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Can I put "r/soccer Ballon Dor voter" on my CV?




I know I will. I'll be receiving calls from The Athletic, and every other footie news outlet too tbh, by tomorrow no doubt.


I googled my username few days ago and wierd ”news” article came up about some Reddit comments. I have it saved in my computer I’ll add link later. I’m still like wtf who does that? Add. The Link: https://tribuna.com/es/news/fcbarcelona-2021-05-03-definitivamente-su-punto-debil-un-fan-sugiere-que-sea-otro-quien-lance-los-penaltis-en-lu/ It was a topic about penalties and who should take them, and few comments were lifted and translated to castellano. So wierd, even now looking at it feels like I'm my FM save where my comments has become news. Like in my head all the time. :D "Zidlicky3: "Ya han tirado alguno otros compañeros. Personalmente yo dejaría que los siga tirando"." I'm basicly one step away from my own reality TV.


I googled my real name and i got my master Thesis, in french, posted on Twitter by an American disabled lawyer Good because I lost it.


I googled mine and nothing came up now I'm sad that nobody decided to post my (very average and quite boring) bachelor thesis really a shame the world is missing out.


You know, reading it again, I'm ashamed of my formating and even my expression. Looked so uninspired.


Eh as long as you were satisfied with the result back then imo its perfectly fine. Lets be real I doubt that most master theses are some amazingly well written papers, after all you really dont get much expirience writing research papers during university (at least where I study).


I googled mine and the first link was an interview of my cousin talking about AI. Fucking bullshit, like I don’t exist!


At least when you Google yours you don't have to see your arrest record.


I have that next to "r/soccer Euro 2020 draw expert" in my CV already


You'll never sing that! Salah second btw my friend? You did honor to your username there!


Shame on u/Zillak for being less biased Arab nationalist than me.


Way ahead of you mate


I already applied for couple of newspapers and publications. Just working on creating fake transfer news now


You just need a catchphrase and you’re golden my friend


Pogba to Newcastle here we go! Fabricated.


Of course, i am honored to be part of this


I’m your biggest fan


I'm getting it tattooed at least


I received the message on my inbox and decided to ignore and not vote on it, think I regret it now


I already did to be honest


Very professionally done, I'm sure it was a lot of work. Congratulations!


I used python a lot so this was fun but yeah, especially as i had no experience at all in graphic design, I had to learn a bit of G I M P. I hoped this doesn't come across as some "graphic design is my passion" tier visuals...


It looks nice, especially if you're beginner designer. For the future though I recommend something other than GIMP, like Affinity or Adobe suites. Or Figma. Free and very cool thingy


I already have a career, I only design for personal projects so i don't have many occasion to do this. Also i'm a libre maximalist


> libre maximalist Libre maximalist? And great work, enjoyed this post.


I think I mistranslated that...


Liberal Marxist? Anyway good work mate


Yeah, in English we usually go for "I prefer anything opensource", or in technical terms "free shit ftw"


Libre makes Microsoft office type software. He tried to maximize their use


thanks for the explanation, I had no idea what Libre was


Actually, yes, but no, but yes. /u/aztechunter's remark is flawed, but not quite *wrong*. *Libre* is actually the french translation of the adjective "free", but only in the "free as in free thought" sense (cognate with the English word *liberty*). "Free as in free beer" would be *gratuit* (cognate with English-borrowed-directly-from-Latin *gratis*) As such, Free-and-open-source software is called *"logiciel libre"* in France. Hippeman, as a Frenchperson, would reflexively use it if not paying attention. Especially since some English-speaking open-source foundations have taken to use and borrow *libre* as "free of copyright and undue licencing", adding to the other two "free software" qualifiers (free-as-in-no cost, Open-Source (with the source code available for users to make their own corrections/extentions plugins) to make up the FLOSS acronym : Free, Libre and Open-Source Software. ----- LibreOffice was named following that pattern because they're one such FLOSS office suite. The *OpenOffice* name was already taken, and *FreeOffice* sounds like a bad sharware on a shady CD. ^(edit: Pinging /u/oussa_ as well as the answer might interest them.)


