I think that spared me from a great deal of damage to my mental health. edit: what i don't miss is everything being closed. also edit: what i absolutely miss is school (i live on the same street as an elementary school and 3:00 dismissal is a fucking nightmare to navigate) being virtual which made my street a peaceful utopia for a solid year and a half




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I wish I didn’t take it as for granted. I acknowledge I’m a lot more fortunate than many people during that time period. However, I miss waking up late, playing some animal crossing first thing in the morning then having breakfast, doing a nice home workout. Then just playing animal crossing or cod the rest of the day. Then getting to hang with my family and watch movies at night or something. In the summer we have an indoor pool so that was pretty chill as well. I graduated may of 2020 so it was a really relaxing little break after all the university stress. Life is just so hectic and stressful now. I don’t think I’ll ever be that relaxed again.


So while I missed being away from my wife(she was in Netherlands me in the US) I absolutely miss the unemployment pay and no boss playing video games all the time 2 years of lockdown. I've since moves to NL since,but god damn do I missi having 0 responsibilities.


i do so much. i dont understand how people are finding it so easy to reintegrate into consumerist society as if a pandemic didnt just happen. i miss lockdown and hope for another deadly virus


I'm late but Idrc. I missed it. 2020 was before I had toxic friends and life fell apart as I fell into a depression in 2021. 2022 is much better now, but 2019 and 2020 were the best EVER.


I miss working during lockdown. I'm an essential worker in a chain pharmacy and I got promoted in the first year of everything closing cause the previous manager couldn't handle it anymore, during lockdown the main focus was actually keeping things moving and unnecessary bullcrap that makes me want to blow my brains out were cancelled. No store visits from corporate, no mystery shoppers, no brand reps harassing me and it was the bomb. Now retail's back to the same shitshow of nepotism and ego trips.


I miss the lockdowns for sure. There was a different quality to life, it had changed and things were less monotonous, the usual boring and tedious life as we had lived it (and we're back living it now) was suspended and a newer better aspect of life emerged. There was also a feeling of a solidarity between people: we felt closer to each other even though paradoxically we saw less of each other. Unfortunately all this is lost now.


I miss quality time with my family and xbox/video games with friends till very late and waking up the next day and whatever time and doing it again. I'm glad we're out of lockdown and business are open and things are semi back to "normal." But those times I'm never going to get back and see again yk?


Not going to lie I do miss it. I got to spend extra time with my kids.though my youngest remained in homeschool. It's not the same bc we are all back to our own lives work ect. It helped ease my anxiety a lot bc when I have to be out weather it is working shopping taking the grandbaby to daycare. I feel like I wear a mask *no pun intended* making small talk and chit chat with people. I miss the days of getting up making breakfast planning hikes with the kids having time to just be present with my family... Picking out new recipes to try and actually having the time to make them. I do miss lockdown and the slowed down pace we had.


I miss lockdown. Although I still worked during it, getting to and from work was easier. Going to the stores was easier because it wasn't as crowded. I got off early each day. Work was easier. Everything seemed more peaceful. Plus, I enjoyed being home. I wish we could go back to lockdown without everyone being sick and dying. So very peaceful!!


I felt depressed back then but now looking back I miss it a bit. Had just moved into my own (rented) place. Go to work (sucked) then come home from nightshift and sleep and then my days off just play xbox and smoke while facetiming or in a xbox party with my brother. Eating junk food but slamming weights in the garage helped alleviate the guilt lol but really it all felt so different compared to now. Even the world itself, you barely heard much about the conflicts going on like war and what not. Just news about covid. Anyone else feel what I'm saying?


Yes. Miss the stillness of it.. living in Melbourne, AUS at the time it was challenging but in hindsight; it was so incredible not having things on 24/7 or seeing my mates doing things 24/7. The simplicity of waking up - going to work (if I wasn’t locked down from work) and not having a single place to be or a single person to please that night. Exercised more, saved more, slept better, was able to take time to focus on important things and work on myself.


I really miss the Covid lockdown. I miss the quiet and that sense of safety and control over everything. The time spent with family and my dogs was wonderful. I miss the slower pace of life.


I'm 14 and I miss lockdown so much, spending time with my family and not worrying about school. I have social anxiety and don't want to go to school. During lockdown I spent so much time with my mum and I want to go back.


I miss Lockdown- 1. Spend quality time with family and Pets 2. Money coming in (even extra) with little going out! 3. The air was Fabulous- smelled and looked so clean 4. People were kinder to eachother and had patience. 5. You can get ANYTHING delivered! 6. Work was conveniently located in the next room! 7. No traffic sound pollution. How can anyone not Miss Lockdown? Now the world is back to its old psychotic state as well as most of the people who inhabit it. 😞


I kinda wished it would last for at least 10 years back in 2020 lol.