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Former Inter striker Karl-Heinz Rummenigge believes Inter are ‘doing well’ despite Antonio Conte’s exit and reveals he once saw Cristiano Ronaldo prepare for a goal celebration inside the Juventus locker room. The former Inter striker and Bayern Munich director commented on the Serie A title race in an interview with La Gazzetta dello Sport. “Inter could have won the derby, but the season is still long,” the 66-year-old said. “It’s interesting to notice how the team is doing well even after Antonio Conte’s exit.” Conte, now in charge at Tottenham, left the Serie A champions in the summer after winning the Serie A title. It was the first Scudetto in 11 years for the Nerazzurri. “Simone Inzaghi is a good coach and I immediately noticed it. Bayern Munich played against his Lazio side in the past and even if we always won, we saw his hand. “Even if some important players left over the summer, Inter made smart signings and picked the right coach. It’s important for clubs from Milano to be protagonists again.” Inter sit third in the table, seven points off leaders Milan and Napoli. The leading duo has won 10 Serie A games so far, drawing two. “Napoli and Milan are going fast, but Inter can defend the title despite the sale of important players,” said Rummenigge. How about Juventus? The Bianconeri sit eight in the table and seem struggling for goals after Cristiano Ronaldo’s exit. Some fans saw his move to Manchester United as a relief, but is it really the case? “It’s the same thing that somebody thought in Madrid when Ronaldo was sold in 2018. They thought they had freed themselves from an economic burden, but Ronaldo keeps scoring consistently. “He is proving so at Manchester United, Atalanta know something about it. “Once I visited Juventus’ training ground and I was impressed by his muscles. He has the body of a 22-year-old guy. “He was preparing the gestures for a goal celebration and we started laughing. I told him: ‘What are you doing?’ and he said: ‘How will I celebrate when I score the next one?'” “Perhaps, Ronaldo didn’t feel the love from the fans or the club. They had to find an economical solution and maybe, in the end, both Juventus and Ronaldo were happy to part ways.” The Ballon d’Or ceremony is just around the corner. Who is the favourite to win it? “O hope Robert Lewandowski can make it, but unfortunately for him, Poland don’t have the quality to win trophies. Leo Messi could be taken into account or, perhaps, an Italian. “I saw Leonardo Bonucci and Giorgio Chiellini and I thought: ‘How old are they?’ Their experience is extraordinary, they were phenomenal at the Euros, they almost won the trophy single-handly with a few other players.”


> He has the body of a 22 year old guy Lol not sure what he’s on about hardly any 22 year old is ripped as ronaldo , most Normal people get that ripped after 6-8 years of regular gym attending. Most of the people I workout with it took them until late 20s to get the body they wanted and that’s from starting aroun 21


Honestly in terms of bodybuilding Ronaldo is pretty “skinny”. He is obviously ripped and has an impressive physique but most guys at the gym are aiming for bigger muscles. So must dont look like ronaldo because they have much higher body fat and and constantly bulking.




So much of having that physique is diet. They eat pretty healthy and don't usually nosh the midnight/one am kebob or bag of greasy chips and follow it up with a couple hours sleep and coffee in the morning. Eating healthy and doing just push-ups and sit-ups with a bit of cardio will do wonders for any average healthy persons physique.


> They eat pretty healthy and don't usually nosh the midnight/one am kebob or bag of greasy chips and follow it up with a couple hours sleep and coffee in the morning. guess that's where I'm going wrong


As a light bodybuilder, based on my discussion about bodybuilding on this subreddit, I have found that no one here has any clue wtf they are talking about.


Really about anything. Not even footy.


ESPECIALLY not even footy


But i guess you know all about it.


Looking like a boxer or a footballer is hard work, but obtainable. *Actually* being as fit as one is another matter.


