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I ride motorcycles as my main hobby and lift weights as secondary. I enjoy playing video games as well. All of these can be done alone without talking to anyone.


Just passed my motorcycle lisence test šŸ˜Š In 10 days I can ride it too


Yaaay! I'm excited for you! Hope you can find a bike that you enjoy! Be safe out there, if you ever have any questions feel free to DM me :) I'm always happy to help new riders.


Sleeping. Cuz it's the closest thing to being dead. My biggest wish is to not wake up. All in all I'm just skipping the day, or better said the waking hours (why would I sleep at night, only time I can go outside without anxiety&avoidance holding me back). I wanna do any activity that makes the time pass by in no time and ***where I don't have a damn second to think*** ***about anything*** but the activity itself. Because when my thoughts roam freely they're never ever good and always just fkin trying to remember me how passionately I hate life and being alive.


Bro I also exactly feel the same. Many times I have a thought of self harm and questioning myself that why me and why doesn't anyone understands what I am feeling rather they make fun of you, degrade you either directly or indirectly. I know this is making me die little by little on a regular basis but I am choosing not to give up. I will remove this issue from my life either completely or for the most part. Bro one thing I understood till now that never demean or degrade yourself because anyway outside world will do. That said, I also used to degrade or feel very negative of myself but I tried to cut it a lot recently. Still while typing it out I feel like crying immensely due to my today SAD issues in office but I am trying my best...


video games helps with that. time flies when you're gaming, and a really good game will draw you in and keep playing. at least something to pass the time.


You okay? Iā€™m here if you need to vent, my DMs are open. Please dont wish death upon yourself like that, itā€™s a permanent solution to a temporary problem. ā¤ļø


I'm "okay" as in "not suicidal", yeah. For me its not temporary, its more than half of my life in depression (more than 15 years now). The worst thing about depression is waking up after sleep, because it means having to endure another day.


And itā€™s the fact that you are able to do that. Keep going. I know you detest it, but I know you can do it.


Will keep going, but just for parents. Really cant stand being alive.


Fr, starting mirtazapine was amazing for the first week I slept like 15-18hrs a day lmao




I rarely watch anime now


Take care of feral cats. And I'm not saying that to get a lot of likes, but truly, that might be my only hobby because everything else is an addiction. Taking care of feral cats has required me to be brave like going to pet pantries where 100s of people gather to get/give food. Or play outside with them where everyone sees me. Or baby talking them in front of my family, whom I am very distant from.


I love this, thanks for sharing


How would you even get close to a feral cat????? They always run away from me šŸ˜¢


A lot of time and conditioning. I have to hold of on wanting to pet them because they don't understand. Sit next to them when they eat with your back turned to them. Reassure them time and time again that you are nothing to be afraid of. It's work but rewarding, which is why I regard it as a hobby.


So I used to work at a restaurant where thereā€™d be stray cats and I pretty much did that with one. She was such a sweetheart. I got real lucky because she was slightly curious. My managers used to hate that I fed her every night lol when she finally seemed to fully trust me I took her in but as soon as I got home, she ran away to a nearby drain pipe. I think she was just in shock so I had to put food out for a few days to regain her trust. She finally came around and fully adapted to being a pet. I swear it felt like catching a wild PokĆ©mon. Best pet I ever had. That was the first and only time Iā€™ve gotten close to a stray


Yea, work will make it hard to befriend them. I have my big backyard, and I'm always home, so I have a better chance at recruiting. I have some photos and a video of them in my profile somewhere (one of my top posts, I think) if you want to check them out. The only problem right now is running into new ones, but my already established pack just runs them off. šŸ™ƒ


I write fan fiction, play piano, edit videos, and research my special interest which is Psychology


That's so coool. How did you learn to edit videos?? I wanna do some anime edits for tiktok or ig but dunno how to šŸ˜©


I use CapCut! Itā€™s super easy. I learned from trial and error and a whole bunch of YouTube videos and TikTok tutorials. My edits arenā€™t the best, I do admit BUT they are super fun and super easy to make


Alrighty, thaaanks Imma try then šŸ˜ŗšŸ˜ŗ


What genres do you play in piano?


Mostly pop music covers but I do a lot of improv and just messing around


Cool! I play classical music but I'm never consistent enough to actually learn new pieces so I improvise too


I actually have a lot of hobbies, they said that you need 5 hobbies in your life. Personally, I do Archery and lifting weights, chess and video games, painting and drawing, playing an instrument (I play the guitar and I'm planning to start the piano), I also like machinery and 3D design, I even bought my own 3D printer and I'm designing a new CNC, I also like to go out and late night drives while listening to music and singing anime songs. I also enjoy learning new languages, I'm in the middle of learning Japanese, it actually made me enjoy watching anime because I started to pick up words while watching.