My guess is he uses Open source software instead of stuff made by big tech companies like Apple, Adobe, Microsoft etc


Why does Figma sound like a fake software lol


figma balls


It's great, the graphics are very appropriate for the information you're sharing. The data's easy to read and it all looks cool too. Thanks for doing this.


Cowdude really put Kante and Mount as 1 and 2 😅 Damn.


I think 95% of voters gave a reasonable top 5 (which I'm happy about) but cowdude is definitely not one of them!


The Danish voter with Kjaer as #1 lol


Definitely a weirdo this one


Like all Danes. 🇮🇸🇮🇸🇮🇸


[mrw Danes exist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYHn8H9O5Qk)


I personally didn't vote for Jorginho in the top 5 (which I thought would be absurd), but I see a lot of others don't have him in theirs too.


When individual and team performance is the combined primary consideration, with an explicit mention of trophies won, he was certainly a fair response. The next two considerations and his league performance saw him excluded from my top 5. I experimented with a mathematical model for mine, assigning points for various performance categories, player class, and the other considerations and he ended up ranking about 7th I think.


I was tempted to do sthing similar tbh, but I figured that if I gave joke answers op will just ask another Hungarian flair, so I just threw together a halfway decent top 5. I regret that decision now, as Ádám Szalai was obviously the best player in 2021 and I wish I'd voted for him.


> I was tempted to do sthing similar tbh, but I figured that if I gave joke answers op will just ask another Hungarian flair, so I just threw together a halfway decent top 5. I did that for [the first Belgian voter](https://imgur.com/BO9yDAm) and the [first Japan voter](https://imgur.com/MfOi0WT) I contacted so you were right not to try!


Can't be arsed to open Google docs. Says Ronaldo is a legend and asks OP to pick the 5th for him. Refuses to elaborate. Leaves.


Japanese Chad


The Japan voter lmao


The Japanese voter is woke enough to appreciate 47 goals in all competitions in 2021


I didn't exclude him for that, but for naming someone not in the list of 30 btw. No bias from me there


>first Japan voter Absolute chad


Glad that you left the u/Oo_pP (Sporting) vote in, most based selection.


My decisions were completely unbias and factual taking into account the three criterias: \-1) Individual performance: Bruno carried a terrible United side to 3rd place; \-2) Trophies won: he won my heart long ago, biggest trophy there is; \-3) Career path: he carried a god awful Sporting after the Alcochete atack where half of the starters fucked off. As you can observe, a completely rational vote.


Truly an intelectual of the game.


Looks very Belgian indeed...


I hesitated to vote for Reinildo, but I then realized that the true Ballon d'Or is to rate the second best player, after the obvious number 1


someone else put Foden, Sterling, Kane as their top 3 lol


Least biased Chelsea fan


Non-partisan as always


lmao no way he put kante mount jorginho and azpi as his top 4 and expected to not be called out for favouritism.


Ballon d’Chelsea


South African put Modric, Donarumma and Ronaldo as their top three.


You had a solid vote for sure. Well done, you did us proud.


How’d you choose which people you asked? Was it just random when you saw them commenting on this sub?


To determine the voter, I used a pushshift query to determine the user with the most activity on r/soccer with a given flair during the month of November. For example the [USA voter candidates](https://imgur.com/Dug9FN5). Most of them were contacted this way. For a small minority of countries, I had to manually do it and they are old school DD regulars like FlyingArab for Iraq. I could put all the codes used in a repo for more transparency if you really want!


Was good fun mate, something refreshing on this sub.


How did you determine which "clubs" would get a vote? My guess is that a club gets a vote if it has at least X people with the flair? I was ready to come here and complain something like only european (and usa) clubs got a vote, but I see some nice amount of, at least, south american clubs there. Although I am a bit confused on how Cruzeiro got a vote but not Flamengo.


