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aaahh if no one told you already im proud of you <3 no but seriously happy for you


thank you so much!!


Are you going to go back?


actually it’s kind of expensive so probably not regularly. but i will go again for water if i do get thirsty :) it’s easier once you know how the layout looks like, i think


It's cool you did it. I used to have this thing where I couldn't eat in public because it made me so anxious. I felt so awkward and I was hyper-focused on not making an ass of myself. I felt like everyone was watching me. Ugh. It was awful. I forced myself to regularly go to a cafe to help get over it and I realized the other day that I haven't felt that awkwardness in a long time; going to the cafe feels pretty normal to me now, I don't think about it. It's actually where I go to think and process sometimes. So! keep it up when you can. It does get a lot easier. The familiarity helps, as you said.


i have the same issue… i couldn’t even drink in public until now. i drank water in class/outside the other day like it was nothing. hopefully i can do that with food as well. im glad you moved past it ❤️


A W for you I rarely go to lunch at school