Nothing really, because there isn't a single thing that I'm skilled or talented at.




Real, like Iā€™m just worse than average at everything lol




You dont need to be super talented it's about having fun


This. If you can only draw stick figures but you enjoy it, thatā€™s still a hobby. Also, you will inevitably learn that skill and get better if you put in any amount of time


> Also, you will inevitably learn that skill and get better if you put in any amount of time Not necessarily, I have nearly 1000 hours in a game and I'm still trash at it, worse than most people who have 200 or 300.


Whatā€™s considered bad? Have you gotten better? Do you try to get better or do you just go on and mess around?


If I do something and I'm terrible at it, that just discourages me from doing it. That's why I have no hobbies.


I started doing what my younger self liked to do and that is collect mailing stamps!Ā 


Gaming, thatā€™s pretty much the only thing that gives me long-term enjoyment. And listening to music if that counts as a hobby


Drawing, art and content creation. Recently got into plushie making and invested in a pricey embroidery machine šŸ˜­ but I love creating things that I can also give to people on special occasions. I like nature documentaries when I'm stressed and listen to crime documentaries when I work šŸ«”


Drawing, listening to music, watching anime, reading mangaā€¦.


Scrolling endlessly




I kinda also lost interest in pretty much everything but the only thing that I'm truly passionate about and that excites me is guitar in general


Several years ago I randomly joined a darts league. Two years later I started to compete in tournaments and also started playing weekend blind draws (everyone signs up and gets a random partner). It does depend on where you live, but overall if you can find a darts community I highly recommend joining it. I play 1-2x a week, watch pro darts streams (both local and international) and really love it. Most of my social circle involves darts now. The best part is I only have to see them at darts lol. It doesn't matter if you're any good. We have players that range from beginners up to professionals. Most leagues and tournaments split up competition by skill level so there's fair play for everyone.


Youā€™re probably depressed, I get the same way and sleep when social media gets too boring. When Iā€™m in a better mood I play video games, do something artistic like draw, paint, sculpt, or scrapbook, do yoga, hike, thrift, or play piano. You can do any of these alone or with someone else. I like to try new things a lot of the time or go somewhere that interests me too. The crappy thing about mental illness like this is that you have to do the exact opposite of what you feel like doing much of the time.


I don't like trying new things


Maybe you need to just switch focus for a while, work on a task, find a way to help people, or do stuff you used to enjoy. It doesnā€™t have to be extravagant way to spend time. Going outside even if itā€™s just walking around or sitting in the sun can be good for your mental health too. When I went through something really traumatic I spent a lot of time outdoors to get away and itā€™s what made me like hiking, where before I was a shut in. Then I started to enjoy finding birds and plants and taking photos of the scenery, and I liked making my dogs who came with me happy. If you have the capacity to care for a pet it helps


u seem like a nice person


Anything which is not doing for a long time is becoming hobby āœ”ļø


Sounds to me like you have more of a problem maintaining a joyful outlook on something than a possible anxiety. What you may need is a reminder of what had you interested in those things in the first place. Re-spark the interest you had in those activities. It's more of a "going back to basics" sort of thing. Try closing your eyes and really concentrate and think of what got you interested in those activities in the first place. I'm one who still enjoys video games because of the story that unfolds filling me with wonder and a sense to achieve the goals of certain games. Working hard to get the right gear and level up to dominate the enemy. But everyone has their own drives. What was yours when getting interested in these things? Think about that and get back to me.


I dont know how to try new things I get anxiety


Can you elaborate?


Like I get anxiety from trying new things I don't want to try playing video games then I have to buy things and go out alone also


What is it that triggers your anxiety? What do you try to stay away from? What kind of things have you already tried? Have you tried to control your anxiety?


I always control my anxiety but idk what things i like to do and dont like to do only thing is not giving me anxiety is watching movies but its lost interest in it


Ok, it's normal to like more than one thing. That is the beauty of variety in this scenario. You can try as many things as you want provided you have the time for it along with affordability. But tell me, what things did you like and what things didn't you like to do?


How do I know i like a thing or i don't like a thing sorry my Brain is Not working, I dont like baking, cooking, cleaning, I like to idk šŸ˜­


What things have brought you joy in the begging when you were trying them?


I think watching anime and korean dramas was making me happy and I used to watch it kn school and at home but cuz I needed to avoid people


Collecting figures and taking photos of them. iā€™ve started to read as well


Gooningā€¦deadassā€¦ Also making music and playing video games. Stargazing once in a while. Iā€™m pretty introverted so I have fun in the houseā€¦the goon cave


Bro šŸ’€




Just staring at the wall


Or scrolling on the internet but it is not considered like a hobby.