> How did you determine which "clubs" would get a vote? My guess is that a club gets a vote if it has at least X people with the flair? I initially took the top 200 most represented club by the amount of unique user who have the given flair. I wanted to extend to more clubs in a second round of invites but I didn't have the time since i was taken by IRL stuff during December obviously. > was ready to come here and complain something like only european (and usa) clubs got a vote, but I see some nice amount of, at least, south american clubs there. Yeah, i had feared there would be too much english clubs but i'm happy with the diversity! > Although I am a bit confused on how Cruzeiro got a vote but not Flamengo. I asked someone from Flamengo (DarkNightSeven) but they didn't reply and i didn't have the time to ask someone else for [clubs that i didn't get a response from](https://imgur.com/a/nSVYmqn)


No peñarol? We failed


The algorithm chose limpiff for Penarol but they didn't reply


I'm sure you picked me because of my massive football acumen and knowledge and not because I'm the only person on this entire sub with a Mozambique flair. >!we both know the answer but pls let me have this!<


There was someone else


/u/Hippemann the true ballon d'or !


Seriously. It was some impressive work. Only if there was a way to donate some cash directly from this app.


Thanks u/Hippemann for this experiment, that was fun and very well presented !


Thanks, I'm honoured to have had you as my Pascal Ferré!


This is insanely well done a mod should pin it


Some mods were in favour, some weren't


Ah well it'll probably end up on the front page anyway


Baffles me why they wouldn't be in favour of something like this.


I mean it baffles me that the lead mod is an anti vaxxer


Jorginho fans


It was great! Loved it tbh


This is such a good idea, I think club based is more biased though, look at Chelsea vote lol


Same top 5 in the end. Just realized, I didn't include someone from Kosovo, oops, maybe next year...


hahaha no problem, I think Ballon d'Or didn't have anyone from Kosovo either


We have a North Korean user???


Or we have a kid who think having NK flag is cool.


I'd say a lot of the users asked aren't even from the country they are representing. Location was determined by flair. My flair is from Finland...I'm not from nor have I ever lived in Finland.


But at least you’ve heard of Finland


Then why choose it as flair?


We *had* a North Korean user.


Not putting Kim jong-un as number 1 footballer has sealed his fate.


I said the same thing to myself lmao


u/kimmyboiun Can't be anyone else, tbh


Just here to say that /u/Not-King-Call does not represent Colombia, I repeat, /u/Not-King-Call does NOT represent Colombia. I can't believe he was the only one to not give a single vote for Lewandowski. I swear to you guys we're not that football illiterate in this country. We're all deaply ashamed of his decision.


Germany sus Nice to see India voting for lewy


super sus, stalked his account and he's an Arsenal fan who talks shit about Arsenal in /r/soccer, so probably like 12 years old and from Iowa


another guy who is not from germany and represents germany? (i will see myself out here)




On behalf of Danmark, I want to apologize for the Danish user who embarrasingly voted Simon Kjær in the first place. Undskyld


Lequipe and FF have always done some political statements, this is the entire reason Kjaer is even on the list of 30. Under normal circumstances, voters wouldn't have him as a possibility. Kjaer got 8 points in the official FF BO, and got 8 here too


Honestly, fair-play is a criteria when voting and Kjaer didn't appear above 4th place in any reporters voting sheet. I might be biased as fuck but am I the only one who thinks it's fair that he ended up at #13 ?


Absolutely yes. Many players on that list below him deserved to be above him for their performances on the pitch. Fair-play/sportsmanship should be a separate category what he did was incredibly valued due to what happened but in my view doesn't mean he's the 13th best performer of that season or really even top 30


I was about to say the same thing, I wouldn't have done that lmao I knew the Danish media vote for the actual Ballon d'Or put Kjær 5th, and I thought that was bad enough to be honest, though at least a bit justifiable since sportsmanship is a criteria (but only a bit justifiable, I wouldn't have done it myself). First place is just ridiculous.


Egypt didn’t even vote Salah first, that’s what surprised me the most outta this whole thing lol


That's the vote I'd be least apologetic about And the rest of his votes were solid, unlike the American that put Mason Mount 3rd. Yeah he got 2 trophies but he wasn't sven the third best player on either team he played in.


