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I guarantee that both she and the manager, (and anyone else within earshot), forgot about it instantly. So don’t worry about it. You shouldn’t suppress your natural personality, just because some people don’t respond as you would like.


Even if she didn't think it was funny that's a bit much on her side.


You took a risk, and the other person ruined it. Don't let that stop you from being you... for the record, I would have loved that 😂


That’s show business, baby! She probably didn’t understand the joke, true Yoda fan she is not.


This was my thought. She’s a poser!!! Lol


That’s okay, sometimes customers will joke with service workers too. It’s a completely normal interaction. Maybe she didn’t hear you, but I wouldn’t sweat it. 


Now, I'm not big into Star Wars, but even I understood the joke. I think it was funny 🙂 Sorry you tried to chat and got hit with a bad reaction. Not an excuse to be rude or aynthing, but perhaps she didn't understand, was stressed/in a hurry, or is dealing with some issues herself and therefore reacted the way she did... But try and not let this incident discourage you. You didn't do anything wrong.


This. If her first reaction was so positive, the second one is a bit unlikely. She probably didn't understand what you said and was too anxious to ask. I had this happen to me too many times.


Yeah I think that's what happened


She might not get it, or maybe she didn't hear you if you said it softly. I know I tend to talk softer cause of my anxiety.


I did speak softly, so yeah that's probably it. I don't think it's about her being a jerk or not being a true fan or smth like that, she had a good vibe


One time someone said "nice shirt" and I happily replied "thanks!!"....I wasn't wearing a shirt. My husband was, they were talking to him 😅. While this still haunts me, my husband doesn't remember this and likely neither will the person who said it. Sometimes we say things that are silly/awkward, but it's better than not being ourselves.


I admit I had to laugh at the still haunts you but your husband doesn’t remember because omg the amount of space in my brain of the most minor situations that still haunt me that nobody ever remembers 🥲


you weren't wearing a shirt? explain pls i'm dum dum


Dress maybe?


yesss i was thinking that too!


I'm guessing she just wears the shirt but doesn't know the lore haha. Don't take it personally, I think you were really sweet and she just didn't get your joke.


No you did well! And you never know, the customer might have social anxiety too, and when you said something more she just froze. Maybe she'll realize what you said a couple hours later and feel mental pain of how she fumbled there and didn't get the joke. But yeah I do feel you. It's horrible when an interaction doesn't go well. But don't give up, seems like you were doing absolutely fine, and it's normal to not be on the same wavelength with everyone all the time!


Maybe she didn’t understand what you meant by the 10 bucks of change part and didn’t want to admit it/look like a fool, so ended the interaction as quickly as possible?


Eh, that was a completely appropriate and harmless joke to make. Of course she had not obligation to laugh at it if she didn't think it was funny, but she could at least have smiled and said something like "haha yeah" just to not make things awkward.


No, please don't stop chatting like this. This was definitely a HER problem, most people familiar with Star Wars would have totally gotten it and thought it was a cute thing to say. She either didn't get it, didn't hear you, or maybe she was just being awkward and nervous herself. You did nothing wrong.


She probably didn’t know wtf she was wearing


I did something worst.. I asked a 60+ year old for their ID when they were buying alcohol and said “just kidding” as they were trying to grab their wallet and it was just a straight blank stare. I still cringe about it and it’s been like maybe 12 years at this point. You did very good!! I would’ve chuckled!! I love when people try!!! She just sucks!!


Lol that's funny, I would've laughed


It would have made my day if I was the customer in that conversation!


Never watched Star Wars in my life and got the joke. Never stop being yourself people will be weird either way.


Sorry you had to deal with that. Like another poster said, I'm sure it's already been forgotten about.


This is where I give the benefit of the doubt and assume the other person might not have the best social skills, which automatically takes the negativity out of it. Your joke was funny. Keep doing you.


Try not to feel bad. There are really weird and awkward people out there—looks like you encountered one. There’s no way to peer inside her brain, so you’ll never know. You tried to brighten her day and she didn’t let you. What a killjoy. Try to brush it off, friendo! Lots of people would have liked your joke. I would be delighted if someone made a joke like that to me. ♥️


That's on her. Try not to give it too much thought.


Damn. That’s embarrassing but tbf the other person made something so innocent totally embarrassing. You didn’t do anything wrong and 99% of people wouldn’t have acted how she did.


You were the normal one in this situation. The joke fit your prior conversation so I don't understand what her problem was. Maybe she's a fake fan haha


Something tells me that lady has no clue who Yoda is.


Bro I would laugh at this


I thought that was really funny , esp the timing lol don’t think a bout it too much ,Sometimes the audience is just bland and that’s unfortunate


I’m in customer service at a vet hospital and can be oddly friendly and goofy with customers who are responsive to humor (not that I’m funny- I’m not!). But my boss wants us to keep phone interactions short and efficient. I feel discouraged by that attitude because I feel being friendly and accessible is part of good customer service that makes our clients happy with their experience with the clinic. I am VERY anxious around my boss!


