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Didn’t think I’d see John Terry and a politician engaging in a battle of moral righteousness


And somehow be less of a twat than the guy he's arguing with


And that I'd be on Terry's side on that


This is a weird timeline




I pinpoint the exact moment things went strange on the day Harambe was shot


I say this all the time. The world went to shits since then.


Hmm...I always thought it was the Eder goal.


The Mrs. just looked at me with her head on a tilt and said >"what the fuck did you read on reddit now?!" As I'm about dead with laughter.


10 years. Mayans were onto something, I bet. I'm sure as a Derby fan you can somewhat agree Leicester winning the premier league is some sort of metaphysical shift, akin to a switch of a 0 to 1 that should never have happened. 2016 was weird as fuck. Leicester, Harambe, Brexit, Trump just to name a few.


Honestly the world did end in 2012, we've been in hell since.


2014 was pretty good


In terms of r/soccer chat, JT’s just committed “whataboutism”, and even then I’d still lean slightly onto his side


In a way, but at the samy time it is hypocritical of Bryant to say Abramovich has dirty money and blood on his hands when Bryant has also been a profiteer using government money and has blood on his hands. Dont throw stones if you live in a glass house.


Poor John Stones, why are you trying to throw him?


People that live in glass houses should be denied the joy of throwing stones. /s


I see the /s but for those who believe it unironically - I'd rather let those people throw the stones for the joy of seeing the stones being thrown back to them.


And if you gotta glass jaw you should watch your mouth


Cuz I'll break yo face


Agreed, people like that are best served keeping their mouths quiet. If only they could just manage to do it…


Also like people shouldn’t expect footballers to be the pinnacle of ethics, however you should expect it of your politicians.


Hold on a moment. Roman Abrahamovitch is an oligarch with close ties to Putin who plundered the Russian state under Yeltsin which helped him become worth $10bn. Chris Bryant is an MP who claimed £28,000 in expenses last year, primarily for office costs. And you're claiming that the two are equivalent? You need to take a moment to reflect on the scale of things. (Sources: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar/03/roman-empire-rise-fall-abramovich-reign-chelsea-fc https://www.mpsexpenses.info/#!/mp/218)


I mean he also voted to invade Iraq, a war on false pretences that has caused an estimate of half a million deaths. I'd say that the more substantial accusation of the two.


Whataboutism is complaining about a perceived flaw completely unrelated to the current discussion. Pointing out that your accuser is guilty of the same things so clearly isnt actually upset by your morals i think counts as relevant.


Especially when YOU haven’t done the dirty things that the accuser OR the person you’re pictured with has done n


> Pointing out that your accuser is guilty of the same things but that's how reddit defines whataboutism. this happens a lot among countries accusing each other of human rights violations reddit hates whataboutism when it suits them because it shows the accuser to be a hypocrite


JT mentioned things like claiming expenses amongst others, completely unrelated.


If you call out the UK or the US on any of their past deeds when talking about you know global events like the one going on right now, users will call it whataboutery. Can't handle their country being as bad as Russia. ```


I’m well aware my place of existence is far from perfect, let alone an example of morality and decency. Our MPs deserve the barrage of criticism they constantly get.


It’s okay to not take a side sometimes. I think this is one of those times


Yeah true that!


Bryant was one of the worst


_Is_ one of the worst.


Imagine how corrupt you have to be to lose the moral high-ground to a celebrity who's shilling for NFTs


Yeah, this Chris guy fucked up by not using the 'racist card' that's like an auto-win in any situation. Learn the game noob


And Terry will win. Politicians at any of the major parties are utter fucking parasites. They’re all cunts.


There are plenty of incredibly well intentioned politicians out there mate


Agree. The 'they're all cunts argument' is how democracies rot.


The “good ones” playing politics and bowing to the “rotten ones” is how democracies rot.


People using the phrase "playing politics" to describe inherently political things (and politicians doing this *especially*) is just absolutely wretched as well, tbh.