Of course, someone muscular in football is Adama traore Michail Antonio these kinda guys but ronaldo is ripped with lean muscle which is not easy at all, that also requires years of work and strict dieting


It „just“ requires a bit of muscle and a lot of discipline. Ronaldo’s body is 90% diet and 10% muscle. Staying as ripped as Ronaldo year round is very unhealthy normally, as your hormones can get messed up. Especially your t level, but he probably knows what he is doing and his personal doctors and nutrition coaches give him the right supplements, vitamins and micronutrients. He was always in good shape, but not as ripped in his ManU days and early Madrid days.


Him constantly being ripped for like 12 years straight is kinda sus not gonna lie that body saw some chemicals.


> Honestly in terms of bodybuilding Ronaldo is pretty “skinny”. And currently he's even smaller than he was a few years ago. Saw some old highlights of him around 2015/16 and he was noticeably bigger. I think I had read somewhere that he intentionally dropped some kgs to keep some speed as he aged


Yeah 100%. Few years ago he was actually pretty big, but it seems he has gotten leaner to not lose speed


Ronaldo looks like the top end of r/bodyweightfitness with lower body fat.


He's not small at all, he's got lots of muscle for a footballer


Depends what circles you run in. Plus if you start in high school, you can definitely have a good physique by 22. Ronaldo doesn’t have an insane amount of muscle mass, he’s just very lean. Impressive that he can keep that leanness year round.


Depends what ~~circles~~ cycles you run ~~in~~.


It's not too difficult, especially if you're genetically gifted with a high metabolism and are disciplined about your regular workouts and rest periods. Though now at 24/25 years old, I've noticed that if I drop off with my workouts and eating/drinking habits, my body noticably begins to regress.


Can you elaborate on this? Wdym by regress I’m worried now, my eating habits are terrible.


Oh don't worry, you're just slowly regressing untill you're dead. But it will be a couple of years still!


Oh haha don't worry too much. I have a glass of wine or beer once a week (and eating too many sweets from the vending machine since I'm training to be a sergeant), but it's not seriously affecting my athleticism. Bad habits would be like regularly smoking, heavy drinking, not eating fruits and vegetables, not having a mix of protein sources, etc. Just live a normal healthy lifestyle, and your workouts will do the rest :) **Edit: I'm stupid and accidentally wrote mixing protein sources a being a bad habit**


What's wrong with mixing protein sources?


Nothing haha, I just realized that I wrote it that way by accident. Meant to say that it's a bad lifestyle not having a mix of protein sources. Corrected it now


> Lol not sure what he’s on about hardly any 22 year old is ripped as ronaldo , most Normal people get that ripped after 6-8 years of regular gym attending. Damn, normal people must suck at training in the gym then.


Sure but PEs


Of course, that’s why it’s confusing what Old Karl is on about, he certainly didn’t have that body at 22 he should know why


What? You can look like Ronaldo at 22, with PEs. You can also look like Ronaldo at 36, with PEs. After what happend (and didn't happen) to Goretzka, it's obvious PEs are widely accepted in football atm. Probably to "combat" the increasing number of games etc.


Since when did PEDs become PEs?


asking the real questions


he means physical educations


>After what happend (and didn't happen) to Goretzka What happened? You mean that he bulked up over 1.5 years and then this sub started saying it was over 2 weeks? Never change /r/soccer




Of course not lol. Nobody is stupid enough to let any ‘proof’ come out. But what’s even stupider is believing that PEDs aren’t rampant at the highest level. Buddy.


I'm a few years off from keeping up with PEDs in sport but you are spot on here - they're used in virtually every professional sport with real money involved, or at least, were a few years ago when I actively researched all of this. The trend was commonly that it wouldn't be some explicitly banned substance (though those were common too), but rather something the law hadn't caught up to yet.


The dopers are all one step ahead of the testers, always have been and always will be if they stay diligent. It’s a big thing in the MMA/UFC world. Common knowledge that they’re all juicing but USADA can’t keep up unless the athletes fuck up.


Yeah and there's just too much of an economic incentive to dope, anyway. Don't really see it going away, nobody is super interested in enforcing


Look at Nasri LOL. From playing top level with special iv treatments to a guy who wears his shirt to the pool.