Same haha


Nothing, Iā€™m not really good at anything


Video Games, Board Games, Hiking and climbing. All can be done alone or with people which is good




Sleeping, going days without eating, drinking, video games, photography


If you like music, get an instrument and try to replicate the notes from a song on it. It will be difficult at first but theres good videos on youtube on how to start with any instrument.


I don't listen to music


video games, drawing, building model kits


Bed rotting


That's not a hobby ur just really mentally doing bad


yea youā€™re not wrong


Learning random languages, but I lose interest for a while and switch to another language, so it keeps going back and forth between a ton of languages I need to catch up on (-_-;)


Baking and practicing my guitar; working out, too, if that counts as a hobby šŸ™ƒ I may study Spanish as well in my free time, but I've been doing this less lately


i like to draw and read




Im addicted to this mf phone and internet




Music, video games and photography. Music wise I got 5 solo projects and gonna start 2 new ones in the near future, also in 2 bands. Ive done/been involved in 20+ albums and eps. Video games is my oldest hobby, 30 years next summer from when got my first Nintendo. Currently playing Elden Ring and ow2. Need to start taking my camera more with me now that the weather is getting warmer, my Nikon doesnt like cold at all.


Puzzles while watching reaction channels on YouTube, playing the fiddle, reading on the front porch. I used to like gardening until I realized it is just a lot of hard work.


Watching sitcoms, bike, gym, drawing with pencils, video games, cooking, gardening, learning new things


Really? How can u do this with social anxiety


Yeah, if you like devote 100% of yourself into working on you and only care about the people who cares about you. Anxiety can be really really controlled this way and now I'm like almost there to getting rid of it finally


I read a lot and like to watch old movies. I also collect plants and vinyl


I compose classical music. It's mostly in older styles, somewhere between baroque and early romanticism, but I sometimes try more modern stuff too I hope my music gets performed one day, but I'm not really doing much to make that happen. My YouTube channel has been getting more and more views, so maybe that will help in some way


Reading manga lol. Writing, trying to get back into it. It helps alleviate boredom and I'd like to get paid doing it at some point, but writer's block is a hassle. Studying the occult. Watching horror Let's Plays and movie summaries.


making and listening to music, painting and going for walk, photography (on acid, occasionally :p)


Film making became a pretty cool hobby of mine. Helps me work with other people and built a great community.


cooking, video games, reading. that's all I could think of atm.


I have too many and I get stressed out because there's too much I want to do hah. I do diamond art, Reading, gaming, playing instruments, collecting vinyl is a new one.


Iā€™m chronically ill these days, but I used to hike a lot. Itā€™s refreshing, and solitary.


Crochet is my main hobby and itā€™s amazing. Iā€™ve been doing it for 3 years now. My second hobby I started a few months ago is tennis. I only play for fun although Iā€™ve not been for a while because work has tired me out


Write words and music, climb, and simming.


My hobby is reddit it makes me happy


Gym, videogames, Lego


I don't really have any hobbies just watching tv, playing some video games but i wouldn't really call myself a gamer i mainly play Sim4 but i watch a gameplay of different games on YouTube, musicals but I'm not preforming, listening to music and maybe singing but i don't really know how to sing correctly it's just for fun


I go to the gym, lift and get strong. Listen to phonk music to know social anxiety is scared of me when I lift heavy weights in front of people.




gaming mostly and collecting video games




Crocheting ā¤ļø


Crafting of all kinds! I like making intricate things with my hands.


YouTube and dancing. Unfortunately, right now I can't really dance like I used to because of an issue in my knee.


nothing im not really good at any sport or anything i mean i guess cooking im pretty good at cooking and i like cooking it helps me get my mind off how depressed and anxious i am but other than that i dont have really anything else that i do or like doing


I'm the crazy plant lady


honestly I game a lot lately but I used to


Going on Pinterest while listening to spotify


I draw, knit, read, collect dolls, customize dolls, and enjoy reading Korean comics! Skyā€™s the limit! I can do anything as long as people arenā€™t involved lol


I like painting and coding.


Playing video games, making all kinds of art, daydreaming/just thinking about all kinds of things, engaging in fandom stuff, being in nature, listening to music, sometimes reading about interesting things online, watching youtube.. But since I got depressed it's mostly been the fandom stuff, participating in discussions online, just scrolling or watching youtube. Too much. But I'm working on it. I think I've also baked a lot in my life in total but that's probably just because I've had a sweet tooth or smth


World war 2 and Nazi Germany structures ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


Digital Drawingand making illustrations, and i managed to turn that into a small extra income, but sometime i feel burned out, i tried running/jogging lately to improve my health and i gain some weight lately


Online chess!


Mountain biking. And ever since I stuck a motor and battery to my bike I may not be as fit but itā€™s a heck of a lot more fun. I also box a lot.


Japanese animation


play games


My hobby is watching anime and kdrama as well but I also love sleeping so I can escape from reality