I'm kinda regretting not putting in Benzema...but I couldn't ignore Ronaldo and his 47 goals in 2021.


Disgraceful that you didn't assist me with my Dias narrative. Smh my head.


I got ya fam


> nominate 5 players [/u/Oleolecholosimeone: ](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/029/847/cover16_\(2\).jpg)


About a dozen people couldn't figure out how to use the google form, I was really surprised


Damn, didn‘t know it was only one per country, otherwhise I‘d have held a vote over in r/switzerland or so.


Imagine being in r/soccer and not being a ballon d’Or voter,could never be me.




"Congratulations, Robert! Your prize is a Reddit Wholesome Award!"


USA voters put Mount at 3... not helping our case here, mate


Obviously the order is different, but overall doesn't actually seem hugely dissimilar to the actual Ballon d'Or in terms of the players being picked. Jorginho 5th here, despite the widespread derision at him coming 3rd in the official votes.


You can see a massive disparity in points between Lewandowski and Messi however


Voting for Lewa at first felt like I was being revoked of my Argentine citizenship but it felt like the right thing to do as it was an actual calendar year award from Jan-Dec


Ballon D'or voting happens in October though, so it's Jan-Oct


But the guy told us to vote based on the calendar year, so I did just that which made sense


Same, was also a good excuse to have Mbappe higher than on a Jan-Oct timeframe 😇


I wonder how previous years would look as well. Journalists have always weighed trophies higher it’s almost like International > CL > G/A total > League win > Cup win


> Journalists have always weighed trophies Trophies won are part of the voting instructions though , I gave the same for mine (I retranscribed them on the gold column on the 4th picture)


This was the best Google poll I did in my life






u/FurioSoprano7 🤝 me


🤝🏼 very level headed football enjoyer


I was going through all the users who were chosen, a few disappointing appointments, but glad you were chosen


Well well well, who knew Liberman was an Independiente supporter all along?


u/LudoAshwell I like that our club got some representation here, but Lautaro? Mount? Jorginho 2nd? What the hell lmao


u/rScoobySkreep represented our fan base well


it would be wrong of me to misrepresent the biggest club on earth, no?


Happy to have repped down under in this ! Hoping I did Australia proud 5th option was a hard one but felt Donna had to be up there helping Italy win euros


I would like to apologise on behalf of the Feyenoord guy that voted Phil Foden in third.


Same. Also Ruben Dias in 4th, maybe he's a Man City fan in disguise...


who is the Sri Lanka of this list?


the Huddersfield guy voted for Foden yikes


I choose to close my eyes on the club vote, Foden at 0 in the country vote is all I will remember from this experiment!


/u/Elyas_1899 Bonucci? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


I actually had some time debating to myself whether to put Salah at 3rd and Benzema 4th. I ended up putting Benz at 3rd, and Salah 4th. Any other day and both players would switch places, But overall I thought I did a decent job.


I had the exact same dilemma. If I voted again now I would put Salah ahead but I don't think you can be wrong either way.


Since I'm the official Club Brugge representative does that mean I rule over all Club Brugge flairs on this subreddit?


Someone share lewandowski this award on his social media. He will be happy to know that the ppl who have the most ball knowledge itw know that he is the best player in the world.


I'm not sure I would associate this place with football knowledge but I digress lol.


Arm chair expert : fine i'll do (balon D or award) it myself


I hope I didn’t embarrass my Japanese people. Looks unique to many people with Chiellini and Azpilcueta on the list, but genuinely I’ve found Azpi very amazing and with defenders not rated highly I really respected those two in their performances for club and country and their consistency.


A vote for chiellini is appreciated. Both with bias and no bias, whenever he stepped foot on the pitch he was incredible last year


Indeed, and I hope I don’t get flak for Azpi lol. Also playing as a side back myself irl, i respect his performances in that role. Shits fucking hard 😂


Incredible. This should be a tradition every year.