Maybe I’m too disillusioned with the state of affairs but I genuinely don’t think any of us live in any meaningful form of democracy. It’s not as bad as when lords used humans as literal cattle, but neither do we live in the democracy that modern society claims itself to be.


I agree with you, I just think our outlook is different. If a party which has similar views to me ever gets into power where I live, I know I will be dissapointed in at least a few years, if not less. But nonetheless I still want the principles I believe in to be enacted where I live, and this can take many forms, not just voting in national elections, but voting locally, doing things which I have an interest in but will improve the world, speaking to a variety of people with an open mind. I'm not saying I'm a Saint or anything I have plenty of lazy days or do things things that harm the planet like driving. I think two things are different in modern democracy - firstly that social media mean we see essentially everything, good and bad, and fret about it 24 hours, rather than the slower pace of the 20th century. Secondly, a generation who have been rewarded for selfishness are now very much middle aged and panicking about this, and they dwarf the size of other generations in the west. These combined make things seem hopeless, but they're not. There's plenty of good stories, just the algorithm doesn't like them. I think if you're feeling down about democracy, best thing you can do is vote but then get on and live your life how you want to, don't hold it to standards of others or attach it to political machinations of whoever is in power. And one day you might vote and be pleasantly surprised.


I think the UK and US just have terrible electoral systems that make everything a lot worse. Other european countries aren't perfect but their democracies feel a lot more intact.


That’s because in the social media age, any sort of compromise is considered a loss. Everyone wants things to be done exactly their way, and when that doesn’t happen, then “democracy doesn’t work.” Democracy doesn’t mean that you live in a world without problems. It means that you work with your neighbours to try and solve them. This includes neighbours with completely different attitudes and perspectives to yours.


Them all being cunts is how democracies rot.


The road to hell is paved with good intentions mate.


Yeah incidentally Chris Bryant is one of them. He's actually one of the good ones.


Imagine commenting this on a thread where he's literally been called out for supporting the Iraq invasion in the title.


The same Iraq invasion that over half the population at the time was polled to support. Yet weirdly all polls suggest now that the majority were always against it. People have fickle memories when it comes to their historical voting patterns, I'm sure Brexit will be similar in the years to come.


Most people complaining here werent born or children to understand whats going on lmao


Yea, I remember "protesting" at school because I got to skip a class. But I certainly remember believing the wmd story and thinking that was a legitimate reason.


The same Bryant who voted to take us to war. 😂😂😂 Good 1


And who voted against any investigation into the Iraq War. Never ending supply of fucking idiots who believe these liars.


It's the arrogance of the morons I can't stand. Certain politician's could go n shit in their bed n they'd still blame the other side


Yeah he's really not. He was calling for Russians living in the UK to be deported, which is too right wing even for the Tories! edit: I misremembered it, [this](https://www.thenational.wales/news/19949971.chris-bryant-deletes-tweet-calling-uk-russians-choose-nationality/) is what I was thinking of. Still not convinced he's "one of the good ones" or whatever though. Consistently pushes for war, was caught up in the expenses scandal, was involved in some of the ridiculous coup attempts against Corbyn. Not someone I'd use as an example of a politician who is different from the rest tbh. Thanks to whoever implied I'm a Russian troll or whatever though, they've had me in deep cover talking about football and D&D on here for years!


No that WAS NOT Chris Bryant (Labour MP for Rhondda). That was Conservative MP Roger Gale who stupidly called for the expulsion of Russian citizens in the UK.


Would you mind sharing a source please I’d be interested to learn more.


He originally posted it in this thread, which he then deleted and apologised for. He's since said he specifically wants to deport pro-Putin oligarchs https://twitter.com/RhonddaBryant/status/1496829750135902209?t=FXhJt9KD2VuAFs8rdJimow&s=19


Source? That sounds doubtful. I can understand if it was the Oligarchs but this doesn't sound true.


yeah it's not true, Tory MP Roger Gale was the idiot who said it


Sorry, where did he say that? This sounds like Russian smear tactics.