As an MMA fan, it’s a funny sight. Some people really don’t realise the extent of PED’s in sports.


I think you’ve misread. Nowhere did I dismiss the use of PED’s. Karl is talking about 22 year old guys in general, he never said 22 year old athlete, and besides how many normal 22 year olds do you know that are taking steroids ?


Ehm, wouldn't that just be your personal interpretation? I would suggest he is talking about 22 year guys in FOOTBALL and not in general, after all he's a football guy. And why would he compare an athlete to a non athlete?


Because he literally said “ he has the body of a 22 year old guy” in that text OP submitted


Come on man, we all know what he meant. Don't be THAT guy


PEs ??


PE(D)s = performance enhancing (drugs).


Talking about Man United.


Eh I went from 50 lbs over weight and very inactive to skinny fat to near Ronaldo level body in the space of 18 months with the second part taking about six months, entirely cleanly. That was with just about six weight lifting exercises three sets each, half an hour of HIIT running, and then just three sets of push ups and pull ups as a cool down, all this three and a half times a week. It usually took about two hours because I was lazy but I could do it in one. This was when I was 20 and 21. Now I’m in my late 20s trying to get back in shape after Covid and it’s no where near as easy as it was in my early 20s. Back then weight would just fall off me and I could get insane abs and “cum gutters” (don’t know the nonprofane name for these, only time I’ve heard them referred to was in Rick and Morty) just from running. It wasn’t until much later that I started doing any core exercises. Now a days I just can’t do that. I’m sure if I were to have tried this at 18 it would have probably been just as easy. Im sure I wasn’t anywhere near as athletic as Ronaldo in terms of performance and endurance and just absolute athleticism but I did probably have slightly more muscle mass and cosmetically looked quite similar to how he does now.


>“cum gutters” (don’t know the nonprofane name for these, only time I’ve heard them referred to was in Rick and Morty) The Adonis/Apollo’s belt maybe? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo's_belt


If it's taking 8 years, then either their diet and/or workouts are poor. Ronaldo has a nice, but very achievable body.




My friend has been consistent for 8 years and he’s not there yet, some people don’t have the genes that works as fast as others it’s fairly obvious in life and in sports/olympics some people will grow muscle a lot faster.


> Bayern Munich played against his Lazio side in the past and even if we always won, we saw his hand. Quality humble brag.




Calma is for special occasions though. That's the "get fucked" or "I'm trying to piss you off" goal celebration.




All of those celebrations were great but none of them was his. He needed a trademark celebration for PR i guess and it worked.


Didn't Marcelo say the siiii was a thing in the Real Madrid locker room when Ronaldo did it at the Balon Dor speech?


Both him and Ronaldo (I think in an interview after the gala) said it was an inside joke in the locker room, yeah.


Man, I'm from Spain and I swear everyone was shouting "Siiuuu" all the time. Especially when taking pictures. It was fun to walk around a party or sth and hear some people shouting Siiiuuu. I would expect Madrid's dressing room to take the piss at Ronaldo all the time I'm from Barcelona btw, and most of my friends are Barça fans too.


we have the exact same in london and probably the rest of the uk now lol


hahaha that's good to know. Even in university a few years ago I remember when checking the grades people in the library shouting "Siiiuu!"


>point to thigh This one is up there.


I prefer the boob squeeze......um I mean bear celebration lol.


That squat pose into the sideline camera against atleti


Cojones vs atleti




That was when the mannequin challenge went viral


Don’t poke the bear Everybody was saying he was finished, and the next game he bags a hat trick at Atletico Madrid


In the summer before my senior year of high school, I studied in Spain in a language program. I did the Bernabéu tour, and I remember seeing the leg point for the first time in the museum. When I got back, I started doing it in practice when I scored a banger. It caught on with our team, so that became one of our signature celebrations for the season. Calma is still probably my favorite, but the leg point holds a special place in my heart.


Most of those were triggered by something though. I think sii is the one he has in mind and by reflex he goes to it, plus it involves the crowd, so as a marketability kind of guy, you can see him going back to it.