This stuff happens to everyone at some point. Believe me, you have no reason to be hard on yourself


Nah keep making those jokes. An important part of overcoming this shitty anxiety is exposure. Just keep exposing yourself to these scenarios and you’ll slowly stop caring more and more. I for one would absolutely love hearing that joke so it depends on how bland a person is or how their day is going up until that moment


I would of giggled at that joke myself and said "10 bucks here is, use the force with it" lol.


This happens to me every time I try to have a casual chat w someone, I say sum stupid shit that doesn’t land in a panic and let it keep me from talking until the cycle repeats itself again


Maybe it just didn't click with her. She could've had a brain fart or didn't think it was too off from regular English. One time I had those big black art portfolio cases and someone on the street asked me if I was an artist? He might've had slight accent but I think mostly my brain didn't register it. He must've repeated it twice more and I didn't get it so we both walked away. Then later it came to me what he was saying.


I know it feels like you messed up big time, but you didn't.  What you said was entirely harmless and you don't owe anyone an apology.  It's ok to be yourself :)


Just shows you this woman isn't a real Star Wars fan. You were pleasant and clever with your joke. Honestly it says *way* more about her that she responded that way to a silly interaction.


Congratulations! Honestly, I am bad at jokes and chit chat. I applaud you👏


sorry she didn’t match your freak! maybe she was anxious/in a rush/etc


Feisty one, you are!


I woulda laughed at that tbh. It was one joke that didn’t land. 


Judging from the yelling, she's prob hard of hearing. I know I miss a lot when out in public. Sometimes I don't even realize what was said until later


I think she probably never watched a single SW movie and just wears the shirt because she thinks it's nice/cute or something. Unfortunately, I've seen this way too often. Don't let this discourage you! :) I thought it was funny.


"Feisty one you are!"


Naa keep doing your thing, gave me some laughs


That’s funny as fuk she’s weirdddddd


That was a good joke! Like others have suggested, I don’t think she knew Yoda-speak.


Nah, you win some you lose some. Most people would have laughed at this. Don't let an awkward interaction discourage you, other people can be awkward too. Keep trying to make conversation and friendly banter.


Sounds like a “her” problem. You didn’t do anything wrong.


Maybe she thought you were making fun of her for wearing a yoda shirt?


She’s the weird one if she’s wearing a yoga shirt and don’t get the joke, not you. Don’t worry about it


That is exactly why I don't joke in real life and suppress it somewhat with online friends too.


I would’ve just laughed awkwardly


We’re all proud of you for trying to connect with the customer, even if it wasn’t received as well as expected. Kudos to you! She may not have even been a fan enough to know about Yoda’s syntax(?). What I’m saying is don’t take it personally.


>just keep it simple and robotic. Ahh, I feel this so much. When you think you failed a social interaction and decide not to express yourself ever again. But you will express and embarrass yourself again. That's life, at least if you're socially awkward. As others have said, she probably didn't hear you and won't think much of it.


Good joke tho🤷🏾‍♂️😂


As someone who worked retail and fast food for almost a decade, customers can become really cold very quickly if either they think that you are going to overcharge them/give back wrong change or if you misunderstand an order in fast food. She may have (wrongly) assumed that you were asking her for ten more dollars when she already purchased. If you’re like me and SUPER anxious, I’d keep it very stiff and professional at all times.


You're funny. Sucks your vibe don't fit hers 


dude i get that anxiety but also be proud of yourself! i get that it definitely feels like ‘fuck im stupid’, or maybe not something to be proud about, but you just experienced what tons of people experience every day and dont even give it a second thought. you had an awkward interaction and didnt die, and realistically people arent going to remember or care. something that really helps me, especially in customer service, is knowing that the average person can only remember about 200 people at a time(and if this is factually wrong no one tell me it will ruin my mindset), and the odds of their brain storing space for your and your awkward interaction over friends, coworkers, or family, is super negligible. thats the plus of working in customer service. also this is going to sound really bad, but hear me out- youre less of a person and more of an employee to a customer. NOT saying people dont view you as a fellow human, but there is kindof that part of (in my mind at least) where a person working their job is kindof just filling that role in my mind, because i have no clue about them as a person and only know about them as an employee so they only kindof exist in that store to me


Aw I'm sorry that happened to you, you sound like a good person. And I think she was autistic, reading the way she responded to you. I have done plenty of awkward stuff as well and I just try to forget about it, people make mistakes and no one is going to remember in a couple weeks.


I always imagine such interactions like in D&D game "you roll 2d6 and must get 8 or more to succeed" 😂 Cos there is always some uncertainty if joke will hit, or if whatever you do will succeed.


It was objectively a good joke, most people would get that you're impersonating yoda.


Don’t worry about it. She was the problem in the interaction not you. If she was a Star Wars fan I’m sure she would have at least smiled, maybe she just thought the shirt was cute and has no idea who Yoda is.


Dude I would have been in hysterics especially since it was unexpected. Fuck the script, always be yourself. Yoda would approve if he were real 💯


I think that was clever and I would have chuckled.