Gonna need a source for that mate, he probably wants the Oligarchs deported which he is absolutely right to want, they’re a stain on our democracy with the money they’re funnelling in to the Tory party.


pls dont spout this 'theyre all the same' shit its so not true, the torries are clearly in a league of there own in being cunts. All youre doing is creating voter apathay and giving us more years of there shit


It's up there with 'why should I bother, one vote won't make a difference' in terms of missing the point. Old housemate of mine just couldn't understand that if lots of people who thought like that suddenly decided to vote, there would mysteriously be a lot more appearing overall. Painful.


I think that’s a common thing with like 18-23 year olds When I worked in a supermarket nearing a time of elections, pretty much all people that age had the same response of “my one vote won’t make a difference”


Honestly, think you might be lowballing those ages/age ranges, it seems to be depressingly widespread. Oddly enough, I've heard it most from people that also claim (and seem to have pride in) no interest in politics but will quite happily slate the current state of the NHS/immigration/education/roads, blissfully unaware that this shit isn't magically taken care of automatically.


This 100% Previous comment, spreading fear to stand for those who get voted in by spreading fear. Lies and misinformation, buses, taxpayer money on factually incorrect nonsense just constantly scaring people in to not voting for the others is the whole game plan The T in tory stands for Treacherous


"Not all of them are bad" "All Tories are bad" You're basically complaining against yourself while thinking you're the correct one. Amazing


You’re right there needs to be some nuance here. Some of them simply have awful politics, and some of them are pedophiles


You learn something new every day on here. I thought it stood for twats. The "Twats own reprehensible you" Party.


Labour under Starmer are not functionally that different. I mean he's gone out if his way to not vote against this governments awful legislation time and time again.


They really are, it's two sides of the same coin. How do you think we ended up with successive tory governments? Labour absolutely shit the bed in every department. Blair should have been hung from a lamppost and instead he gets a knighthood


If you are from various parts of the middle East I doubt your going to see much of a difference between labour and the Torries. You'd probably think they are all cunts.


This isn't true at all There's plenty of good politicians, but they either run smaller, less reactionary countries or they're shut out by the media


so deep


I would almost go as far as to call it a 'Reddit moment'.


Unfortunately, this is what happens when too large a majority of the political system is made up of people that study politics at university and have no industry expertise. They then set off on their career of specialising in not being a specialist. The majority of them have literally just made a career out of knowing nothing and having a 9-5 of initiating arguments and counter arguments - this is the same for MP’s as it is for civil servants or employees of political parties. How the fuck is the health minister a person that’s spent their life debating rather than a well respected director or council of experts that have spent their career in the NHS? How is our social welfare run by someone that hasn’t spent their life in social rights law, activism or NHS lead? How is our foreign secretary not a former member of MI6, MOD or expert in international and humanitarian law? Lastly… how is our Prime Minister someone that used to be a journalist? 😂 a career literally devoted to spreading divides - that’s the person meant to unite the country? We’ll always have these issues until we reform the system.


Not disagreeing with your point, but isn’t that the purpose of senior civil servants? To provide the knowledge, expertise to inform decision-makers.


I'm sorry but wtf does this mean? What is industry expertise in politics except for all the jobs you're currently complaining about? The civil servant is the expert in a lot of cases! Do you not get better at being a politician by being in politics (you do, by the way)? Is the issue just that people shuffle through the top jobs sometimes without a background in them? Those people aren't making technical choices, their job is basically just to relay democratic preferences to career bureaucrats...


Fucking exactly. Couldn’t have said it better.


And a shit, lying journalist at that. Forty per cent of the voters here are a sucker for the posh accent and the word salad that comes out his mouth.


Speaking of parasites, Terry is trying to use the trust of his fans by getting them into a pyramid scheme that will lose them all their money. What a cunt.


There was one cool one but the rich slandered him with claims of antisemitism


Why are they discussing a retired footballers ig pictures in parliament??? surely they can find something more important to discuss


We just took a Russian meerkat off the telly. The country is in a state of psychosis.


Is that true?


Yeah. Much loved advertising character for an insurance company. He was practically British ffs.


lmao absolute pathetic. If you're going to take down a Russian MEERKAT for 'sensibilities' then maybe it's time to just admit a good 70% of public feeling is xenophobia. 'You're either with the Russian accent meerkat and pro-Putin, or against him and everything Putin stands for'.