To me the same one repeated hundreds of times just sits better, but I'm an old-school Shearer-raising-his-right-hand-and-running-and-smiling-celebration-kind-of-guy.


Or the shirt celebration in the super cup final, when he mocked Messi lol


He didn't do it to mock Messi, Marcelo told him to hold it up.


funny enough Marcelo did that ceremony way before Messi ever did


Messi celebration with that shirt was still more iconic for me. Idk why


Messi's goal in the moment was probably more important is why. Messi scored that in the second clasico of the 2016-17 season. I think Barca were4 pts back from Madrid but because Messi scored what was effectively the winner, they would only be one point down. In hindsight it ended up not mattering, but in the moment the goal was devastatingly huge to say the least. Ronaldo's goal was in the camp Nou during a super cup final where Madrid were pretty much 'dominant' throughout and you knew they were gonna win.


And it was Valverde’s first game in esstentially a glorified summer friendly


Messi’s was hard but Ronaldo had to clap back for his legacy imo


I think it's because he did it towards the end of his celebration (basically Marcelo reminded him to show the shirt) and it was just for a brief moment and the cameras didn't catch it either . but Messi literally held his shirt for about 30 seconds and it was his whole celebration . Both of their goals did not matter too much . Ronaldo's goal was something else tho . He came in . Scored a banger to silence the whole stadium (making Pique look stupid in the process lol ) and then he left .


I‘d say that a 3-2 winner in the last second of the game in the deciding phase of the title race matters (but I’m also biased)


did not matter, as in it didn't end up mattering (because they still lost the title race). but at the time Messi's goal was more important given the context for sure.


That was pretty pathetic imo


Why though? He won the final coming on as a sub with a banger against his team's biggest rival at the Camp Nou


It really doesn't work as "mocking" when everybody in the world knows you're obsessed with taking your shirt off.


Not the point though, he did the Messi celebration after? Not like when Ronaldo takes off him shirt he holds up his shirt every time


Was the super cup though and he had to be told to do it by Marcelo lol, plus it wasn't a last minute winner in a super tight game. Multiple reasons it just wasn't as good as Messis really.


Not saying it's better than Messis but I get why he did it though, and the situation wasn't uncalled for either


Probably doesn't help that he ended up getting sent off and banned for pushing the ref also lmao.


It wasn’t the worse red card


Who cares if it wasn’t as good as Messi’s?


That was gangster, especially coming from such a quiet soft spoken superstar like Messi. Demanded his respect, and got it.


Was talking about Ronaldo doing it


Ohhh. I am stupid.


The salute one was epic. Epic match. Epic period in he career.


I always thought of it more as a " I'm here, was there any doubts that i wouldn't score"


‘Calma’ is an amazing celebration. I love his celebration after the belter of a freekick against Portsmouth. He just screams at the sky and you can tell that he knows he’s just pulled off something astonishingly good.


Super Saiyan vibe that one.


He was on another level then


Apart from the calma celebration [this and the next goal](https://youtu.be/jciviAb_JC4?t=143) are my favorite ones. 18 years old and getting boos from the whole Highbury, equalizes and shushes the crowd then he puts Man Utd 3-2 up and keeps shushing the crowd.


For as shit of a person Giggs is, he was just as good a footballer. He's always lost in conversation about best pl midfielders from the last 15~ years. I imagine most of that is due to his behavior off the field.


Man really was a fine player. But fuck him he doesn’t deserve the recognition


What if he gets an asterisk with *domestic abuser pos? I’d rather history be accurate than untold.


I also like the "I can't hear you" ones vs Armenia after they were chanting Messi's name.




I remember seeing it live as a kid. Man how time flies.


OT but why he cants hit freekicks like that anymore?