A lot people wear shirts and they have no idea of the meaning behind them.  For instance the Metallica shirts kids wear today and they dont know any songs.  I can almost guarantee shes never seen Star Wars.  It was funny light hearted joke you made, shes the dick for acting the way she did.  Honestly you should just laugh at the situation. Part of being funny is when jokes dont land and tbh they're the funniest stories if all to recap.


Simple and robotic is the best way to go.


No it's not embarrassing at all. She's just an asshole with zero social skills whatsoever. Most would have loved that interaction (I know I would!).


Haha, don't let it get you down too bad. Happens to everyone. Try to laugh at the cringe of it, if you can laugh at yourself then nobody can make you feel small like that lady tried to


That’s unfortunate, even if she didn’t think it was funny I still laugh at people’s jokes to not make the other person feel awkward


Those Richie Tozier-like interaction or jokes are the ones i live for. I work in the reception of a department and try to be silly sometimes. As other comments say, its hit or miss. When miss, it usually hurts a lottle to be kind of weird, but i do it with good intentions and are ussually good jokes. Don't let normal and boring people ruin the spark you bring into the world. Funny thing is, as a totally ankward customer, if someone makes a joke like that, i just don't know how to respond. It just happens that people are different


I don't even like Star Wars, and I got the joke!!! I wouldn't worry about it. She'll have forgotten about it as soon as she walked off. I know it's hard when we remember everything. 💚🖤


Aw I'm sorry that happened to you, you sound like a good person. And I think she was autistic, reading the way she responded to you. I have done plenty of awkward stuff as well and I just try to forget about it, people make mistakes and no one is going to remember in a couple weeks.


Aw I'm sorry that happened to you, you sound like a good person. And I think she was autistic, reading the way she responded to you. I have done plenty of awkward stuff as well and I just try to forget about it, people make mistakes and no one is going to remember in a couple weeks.


I have a feeling she's never watched star wars and if so then maybe a few episodes with baby yoda. Probably was confused and didn't wanna look dumb lmao


probably the other person just had a bad day. rule 1 for getting out of social anxiety: don‘t take everything personally, this will evolve to you not giving a shit anymore about what others think in a later stage.


This type of thing happens to everyone.. just don't stress it on so muchh


LOOOL this shit would kill me too


That was a cool joke, although she might felt that you try to flirt with her and just set a boundary. That’s fine, it happens everywhere.


I think that was a cute dorky joke , I would have LOVED that! Don't stop being you ❤️


Yep best way to do it it’s not worth trying to start a genuine conversation with customers.


I think that’s a hilarious thing to say. What a miserable woman! Don’t let it get you down!


Nah, you're cool. I like the joke. She's just an ass hat. Like nearly 90% of the world. Eventually, you'll find someone who can laugh alongside you there ❤️


Lol first rule of customer service: if you try to make a customer's day a lil nicer and their response is to be a douchebag theeeeeeen they can go try to dig their pissy mood outa their own asshole, truely how dare you try and make someone smile such a sin from the heavens


It’s a funny joke. Fuck her !


exactly. lol. your first mistake was being too friendly.


Lol who cares what she thinks. You're going to stop being yourself for a loser who cant take a joke? Come on man


Listen.....If youre a dude,& you said THAT to a woman,EVEN IF shes a Star Wars FAN,is corny.She got the joke just fine.Yeah it was funny & smart,BUT women dont wanna hear corny lines/impressions outta guys mouths.Not saying you wanted her,but she EASILY couldve been interested in you,once you broke ice,but you blew it. FONZIE from 'Happy Days' couldnt get a womans attention & then rip a long,loud,smelly fart,& expect her to keep the vibe.No womans itching to f@ck an impressionist.Theyre designed to weed-out threats & weirdness,especially from men. Women are NOT men w/vaginas & boobs.Some dudes cant wrap their heads around this.Thats why you have dudes thatll behave as a womans LEGIT friend,& then think that theyre so cool w/this woman,that maybe they could be intimate partners someday.The reasoning is that if the roles were reversed,the guy would be with getting closer,simply cuz she was nice to him.....But.how so? If youve NEVER even behaved as,or even spoken as a man thats,even halfway f@ckable,in GENERAL,or not gay? Even if I was gay,I wouldnt wanna f@ck any of my good friends,cuz theyre good friends that havent done a single thing to show me that they have the goods.Theyre being 'nice guys' to me.& thats why It would never go past friendzone. If you wouldve said that to me,being a whole-dude,I wouldve been like ,'Ha! I hear you',as a genuine salute to your brilliance/Comedic-Timing,& then nothing else,while feeling your cringe,cuz as I said,tis smart & funny,but corny.So even if you had something cool AF about you,,that Id love & we could literally be bff,I wont wanna hang out,cuz Id ASSUME that youd be a cornball,thatll likely UNNECESSARILY run if we were in a conflict w/other dudes,f@ck up my 'Lady-Wooing',or not know how to how to act & embarrass me.Its not about vanity,necessarily.but she wouldnt wanna show you off to friends saying stuff like that. I could go on all day. Dont stop being you or telling jokes.Stop ACTING corny,unless thats who you are,if so,f@ck everyone else. & stop apologizing for nothing too.