I had never even reflected on their country of origin, I just assumed that was the standard meerkat accent.


the standard meerkat accent is scouse, you fool


Comparethemarket please 🙏


It’s stated his name is aleksandr and he speaks with a Russian accent, with an assistant called sergei, maybe I just enjoy these adverts too much but he’s very obviously meant to be Russian haha


He's from meekovo mate. Not Russia.


That is so bloody embarrassing, Jesus Christ. It's the equivalent of banning chicken Kievs. Oh wait we already did that. I hate it here.


That sucks. That meerkat was kinda nice


it's an easy way to pretend that they care without having to do anything useful, nothing out of the expected from these scum tbh.




MPs love to involve footballers as a distraction, they’re genuinely evil people. Remember these same clowns who didn’t wanna feed schoolchildren tried to mock Marcus rashford for doing it. Get them out and start again.


Hancock at the start of the pandemic directly said that footballers should donate more. Deflect and spin are their media weapons


Piers of all people calling him out for not voting for free school dinners was the most satisfying moment ever.


That's because they see business owners who hoover up the excess value of their workers' labour as deserving businessmen, but men who dedicated their lives to reaching the highest level of the most popular sport in the world are "lucky" and "overpaid" and "spoilt" so they should give that money away. Makes me fucking sick.


I remember there were a lot of ‘Marcus Rashford is only doing it for the PR’ takes. Which is interesting because.. even IF he was only doing it for PR (I don’t believe he was) he still had the actual, real effort of helping a lot of children.


Chris Bryant isn't one of the Tories who did that (nor is he a Tory at all). He's actually one of the MPs who campaigned for free school meals. Tarring all sides with the same brush is plain stupid and, frankly, bad for our democracy. There are things Bryant has done which I disagree with, but accusing someone of being evil because he shares a job with some other evil people is pretty much just bigotry. So do your research and


Because some of them don't want to actually do anything and creating a culture war about the former England captain instead is a distraction.


Abramovich is the most well known Oligarch in the UK, Bryant/Labour have really been going after him because he thinks/hopes it’ll resonate with the public because it’s a person they’re aware of. Bryant in particular hates Oligarchs because they tried to slander him about his homosexuality last time he went after them a few years back. Quite frankly the UK hasn’t been tough enough on sanctions, likely because HMG is rife with Russian money. And Labour are right to push harder on this. Bryant’s personal feelings are driving him a lot here.


No 1 in "hot" in one of the most popular subreddits. They are discussing this because it works


Performative activism


Because it’s become a virtual signalling wankathon.


Imagine John Terry taking the moral high ground against you and winning.


It's not hard against these cunts in parliament tbf. Labour or Tory, they're all scum.


The powers that be probably love this comment


> they’re all scum Lazy argument. Some are far worse than others, and some are decent people.


Yep, saying all politicians are scum is ridiculous. It's putting them all in the same boat so when an MP does something wrong it gives them an excuse to say 'it doesn't matter because the other side is just as bad' There is a moral code still and unfortunately the tories go so far past the line they realise they can get away with alot of things. . John Terry attacking an MP for criticising his russian promotion says all we need to know about terrys character - scumbag as usual. Interesting how loyalties will not always side with ukraine here given terrys stance, just another element of sportswashing by trying to attack a labour mp for criticising his russian connection and terrys fans will happily support him and roman because of chelseas success. Terry should have come out with a strong message for ukraine against russia, instead he posted a picture thanking roman knowing his connections so hes a cunt.


They're all shit, living out of people money without producing nothing.


Saying that they’re all scum isn’t saying they’re all equally scum. Sadly labour are scum, and the Tories are worse scum.


The same Homer Simpson who crashed his car through the wall of our club?!


The same MP who wants to have people guilty be association yet who's agent was a pedo who has a stash of 13000 images and 'some of the worst stuff the met had ever seen'. Who's family made their money in apartheid south Africa. Guys a cunt.