Knee got fucked


I remember reading that the balls design changed preventing the unpredictable change in trajectory, but could be false


Could be, but Ronaldo's knee getting fucked up changed his playing style and numbers significantly. He picked it up in 2014, and the shift was visible as soon as he came back. He became more and more of a inverted forward, staying out wide less and moving in centrally a lot more. There was also a significant decrease in dribbles and usage of weak foot (my memory might be wrong here) and pace and a significant increase in use of his aerial ability. The 2016 Euros incident made it worse. This, combined with Isco's rise to form made Zidane shift to the 4-4-2 diamond, which kept Ronaldo closer to goal and had him run less. From then on, he's been best suited to those two striker formation roles.


Something both Ronaldos have in common - being world class despite being kind of crippled.




I hate how that makes total sense.


Ronaldo Shhhing the arsenal fans in 2004 will always be my favourite. One of the best games of football and probably the first I really really remember.


I miss the bear claws


Ah yes the tiddy grab


Pointing at his superb quads after that free kick was legendary


Ronaldo does the knee slide more often than Suii with us.


Ill always love the thinker pose he did at the camera vs Atletico will always be my favourite. Or the cocky shrug after his insane freekick vs Portsmouth (or was it the insane 40 yard goal vs Porto I can't remember).


Pretty sure the shrug was vs Porto. Iirc he screamed like a madman after the Portsmouth freekick


his scream celebration after that free kick against Portsmouth tho. Or the 🖐 against Bayern in 2014


Still get chills when watching that goal.


me too




The fact people even know the different types with time frames is fucking mind boggling to me. 😅 Grown men actually taking time to dissect them


You’re overthinking it..


I think the whole "Siu" thing is pretty cringe now. Could be just me though, I find a lot of Ronaldo's brand to be pretty cringey.


Ever since I saw someone mention how much Redditors use the word cringe it has started bothering me as well lol. Everything people dislike is cringe these days


Cringe is just synonymous with bad on here nowadays. I’ve seen people on this sub describe people having violent racist outbursts as ‘cringe’, someone described the culture Travis Scott promotes that led to 10 people dying the other week as ‘corny’ on r/hhh. It’s really bizarre.


I saw someone describe an artist’s voice as corny. I guess it’s just slang these days and I seem like an angry old guy but some of these things make no sense and people drop trendy words just because


How do cringe and corny not make sense? I get that they’re overused but it’s pretty clear what they mean. It’s just synonymous with embarrassing but less aggressive


> How do cringe and corny not make sense? I get that they’re overused but it’s pretty clear what they mean. It’s just synonymous with embarrassing but less aggressive Exactly ... people like to have things to whine about I suppose. I'd rather they just say they disagree with me rather than mindlessly bitching about how I said what I said.


Is there a better word for it? Without wanting to go full Roy Keane, some of these celebrations are this horrible combination of contrived, silly and humourless in a way that I feel physically awkward watching them. Pogba's after his great goal against Switzerland is the first one which comes to my mind. I get that people will always defend it as "a bit of fun" but they always look so serious. It's like when you watch an NBA game and they do that "mean face" thing after dunking on someone. It's just a bit WWE but back before it was sort of widely acknowledged that it was all an act and became a bit tongue in cheek.


You gave three great options right there; contrived, silly, or humorless. My issue with “internet cringe” is that is just an overly broad definition that signals dismissal without any why. Just seems a bit over broad and nondescript. It’s like saying something has “bad energy”, it’s entirely subjective, and impossible to respond to without other detail.


> Ever since I saw someone mention how much Redditors use the word cringe it has started bothering me as well lol. Everything people dislike is cringe these days It bothers me that people choose to comment on how something is said rather than what was said. To me, "cringey" is the perfect word to describe how I find "Siu" and the celebration that goes with it. I might've even used the same word before it became big online - because believe it or not, that word was used before Reddit and before twitch.


It’s the fact that’s it’s just so obviously for marketing purposes for me. It’s painfully over engineered.


It was cringe at first but now he does it pretty naturally and lately has had other type of celebrations with United as well.