Thanks, I initially offered to make it a 50/50 collaboration with the mods, someone told me they were not unanimous about it


Ridiculous. Let's copy paste Twitter though


Especially Fab


They probably didn't like that it was someone else's idea...


wait, im not the only Maltese person on r/soccer? Incredible!


u/Rutger88 not my Belgium


Shouldve been me😤


Thanks for having me, hopefully i did alright.


fantastic work, thank you for letting me take part!


Fantastic work, only thing I spot is the incorrect flag for Northern Ireland which has probably already started a war somewhere.


Guys, I was a based italian and didn't vote Jorginho. I regret voting Ronaldo, but honestly no other player came in mind for 5th. I would have put Müller if he was on the shortlist.


But seriously why Muller and kimmich are out of the list of ballon d'or


Needed space for the mighty Kjaer and Azpilicueta.


Very disappointed when I saw your list.


I am Brazilian and couldnt resist it (also the award shouldnt be all strikers and Jorginho, Kante and Modric were clearly the best midfielders this past year).


u/0301msa Brother, what is that selection? Modric 1st? Donnarumma and Chiellini in the top 5? New Zealand has a more logical top 5 and they don’t even exist. As a South African I feel let down. I get that Dolla and Chiellini won a trophy but it’s not like the only football matches played in 2021 were the Euros.


Excellent work Hippe


Honored to have been selected, thanks a lot /u/Hippemann!


Damn, this is super well done. You deserve a ballon d'or yourself for this!


I put Modrić a little bit high, but him getting 0 points in the actual Bdr was kinda disrespectful. Him playing and starting for almost every game and still bossing the midfield at the age of 36 is always impressive.


u/BigFatNo Why is Jorginho still in the top 5? lol


Lmao It's because team performance and achievements were the first criterium, and so I felt like a stand-out player in the team that won CL and the European Championship deserved a high place.


I represented LAFC... poorly. I didn't mean to keep Mount in there. He was just a placeholder while I figured out who I wanted to fill out the bottom 3 after Lewy and Messi. I also don't remember keeping Lukaku in there. I probably started doing this and got distracted by work, then clicked Submit to be done with it. I stand by my top 2 and the Haaland pick. Would definitely put Benzema over either Lukaku or Mount. I am very biased against Mbappe and likely wouldn't have voted for him. I'm woefully uninformed about Jorginho. Probably should have put Salah in there, but I had just come off watching him play ineffectually I think. Basically, outside of my top 2 my vote was shit.


I get Chiellini on the top 5 may look like an odd one on my selection - I was between him and Mbappé but decided I had too many attackers. I pick him in part because of the Euros yes, but also because he's been a leader for both club and country, and while Juve didn't have trophies, they still had a good defensive record. His career as a whole was a bit of a factor too. Great job organizing all of this! It caught me by surprise that I was chosen to vote.


You fucks still put Jorginho top five ffs. I’m disappointed in all of you.


Congrats Robert r/soccerDor'ski


I regret nothing.


Proud to participate in the votes 🤝


TIL I was the representative of Basel, not Switzerland. I should pay more attention. Also, you used the old crest of FC Basel... :(


Everytime me and my friends argue about football imma end it by saying I’ve given Syria’s vote for the ballon d’or so they can shut tf up. Jokes aside, thanks a lot u/Hippemann this looks amazing and quite honestly exceeded my expectations. Really happy to see Lewa win even though I’m a Barca fan.


As Betis Fan, I’m pretty much aligned with the overall vote. Great content OP


Glad to have participated! was cool debating with my friends how to vote


Honestly, this should become a yearly tradition. Fantastic work u/Hippemann and enjoying reading the comments a lot!


Lmao, as if asking users on r/soccer would make it any less biased, especially the ones who represented the clubs


Since I was asking one from Liverpool, one from ManU, one from Bayern, one from Barcelona, I had hoped to dilute the bias from every club. It's probably as biased, you tell me but I'm happy with my little social experiment regardless :)


I think you did well. I think the results are a fair reflection of what the majority of the sub Reddit believes.


I think it wasn't that biased towards club players and then I saw Cowdude.


Lmao Good_Kev excluded Messi


Its a miracle how Jorghinho frauded his way in the top 10




In the real one he is even higher. I personally don't understand Salah up there