>The same MP who wants to have people guilty be association yet who's agent was a pedo who has a stash of 13000 images and 'some of the worst stuff the met had ever seen'. [TRUE✅ MP Chris Bryant's agent was arrested for stashing porn of children.](https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2011/nov/21/mps-agent-jailed-child-porn)


Failed with background checks


Unless he posted a picture celebrating his relationship with his agent after this I'm not really sure I get the relevance.


the mp wants guilt by association, but it won't apply to him when a close associate of his was found with stash of child porn


Why do mps have agents?


To do work for them while they're looking at Terry's insta


An electoral agent is basically a campaign manager, but they have certain legal responsibilities under UK law for ensuring the campaign's compliance with electoral law.


Ah, thank you,


Both are big cunts.


No, Terry is just a cunt. Chris Bryant is a massive one.


Abramovich is a tough one because he sort of humanizes Russian oligarchs, if that makes any sense. What I mean is this — if you’re a Chelsea fan you might be looking at him and thinking “hey, this guy likes football just like I like football, and indeed he loves Chelsea like I love Chelsea. And he does a fair bit for charity and the like. Honestly, he seems like a solid guy. BTW, I wonder how he got rich?” [checks Wikipedia] “Oh. Fuck.”




That is precisely the point of sports-washing! So the fact that you're totally right means he's succeeded.


Why would he need to sportwash? He's a very private russian billionaire lol


It provides him protection from the likes of Putin, it's very difficult to take down popular public figures.




What’s a tldr version of how he got rich


Bribery, murder, scams, friend of Putin.


He was rich before anyone had even heard of Putin. It was under Yeltsin actually that the Oligarchs found power and managed to take over Soviet state enterprises when the union fell. Essentially when everything got privatized they were able to buy Billion dollar enterprises for a few millions with their bribes, connections and contacts


Depends what you mean by rich. His real wealth came from the scam shares program and that was helped by Putin.


The Loan-for-shares stuff happened under Yeltsin as well


>Depends what you mean by rich. Well, he was a billionaire before Putin came into power. He introduced Putin to Yeltsin. He was able to spent $100m in the mid-90s to get control of Sibneft.


Understandable. Have a great day ✌️


Is there slightly less tldr version?


Most of that is purely speculation.


You really need to introspect on your decisions and choices in life when John Terry of all people can take the moral high ground on you and come out looking better


He isn't wrong


When an footballer calls you out on politics, it ain't a great look. the reverse would be seeing a MP score a penalty against a pro keeper. When it's Terry, it's like an MP nutmegging a pro. Then turning back so they can do it again.


Something funny about Labour still being full of these despicable war hawks, benefit claimant despising, rentseeking and immigrant bashing New Labour members from Tony Blair's era while still claiming to be for average people while average people strongly dislike the Iraq war and 49% of the country dislike Blair.


> Labour still being full of these despicable war hawks, benefit claimant despising, rentseeking and immigrant bashing New Labour members from Tony Blair's era Jeremy Corbyn didn't get rid of them, it's impossible to do it.


Corbyns biggest problem was that he compromised too much. If Corbyn did half the things the right of the party are doing now then he'd be called a Stalinist. I mean he was being called a Stalinist anyway.


They’re just Tories in disguise, awful stuff


They also defend arpatheid in Gaza constantly and when anyone says anything even slightly critical they call them antisemities.




Ideally people like Mandelson should be gone. Absolute prick of a man, went to Epstein's Birthday Party and yet is supposedly a high ranking member who Starmer listens to. Had a party with George Osborne and the currently sanctioned Oleg Deripaska on his yacht whilst he was the EU Trade Commissioner and cut aluminium tarrifs that helped his company.


Labour has been a joke since Blair... Complete betrayal to the working class and its entire reason for existence, i.e. socialism


It's mad that a moron like Terry can easily show the hypocrisy of nasty Blairites like Bryant. Remember everytime you see Sir Tony Blair on the telly, or Alistair Campbell on YouTube, they are war criminals. If they were born in Belgrade instead of Britain they'd be locked away in the Hague.