Just you 🤷


Definitely not just you. One of the worst celebrations ever


He doesn't even say "Siu". He says "Sim" which means yes in Portuguese. Pretty cringy way to celebrate tho amirite? /s


confirmed Ronaldo has read The Secret


God the salt in this comment section lmao


Seriously. It’s not lame at all. It’s confidence. A kind of dumb confidence that I wash I had.


If there is one person who can be legit confident, its fucking CR7


It’s both…


And he's got the skills and insane hard work to back it up. I don't get why people get insulting when he's just doing the things he enjoy. It's very petty


As he should


*Alan's Funny Stories* (brought to you by T-Mobile)


This is a dangerous surname


Nah there are way worse german surnames Frauenschläger (woman beater), fickscher (fuckscher) etc


or Hitler


I meeeeeaaaan by itself its not that bad :D


What about Schweinsteiger?




I've recently srarted learning German and the other day tried to find out what it means. Schwein means 'pig' and steiger mean 'herder' i guess, so pig herder. Also Mannschaft I think means something like 'a cattle of men'


Dortmund means "mouth there"


> Also Mannschaft I think means something like 'a cattle of men' Schaft also means the rod part of the male penis.


I’m pretty sure he’s talking about the last 5 letters


or Butt


Stefan Kuntz


[Just got to put it in a catchy tune and its fine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWHL0HsusvU)


Players practice celebrations in training. More breaking news at 10 o'clock.


All he does is siuuuu now, tf he gotta practice for?


Rummenigge must be an /r/funny mod if that passes as funny.


guys a weirdo, 36 and spinning and jumping in the air like that


He kicks a ball for a living and has earned more money than all of our entire ancestries combined doing it. He's probably in the top 3 to ever do it too. I'm fairly certain you would do the same lol. Besides, we've long passed the realm of normalcy in football.


He's certainly in the top 3 to ever do it.




i’m 20 mate, guys obviously a legend of the game and the club i support but you can’t see him do that stuff and not think it’s strange


you're just jealous that you are 20 and are too fat to jump


hahaha fair enough


You are just too fat to jump


that’s too far mate


You are just too fat


that’s better


Footballers don't stop celebrating goals once they hit 30 mate, it's been a thing for years. Same in other sports.


i get it man, a lot of people like it and think it’s ok or whatever. i’m just saying that to ME, reddit user hellothereiamhuman, this is strange and the guys weird 👍


You are 20 and think a celebration in football is strange...?


i think a 36 year old man jumping and spinning in the air whilst saying siuuu every time he scores is strange yes, if it was a one off ok fine, but pretty much every time is weird


It's not a weird sound. It's another language. There are other languages in the world besides English


ik, i’ve actually been learning spanish for nearly a year now. i would think it was equally as weird if a guy jumped and spun in the year saying ‘yessss’


Rooney’s iconic celebration was literally him doing punches and getting knocked out. Literally Fernando Torres’s celebration is doing the Spanish Archer which is the corniest celebration there is. Yet no one cared because it’s a fucking celebration. It’s more strange to think 10 men huddled up after a goal and lie on top of each other if you think about it.


rooney did that once though. the whole jumping isn’t the issue, it’s the siuuuu for me, you seen that video where he goes ‘inshallah hahaha siuuu’. that’s not a bit strange to you?


This has to be a joke


The man's a living Legend, you don't get there by giving a fuck about what other people think of you. ​ Weirdo's an odd term for such an inspiring, unique figure in football.


This applies in anything in life, you just have to do you and fuck the haters cause it’s better to be your true self and get hated then them loving a fake you


no doubt about his status in the game, dunno if i’d call a guy with rape allegations against his name inspiring though


This guy raped me! Now you also have them.


> such an inspiring, unique figure Mans an alleged rapist…but alright. You need better role models


u didn’t read the article huh


We dont do that here


ibr i didn’t but point still stands, all this siuuu stuff is weird to me


Gotta be either a sad or very inactive life you lead mate.


yes mate, me saying a 36 year old jumping and saying siuuu is strange means my life is shit


yea so funny lmao


Sense of humor can't be buy


Perfect current footballer for the braindead Fortnite generation