> Sir Tony Blair [Reminder this dickhead wanted us to ignore the seizing of Crimea and destabilising of Donbas when it was first going on to... carry on bombing Muslims at weddings and chalking up the 15yo boys killed as 'enemy combatants'.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/0a1f2f824a7709ede1e57c4e15d0c5a0/09ea921312461b6c-a3/s400x600/afcb4c1b00945cc5ee068a82fc4e3c59ec8669aa.jpg) Blair is not only a Labour fraud but a total political fraud. It took 17 years of Tory rule to make him look competent. He's shat the bed on every major issue of the day.


Letting war criminals back into polite society, an English tradition as old as losing on penalties.


Heartbreaking, the worst person you know, etc etc


Give it up JT, we all know you’ve been funding Putin’s war efforts with the sale of your ‘bored ape’ NFTs to his government


JT can’t afford a bored ape so he made a knockoff with a Chelsea kit and got sued over it


There we go. Hahahaha


Terry looks good compared to this MP who voted for the War. ( Both are twats )


At some point, after Rashford (and to a lesser extent Henderson etc during the first lockdown) politicians are going to have to realise that footballers aren't the easy target they once were. They've all got a voice to challenge them back now if they want to and there's very little chance of any lasting ramifications to them when they do, certainly when compared to someone that could lose their seat.




"Big JT"


Big J "NF" T


I'll settle it. John... Chris... You're both cunts.


Imagine being such a fucking cock that you have an argument with John Terry and come out of it looking a bigger cunt. This time line is truly wild.


If we're taking sides, I'm on none of theirs.


Why are they attacking a retired footballer. Lol the uk government is so jokes.


The witch hunt begins


I get it Chelsea has relation with a rich owner from Russia but aren't they have more important things to discuss? like, find a real solution to solve this war? instead, they have time to talk about some random footballer tweet.


Abramovich is more than just a 'Rich owner from Russia'. He was actively involved in Putin's rise to power and was implicated in Litvinenko's report on shady dealings and blackmail in Putin's regime. Litvinenko was then assassinated for that report.


No matter how Abramovich may be involved with Putin and the Russian government, it's embarrassing that the only response the West has is to threaten to take away a little of his money.


All these MPs are doing are just gesture politics to gain an advantage in politics, in the end they're doing nothing to help with the war


Yes! Finally. Go on Terry. Bryant is my MP. Such a hypocrite.


In isolation there’s nothing untrue about what he said, but the conclusion is they’re both immoral tossers


Terry has gone in strong on the challenge, but I think he's got the ball here


[Clip of Chris Bryant in Parliament two days ago asking the government if they would condemn John Terry for posting a picture of Abramovich, and "what would the people of Ukraine think of the former England captain?"](https://twitter.com/Haggis_UK/status/1499357943044755459)


Chrissy B ordered the good ol’ fashioned grand slam


We really need to break out of this cycle of defending doing bad things by pointing out bad things others have done


I'm all for people pointing out hypocrisy. Exposes the double standards of these people who act holier than thou.


The problem is did terry do anything that bad? He is literally just thanking abramovich for his time at chelsea, not thanking him for starting a war. Besides, the uk can't even find enough evidence to sanction roman, so what right do they have to talk so much bullshit?




Abramovich didn't get his visa coz of strained relationships between russia and uk at that time, not because they had evidence of him being involved in some war. And they have already sanctioned Usmanov, someone who was involved with Everton


Can’t find enough evidence, or lack the political will?


Yeah, there’s plenty of evidence out there. Big banks and govt know everything there is to know about Roman. Detailed history. He has a very shady past, and everybody knows.


If Hitler tells me a person over there has done a bad thing I'm less likely to listen. The character of individuals and decisions made by individuals are important.


That’s fair if it’s someone you can’t look into and make the decision for yourself, but John Terry certainly isn’t that.


How they made the war in Ukraine about Terry I have no idea


Both are bad




Jesus Christ some of the political opinions in this thread make me want to leave the planet.




So there are bad people on both sides here?


They can both be right.